Any ladies with hair type 2A-3A?


Well-Known Member
My mother has finally agreed to seriously take care of her hair and she is letting me help her:yay: She has type 2b/c hair with a little 3A towards the nape. She is currently transitioning (although she doesn't know that). I relax her hair and haven't put a relaxer in since September/October. She is begging me for a relaxer but when I spray S-Curl in her hair and brush it down it looks like I just relaxed her hair bone straight. Her natural hair has a slight curl but it is more loose waves than anything.

For all you ladies with types 2A-3A hair what products do you use? Are you relaxed or natural? What is your regimen? She likes straight styles and its really easy to straighten with a regular comb and brush, but what should I use so that it doesn't get wavy agian b4 the next wash? I don't use heat on her hair and she refuses to wrap it or sleep with the scarf on the whole night.

I plan on doing two BC's on her soon. She has about 8 inches of ng and her hair is about an inch past her shoulders. I want to cut the relaxed ends off slowly so she can get used to her natural texture. I feel that if she can keep it in good shape it will look good and stay straight when she needs it to. I just want to get her out of this anti-natural thing because she in no way needs to be relaxing her hair. TIA:D
MissFallon said:
My mother has finally agreed to seriously take care of her hair and she is letting me help her:yay: She has type 2b/c hair with a little 3A towards the nape. She is currently transitioning (although she doesn't know that).
:lol: that's too funny, plopping works good for 2's they tell you how to do that on lhc, or naturally hth.
I've been to this website before and it really didn't seem really helpful. Plus its a little confusing. It doesn't seem too have a lot of information on black hair. I see so much on this site that our hair is different so would lhf be beneficial because it caters to more of the needs of caucasian hair? or am I wrong?