Anyone NOT experience major growth in 2009? Ready for 2010?

In 2008 I saw had a huge growth spurt using a braids/wig regimen from TWA to Near Shoulder length by the end of 2008. I believe a total of 8 inches of growth. I wasn't doing anything to my hair but sporadically taking hair vitamins, Exotic Allure and keeping my hair always in braid extensions. In 2009 I came to believe that true key to growth was low manipulation, which it is, but I took it too far to the point of no manipulation! :grin: I would get braid or kinky twist extensions keep them in for 3 months, not wash, not moisturize, not deep condition or do anything to take care of my hair suffering under the extension hair. When I finally took the extensions out each time my hair was so matted and dry that I was losing at least a 4-6 palm fulls worth of hair or my lost hair would fill up a quarter of my bathroom trash. Whenever I touched my hair it would break off in pieces!! All my growth from 2008 was breaking off slowly but surely in 2009. I also had a pretty awful diet (1 full sized meal a day, lots of junky empty calorie snacks through out the day, hardly any pure water) . The typical diet of a student. In Dec 09 when I took out my extensions after nearly 3 months. I saw how uneven, crunchy dry my hair really was. It had barely gained any length throughout the year since 2008 probably 2.5 to 3 inches the whole year 09, which sucks. :sad: From now on, I will be paying attention to my hair needs and body needs, everything. I can't just only focus on school and career.
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I bc'd in 2009.. so my plans for BSL were.. well...aborted

2010 I hope to gain length and I feel that 2011 will be my BIG year.
i gained alot of growth all through my journy, like said in another thread, i skiped bsl. im sick of my hair tho, its long, and its thick, and its growing well, but it just gets on my nerves somtimes. does that make sence? anybody else feel like this sometimes?
It was just as rough for me as well. My bc was at the end of Dec 08 and I assumed that I would have some fabulous growth in 09, but I screwed up big time. Meaning instead of being more patient with my hair and adding the braids in Feb, I opted for the easier way out and textlaxed it for 5 min. and ever since then I have regretted it. But as it has been said over and over again.....we do learn by our mistakes. I since then have cut off 2-3 inches of my 09 growth and added yarn braids and am going with the c&g method hopefully for the 2yr period.

I will continue to trim my ends every month when I take them out and dc my hair until all the textlaxed portion is gone which will set me back even further, but I do hate the straggley ends they come with.

I will take the advice of the ladies here as well and wash my hair once a week as opposed to once a month. Clean hair does make a diff.:yep:
Also, I will be tweeking my vitamin intake and will be adding Biosil and the Shen min as well. I am on a mission and it must be accomplished, by almost any means necessary!

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to our hair care. So with that being said let the journey continue.:look:
I think this is a great thread even for those who have had some growth. The reason I say this is because I am a lot like Softblackcotton. I joined, followed what people with basically my hair type and with long hair (APL or longer) were doing to grow and retain, and basically, things have gone well...

...but I hit a lazy patch and took a couple of shortcuts and found tiny bits of breakage after one wash in December. I balanced my hair again with protein and moisture and made sure to keep my regimen the same even though my hair is getting longer. Reading Softblackcotton's post was an even greater encouragement to keep on track. We can lose lots of our progress just by not being consistently careful to give our hair what she needs. (Yes, I said "she." :blush:)

I am sorry that anyone has had any kind of setback, but thanks so much for sharing so that we can all learn and grow together.

Great thread, OP!!!

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Due to laziness, excessive manipulation, too many products and not having a set reggie, I didn't the growth or health I wanted. I am so disappointed because wanted to make BSL by Dec, which I didn't. However I have learned from my mistakes and I will make this my hair year.
Well 2009 was my hear for health and this is m year for length, i usually grow about 1 inch per month but i kept very little of it in 09 between experiments, frustration, trims, overprocessing, overcombing etc. i retained hardly any of my growth. I finally got my regimen down and started retaining length towards the end of the year so i'm hoping to carry it over into this year, also i'm transitioning so i expect good things. If i continue to get 1 inch per month, i can be WSL by year end!