Any Multiple Daters? Care to Share Some How-To's?


Deep Thinker
How do you ladies who date multiple guys at once pull it off? I really want to learn but don't know how.:perplexed

Here are some problems I face:

Problem 1: I met a guy at a club I go to with my girlfriends about once, sometimes twice a month. He's a nice guy and all and I've never seen him at that club before. I STILL want to go out with my girlfriends but now that this dude knows I go there he will probably pop up and expect me to dance with him all night (sand to the beach). Plus, there's another dude at this club I've been eying yet playing cat and mouse with LOL. How do you handle this?

Problem 2: I want to learn to be spontaneous because I'm always getting the infamous hey, let's get together tonight. I'd rather a guy give me advance notice and I usually say no but then I become "not spontaneous enough". :perplexed Whatever! I deserve plans ahead of time. Spontaneous dates are okay if the same guy also makes plans with me for other dates. But it's sooo hard when you're protective styling during the week. I'm the type who takes three hours to get ready any time I go out because I never curl my hair without washing it first (LHCF ladies can relate). So during the week is hard for me. I wear a bun all week and I know most guys despise buns and they don't consider your hair being done. They think you were just being lazy and didn't put forth any effort to get ready to see them. We know buns can be classy but men totally think different (there are SEVERAL threads on here about how they hate buns) LOL.

Any tips?
Oh wow...I WISH I had the problem of juggling more than one man at a time! :lol: I can't even get ONE man to date.....let alone 2 or 3!! :lachen:

But seriously though....I do believe in the "keep a pair and a spare" rule. :yep: At least 2 guys...that way you don't hooked on to just one.

You can see which one really possesses the qualities you want. Just make sure you don't forget what you told one guy and not the other!! :lol: Maybe you should keep brief notes after phone coversations/dates?? :giggle:
How about just date one guy at a time? That way you don't have to keep track of who says what? Guys don't take women seriously who are dating multiple men.
I would still go to the club. You said it was the first time seeing him there so maybe he doesn't come often. You guys are just talking/dating, I don't think he would get mad if he saw you dancing or talking with another guy in the club, because you're not in a relationship with him. You don't owe him anything.

When you're dating multiple guys at a time. You can't get too serious, because one day you might have 5 guys and the next day you have none, keep it fun and simple and try not to get too much of your feelings involved. When you find the guy you really like (A guy you've hung out with multiple times, and who seems legit) then you can start investing more time and energy into that one person.

As for the spontaneous thing, I like being told about events in advance as well, but sometimes if a friend texts or calls me out of the blue I will go out. You don't have to agree to go out to every single random outing, but if you feel like it and you like the guy every once and a while wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't worry about the hair, if the guy really likes you he's going to be more concerned about spending time with you than worrying about your hair. If you feel like it might be a big issue then glam it up. Wear heels, makeup or a cute outfit, that'll dress up any bun.
How about just date one guy at a time? That way you don't have to keep track of who says what? Guys don't take women seriously who are dating multiple men.


Those same guys who say that are the same ones dating multiple women. Until a man and woman both consciously decide to be exclusive in a serious rlsp, a woman should never put her eggs in one basket.

Those same guys who say that are the same ones dating multiple women. Until a man and woman both consciously decide to be exclusive in a serious rlsp, a woman should never put her eggs in one basket.

right.:yep: even though i'm not a multiple dater myself, i understand the method and it's message. if i'm only dating one man, my eggs aren't all in that basket until we decide to take things further. it isn't serious until both people decide that they only wanna date each other.
Firstly, I think multiple dating only makes sense when there's no sexual involvement. Secondly, I think the trick is more about mindset than strategy. Really, unless and until he expresses his intentions, I don't think it's right to assume that you're an item. And not entertaining any other man's interest implies that you're taken even though you aren't. So I think it comes down to not acting like you're taken unless you actually are. If they see that others are interested as well, it's their job to take you off the market.

I guess there could be a situation where a man assumes that you going out with other men means you're not into him all that much, but somehow I feel like that's like those situations where women are afraid the man is just too shy to say something--it just doesn't happen nearly as often as we think.

Again, this presumes that nothing sexual is going on--even kissing, imo. Otherwise, the perception is likely to be negative.
Oh wow...I WISH I had the problem of juggling more than one man at a time! :lol: I can't even get ONE man to date.....let alone 2 or 3!! :lachen:

But seriously though....I do believe in the "keep a pair and a spare" rule. :yep: At least 2 guys...that way you don't hooked on to just one.

You can see which one really possesses the qualities you want. Just make sure you don't forget what you told one guy and not the other!! :lol: Maybe you should keep brief notes after phone coversations/dates?? :giggle:

You know, I feel you completely because I don't get a lot of dates either. But suddenly I'm meeting everyone at once. I've always been a relationship girl and never dated multiple guys at once but I always end up on the wrong end of the deal so I said never again. I will do my pair and a spare LOL. I think it allows you to keep from being "desperate" and they will want to fight for your attention (hopefully).

And there are no multiple dates YET. I'm just trying to stay open for other dates and prepping for when it happens so I will have my notepad ready LOL.

Thanks girlie!!

How about just date one guy at a time? That way you don't have to keep track of who says what? Guys don't take women seriously who are dating multiple men.

I always thought the same about them not taking you serious but in every relationship I'm always giving myself more and in the end and the guy seems to get bored because I'm "too available". I lose myself and I want to keep spending time with friends and all to make sure it doesn't happen again. I could NEVER sleep with more than one man at a time though. And again, this is new to me so I will give it a try and hope it works for me.


I would still go to the club. You said it was the first time seeing him there so maybe he doesn't come often. You guys are just talking/dating, I don't think he would get mad if he saw you dancing or talking with another guy in the club, because you're not in a relationship with him. You don't owe him anything.

When you're dating multiple guys at a time. You can't get too serious, because one day you might have 5 guys and the next day you have none, keep it fun and simple and try not to get too much of your feelings involved. When you find the guy you really like (A guy you've hung out with multiple times, and who seems legit) then you can start investing more time and energy into that one person.

As for the spontaneous thing, I like being told about events in advance as well, but sometimes if a friend texts or calls me out of the blue I will go out. You don't have to agree to go out to every single random outing, but if you feel like it and you like the guy every once and a while wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't worry about the hair, if the guy really likes you he's going to be more concerned about spending time with you than worrying about your hair. If you feel like it might be a big issue then glam it up. Wear heels, makeup or a cute outfit, that'll dress up any bun.

As for the club, you make perfect sense. I was afraid because he mentioned how much he liked the club so I was thinking oh gosh, he's gonna start coming and I just didn't want to give him the cold shoulder just to get rid of him if he insists on hanging around. I know I'd end up losing the friendship completely because I'm either Ms. Nice or Ms. AvoidYou. I'm gonna think hard about how to be more blunt without avoiding because like you said, I'll end up with none.

You're soooo right about the bun and hair because if we were together he would need to get used to seeing me in my bun so I guess he'll have to accept it now.

Thanks so much for the tips!!


Those same guys who say that are the same ones dating multiple women. Until a man and woman both consciously decide to be exclusive in a serious rlsp, a woman should never put her eggs in one basket.

Yup, that's just why I'm trying this pair and a spare thing and learning to date like a man until I find the right one. I don't know what it is but I haven't' had a date in a long while and suddenly I'm meeting more people. So I honestly think me not appearing thirsty is working for me.

Thank you!!

right.:yep: even though i'm not a multiple dater myself, i understand the method and it's message. if i'm only dating one man, my eggs aren't all in that basket until we decide to take things further. it isn't serious until both people decide that they only wanna date each other.

I really wish I could do that because if I'm only dating one guy I usually drop any and everything once he woos me. But I think it would be so much easier to keep my mind from going there if I save room for another one.

Thank you!!
Firstly, I think multiple dating only makes sense when there's no sexual involvement. Secondly, I think the trick is more about mindset than strategy. Really, unless and until he expresses his intentions, I don't think it's right to assume that you're an item. And not entertaining any other man's interest implies that you're taken even though you aren't. So I think it comes down to not acting like you're taken unless you actually are. If they see that others are interested as well, it's their job to take you off the market.

I guess there could be a situation where a man assumes that you going out with other men means you're not into him all that much, but somehow I feel like that's like those situations where women are afraid the man is just too shy to say something--it just doesn't happen nearly as often as we think.

Again, this presumes that nothing sexual is going on--even kissing, imo. Otherwise, the perception is likely to be negative.

I couldn't agree with the bolded more! Just wish I would have known that in my previous relationships. You don't even have to ask a man to commit to you because if he knows you're dating others there's a chance the other guy(s) may snag you. So if he's interested he will want to stake his claim and take you off the market.

And no way can I imagine sleeping with dates because I know me and after sex I'd most likely be attached and not even want to be with another guy.

Thank you!!
you just have to do what works for you. I used to juggle people & date like a man. 3 was my perfect #. More than that was too much. But now 1 at a time is plenty. When I juggled multiple people I was dating out of fear. This is what I mean, in my mind I didnt want to take the risk of dating 1 person at a time because if it didnt work out then I "wasted" all that time & I didnt want to risk becoming too focused on one guy if it wasnt exclusive yet. So it was like multi-tasking dating.

I dont look at it like that anymore. I can keep myself busy with hobbies, friends, exercise & focusing on myself. I dont have to throw 2nd or 3rd guy into the mix just because. If there is a 2nd guy who I genuinely like then I may date him too but honestly even if you date 10 people at 1 time there is 1 guy who will be favorite.
How do you ladies who date multiple guys at once pull it off? I really want to learn but don't know how.:perplexed

Here are some problems I face:

Problem 1: I met a guy at a club I go to with my girlfriends about once, sometimes twice a month. He's a nice guy and all and I've never seen him at that club before. I STILL want to go out with my girlfriends but now that this dude knows I go there he will probably pop up and expect me to dance with him all night (sand to the beach). Plus, there's another dude at this club I've been eying yet playing cat and mouse with LOL. How do you handle this?

Problem 2: I want to learn to be spontaneous because I'm always getting the infamous hey, let's get together tonight. I'd rather a guy give me advance notice and I usually say no but then I become "not spontaneous enough". :perplexed Whatever! I deserve plans ahead of time. Spontaneous dates are okay if the same guy also makes plans with me for other dates. But it's sooo hard when you're protective styling during the week. I'm the type who takes three hours to get ready any time I go out because I never curl my hair without washing it first (LHCF ladies can relate). So during the week is hard for me. I wear a bun all week and I know most guys despise buns and they don't consider your hair being done. They think you were just being lazy and didn't put forth any effort to get ready to see them. We know buns can be classy but men totally think different (there are SEVERAL threads on here about how they hate buns) LOL.

Any tips?

As for the hair issue. I convert my buns to braidouts. Ok in my avater the bun is a ponytail with two braids bobby pinned in a circle. I may keep it in that same bun for 3 days then when its date night, I simply take down the bun & fluff my hair. Spray it with a Tiny bit of water, rub in a lil moisturizer then I just use a mini claw clip to make it into a half up / half down style or a head band or pin it to one side. My favorite is half up half down.

Its super fast & comes out super cute. Never fails cause your hair is already streched. You get this wavy flirty hairstyle from converting buns to hairstyles. It also works on buns where the hair is twisted. Of course this only works on wet buns as opposed to the donut type bun done on dry hair.
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you just have to do what works for you. I used to juggle people & date like a man. 3 was my perfect #. More than that was too much. But now 1 at a time is plenty. When I juggled multiple people I was dating out of fear. This is what I mean, in my mind I didnt want to take the risk of dating 1 person at a time because if it didnt work out then I "wasted" all that time & I didnt want to risk becoming too focused on one guy if it wasnt exclusive yet. So it was like multi-tasking dating.

I dont look at it like that anymore. I can keep myself busy with hobbies, friends, exercise & focusing on myself. I dont have to throw 2nd or 3rd guy into the mix just because. If there is a 2nd guy who I genuinely like then I may date him too but honestly even if you date 10 people at 1 time there is 1 guy who will be favorite.

I can't wait to get to the point you're at. Like I said earlier, this is my first time and I'm only dating one but want to be open to date more and that's why I need to know ahead what I have in store LOL. And yup, trying my best to keep from focusing on only one guy to protect myself. I have no problem still taking time for myself and to hang with the girls but don't know how to get out of situations that just "might" happen. I tend to overthink things though so I gotta learn to relax.

As for the hair issue. I convert my buns to braidouts. Ok in my avater the bun is a ponytail with two braids bobby pinned in a circle. I may keep it in that same bun for 3 days then when its date night, I simply take down the bun & fluff my hair. Spray it with a Tiny bit of water, rub in a lil moisturizer then I just use a mini claw clip to make it into a half up / half down style or a head band or pin it to one side. My favorite is half up half down.

Its super fast & comes out super cute. Never fails cause your hair is already streched. You get this wavy flirty hairstyle from converting buns to hairstyles. It also works on buns where the hair is twisted. Of course this only works on wet buns as opposed to the donut type bun done on dry hair.

Your bun is REALLY cute! I have to try a braidout again now that I have a little more length than the last time I tried one. I might try a flexirod set or something and experiment and if all else fails he just gets the regular old bun or banana clip or something.

Thanks so much for your tips!!
No need in recreating the wheel. Here's a plan I really liked.I used a modified version of it when I was single.
The Four Man Plan YouTube Watch Part 1-13
The Four Man Plan: A Romantic Science By Cindy Lu

This looks like some really good material. I'm gonna check out the Youtube when I get home but the books are reasonable so I may have to invest.

I just don't know if I'm ready for the FOUR man thing now though LOL. I'll be happy to juggle two and get away with it LOL.

Thank you so much!!
Question for those of you who are using online dating sites.
Do you continue to stay online even though you are planning a first or second date with someone?

I'm always conscious of the fact that they'll see me online and think negative things about me....or will it make them more attentive?

eta - I watched all the Youtube videos and by her thinking, alot of us are discounting men without giving them a chance. I need to get my head around that because some of the behaviour i have encountered I wouldn't want to see most of them again.
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You know, I feel you completely because I don't get a lot of dates either. But suddenly I'm meeting everyone at once. I've always been a relationship girl and never dated multiple guys at once but I always end up on the wrong end of the deal so I said never again. I will do my pair and a spare LOL. I think it allows you to keep from being "desperate" and they will want to fight for your attention (hopefully).

And there are no multiple dates YET. I'm just trying to stay open for other dates and prepping for when it happens so I will have my notepad ready LOL.

Thanks girlie!!

1st Bolded: Yeah's like that saying... When there's a dry spell, it's as dry as the Sahara desert lol. But when it POURS!!! :lachen: There was a time when I had like 3 or 4 guys interested in me at once. I had to beat them off w/a stick! :lachen: Idk if it was just my persona at the time, or the fact that I didn't feel "in want" of a man that did the trick. Who knows?? *shrug* But hey, I couldn't help it if 3 or 4 different guys were interested in me at the same time. I will give a guy a chance if he seems genuine, and decent. :yep: If I can spot out that he's not the one for me after talking to him on the phone a little bit, or spending time with him for a little while, then NEXT!! :lol:

Nothing wrong with that imo. :look:

2nd Bolded: EXACTLY! :yep: I've been there too girl. That's why these days, unless a guy has said he wants to date me EXCLUSIVELY, I assume that we are BOTH still "unattached". :yep:
Question for those of you who are using online dating sites.
Do you continue to stay online even though you are planning a first or second date with someone?

I'm always conscious of the fact that they'll see me online and think negative things about me....or will it make them more attentive?

eta - I watched all the Youtube videos and by her thinking, alot of us are discounting men without giving them a chance. I need to get my head around that because some of the behaviour i have encountered I wouldn't want to see most of them again.

I would think that if they see that you're still online then what the heck were THEY doing still on-line??? LOL I wouldn't close anything down till you got your exclusivity.
1st Bolded: Yeah's like that saying... When there's a dry spell, it's as dry as the Sahara desert lol. But when it POURS!!! :lachen: There was a time when I had like 3 or 4 guys interested in me at once. I had to beat them off w/a stick! :lachen: Idk if it was just my persona at the time, or the fact that I didn't feel "in want" of a man that did the trick. Who knows?? *shrug* But hey, I couldn't help it if 3 or 4 different guys were interested in me at the same time. I will give a guy a chance if he seems genuine, and decent. :yep: If I can spot out that he's not the one for me after talking to him on the phone a little bit, or spending time with him for a little while, then NEXT!! :lol:

Nothing wrong with that imo. :look:

2nd Bolded: EXACTLY! :yep: I've been there too girl. That's why these days, unless a guy has said he wants to date me EXCLUSIVELY, I assume that we are BOTH still "unattached". :yep:

EXACTLY!! And now I'm hearing about this cuffing season it makes me more leerie LOL. If you haven't done so already check out that cuffing season thread in OT. It was hilarious!! I do know that whenever I'm in a relationship I have to beat the men off all the time and I honestly do think it's because you appear chase-able or just not phased by them.

I usually weed a guy out after the first phone convo and that's why I don't go on a lot of dates. That sucks but I don't like wasting my time if I know he's not worthy. People keep saying to date a guy anyway but if I know there's something that's a major dealbreaker then why set myself up to be complaining later when that dealbreaker thing becomes an issue after I fell hopelessly in love with him??
There is nothing to pull off. You are not in a relationship with anyone so you do not owe anyone an explanation.

I would still go out to that same club with friends and make it clear to that dude that you are not a couple and are not there to be with him. You are hanging out with friends. If he wants to make plans with you to go to that club, then that's a different night out.

You can accept last minute dates. I don't see anything wrong with that if you are free and dating multiple men.

I've posted this before but it works well here too.

I enjoyed dating when I was single and I always kept at least 2 men on hand. I have never believed the idea that there are no good, single, successful men out there. I always found a few.

I definitely subscribe to the idea that until the man does the asking, we are not exclusive. I always assumed that any man that I was dating was also dating other women. I didn't even ask about it.

What I would do is accept numbers from men who approached me or guys I met on and typically I'd meet them for lunch during the week. I had so many lunch dates at the same place that I know the people at the restaurants by my job thought that I was a "professional".

I would go on a few dates with the various men and weed them out slowly. Two of the guys that I met and had lunch with were from CT (I'm in NYC) so I figured they would not work out for long. They stick out since they were both very tall 6'4" and 6'6". If lunch went well, then dinner dates & then movies, comedy shows or something. One CT guy (only lawyer that I ever dated) went to the Apollo with me and my family saw the show when it aired on television. I only took 1 man home to meet my family (DH) so that Apollo thing was a clue for me to avoid dates at any place where it would be filmed.

I would re-evaluate about once per month and weed out the guys that did not have potential. the 6'5" cutie that worked at a local college or the doctor (GYN of all things) who was trying to color by date 3 & felt me up in the movie theater. He seemed to hate women too which I perceived in the way he talked about his unmarried, pregnant patients. The college guy was nice but still living with his mom and not trying to move out. One guy had dated one of my good friends about 10 years earlier (he has a very unique name) so that ended FAST. Then there were the investment banker types - a Lehman guy was the most fun for about 3 dates (one a double with his friend & my friend) but he also tried to color by date 3.

I pulled a "guy" move and had two men that I was seeing come to the same event once. Both were in banking/finance. I had met one at an open mic event and the other was a fix up by another guy friend. I don't think that it was obvious to both of them that I had invited 2 men. It was a social event and not like a couples thing. My guy friend (who fixed me up) was there as well as a few of my girlfriends so I don't think they were positive so they just did not ask. I dated both of them for a few weeks but one fell off (the fix up guy). The other became a friend. I am still not certain if he is straight but he did help me pick up a nice fur lined winter coat that I still wear til this day. I later learned that the possible gay guy was good friends with yet another guy (web designer & jujitsu teacher) that I briefly dated and who is still a friend today.

I would end up liking one guy more than the rest and kind of let the other men fall off slowly. I would not make a big deal about it and tell them to stop calling or anything. I did end up with a few great guy friends, one who even attended my wedding and we still talk all these years later. I spoke to him recently and he is still single but he has a kid.

The night DH and I had our first date it only happened because the man I had a second dinner date with (Ph. D guy with his own place & no kids) had to work late. I knew that DH had me sprung when I did not even realize that I had not called that guy back (and he had not called me to reschedule dinner).

DH wanted to be exclusive after 3 months and the other guys that I was seeing were cut off pretty quick. One guy at that time really had no marriage potential but he was a bit younger than me and loads of fun, pharmaceutical sales rep with his own place. Another was older than me & in the IT field and had just moved back to NY from W VA (recently had dumped a White woman).

By that time I was dating with the idea of marriage in mind. By month four DH was talking marriage, serious not just talk, so I stopped taking numbers.

DH is actually the only man who EVER told me that he was not dating other women and he asked me to stop dating others. DH and I worked for the same law firm for 3.5 years before he asked me out so he knew that I dated a lot since he saw me with some of my dates over the years who picked me up or dropped me off in front of the office building. The other men that I was dating did not even ask. I probably would have been honest, had they asked, and said that I had other plans but I would not rub it in their face and say that I had a date with another man.

I think it's crazy to date only 1 man at a time if you are single. I do not recommend coloring with multiple men at all.....but definitely date in groups of 3.

How do you ladies who date multiple guys at once pull it off? I really want to learn but don't know how.:perplexed

Here are some problems I face:

Problem 1: I met a guy at a club I go to with my girlfriends about once, sometimes twice a month. He's a nice guy and all and I've never seen him at that club before. I STILL want to go out with my girlfriends but now that this dude knows I go there he will probably pop up and expect me to dance with him all night (sand to the beach). Plus, there's another dude at this club I've been eying yet playing cat and mouse with LOL. How do you handle this?

Problem 2: I want to learn to be spontaneous because I'm always getting the infamous hey, let's get together tonight. I'd rather a guy give me advance notice and I usually say no but then I become "not spontaneous enough". :perplexed Whatever! I deserve plans ahead of time. Spontaneous dates are okay if the same guy also makes plans with me for other dates. But it's sooo hard when you're protective styling during the week. I'm the type who takes three hours to get ready any time I go out because I never curl my hair without washing it first (LHCF ladies can relate). So during the week is hard for me. I wear a bun all week and I know most guys despise buns and they don't consider your hair being done. They think you were just being lazy and didn't put forth any effort to get ready to see them. We know buns can be classy but men totally think different (there are SEVERAL threads on here about how they hate buns) LOL.

Any tips?
Bublin I had a guy on POF who tried to track me. He noticed that not only was I still online, but he knew that I had turned off the 'pages visited' thingy so I can browse peoples profile & they wouldn't know. I guess he figured that I shouldnt want to talk to anyone else but him. HA!!

We had only had about 2-4 phone conversations so I dont know why he said that. I didnt care. Men do the SAME thing. Keep your options open because time is precious much more precious for women.
Thanks for your response. The one-at-a-time thing stops now for me. Sitting around waiting for one guy to call, when i could be having options!
I guess my line of thinking is that I don't have that much time to date: I'm only free every other weekend and evenings after work are not really possible.
They are going to have to insist on lunchtime dates and reserve the weekends for the guys I really like.
Thanks for your response. The one-at-a-time thing stops now for me. Sitting around waiting for one guy to call, when i could be having options!
I guess my line of thinking is that I don't have that much time to date: I'm only free every other weekend and evenings after work are not really possible.
They are going to have to insist on lunchtime dates and reserve the weekends for the guys I really like.

The nice thing is that if a guy is truly interested and he has an inkling that you are dating multiples, then that may be the push he needs to get more serious with you. Thus setting up more dates, more phone time, etc.

Cause he doesn't want to have you available to see/call other people. Selfish. If he knows you are literally waiting around on him to make every call then he'll have you waiting forever.

It's funny to hear the conversation change when you say "oh, I have a prior commitment, or I already made plans..." or he calls and you were too busy on the phone talking to guy #2.

I wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your story. It really does help to see examples of how "real" dating is done. I don't work anywhere near town so there's not as many good places to meet for lunch. But now that I'm thinking about it I think I know a place and I might start doing lunch dates. The idea of being so busy with my own life is a definite attraction to men so that's what I have to keep reminding myself.

Thanks again!
How about just date one guy at a time? That way you don't have to keep track of who says what? Guys don't take women seriously who are dating multiple men.


Those same guys who say that are the same ones dating multiple women. Until a man and woman both consciously decide to be exclusive in a serious rlsp, a woman should never put her eggs in one basket.
I'm glad you bumped this.:yep: It's a reminder to not put all my apples in one basket. However, not too many apples coming around lately to have this problem. :ohwell: