Relaxing 2a-3a a bad thing?

I could be wrong, but I really don't think the op is a troll. I wonder where she is from...her old she is, etc. because there is obviously some barrier there. But I do believe her questions and thoughts are sincere.

I think she's real too, no matter how crazy the questions may sound. :look:

To answer the question, I see women with type 2 hair flat ironing at the gym. I think they do it to cut back on the frizz and give the hair a smoother, shiner look.
I find it ungratefulness to the max, to relax that type of hair.

Some people are yet to realize their beauty. Must we judge them?

I don't think the OP is a troll either, she just seems young to me. I found a couple of her questions fun, and I participated.

And she could be indeed from "another culture" (guessing not American/European when you say that). I know I am. :) Can you tell? :P

My bet is on American teenage girl though.
OWMYgod!!!!!!!!!!! WHy on earth would you want to relax this type of hair!!!!!???? doesn't make sense at ALLL whatsoever!!!!!!!!!! I would die for that hair. OP if this is the kind of hair that you have, then yes it's a huge sin to relax. keep chemicals away from your hair!! that's if u want sincere advice. but we live in a world where informed choice is more superior then sincere advice, so I guess like others said to each their own

straight hair is sexier to me than the wavy curl

I've heard that Asians (Indians) with coarse hair relax their hair to keep it silky straight. I don't know if this is true though.

Yeah it's true I know a few that do. They like the silky shiny look. The curls and frizz they don't like. I remember flat ironing one's hair and the super large kinks would not get straight no matter how hard I tried.
OP it is a SIN for you to start all these threads and I have yet to see what your hair looks like. Post some pics so that the very knowledgeable and busy ladies here can give you an accurate assessment of what to do.

Why do people act as if a sin to relax type 2a-3a? Like what's the big deal they will say oh no u will mess up your hair and blah but im sure it's like any other hair texture it will damage if u dont know what u are doing. But anyways is ors and creame of nature a good relaxer? I've been hearing a lot about affirm but I don't know where to buy it? Ors or creame of nature

OP, from the three posts I've read that you've posted, I encourage you to get a scientific explanation of the relaxer process and the permanent effects it can have on the hair. If I were you, I'd stay far away from relaxing my hair myself. Please find a good salon and get a professional opinion.
OP it is a SIN for you to start all these threads and I have yet to see what your hair looks like. Post some pics so that the very knowledgeable and busy ladies here can give you an accurate assessment of what to do.


Now you know you dead should know by now that she ain't got no pitchas and even if she did she ain't posting none. She'll have a jazzy excuse as to why she can't post any on deck though!

OP don't do it, your hair may revert back...:look:

either that or puff up into a big ole afro at the roots!


Windsy don't be throwing letters into the mix. Stay on task. This is #4.

i'll just go and link this to the epic gates thread..... brb

Where that thread at? *Let me get my food on deck and then go look for it...brb*

Aw man they closed the other thread!!!! :lachen: :lachen:

I knew it was coming! A blind man could have seen that was coming. They did it too early though.

gonna close this one too if this one goes south :)

I think you should just merge all of them together. That's what ya'll usually do, right?

I'm out!
All I know is from experience. I had a jewish friend that hated her type 2 curls. Ok she begged me let her use some of my Hawaiian Silky mild, we left it for 10 minutes. Her hair fell out into a choppy EL. Years later her hair never recovered, still looked like the day she relaxed it. She also continues to bleach and wear weaves because it's so short so I'm sure that doesn't help at all. TBH I'd never advice someone with non-kinky hair to relax (meaning type 4, I know some people think having frizz or a wave is kinky- nah), I've never seen the point. If they were hell bent on it then I'd advice them to investigate Japanese straightening or some other option, since those are best suited for those hair types and are marketed as such.
Lol I love this place.

I'm 3something and relaxers never straightened my hair, only thinned it out and made it appear dull and lifeless. I'd still have to flat iron it to get it to make it look presentable, which led to breakage.
I know a girl who had 2a-3a. Ever since she started relaxing her hair it looks choppy due to breakage and dry as cotton. Not a good look.
I don't see anything wrong with it and I've contemplated doing it myself. Flat ironing may take 10-15 minutes but if you're in a hurry it'll feel like an hour. If I wanted it straight all the time it would be nice to just wash, brush and go.
This thread is not that epic to me. It basically exposes the views of others. The hype will die down if folks allow it. I wouldn't compare it to any of the Gates of 2011.:lol:
Anyone who doesn't take care of their relaxed hair will have damage and their hair will fall out due to neglect. You can be 2a, 3a, 4a, 55bc. Doesn't matter. No care for your relaxed hair will lead you to broken hair!
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Lol I love this place.

I'm 3something and relaxers never straightened my hair, only thinned it out and made it appear dull and lifeless. I'd still have to flat iron it to get it to make it look presentable, which led to breakage.

this was me. all the relaxers did was mess up my hair more. no hair type "needs" a relaxer. its based on what your preferred styles are. but in all honesty relaxers just dont seem to take as well on the looser curl patterns. luck of the draw i guess

now what is the real point of this thread?