I don't take it, but I appreciate you, Iris...for coming and caring enough to help the ladies of this forum be aware of the complications from this stuff, if taking too much.

Thank you for caring....:blowkiss:

:bighug: glad you dont take it, you dont need it girl! really! <between you and me>

one less thing to have to worry about ........
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Amen at the bolded, I'm sorry to hear about your prior health issues, honestly and I am also glad to hear that you recovered and are strong now.

I think your point regarding modertion has been well taken. We all have to exercise common sense with regards to any recommendations made on this board, supplement wise and otherwise because everybody's is different, have different health issues, needs etc. We actually helped a couple of members on the other thread so there is good here.

I think it wise that each person be personally responsible for doing their own research before they ingest any product. That's an unspoken disclaimer here.

Yeah I am doing well! and would never want to knowingly let someone else feel what I did! that uspolken disclaimer was basically treated as though it simply were not allowed in the other thread, certainly not the sharing of the information for others, in case they did not research

but nah FOR ME even though I'm already taking K daily, and my levels are stable, and have been for a long time with a K-DUR prescription- and could up dosing it if needed safely, I really wouldnt see the point of adding anything that could send me into struggles with my levels-not saying taking one or two a day would-but who knows, after all this-it aint really worth finding out the hard way possibly-for me

I still find it sad that wasnt taken very seriously in the other thread , nor was it welcomed information to safe gaurd others from something that can be truly dangerous and such a huge risk

I dont think anyone can talk about how bad K loss is and how bad it feels and how sick you can get but those that have had it -the books just dont do how bad you really feel justice! but it does say how serious it is!

and few people are sicker than those that have their electrolytes knocked seriouly out of whack. serious life and death situation!
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Some natural dietary sources of Silica ,natural whole food sources, of course being without all the risks , if anyone wanted to increase their intake in their diet for the benefits of Silica either with or without supplementation- just an alternative and good info to have!

Many foods also contain silica including alfalfa sprouts, beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soybeans, leafy green vegetables, root vegetables, cooked dried beans and peas, and whole grain breads and cereals.

I have to address Silica in my diet now that I have looked further into the health issues it can help and I have some of them, especially bone health, because that same drug that left me predisposed for low serum K also leaves me pre disposed to osteoporosis and I have a bad disc in my back and its said to help that!

more sources
There's lots of silica in:

* Oats
* Millet
* Onions
* Beetroot
* Wholegrains
* Potatoes

Silica is found in the outer coverings of potatoes, green and red peppers and cucumbers. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole foods including sprouts.

Because of another risk factor I have I might have to reconsider supplementing with at least one of these a day and increasing it in my diet! with the food sources

eta more
The common "heart-friendly" foods, such as dietary fiber (oats, barley, and rice) and wine, are also high in silica. One of the heart benefits of the so-called Mediterranean Diet could be due to eating greater quantities of these silica-rich foods. Other dietary sources of silica include alfalfa, avocados, strawberries, onions, cucumbers, and dark greens. The herb horsetail (Equisetum arvensa) is another common source of silica and can typically be found as a nutritional supplement.
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Some natural dietary sources of Silica ,natural whole food sources, of course being without all the risks , if anyone wanted to increase their intake in their diet for the benefits of Silica either with or without supplementation- just an alternative and good info to have!

Many foods also contain silica including alfalfa sprouts, beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soybeans, leafy green vegetables, root vegetables, cooked dried beans and peas, and whole grain breads and cereals.

I have to address Silica in my diet now that I have looked further into the health issues it can help and I have some of them, especially bone health, because that same drug that left me predisposed for low serum K also leaves me pre disposed to osteoporosis and I have a bad disc in my back and its said to help that!

more sources
There's lots of silica in:

* Oats
* Millet
* Onions
* Beetroot
* Wholegrains
* Potatoes

Silica is found in the outer coverings of potatoes, green and red peppers and cucumbers. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole foods including sprouts.

Because of another risk factor I have I might have to reconsider supplementing with at least one of these a day and increasing it in my diet! with the food sources

eta more
The common "heart-friendly" foods, such as dietary fiber (oats, barley, and rice) and wine, are also high in silica. One of the heart benefits of the so-called Mediterranean Diet could be due to eating greater quantities of these silica-rich foods. Other dietary sources of silica include alfalfa, avocados, strawberries, onions, cucumbers, and dark greens. The herb horsetail (Equisetum arvensa) is another common source of silica and can typically be found as a nutritional supplement.

This is really good info, Iris. I eat most of these items every week, so this is great to know I'm on the right path.
:bighug: glad you dont take it, you dont need it girl! really! <between you and me>

one less thing to have to worry about ........

I wanted to fix this post to you, although you and me and nobody NEEDS it I cannot deny that their would be benefit to supplementation of it, But now that I saw you say you eat plenty of the food sources in your diet, then you probably really dont! But for others and anyone considering taking this, out of all that frustration *blah* I was like forget this crap!

but I go back to my original stand, that there is benefit within the recommended dose range and I think thats is safe! Just know the risks with megadosing! It was wrong in my frustration to say somoene doesnt need this! They might greatly benefit from it, again the whole point I drove home in the 'battle' that was unnecessary in the first place. Is that this has risks in megadoses, but anyone taking it withing the recommended range should be fine and reap the benefits of supplementation :yep: