Anyone NOT experience major growth in 2009? Ready for 2010?


New Member
This is a bittersweet time for me. I'm thrilled to see all the hair reveal pictures but I am not able to partake in any of them. I thought I'd be at APL by now. Instead, I went up to chin length in October. I am now back down to grazing SL. But yeah, not a year of huge growth for me.

So for those of us who had a BAD 2009 and did not achieve our goals, let's get together and talk.

I for one realized that my protein levels and elasticity levels are way off. My hair basically has NO elasticity and I need MORE protein. I am going to work on this buy doing Nexxus Emergencee every two weeks and looking for a protein conditioner to use once a week. I'm also going to start on an iron rich diet. :yep:

Also, I'm beginning to suspect that my hair does not like cones which would explain a lot. Many of my favorite products - the J/A/S/O/N line and the Cholestorol conditioners do not contain cones and keep my hair moisturized for HOURS.

I wish these revelations would have occured at the beginning of the year rather than the tail end of it but I am happy to learn from my mistakes. A new year starts in a few days - who else is ready to jump back from their 2009 setback?
2009 was an experimental year for me. I had to find out what worked (lots of moisture, ayureveda, oils), and what didn't work (protein, cones, glycerin). In the process of that I lost a lot of hair to breakage and shedding. I started at NL and wanted to make APL so badly. But I seriously underestimated how long it would take to get there. I also had to trim off some very fragile ends. So I am dissapointed but hopeful for 2010.

I've pretty much got my regimen on lock, but I am investigating adding some sort of ceremide for elasticity (wheat germ oil?) and maybe a thickening agent (liquid panthenol?). I am once again hoping for APL by the end of 2010.
I haven't. made my goal in the past few years. The other years were due to the fact I really wasn't paying attention to my hair.
In 2009, I did pay attention, but I also had to find out what did and didn't work for my hair. Protein is just not my friend, and I must use it sparingly. In addition to that I BC'd a few months ago.

I am determined to make 2010 my year.
When I began my journey in March, my hair and ends were ravaged and I didn't cut them off until Sept. I was already starting with thin, fine, dried and fried hair. It grew about 2 1/2 to 3 inches from March to Sept. and gained shine, some length, and a bit of thickness, but those raggedy ends were holding me back.

I got blunt cut to neck length in Sept. to start fresh from there-- no raggedy ends. I also incorporated braidouts as my signature style and use castor oil for everything (its my miracle product), which helped me to gain thickness and growth. I am determined to be between SL and APL by Dec. 2010.

I didn't have dramatic growth this year at all, but this year served as a wake- up call to haircare and to figure out my regimen. I learned alot this year. Now that I know what works for my head, I hope to have a very prosperous hair year in 2010. I am a SLOW grower, so I probably won't see full APL till 2015....but I'm patient.
2009 "The Year of Experimentation' for me after being a Weekly Client at Various Salons for more than 25 years. Weekly.:look:

2009 was when I decided, for the very first time in my life to become a DIY. Prior to a Major Salon Mishap December of 2008, the thought (nor desire) would never had occurred to me.:perplexed

So, in '09, I was just 'learning' about proper hair care (because I always left that up to the stylist:nono:). So, I was learning about Products, Technique, Do's & Don'ts etc.....

So, I too, am hopeful, that 2010 will put me totally on the Road to Healthy Hair by My Own Hands.:yep:
I agree with you...2009 was a rough year for me. When I joined in Jan 2009 I had expected to make APL by dec and I probably didn't...although I'm due for a relaxer and length check in a couple weeks. I suffered breakage mid way through the year that caused a slight set back but I'm still pushing on. I hope to see APL by march and hopefully BSL by dec 2010...I feel like I have my reggie on lock even though I am still experimenting with different products. Being completely self styled and remaining consistent in 2010 will help me meet my goals. 2010 will definitely be my year :yep:
This is a bittersweet time for me. I'm thrilled to see all the hair reveal pictures but I am not able to partake in any of them. I thought I'd be at APL by now. Instead, I went up to chin length in October. I am now back down to grazing SL. But yeah, not a year of huge growth for me.

So for those of us who had a BAD 2009 and did not achieve our goals, let's get together and talk.

I for one realized that my protein levels and elasticity levels are way off. My hair basically has NO elasticity and I need MORE protein. I am going to work on this buy doing Nexxus Emergencee every two weeks and looking for a protein conditioner to use once a week. I'm also going to start on an iron rich diet. :yep:

Also, I'm beginning to suspect that my hair does not like cones which would explain a lot. Many of my favorite products - the J/A/S/O/N line and the Cholestorol conditioners do not contain cones and keep my hair moisturized for HOURS.

I wish these revelations would have occured at the beginning of the year rather than the tail end of it but I am happy to learn from my mistakes. A new year starts in a few days - who else is ready to jump back from their 2009 setback?

what do u plan on anemic and the pills are highly constipating
I have not made my goal this year either. I had a major setback going back from APL after having cut 3-4" off the scraggly ends .

I'm going to try protective styling with half wigs and also basically leaving my hair alone. I'm going to wash less and keep it braided up in the back.

If I have not made any progress by the Spring time , I'm gonna cut it all off and start all over again.

At least that's what I say now :ohwell:.
Yup...I'm in. for the most part 2009 has brought me MUCH healthier hair...I can't say much for the growth department. So now that I am content with the condition and health of my hair, I am ready to shoot for the legnth in 2010!
I didn't have much progress this year either, my problem is retention, I can see that my hair is growing but I'm just not retaining it. I'm losing way to much hair during detangling....It's getting better, because I detangled yesterday and I only lost half the amount of hair I usually do, so I was happy about that.
I posted my disappointment about my hair a few weeks ago. I started the year to SL and basically I am still at SL, I have to admit my layers did grow in but no additional length. I have stopped wearing my hair out. Now I keep it moisturized with EVOO and pulled back into a hair clip. and I wrap it with a silk scarf.

I have started to DC, I am still trying to figure out the protein balance, I just pray I fail forward in 2010.

I am not ready to decide a Goal length for 2010, I mostly just want my hair to show length growth. the closer I get to APL, the happier I will be!
This is probably one of the worst years for me. My hair was a relaxed SL and I seriously didn't know about this forum until the damage was done. The hair on the left side of my head took so much damage from wrapping that it's now significantly shorter than the right. My ends are very weak and fragile and I lost a lot of volume. Plus I was seriously neglecting/damaging my hair (DCing once every two weeks, straightening with heat almost every other day, etc.). I'm going to start 2010 by figuring out what works for my hair. I hope I can be at full SL by next year and maybe even longer than that.
I didn't but my problem isn't really growth, it's retention. I only retain about 3.5-4 inches a year.

Like you, I realized lack of protein was the cause of my issues. I wish I would have added protein to my regimen 2 years ago. My hair would mostly likely be 4+ inches longer. Oh well. I plan to start 2010 off right.
I didn't get good growth this past year. 2008 -2009 i got about 8 inches. I was working out 5 days a week and juicing on a regular. This year was so hectic that I fell off a bit and only gained maybe 5 inches or a little less. I've started working out again 4-5 days a week and taking multivites and stepping up my juice. So, this year, I'm hoping to get great growth and to be fully natural as well.
I had a BKT setback this summer and I was experimenting a lot this year. I did a few unnecessary cuts/trims during this stretch. So I'm not where I would have liked to be at this time, but my hair is very healthy and well on it's way to my next goal.:yep: 2010 is going to be a good year, I won't have it any other way...

While my hair is healthier than it's been in years, I have lost at least 4" this year due to frequent trimming of bad ends and breakage. I figured out my regimen, but on the way to doing so, I experimented, jumped on every bandwagon, manipulated my hair too much, used protein too often, used direct heat and fell off taking my vitamins regularly.

2010 (well, I have actually already started my turnaround) will be a year of serious babying and protecting. I expect to be at least APL by years' end.:yep:
Ladies, it seems we all are making good self-analysis and we carefully have pin-pointed our problems/issues/concerns and what we need to do to correct/overcome them as we begin a New Year.:brainy:

So now we can Grow From Here.:giggle:

2009 was a year of personal challenges - marriage, children, school, work - that I wasn't really focused on my hair at all. I would be aware of what I should do but I didn't do it. I just felt guilty about sleeping without a scarf or bonnet because I was tired or using my denman on dry hair every day to get my hair back in a bun so I wouldn't be late for work AGAIN. I did do some good stuff like cutting out poos and co-washing but I look at my pics and my ends are still see thru. I did BC in Sept. of '08 and I was barely CL before I cut. Right now I'm about CL in back and lip length in the bangs. I'm getting length but it's so thin.

I've joined the Weave Challenge 2010 for six months and I'm going to baby my hair underneath the weave. Moisturizing lightly daily, MT every week after wash and DC. I'm going to begin to buy quality products like I used to before I lost my job. I'm working out more, eating cleaner and taking my hair and health supplements. I'm also trying not to stress out as much and I'm learning to say No.

I'm hoping that all of these things will help my hair and my overall health.
I didn't reach my goals either :~( I deep condition every weekend with moisture and protein. I know my hair is growing but because I used to let others texlax my hair, I now have several different textures and it has reaked havoc on my hair which is fine/thin. I've experience breakage and trimmed too much. I attempted a corrective (didn't work) and now I have to just wait it out, baby my hair and hope that I don't lose too much length. Luckily so far I haven't lost length but I haven't gained either. I'm hoping that 2010 will be different and I can make it to BSL. Pray for me ya'll!!!
Me too.

I started my hair journey in December 08 at shoulder length, and hoped to be APL by this December. But I definitely was not as committed as I should have been, and after a few months, I fell off completely. No scarves at night, no DCing, no protective styling, nothing. I even started going back to the salon weekly.
At the end of August, I recommitted myself to taking care of my own hair. I had to take off a few inches of ends because they had become scraggly and thin, and since then, things have been okay. But I know that if I had stayed on top of my reggie this year, I'd be APL by now.

So next year, I just have to keep myself focused. No setbacks in 2010 for me. :yep:
2009 "The Year of Experimentation' for me after being a Weekly Client at Various Salons for more than 25 years. Weekly.:look:

2009 was when I decided, for the very first time in my life to become a DIY. Prior to a Major Salon Mishap December of 2008, the thought (nor desire) would never had occurred to me.:perplexed

So, in '09, I was just 'learning' about proper hair care (because I always left that up to the stylist:nono:). So, I was learning about Products, Technique, Do's & Don'ts etc.....

So, I too, am hopeful, that 2010 will put me totally on the Road to Healthy Hair by My Own Hands.:yep:

Congrats to you -- 2009 wasn't the year of was the year of smart financial decisions and self-realization! Think of how much money you have saved and how much you have learned! Keep it up in 2010!
Congrats to you -- 2009 wasn't the year of was the year of smart financial decisions and self-realization! Think of how much money you have saved and how much you have learned! Keep it up in 2010!

Thanks Glitter!

btw: Very:nicethread: Both Encouraging and Inspirational.
what do u plan on anemic and the pills are highly constipating

I have been researching this all day. I am looking at mainly livers (any variety) and fish are some of the best things to eat. It is also important to cut out iron-inhibitors as well. I think some of the ladies in the health forum have poste don this as well.

It's good to know about the pills - I was looking to start those this weekend.
I didn't have much progress this year either, my problem is retention, I can see that my hair is growing but I'm just not retaining it. I'm losing way to much hair during detangling....It's getting better, because I detangled yesterday and I only lost half the amount of hair I usually do, so I was happy about that.

You know I have that problem as well. It's almost embarassing, but I think I need a remedial combing class. :lachen:

Maybe we're using the wrong combs? I don't even know. I've focused on combing from the ends up to the roots this year and that has helped. But again, some of the hairs I'm seeing are probably due to breakage from lack of protein.
This is probably one of the worst years for me. My hair was a relaxed SL and I seriously didn't know about this forum until the damage was done. The hair on the left side of my head took so much damage from wrapping that it's now significantly shorter than the right. My ends are very weak and fragile and I lost a lot of volume. Plus I was seriously neglecting/damaging my hair (DCing once every two weeks, straightening with heat almost every other day, etc.). I'm going to start 2010 by figuring out what works for my hair. I hope I can be at full SL by next year and maybe even longer than that.

ArmyRose, I have a very similar problem. All of the breakage I'm experiencing is on the left side of my's so embarassing, i have a two inch breakage down to almost the scalp on my left temple. There's also breakage in the kitchen on the left side.

The right side is great though.

Mandatory positive -- the breakage has made me get creative with styling. I look great with sideswept bangs. :perplexed
I think --- The Main Thing is: Not to Get Discouraged. To Be Consistent. To 'Correct' Issues when they first occur.

And to Remain Positive.:yep:
You know I have that problem as well. It's almost embarassing, but I think I need a remedial combing class. :lachen:

Maybe we're using the wrong combs? I don't even know. I've focused on combing from the ends up to the roots this year and that has helped. But again, some of the hairs I'm seeing are probably due to breakage from lack of protein.

I comb from the bottom up with a detangling comb, I was using my denman but then I went out and bought the wooden comb from The Body Works which I like a lot better. I realize that I was slacking in the protein department so I've just added that back into my reggie.

Also the hairs that I'm losing are 90% long strands and 10% broken, which means shedding, for me I think my issue is a combo of excessive shedding and being heavy handed. I promise 2010 I will be delicate with my detangling.
I had a serious setback this year. Had it not been for that, I'd be on my way to BSB right now.

I went from Past SL to NL with the quickness by March 2009. I put myself on a SERIOUS HYH challenge and the results are in my siggy. I'm back to SL by the way.

You can bounce back from a setback. Now that my hair is much healthier, texlaxed, and less manipulated, I'm doing another HYH challenge so that by this time next year, I'll be closer to BSB than ever before.
I had major set backs this year as well. I had breakage all the way down to my scalp in the crown area and I found some pictures of me in 2006/2007 and I realized I was APL then. I got some braids for a trip and thats when it all fell short. Now I'm between SL and APL. What happened? Well, I totally change my regimen up and took protein out of the mix completly. I was also gone away from home for almost a year due to my job and I could not do my hair like I needed to. All of that resulted in breakage, breakage, breakage. In addition to that I did a heavy trim 3 times between mid 2008 and mid 2009.

Well, I'm back on my regimine (thank god I kept a journal to know exactly what I did). My breakage to the scalp is now almost 4 inches long. I still notice breakage but I am wathcing closely and monitoring my protein/moisture balance. I'm still searching for the right protective style for me. I know I will have better progress in 2010!!

Don't get discouraged, ladies. Learn from your mistakes and make better choices.
ArmyRose, I have a very similar problem. All of the breakage I'm experiencing is on the left side of my's so embarassing, i have a two inch breakage down to almost the scalp on my left temple. There's also breakage in the kitchen on the left side.

The right side is great though.

Mandatory positive -- the breakage has made me get creative with styling. I look great with sideswept bangs. :perplexed

That's nice that you found an alternative :yep:
I wish I could pull that off but I have very uneven SL hair with layers ranging from NL, to chin length, and that above. I'm hoping to grow out these layers so that I can at least be a full SL. We'll get through this :yep: