Anybody here meet their SO or DH online?


Well-Known Member
If so, was your connection strong? How did things progress? Did you email for a spell, texted each other for a while or got right down to talking on the phone and dating?

Three days ago a guy contacted me after viewing my online profile and we have been texting ever since and was supposed to have a date tomorrow. Well he texted me earlier today talking about he felt we didn't have a connection and that it felt more like friendship. I was like well dang, it's online dating, these things take time! Then he goes on about how he met one of his exs online and their connection was instant. I was so hurt and upset because I feel like he didn't even give it a chance. I explained to him online dating isn't like the real world because in a sense you are doing things a little backwards. I dunno, I just can't believe he expected an instant, strong connection right off the bat.
A few guys I dated just for the "why not", I got on great in person with.

A few guys I dated because I thought we had this huge philosophical connection with were dud on the chemistry in person. :lol:

I met SO through an online meet/support site (kinda like LHCF but not hair lol). I wasn't e-attracted to him for the first two years. Later on we had a connection in a lusty way I suppose. However, when we met in person things were different, our real life vibes were complimentary, so we saw the potential in a relationship where we definitely wouldn't have thought that from the online messaging! SO still says if anyone would have told him he would be marrying Vanthie in the future he would have told them they were crazy lol.

Sometimes a strong online connection pays off, sometimes it doesn't.

Please don't take it personally. He has his own beliefs and magical expectations which means he may miss out on surprises irl. That's his business. KIM
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Me! MySpace :yep: He random messaged me. We conversed online for about a month. When we finally had our first date, I gave my mom his name, dob, address, license plate number and three picture print outs just in case I went missing :lol:

The only reason I bothered is because there was chemistry. Oh, and he contacted me first, showing he was attracted as well. Inseparable ever since.
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Me Too :)!!! I met my baby online. We clicked quick because we had alot in common. It was a breathe a fresh air. I think its important to get to know each other as friends. He backed out of date with a girl he met online after the conversation with me. I remember he told me he had a date the first convo, but the next day he told me he backed out. It didn't take long for us to realize that we were attracted to each other. He messaged me first and asked for my number quickly which I prefer. I don't like the messaging back and forth. We began skyping and facetiming very quickly after that. We talked on the phone every night after I got off of work. I began not getting as much sleep bc we talked alot! I loved it though. We began communicating the end of june and by the end of july I knew I was falling for him. We finally met in August during my birthday weekend and made it offical. We have been together since and there have been many phone calls, texting, facetiming, and visits since. Its not easy being in a long distance relationship but I know that he is a keeper. My family likes him and most importantly my mama likes him!
Met mine on POF. We've been exclusive for 3 months.
Met the ex on POF too. We stayed together for 1.5 years
I met my DH of 10yrs online too!! He randomly sent me an email, got my info from my Yahoo profile, I didn't know much about any online dating sites then. We clicked instantly, we emailed on a regular and after I feel somehow comfortable with him, I gave him my number, we stopped communicating after a while, ( still cant remember why, after about 1yr we found each other Again). We finally met after we resumed communications, I lived in Houston tx, he was in Virginia, he came down to htown to visit, he was and is everything I want in a man. I didnt intro him to my family cus they are nosy,& loud but my lil cousin met him. Some months after I flew to Virginia to see him, he introduced me to his family. We both went to NYC by train to just visit and on our way back, he proposed!!! He's still the same man I married 10yrs ago, we have 4kids together. Very Blessed!!!
Yes, I met my ex and the guy I'm currently talking to (not exclusively, yet) online. My ex and I met relatively quickly after we began talking, if I remember correctly. We were pretty tight. This new guy (well not new, been talking for over two(!) years) is completely different. We texted/talked on the phone for a while (can't remember how long, but it was at least a few months) and then didn't see each other again for some time. Both guys lived in the same state as I did at the time. Now, I've moved over a 1,000 miles away and I've seen new guy more times than I did when I lived less than an hour from him. While planning his next trip down here, I thanked him for being so flexible and making the time to see me on MY time, and he said he regretted not spending time when we were closer so now it's HIS obligation to make the effort, not me.

I'm not sure how interested you are in this guy, but maybe stay friends with him? You never know how it would turn out. I know I didn't expect dude I'm talking to now to travel to see me, and we first communicated in 2010. You haven't been talking to this guy for any amount of time. Honestly, I probably wouldn't even meet up with a guy I first met in person (like, at a party or something) less than I week from the introduction. Heck, you might be totally turned off if you ever do meet him in person. Internet things can go all sorts of different ways. He could have done you a favor...some guys are horrible boyfriends but cool as heck as a friend.
met my fiance on Eharmony :grin: we had a good connection. i remember one night we spoke from 9PM to 6AM. it was then that I knew he was different. we connected in august of 2010 and met by labor day.
Met my ex on a discussion forum for black folks- I reached out to him because he offered to help me with a business idea. I was attracted to his intellect and when I met him he was attractive so that was cool...
I met my boo on POF. I was trying to get a job in Seattle so i had profiles for both states. :lol: He emailed me right before i deleted my GA profile and i was umm here we go. Let's see how this one goes.
We met and he said he loved me on like the 3rd date :look:
It's been 1 yr and 5 mths. This is my longest relationship.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I met my husband on eHarmony. We are celebrating our 5th year wedding anniversary next week. The way the site was set up was that you had an option to skip online communication thru their site and go on your own. We opted to get to know each other through use of their pre formatted questions. By the time we progressed to talking we were already hooked. We learned a lot about each other through those quesitons. When we finally talked to each other we talked every day until we got married.

Every relationship is different. Some have experienced love at first sight. Some fell in love over a matter of years. Seems to me he may have just found someone else he was interested in. My husband confessed that when he realized that he had a strong interest in me he cut off his correspondence with the other women on the site he was getting to know with a quickness.

Don't fret, this guy was just not the one. Be glad he hurried out of the way to make space for the one who is.
Yes, met the dh online. Went thru alot of others by e-communication before I met him. Most were only 2 or 3 emails before it was decided to be a no-go.
Here and present! Now everytime someone ask how we met I just say back in 2007 and ramble on...never quite answering their question...:lachen:
Met dh 9 yrs ago on . Still going strong after moving stateside, leaving the service and going to college lol
Since then we inspired a few friends/family to successfully look for love online.
Don't fret it OP, the great thing about online dating is that it weeds out the wierdos really fast, you just have to keep at it.
If so, was your connection strong? How did things progress? Did you email for a spell, texted each other for a while or got right down to talking on the phone and dating?

Three days ago a guy contacted me after viewing my online profile and we have been texting ever since and was supposed to have a date tomorrow. Well he texted me earlier today talking about he felt we didn't have a connection and that it felt more like friendship. I was like well dang, it's online dating, these things take time! Then he goes on about how he met one of his exs online and their connection was instant. I was so hurt and upset because I feel like he didn't even give it a chance. I explained to him online dating isn't like the real world because in a sense you are doing things a little backwards. I dunno, I just can't believe he expected an instant, strong connection right off the bat.

Wait hold up so ya havent met yet and already made that prediction wow!!! You should be like hey I am just looking to meet new people whatever happens happens but just meeting new friends.

I met my current SO on blackplanet lol we been together for 4 years!
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I met my SO on okcupid. We talked online for about a week and he insisted that we meet. Coincidentally he was the first guy I met in person after talking online, we met up at starbucks and ended up staying there and talking for 4 hours. Yesterday made it 2 months since we've been exclusive (he texted me to remind me lol).