Anyone taking VITAMIN C for growth??


New Member
I added this to my regimen since I started taking the NAC again, I have been taking it for about a week and my scalp has been TINGLING so much in the last couple of days I hope I'm getting a "growth spurt" :) btw, I am taking 1000mg twice a day.

If you are taking it are you getting the tingling sensation? Vitamin C is suposed to be good for collogen, hair, skin and nails too amongst other things.
I take it whenever I take MSM! :] I'm horribly inconsistant with my vitamins, though. But it is good for you! Maybe someone else can give input!:)
This is just an FYI- If any of you ladies are trying to get pregnant or pregnant, please dont take Vitamin C- it can be dangerous for the baby. (I'm a nurse.)
ChocalateDiva said:
This is just an FYI- If any of you ladies are trying to get pregnant or pregnant, please dont take Vitamin C- it can be dangerous for the baby. (I'm a nurse.)

Good Looking Out CocalateDiva I didn't know that:shocked: :shocked: