
New Member
Please read the end of this thread!!!!!

Pages 45 -53

and then google for yourselves!

No Joke ladies! Your hair for the price of your health? :nono:

Please keep it safe and within reason for your own health!

I posted this thread because I felt the information was too critical for anyone to miss it on the other thread thats now 47 pages!

I Think it should ONLY be kept within the recommended dose range!
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thx so much for posting the vitamin-supplement link in the other thread...:yep:...research is soooo important.
Why are you on a rampage about this?

if you wish to call it a rampage ........

I call it making sure the information is available so that the ladies here are safe

its not like people dont get anxious for results , but this has serious costs at high doses

so I went on a ' rampage' to make sure the costs are known :yep:

:bump: :bump: :bump:

I am no longer posting on that thread because its a :deadhorse: now *No pun intended* :grin:

But ladies it is seriously IMPORTANT that you catch up on the rest of the Silica thread if you are taking high doses of this or are thinking about it! This is not safe in high doses due to it causing potassium depletion! very dangerous!!
:hero: :burning:

I guess it must feel horrible to know you did NOTHING to help anyone know any of the necessary information about this stuff for their health huh? AND you discouraged ANYONE from wanting to know or take it seriously, and even encouraged them to take large amounts

so if this is what you need to do to make YOURSELF feel better.....then by all means

keep doing whatever it is you need to feel better

cause u should feel bad! :yep:

These are grown folks around here who just might research stuff and find answers for THEMSELVES cause we actually got minds of our own that you dont control like you wanted to control that thread! smh!

Sorry your beloved Alta Silica that you act like you created like God himself isnt safe, I'm really sorry Vevster,but it was NEVER ABOUT ALTA SILICA REALLY

its was about people taking safe doses

hey it wasnt even about YOU no matter how much you tried to make it be!
Do you know her taking 8 a day could seriously compromise her health?

what do you look like on a bandwagon of jokes about it?

Iris please calm down... I think VeV's smiley action was quite funny:lol:.
And as far as SP taking 8 a day u already told her she shouldnt....then quoted her again saying she shouldnt after u already told her.
Im know SP gets the picture. As do all of us do by ALL of ur post about it.:yep:
Iris please calm down... I think VeV's smiley action was quite funny:lol:.
And as far as SP taking 8 a day u already told her she shouldnt....then quoted her again saying she shouldnt after u already told her.
Im know SP gets the picture. As do all of us do by ALL of ur post about it.:yep:

well the thing now is it had to come from the HORSE'S mouth *so to speak* first right?

well now it has, and so what if I told her again, some things are worth repeating in case, especially after one is totally sure now of the possible consequences for her!

Well from my shoes AND from what others saw, she was rude. So nah this shyt aint funny!

so condemn me for repeating it, but condemn her the same for repeating that same bullshyt that its SAFE for some 40 to 50 pages and shooting anyone down for even trying to find out for themselves or others if it was or wasnt

BTW I'm gonna repeat it as many times as I choose. tyvm!
well the thing now is it had to come from the HORSE'S mouth *so to speak* first right?

well now it has, and so what if I told her again, some things are worth repeating in case, especially after one is totally sure now of the possible consequences for her!

Well from my shoes AND from what others saw, she was rude. So nah this shyt aint funny!

so condemn me for repeating it, but condemn her the same for repeating that same bullshyt that its SAFE for some 40 to 50 pages and shooting anyone down for even trying to find out for themselves or others if it was or wasnt

BTW I'm gonna repeat it as many times as I choose. tyvm!
Oh I know u are ..and ur welcome....good evening:wave:
Oh I know u are ..and ur welcome....good evening:wave:

*two fingas*

I still hope she sees that it came from VEVSTER'S beloved ALTA silica's mouth that this depletes potassium and they could not deny it. Instead of the tons of pages of a load of crap that this stuff is safe in high doses!

I still hope she comes back and says she stopped taking 8 for real!

there I repeated it again! :grin:
:hero: :burning:

If anyone would have OD'd on the Alta it would have been me and I am feeling better than ever. I'm not telling anyone to take more the the recommended dose but I am alive to tell you all that I did not have any adverse effect taking them. I reaped a lot of benefit, now because I'm lazy I'm taking 2 -3 a day again. Still reaping the benefits :grin:

Of course all things should be done with moderation. Point well taken.
btw to the 1 star person to hit this thread

This is some serious shady shyt to be so full of spite and hate or malice or whatever it is, to not want people to have the information they need to take this shyt in a safe dose!

and to actually be rude and disrespectful to anyone wishing to seek and/or know this information for others or themselves

Well I just aint gettin it! you gotta be pretty f'd up in the head to not want people to be safe about this or to discourage their safety

she was taking 8! and would not have known any different any other way, I only got one, that posted here, but there were others! and yall got jokes? and dont even know for sure she is even ok or if anything has happened with she possibley hasnt seen the rest of the thread that just transpired today, as of the creation of this thread it was stll in 'debate' mode and possibly did not stop taking the 8 as a result , yet I get condemned for coming back here and repeating it and bumping the thread up to make sure she knows, as who can say she read the rest of the other thread?

so rate this thread what you will......

but God is the one that rates UR heart

I can sleep at night, but God knows how many women might have read that thread, didnt check any further and just believed it was safe and took more than whats recommended and possibly compromised their health. That shyt aint on my conscious! and if you truly dont care then you got ice for blood, for reals!

jokes or not Vev SERIOUSLY discouraged anyone posting that this was not safe repeatedly! and it IS NOT safe!

I seriously suggest you not f up your K levels if you want to live!
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it really wouldnt take long for a K depleting drug or diuretic to cause some serious harm and big risks to their health and life!

I have never taken more than two of these a day or long term, and that was without knowing all this and I am so glad I did it just like I did now

another part that wasnt mentioned that I saw repeatedly and this is listed with POISON CONTROL, is that horsetail can contain NICOTINE, and is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18 , it is NOT recommended or considered safe for pregnant/nursing women whatseover either.

& since I have taken only the Alta brand in the past , I can say that I have never had any issues with it, but I only took it within that 1-3 range! I can also say after ending up in the ER talking to docs from a very serious reaction to a herb, and talking to paramedics in the back of an ambulance after being seriously admonished about herbs, as I WAS having a severe reaction, that I dont care what brand it is, since none of it is FDA regulated or approved, nothing has beeen totally established or tested and proven as truth. Those that hear that wlll......hear. Once I was brought out of the crises, I got told ER stories of various reactions to herbs. And got seriously schooled by what it means that its not FDA approved. They are just plants with no long term testing or major studies done and they can and wlll affect everyone differently ,just like drugs. They are nothing more than plants and pills that are unregulated or even checked by a higher source than just that company!

To just be against pharmacueticals as the enemy with the stance all herbs are natural and without risk and that only meds are harmful,is a grave grave mistake! and was the whole tone of the OP in the other thread, no matter what anyone said

I have also been in a ER with PVC'S BACK TO BACK in my heart due to a 'low normal' serum potassium range, on the verge of a heart attack, from the same principle of a potassium depleting drug! as well as other miserable symptoms!

so its good that Vevster is taking it within range, but I FOUND it very wrong to just say its safe for everyone else, and to discount anyone wanting to make sure it was or wasnt. I'm glad nothing happened to you.....but that can in no way mean everybody will be safe. HELL like I SAID even within range if I would have taken something like this while my K was low and I didnt know it yet......this could have took me out! Quick!


If anyone would have OD'd on the Alta it would have been me and I am feeling better than ever. I'm not telling anyone to take more the the recommended dose but I am alive to tell you all that I did not have any adverse effect taking them. I reaped a lot of benefit, now because I'm lazy I'm taking 2 -3 a day again. Still reaping the benefits :grin:

Of course all things should be done with moderation. Point well taken.
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I havent touched this shyt in years, and my hair and nails are fine and healthy, it aint even that serious to me even with the low risk of taking one, nope, I dont even want to take even one a day now

I wasted my money on 3 bottles. Because after reading and knowing all this its stupid to even take one a day IMO 'for me'
I havent touched this shyt in years, and my hair and nails are fine and healthy, it aint even that serious to me even with the low risk of taking one, nope, I dont even want to take even one a day now

I wasted my money on 3 bottles. Because after reading and knowing all this its stupid to even take one a day IMO 'for me'
Amen at the bolded, I'm sorry to hear about your prior health issues, honestly and I am also glad to hear that you recovered and are strong now.

I think your point regarding modertion has been well taken. We all have to exercise common sense with regards to any recommendations made on this board, supplement wise and otherwise because everybody's is different, have different health issues, needs etc. We actually helped a couple of members on the other thread so there is good here.

I think it wise that each person be personally responsible for doing their own research before they ingest any product. That's an unspoken disclaimer here.
ummmm................. OK - this was too much drama to read.

What idiot would take 20 of these things a day????
I mean come on.... I hope anyone on this board is using common sense.

More is not always better.
I don't take it, but I appreciate you, Iris...for coming and caring enough to help the ladies of this forum be aware of the complications from this stuff, if taking too much.

Thank you for caring....:blowkiss:
ummmm................. OK - this was too much drama to read.

What idiot would take 20 of these things a day????
I mean come on.... I hope anyone on this board is using common sense.

More is not always better.

yeah well ladies around here seem to get pretty desperate for fast results, thats nothing new

we already seen someone post they take 8 and thats almost 3 times the dose range

and to be honest I got quite a few msgs from ladies that appreciated the info on mega doses, maybe because they considered it or maybe not

but your right this has been too much drama!