Anyone up for a NAPE GROWTH CHALLENGE!?!?!!! (say yes!)


New Member
Hi everyone. My hair has grown a lot since last year and I'm truly happy about that. However, the place that has seen little to NO growth is my nape. I've decided that I need to focus on this area and figure out a way to make it grow. I realized that I am going to need support when doing this - I can't do this alone and I can't be the only person with this problem.

:armyhat: It's time to get serious with the nape area! Anyone with me? IT'S TIME FOR A NAPE GROWOUT CHALLENGE!!!

About the Challenge: The nape (or 'kitchen' area) is an area that makes many women feel ashamed. NO LONGER. This challenge is designed to get everyone focused on growing out this area so they can wear their hair up or down without being ashamed. This challenge will run until October 31 (approximately 7 1/2 months) which should be enough time to see some results.

(1) Provide support and advice for fellow LHCFers on this challenge. We're all in this together and we're going to get the head of hair we always wanted.
(2) Check in AT LEAST once a month.
(3) Fill out the following registration information when you sign up so people can know where you are starting and what goals you set.

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
(3) Tell us your nape story!
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?

I hope some of you join me in growing out this area. I'm finally going to take control of this situation.
I'll start:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
My longest area is 1 1/2 inches in the middle, fuzz on the sides, and a small spot with just a dusting of hair.

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
I want 2.5 inches of growth. That would be incredible.

(3) Tell us your nape story!
When I had a relaxer as a child, I didn't have any problems with the nape area. It's been a problem for me to get this area to grow can the rest of my hair grow 7 to 8 inches while my nape has maybe grown 1/8 of an inch the entire time? This isn't right. I realize I can't get to shoulder length or armpit length unless my nape area starts growing. The nape is also a constant source of embarassment for me. I hate people sitting behind me because I get self conscious about it.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
I'm going to order some odorless MTG and massage my nape 4x a week for stimulation. I'm going to be aggressive about sleeping on a silk pillowcase as well. Also, I plan to pick up the Nioxin pills again.
I'm in!
Rae-Shan and I became nape buddies and we came up with a regime, but we're down for this challenge.

(1) Current Length of Nape?
fuzz (practically nonexistant)

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
our goal was 1/4 inch by June. We wanted to be reasonable. I think we can surpass that goal if we stick to our regime. I think that by October I can have 2 inches.

(3) Tell us your nape story!
This area has never grown for me. I got my hair cut extremely short in 10th grade, with the back shaved, and it has never been the same since.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
Rae-Shan and I are nape buddies and here's the regime we came up with:
- Moisturize 2x a day
- BT 1x a day
- no/low manipulation
- no chemicals
- prayer

I'm In! I'm In! I'm In!

I just started a thread yesterday about my nape, or kitchen area!!
I also found a wonderful "nape buddy" on LHCF.

Current Length: About 1/8 of an inch.

Goal Length: I wanna wear my hair up without shame or trying to hide my
kinks under my collar. NOT FAIR!!! :eek:

I'm claiming 2.5 inches for myself by Oct.

Nape Story: I don't ever remember having any length to my nape.
Relaxers always burned the hair out in this area. My hair is
very sensitive. I was natural for a number of years and
probably got 1.5 inches.

A bad chemical took me back to square one.

I'm using Boundless Tresses. It's working!! Thxs Naturallady.
No relaxer on this area for the rest of this year. I spritz
with Scurl moisturizer/activator at least twice a day, Biotin
and vitamins.
IvyHair said:
Hi everyone. My hair has grown a lot since last year and I'm truly happy about that. However, the place that has seen little to NO growth is my nape. I've decided that I need to focus on this area and figure out a way to make it grow. I realized that I am going to need support when doing this - I can't do this alone and I can't be the only person with this problem.

:armyhat: It's time to get serious with the nape area! Anyone with me? IT'S TIME FOR A NAPE GROWOUT CHALLENGE!!!

About the Challenge: The nape (or 'kitchen' area) is an area that makes many women feel ashamed. NO LONGER. This challenge is designed to get everyone focused on growing out this area so they can wear their hair up or down without being ashamed. This challenge will run until October 31 (approximately 7 1/2 months) which should be enough time to see some results.

(1) Provide support and advice for fellow LHCFers on this challenge. We're all in this together and we're going to get the head of hair we always wanted.
(2) Check in AT LEAST once a month.
(3) Fill out the following registration information when you sign up so people can know where you are starting and what goals you set.

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
(3) Tell us your nape story!
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?

I hope some of you join me in growing out this area. I'm finally going to take control of this situation.

Current nape length- At the longest parts two inches but otherwise just broken off bits

Goal length of nape by october 31 I would really like an even 3 inches or more

My nape story As long as I can remember my nape has been really short. I think a combination of overprocessing in that area, overall poor hair care knowledge and poor hair wrapping techniques over the years has taken its toll.

What am I going to do For starters, I will moisturize twice a day. Keep using topical sulfur treatments, massage essential oils into that area, and keep processing time lower in my nape area
IvyHair said:
Hi everyone. My hair has grown a lot since last year and I'm truly happy about that. However, the place that has seen little to NO growth is my nape. I've decided that I need to focus on this area and figure out a way to make it grow. I realized that I am going to need support when doing this - I can't do this alone and I can't be the only person with this problem.

:armyhat: It's time to get serious with the nape area! Anyone with me? IT'S TIME FOR A NAPE GROWOUT CHALLENGE!!!

About the Challenge: The nape (or 'kitchen' area) is an area that makes many women feel ashamed. NO LONGER. This challenge is designed to get everyone focused on growing out this area so they can wear their hair up or down without being ashamed. This challenge will run until October 31 (approximately 7 1/2 months) which should be enough time to see some results.

(1) Provide support and advice for fellow LHCFers on this challenge. We're all in this together and we're going to get the head of hair we always wanted.
(2) Check in AT LEAST once a month.
(3) Fill out the following registration information when you sign up so people can know where you are starting and what goals you set.

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
(3) Tell us your nape story!
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?

I hope some of you join me in growing out this area. I'm finally going to take control of this situation.

Current nape length- At the longest parts two inches but otherwise just broken off bits

Goal length of nape by october 31 I would really like an even 3 inches or more

My nape story As long as I can remember my nape has been really short. I think a combination of overprocessing in that area, overall poor hair care knowledge and poor hair wrapping techniques over the years has taken its toll.

What am I going to do For starters, I will moisturize twice a day. Keep using topical sulfur treatments, massage essential oils into that area, and keep processing time lower in my nape area
IvyHair said:
Hi everyone. My hair has grown a lot since last year and I'm truly happy about that. However, the place that has seen little to NO growth is my nape. I've decided that I need to focus on this area and figure out a way to make it grow. I realized that I am going to need support when doing this - I can't do this alone and I can't be the only person with this problem.

:armyhat: It's time to get serious with the nape area! Anyone with me? IT'S TIME FOR A NAPE GROWOUT CHALLENGE!!!

About the Challenge: The nape (or 'kitchen' area) is an area that makes many women feel ashamed. NO LONGER. This challenge is designed to get everyone focused on growing out this area so they can wear their hair up or down without being ashamed. This challenge will run until October 31 (approximately 7 1/2 months) which should be enough time to see some results.

(1) Provide support and advice for fellow LHCFers on this challenge. We're all in this together and we're going to get the head of hair we always wanted.
(2) Check in AT LEAST once a month.
(3) Fill out the following registration information when you sign up so people can know where you are starting and what goals you set.

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
(3) Tell us your nape story!
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?

I hope some of you join me in growing out this area. I'm finally going to take control of this situation.

Current nape length- At the longest parts two inches but otherwise just broken off bits

Goal length of nape by october 31 I would really like an even 3 inches or more

My nape story As long as I can remember my nape has been really short. I think a combination of overprocessing in that area, overall poor hair care knowledge and poor hair wrapping techniques over the years has taken its toll.

What am I going to do For starters, I will moisturize twice a day. Keep using topical sulfur treatments, massage essential oils into that area, and keep processing time lower in my nape area
This is great! I just got my nape faded and lined a few days ago because it broke off really bad. I think it's a combination of chemicalss and they way I tie my hair up at night, so I have a pretty good idea about what I'm going to do...

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
Shaved, so less than or equal to a mm.
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
I hope to have 3 inches
(3) Tell us your nape story!
It recently broke off when I started relaxing my hair again. When I was taking care of my own hair as a teenager, my nape was disproportionately shorter than the rest of my hair too. I was only when I went natural that I realized that my hair does actually grow back there.
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
When my hair was natural, I had absolutely no problem retaining length, so I'm just not going to relax that part of my hair when I get a touch up, and I'll flat iron my nape when I need to.
(1) Current Length of Nape?
Longest piece is about 2.5-3 inches
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
hopefully another 2.5-3 inches
(3) Tell us your nape story!
It hasn't grown in a while. I just realized it's probably from overprocessing with relaxers
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
I'm not gonna relax my nape anymore or at least only every other touch up. I also moisturize it especially with qp mango butter and S curl and seal with Kemi Oyl in the mornings and before I go to bed. And I'm gonna start reducing heat usage. I've already started airdrying, now I have to stay away from that Chi!
Im in!!
1) Current Length of Nape?
Umm...:confused: pretty short! 1 (maybe).

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
3 inches (so 1.5 inches of growth). pretty ambitious since my hair grows so slow in this area.

(3) Tell us your nape story!
It's always been a horror story-short, dry and breaking.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
only relaxing that area every other touch-up
better diet and exercise (for overall hair and body health)

I'm Excited!! Let's get it ladies!
I want in too!

(1) Current Length of Nape?
My longest area is at my neck bone. I don't have a ruler or anything now, so i'll guess that it's 2-4 inches.

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
I want shoulder length nape by then.

(3) Tell us your nape story!
Scalp infection from playing with father's dirty dogs outside when I was little. Had to cut off most of the hair because of sores. Teenage years: perming too much and overprocessing. Believing in too many hair myths. Too much direct heat damage. Hair just has never really grown or started to recover until this past year.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
I am using mane n tail products mainly, co-washing, deep conditioning, protein treatments, scalp massage or bending over method for circulation, keeping hair in plaits (can't braid), protect with silk/satin scarf. Drinking more water & Drinking vitamin water two or three times a week. Exercise two-three times a week.
Count Me In!

(1) Current Length of Nape?
1/4 inch

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
I want 2 inches of growth.

(3) Tell us your nape story!
I had full, healthy shoulder legnth hair until about two months ago. (I'm a 4B I think) Went though some heavy stress that caused my hair to break off. Now I'm about chin length.:( But hey...I'll just have to see it as a fresh beginning.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
Due to all the rave on LHCF, I ordered MTG and I will massage my scalp 4x a week for stimulation. I started co washing this week because my hair tends to get really dry. I'm seeing an improvement already in terms of thickness and strength. I'll keep doing this 2-3 times per week, wet setting (loose wrapping) and stretching my relaxers to 12 weeks to prevent over processing. I also started taking OLAY vitamins. I think I'll get back on Shen Min soon also. That worked really well for me before. I always sleep in a silk scarf. We'll see what happens!

I'm in!

(1) Current Length of Nape?
Gosh, about 3 inches, and all within the past year. I was once rockin' the bald look!

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
Shoulder length, I hope.

(3) Tell us your nape story!
I used to have a full nape, but overrelaxing (leaving it on for a long, long time) and not taking care of my hair made me go bald.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
Oil massages, conditioning really well, and I ordered some boundless tresses, so whenever it comes in...
I'm in!

Current Length of Nape? My nape is currently 1.5-2 inches long
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31? 3-4 inches
(3) Tell us your nape story! I don't really have a story. This stuff just doesn't do much. I don't put heat back der
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length? I'm going to moisturize 2x daily and massage daily
IvyHair said:
Hi everyone. My hair has grown a lot since last year and I'm truly happy about that. However, the place that has seen little to NO growth is my nape. I've decided that I need to focus on this area and figure out a way to make it grow. I realized that I am going to need support when doing this - I can't do this alone and I can't be the only person with this problem.

:armyhat: It's time to get serious with the nape area! Anyone with me? IT'S TIME FOR A NAPE GROWOUT CHALLENGE!!!

About the Challenge: The nape (or 'kitchen' area) is an area that makes many women feel ashamed. NO LONGER. This challenge is designed to get everyone focused on growing out this area so they can wear their hair up or down without being ashamed. This challenge will run until October 31 (approximately 7 1/2 months) which should be enough time to see some results.

(1) Provide support and advice for fellow LHCFers on this challenge. We're all in this together and we're going to get the head of hair we always wanted.
(2) Check in AT LEAST once a month.
(3) Fill out the following registration information when you sign up so people can know where you are starting and what goals you set.

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
(3) Tell us your nape story!
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?

I hope some of you join me in growing out this area. I'm finally going to take control of this situation.

okay I missed this one. I am in.

1 My nape is chopped and chewed
2. at least SL
3. My nape has always been short and thin
4. I am making sure my satin bonnet does not slip off my head at night. I wear silk scarf over my wool coats. I am leaving my nape for last when I relax and I am not combing as much.
IM IN ......

Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape? little stubs was bald 2 months ago
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31? by God's grace 2inches
(3) Tell us your nape story! broke off when i was going to the braider's and also when i first BC. i was tying my scarf with a knot on the back in that area so the left and right nape are about 5-6inches while the center nape was practically bald....or should i say rubbed off:mad:
this was the style that messed up my center nape...(pics 2 and 3)
pw is ann
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length? Bt every other night, lenzi's request and doo groo triple strengthener on the nights i dont BT, moisturise with scurl 2x/day, baggie every night, dont manipulate the area except for massage when i apply my topical growth treatments, vitamins........
Last edited:
Hi ladies,

I made great progess and suffered a setback at the same time. Relaxer burnt out the middle section of my nape. guess my stylist either smoothed it or left it on too long.

I'm working my way back.

Looking forward to the day when I can wear my hair up without worrying about my nape.
Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
My entire nape is different lengths: from 1/2-3 inches
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?

My entire nape reach shoulder length
(3) Tell us your nape story!

Its always been short: my ponytails or buns never look right cuz my nape hair doesn't stay up in them
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?

  • when relaxing: i'll make sure my nape is the last area i touch so it doesn't get over processed: just texlaxed
  • be extra gentle when combing & brushing
  • try to baggy my nape seperately w/ a silk leave in & little bit of oil: then wrap it up in a soft roller
  • tell my nape I Love It everyday
IvyHair said:
Registration Form:
(1) Current Length of Nape?
Varies between 1cm and 2 inches
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
I want my nape to be around 6 inches long all over, or close to my shoulders stretched
(3) Tell us your nape story!
I didnt have one until I grew my hair out, then it was overprocessed, over flat-ironed and brushed too hard for years and broke off. So I cut it all off a few weeks ago to an inch long and its all natural now that Im transitioning. I want it to be as long as the rest of my hair again, but this time healthy and not breaking.
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
Cowashing, sleeping with a satin scarf over my head, massaging my nape, MTG(my own mix) at least 2x per week, lots of protein (Albacore tuna!)
Garnier Fructis Length & Strength Conditioner
S-Curl Texturizer gel
Elasta QP Mango butter

Im glad I found this, I didnt want to do this thing by myself, I had no idea it was going to be so hard, but on the bright side my kitchen does grow pretty fast

I'm so in this challenge!

(1) Current Length of Nape?
My nape is 2 1/2 inches and very brittle and fuzzy.

(2) Goal length of nape by October 31?
I would love 4 1/2 inches (2 inches of growth).

(3) Tell us your nape story!
I have no idea why the rest of my hair grows like weeds and my nape remains the same. I cannot put my hair in a pony tail because of my shame of my nape. I've been relaxed for 23 to 24 years.

(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length?
I am going to pay more attention to my nape area while washing and MTGing. Will also massage the area and moisturize! And gain tips from others here that can work for me!
Count me in!

(1) Current Length of Nape? Probably 1/8 inch in the kitchen area :ohwell:
(2) Goal length of nape by October 31? Maybe an inch
(3) Tell us your nape story! I think I seriously neglect this area on a daily basis. I will brush it to get it to conform to my style. :ohwell: Wrapping techiques and lack of moisturizer may be the culpits as well as constantly shaving that area instead of helping it grow!
(4) What procedures are you taking to reach your goal length? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Also, no texturizer for a year or more until I actually get some length to work with.
I actually did!! Granted, I was working with nothing but right now I have a good 2.5-3.5 inches in the very back. I'm working on breakage around my edges right now, but I'm hoping my nape continues to grow out. :yep:

Did all you ladies achieve your nape length goal?