Anyone 25 and over never been in love?


Well-Known Member
I know this question has been asked before one way or the other, but I want to ask agaiN

I'm 25. I have never been in love, been in a "real" long-term relationship (over two years), or even had sex.

why? the real truth is that for some reason I can't seem to attract the right kind of guys and I can't seem to fall into a relationship like most other women do. My first sort of relationship was just this past summer, the guy and I were friends for two years before he told me he liked me. It was one-sided, he was way more into me than I was into him. It was unstable, we broke up weekly because he tried to control me and had a quick temper. ETA: He changed after we became official. He was good as a friend. I finally broke up w/ him for good two weeks ago, but we are still good friends. I hardly get asked out on dates, so I don't know when I'll get another shot at trying to have relationship or how long it will take since I'm not getting younger.

Is there anyone else out there like me and if so, why do you think you are like this?
I'm also 25. I've never been in a relationship at all. Never been kissed, never even gotten close to a guy.

I hardly ever get hit on. If and when it does happen, they are usually a lot older, or the corner boy/thug types. I also can't seem to attract the guys that I'm into.

It could be that I'm not really that attractive. I've written about that in another thread actually. It also could be some of the insecurities that I still have in which I won't allow a guy to get close to me. It is so hard for me let someone in. I'm also extremely introverted, so I don't go out and make myself available. It could be a combination of many things going on with me.

A little OT, but not really, I've heard of this condition called Love-Shyness. Do you think it really exist?

Even though I've never fallen in love, I've had crushes before. Besides Maxwell, I can count 3 other guys I've had a crush on and that includes the guy I have a crush on now. LOL!!
I'm 25 and I haven't been "in love" with anyone thus far. I am capable of romantic love, but I don't do things by halves. I prefer where I am now as opposed to being 25 and having been "in love" several times.
i was single, never been in a relationship, never been kissed, etc. until 2 months ago. I'm 26 going on 27. I can say that for the first time in my life I am in love (boy, am I in love!). So it can happen. One thing about being single for so long (and wanting to be in a relationship) is that I've really come to terms with the important qualities I want. Now, let's see if he puts a ring on it. :)

btw, we met online.
I had my first relationship when I was 16, but I was a virgin until 23 going on 24, and didn't fall in love for the first time until I was 28.

I still have only been in love once.

I don't think anything is "wrong" with me. If I meet the right person I will fall in love again, and I am capable of loving very deeply.
i'm gonna b 24 soon and i've never been in biggie it'll happen. i've been very infatuated to the point where at the time i thought it was love but i figured real quick it wasn't. i was close to being in love, like if i had more time with dude it would've happened
I've never been in love before and I'll be 30 in 6 months. At first I thought something was wrong with me but then after the last fiasco of last monday with an ex-boyfriend from my early teens, I've realized that I want to be in love with my husband, the man that God has ordained for me to be with. It is disheartening to hear from a guy, "God sent you here to me" and it turns out it was a bunch of BS and you've fallen for it once again because you want to fall in love so bad. I'll be in love when the time is right with the correct man.
27 here. Never love always lust. :dazed:

Been in 3 long term relationship. Each was for 2 years.

Now, just dating and waiting for my soulmate. :yep:
Thank you so much ladies for your replies! Its good to know that I'm not alone. I find it surprising that some of you were able to pull off long term relationships outside of marriage without being in love. I really thought that was mainly a "man" thing. Selfishly thinking I can't imagine being in any kind of long term relationship without being in love. Even these days, still being extremely inexperienced relationship-, love-, and sex-wise; I find it hard to impossible to be attracted to any men I encounter in person although I'm heterosexual. If I do meet a guy that I'm slightly attracted to, the attraction doesn't last very long if I interact with them in person. If I admire a guy from afar, then the "crush-like" attraction lasts for years. I'm still kind of crushing on guy from undergrad that I haven't seen in over 3 years. He's the only man that I have been really attracted to in over 3 years. I'm thinking of seeking therapy.
I'm 27, never been in love. Was never pressed about it, and still am not. I've had one real relationship which ended recently. It was stressful and a mess and I'm happy being alone for now.

Even tho I consider myself extremely introverted, I've never had a problem meeting guys, I'm actually kind of a huge flirt. But developing something meaningful with someone is another story.

I don't think I really understand or honestly believe in the concept of "being in love". Maybe I'm in the emotional slow class and it'll happen later in life, like in about 10 years.