Are you changing your regimen for 2009?

I think I'll pretty much keep my regimen the same. I'm pretty happy with it.
I'm not going to trim at all for 2009 either, although I may dust VERY lightly if needed.
I also might starting wearing my hair out and flat ironing occasionally. At the moment I'm not using any heat and wearing my hair in a bun every day so I'm getting a little bored with that.
I need a reggie in the first place. I haven't had a real game plan since at least April.

My Plan:

-DC 1x weekly with heat

-Moisturize daily

-Cowash 1x weekly (summer months only)

-Stretch w/ Sewins until June 11th which is 9 mths post, then 12wks going foward.

- 2 Trims (in June/ December)

-Protective Styling during summer months and cut heat to 1x monthly.
I have no true reggie as of now because of trying every new product that comes out. I would love to adapt the KISS method and downsize products to maybe 2 shampoo's, no more then 3 conditioners, 2 leave in's and a serum....THAT'S IT :perplexed (oh and hair vitamins). I just learned that my hair hates too much protein and that has really set me back.
Yes I plan to
Wash with shampoo 1 time a week
Co wash 3 times a week with a concoction of Suave Humectant and HE Dangerously Straight and castor oil only!!
DC w/ heat on dry hair on Fridays with ORS Replenishing Conditioner
Moisturize twice a day with Kid's Organics Shea Butter and LTR Leave In mixed together
Seal with either Coconut oil or Castor Oil, special attention to my ends.
Bun 90 percent of the time
Aphogee Treatment every 6 weeks...thats it for now

Oh yeah...use MN mixed with coconut oil tryin to get like lilamae!
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I am not changing my regime, but I am going to incorporate vaseline into it especially when my hair are in twist. I tried it out yesterday and today, and my hair feels nice and moisturized w/a nice sheen appearance.

Here is my 3day old twist from today. Spritzed w/ sage-rosemary mix and applied vaseline to hair.


I am not changing my regime, but I am going to incorporate vaseline into it especially when my hair are in twist. I tried it out yesterday and today, and my hair feels nice and moisturized w/a nice sheen appearance.

Here is my 3day old twist from today. Spritzed w/ sage-rosemary mix and applied vaseline to hair.

hmmm... Vasaline I keep hearing more and more using this. The petroleum in it doesn't bother you? Before I thought it was bad for hair like mineral oil. Then I saw the results of Finallyfree's DD(i'm her biggest hair fan :D) :notworthy I guessing it must be an excellent sealer as well holds in moister and protects hair so it can retain growth.
Yep! Keep it simple, low manipulation, mostly maintain what I have now, any length will be great but im not going to think about it anymore.

Every 2 months: Trim, Protien Treatment, Dye Black--possibly relax

Wash Everyweek (Shampoo, hot oil, deepconditon)
Dry hanging straight under hooded

Everynight- oil, pincurl or one bun/bantu knot.
I don't follow a strict regimen, but I'm thinking of re-incorporating some products and techniques into my routine that I maybe never should have let go of.
I've already started a new reggie where I wash and DC every 3 days and I've started airdrying. My hair already feels so much better and thickened up.

I want to start stretching. I usually don't go past 7 weeks, but i think with the help of braids, I can make it to 10. We'll see.
Great Thread! I am not changing a thing. I never thought I would get here, but I have finally found all of my staple products- and I am keeping my eyes forward and marching on to my 1 year hair anniversary in March.

The only thing I need to do better is add heat to my DC's.
hmmm... Vasaline I keep hearing more and more using this. The petroleum in it doesn't bother you? Before I thought it was bad for hair like mineral oil. Then I saw the results of Finallyfree's DD(i'm her biggest hair fan :D) :notworthy I guessing it must be an excellent sealer as well holds in moister and protects hair so it can retain growth.

Seeing her pics made me decide to try it, since my hair tends to feel DRY during the winter...My hair has felt soft and moisturized all day...And it doesn't have that greasy feel.

And nope, using it doesn't bother me. I tend to try new things until my hair tells me to CAN IT!! :grin:
No not me.
I finally got my regimin down this summer and it is working. Not changing a thing.
I do however need to find a good leave in.
Still hunting. My latest attempt will be Hairveda and Shescentit. (still waiting for delivery). I also want to try Qhemet. I hope these work becuase I am tired of looking.
Yep, I changed my regimen in October.

First off, Im mad that I went sooooooo long ignoring QP Elasta Mango Butter. This stuff transformed my hair.

Products I use consistently:

Raw organic honey
QP Elasta Mango butter
Unrefined Organic Coconut oil

And right now, Loreal Nature's therapy mega moisture shampoo and nurturing cream for dry chemically processed hair. I mix the cream with raw honey and use it at a conditioner.

Once per week I wash my hair in two halves then put in my raw honey conditioner mix. Every night I wear two big bantu knots moisturized with mango butter and sometimes sealing with organic coconut oil.

My hair has improved SOOO much with this regimen over the past few weeks. SO Im sticking to this for the long haul.

Two things I slept on on this board, mango butter and washing hair in sections (a few posters do this). Doing this allowed me to give better coverage of products.

So YEP this will be my new regimen for 2009 :yep:
Very good thread. I've been thinking about this question for a minute now. For me, since joining, I've been searchin for my reggie and trying to stick with what works, then I realized that it would work for a while and then plop...nothing. But what I did notice is that when I used to use Silicon Mix-- I was getting results. For me, I'm going to stop using 500 diff kinds of cons, oils, moisturizers etc...and break it down to what I use
to use:
1 type of con for cowashing (V05)
Silicon as DC/rollersets/wraps
airdry more
and 1 clarifying poo (2x's a month)
Oh! and I can't forget my MT.....

That's about it....
I just want to try out some Hairveda and Qhemet products. I will continue to use Biotin because it WORKS! I will also continue to use glycerine, except I will ADD more water! LOL! I will not make the same mistake again.
Yup- My new regimen is to get one! I just want to be more deliberate. Right now I do everything "as needed" and sometimes not even that! :o

So I'd like to start creating a schedule to great things for and too my hair regularly, deliberately and on purpose.

I also plan on continuing and enhancing my supplement routine. Right now I am on biotin, super B complex, Magnesium, Iron, and Probiotic.

I'd like to add MSM, a daily MV, and Silica to that and I'll be one :grin: camper.

I'd also like to up my growth aid game. I have OCT but haven't used it yet :o. Amongst a couple other topical growth aids I'm researching.
I think tsmith was right on point, my current regimen is doing just great. Since I joined the site I've been secretly doing the challenges mainly anything that's natural and I also have been creating my own, oils and not shampooing as much.

For 2009 I will change to a better Hair vitamin. Currently I am only taking 2000mcg a day alone no MSM or anything else I see in other vitamins.So I will do that. I will also need to wear a hair protector everynight. I tell you if my satin bonnet or silk scarf is not in arm's reach when its time to hit the sheets...TOO BAD but for 2009 I am goin to change that attitude by buying at least 10 satin bonnets and spread them all accross the house ...LOL! SERIOUSLY THOUGH...
I will be going back to the basics (washing ever 3 days, dc'ing with heat and moisturizing daily), no more prepooing overnight and frequent co-washing, I find my hair doesn't need all those extra's.
1.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Natural hair products only (cones-free, sulfate-free)
2.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]CW 4-5 times a week
3.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Wash with shampoo every 1-2 weeks
4.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Moisturize and seal daily
5.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Deep condition two-three times a week
6.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Drink a lot of water
7.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Introduce Biotin and MSM
8.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Henna every 4-8 weeks
I will be going back to the basics (washing ever 3 days, dc'ing with heat and moisturizing daily), no more prepooing overnight and frequent co-washing, I find my hair doesn't need all those extra's.

I kind of feel the same way sometimes... maybe less is more? I've been doing a LOT of cowashing and prepooing overnight... sometimes I would DC on wet hair but I would leave my hair soaking wet in a baggy overnight thinking I would "trap" the moisture inside! Maybe simpler is better. I've been thinking of cutting down on the cowashing as well.
i dont really plan on doing too much different. besides the fact that im going to try to not by products online except for my hairveda.
For right now, I'm focusing on finding a leave in moisturizer that works well for me in the cold. I'm trying to be more aware of protein - my hair doesn't like much. I also need to cut down the shampooing, I've been overdoing it and paying for it with my ends.
I tried conditioning twice a week for 2 mos. and my hair doesn't seem to benefit. In fact, it seems stressed by all the handling even though I'm very gentle. I'm still experimenting but it seems that washing and conditioning 1x a wk, wearing protective styles, and using coconut oil, EVOO, and Shea for moisturizers every few days is best for my natural hair. I'll continue to try MT and I'm also going to give good old Vaseline a try on the ends.