Another Observation About Natural Hair...thinking about wearing it straight....


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I think wearing my hair in it's shrunken state has ruined my ends. My natural hair is very different than most naturals here who have loose coils and curls... my hair strands clump and tightly coil around each other and even stick/matt together especially after wetting/washing. No matter how much I detangle my hair, it is still tangled after washing. I have to do another detangling session in order to stretch my hair out. So I think all this clumping, coiling, twisting, and bending has caused my ends to be totally out of wack. As my hair gets longer, all of this gets worse!

So, I have been thinking of adopting a straightening routine for smooth hair (and so people don't think I'm a 12 year old), but I need your help. My ends look and feel horrible after straightening my hair with a flat iron. And given that my hair grows out in layers doesn't help either. They aren't breaking off or anything, they just feel rough (I may need a trim). My roots and hair shaft look and feel great. I'm thinking my ends aren't in as good of a condition as my roots and hair shaft. After flat ironing my hair yesterday, I oiled my ends really good and rolled my ends with rollers. I really don't want to have to do this every night just to have nicer ends.

Now on to my questions for my natural ladies:

1. How can I get my ends back in shape? How can get my ends feeling silky smooth when straightened?

2. What is the best way to airdry hair before flat ironing??? Rollersetting would be best for me for a good stretch but it can be somewhat tedious since I don't have a loose curl pattern, and when I airdry in braids or twists, my hair strands are either crinkly or matted together and I have to comb it out ONCE AGAIN before flat ironing.

3. I am someone who doesn't deep condition, but I think I need to start doing this... what is a quality and affordable deep conditioner that will restore the moisture to my ends and give my hair flexibility after straightening?

4. I can't wrap my straightened hair at night even if I try. How else can I wear my hair so it will not poof/frizz up?

5. I'm thinking about straightening my hair with a flat iron every 2 weeks... is that okay, or should I aim for once a month?

Thanks in advance!

Here are pics of how my hair looks when straightened...the front view (roots & hair shaft) looks alright:
dsc04541tw7.jpg's a back view of my layered hair and horrible looking ends:
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Stop using heat it's to stressful on 4a and 4b hair. If you want to wear your hair straight you should think about texturizing it. I have natural hair and if I were to put heat on it I would do it once a year.
Stop using heat it's to stressful on 4a and 4b hair. If you want to wear your hair straight you should think about texturizing it. I have natural hair and if I were to put heat on it I would do it once a year.
I guess you didn't get my post...I wear my hair in it's natural state 99% of the time. Yesterday was like the 4th time straightening my hair even since I've been natural. I'm thinking about using heat to combat these rough ends. ;)

Do you think using heat will just make it worse??? By the way, I have no desire to use chemicals on my hair.

Maybe I should just keep my hair short in order for my hair to look and feel healthy. Every style is just too stressful and involves too much manipulation for my hair texture. I just don't know what to do anymore. :sad:
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I am not natural...but deep conditioning will definitely aid in the health of your hair and ends... and also keep your ends moisturized... also hot oil treatments would also help your ends.. I don't necessarily think that you need to cut your ends... but that is just my opinion!
I will be watching this thread... I have the same issues and I deep condition at least weekly and moisturize daily. :perplexed

Btw, I like your hair. It looks very healthy and shiny. You have made really good progress!
Thanks InnerSoul and BrownSkin. I feel like my hair has been at a standstill length ever since March of this year. I'm hoping to get over this "in-between length" hump soon.
I guess you didn't get my post...I wear my hair in it's natural state 99% of the time. Yesterday was like the 4th time straightening my hair even since I've been natural. I'm thinking about using heat to combat these rough ends. ;)

Do you think using heat will just make it worse??? By the way, I have no desire to use chemicals on my hair.

Maybe I should just keep my hair short in order for my hair to look and feel healthy. Every style is just too stressful and involves too much manipulation for my hair texture. I just don't know what to do anymore. :sad:
Sorry I did not mean to upset you. I just know that for me, if I use heat it will break my ends so that is the reason I never wear my hair straight. I think for some naturals not all heat is not an option. :ohwell:
Hi Poohbear

Your hair is very pretty. I don't see what's wrong with your ends really. BUT if you wear your hair out in the puffs and fro's the majority of the time, you HAVE DEEP CONDITION it to restore moisture. This is a MUST. I think not DCing is causing the problem you described.

Off top of my head,

Aubrey Organics GBP - it is a light protein, but also moisturizes. I use this a pre-poo deep condition.

Good deep conditioners - IC Deep Penetrating Moisturizer Paks $1.80 or for tub $8.00.

ORS Replenishing paks - $1.80 or bottle is avaialbe now for $17.

I use Nioxin Hydrating Masque but it is not cheap - $11 for a little tube, but it works too.

Please see Sareca's oil rinsing and deep conditioning one two punch thread. It will work on your problem.:yep:

I am sure others have better advice re conditioners too. For the heat, mabye once a month would be ok. I rarely press and if I do only in the winter, otherwise it reverts pretty much as soon as I go outside. There are some good threads from succesful pressers though, hopefully they can chime in.

ETA: Also, a good leave-in moisturizer is necessary too ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer-use daily. but maybe u already do this.
Good luck
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I guess you didn't get my post...I wear my hair in it's natural state 99% of the time. Yesterday was like the 4th time straightening my hair even since I've been natural. I'm thinking about using heat to combat these rough ends. ;)

Do you think using heat will just make it worse??? By the way, I have no desire to use chemicals on my hair.

Maybe I should just keep my hair short in order for my hair to look and feel healthy. Every style is just too stressful and involves too much manipulation for my hair texture. I just don't know what to do anymore. :sad:

Hey sweetie. I am sorry I understand how frustrating our hair can be. I plan on keepin gmy hair in braids probably 50% of the time I am natural. For the remainder of the time, I don't know what I am going to do. I may straighten it with a blow dryer or flat itrn maybe once a month, making sure to use some heat protectant. And continuing to deep condition it. We have to be careful with heat appliances as it may end up taking our curl structure.

I am not fully natural yet, I am transitioning. I am happy to see that you do not want to use chemicals again. I really am not sure of a way to help, but have you tried to go to NaturallyYou website. They may have more tips and advice. I am not knocking this forum though. (Sorry):grin: Just think about it.
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Hi Poohbear

Your hair is very pretty. I don't see what's wrong with your ends really. BUT if you wear your hair out in the puffs and fro's the majority of the time, you HAVE DEEP CONDITION it to restore moisture. This is a MUST. I think not DCing is causing the problem you described.

Off top of my head,

Aubrey Organics GBP - it is a light protein, but also moisturizes. I use this a pre-poo deep condition.

Good deep conditioners - IC Deep Penetrating Moisturizer Paks $1.80 or for tub $8.00.

ORS Replenishing paks - $1.80 or bottle is avaialbe now for $17.

I use Nioxin Hydrating Masque but it is not cheap - $11 for a little tube, but it works too.

Please see Sareca's oil rinsing and deep conditioning one two punch thread. It will work on your problem.:yep:

I am sure others have better advice re conditioners too. For the heat, mabye once a month would be ok. I rarely press and if I do only in the winter, otherwise it reverts pretty much as soon as I go outside. There are some good threads from succesful pressers though, hopefully they can chime in.

ETA: Also, a good leave-in moisturizer is necessary too ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer-use daily. but maybe u already do this.
Good luck
I think wearing my hair in it's shrunken state has ruined my ends. My natural hair is very different than most naturals here who have loose coils and curls... my hair strands clump and tightly coil around each other and even stick/matt together especially after wetting/washing. No matter how much I detangle my hair, it is still tangled after washing. I have to do another detangling session in order to stretch my hair out. So I think all this clumping, coiling, twisting, and bending has caused my ends to be totally out of wack. As my hair gets longer, all of this gets worse!

So, I have been thinking of adopting a straightening routine for smooth hair (and so people don't think I'm a 12 year old), but I need your help. My ends look and feel horrible after straightening my hair with a flat iron. And given that my hair grows out in layers doesn't help either. They aren't breaking off or anything, they just feel rough (I may need a trim). My roots and hair shaft look and feel great. I'm thinking my ends aren't in as good of a condition as my roots and hair shaft. After flat ironing my hair yesterday, I oiled my ends really good and rolled my ends with rollers. I really don't want to have to do this every night just to have nicer ends.

Now on to my questions for my natural ladies:

1. How can I get my ends back in shape? How can get my ends feeling silky smooth when straightened?

2. What is the best way to airdry hair before flat ironing??? Rollersetting would be best for me for a good stretch but it can be somewhat tedious since I don't have a loose curl pattern, and when I airdry in braids or twists, my hair strands are either crinkly or matted together and I have to comb it out ONCE AGAIN before flat ironing.

3. I am someone who doesn't deep condition, but I think I need to start doing this... what is a quality and affordable deep conditioner that will restore the moisture to my ends and give my hair flexibility after straightening?

4. I can't wrap my straightened hair at night even if I try. How else can I wear my hair so it will not poof/frizz up?

5. I'm thinking about straightening my hair with a flat iron every 2 weeks... is that okay, or should I aim for once a month?

Thanks in advance!

Here are pics of how my hair looks when straightened...the front view (roots & hair shaft) looks alright:
dsc04541tw7.jpg's a back view of my layered hair and horrible looking ends:

IMHO you need to TLC your hair if you want to straight it regularly:
Deep conditionning , Protein treatment, no poo,and trim regularly....

I don't straighten my hair regularly(every 3 to 5months) but I think that natural hair needs TLC ie to be treat like relaxed hair and that what I'm doing!

EDIT : products used
Aphogee tratment for damaged hair (courtesy of Chicoro)every 6/10weeks,
Affirm 5n1 reconstructor every other week,
Ors replenishingpak (DC) , le Kair cholesterol(DC), motion moisture plus(DC) you can add natural products to DC like coconut milk,....
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PoohBear, I just wanted to wish you luck. I'm sorry I don't have any advice but I feel for you. I was thinking the other day that we kinda need a support group/thread for people who are 1-2 years natural. We have different issues from the newly bc'd but still face difficult issues and need help/advice.
Sorry I did not mean to upset you. I just know that for me, if I use heat it will break my ends so that is the reason I never wear my hair straight. I think for some naturals not all heat is not an option. :ohwell:
No, I'm not upset... I just typed it in bigger font just in case someone else thought I was using heat often. ;) Thanks for your advice. Now I'm reconsidering doing something else. It's just that my shrinkage and different hair textures are KILLING my hair.
Hey Poohbear!!
I finally registerd with this site after lurking for 2 years and I belong to another well known hairboard (for natural hair only though)....i was just in the hair store this weekend and was considering texlaxing after being natural for almost 5 years....(i love the texlax look the ladies on the board sport!!)...but i decided to wear my hair rollerset for the next two weeks before I make a decision......well, i too, have dry ends (which has to do with the color i've always worn but have been slowly cutting out for the past two years),,,..anyway to make a long story short.......
to combat my ruff, dry ends while rollersetting this week....i've been spritzing my ends with purified H20, adding olive oil to the ends, then sealing with my flat iron. To do this I apply aluminum foil to my ends and quickly run the flat iron (ceramic) on my ends....and this has helped TREMENDOUSLY!!!!!
I'm only on day 3 of doing this everynight before I put the roller on and my hair is thanking me....(i had forgot all about this tip.....I used to do this when I first went natural years ago).....I hope this helps!

edited to add---i just registered with this site two days ago and i havent figured out how to post pics (avatar) and the links to my fotki..but coming soon!!
Hi Poohbear

Your hair is very pretty. I don't see what's wrong with your ends really. BUT if you wear your hair out in the puffs and fro's the majority of the time, you HAVE DEEP CONDITION it to restore moisture. This is a MUST. I think not DCing is causing the problem you described.

Off top of my head,

Aubrey Organics GBP - it is a light protein, but also moisturizes. I use this a pre-poo deep condition.

Good deep conditioners - IC Deep Penetrating Moisturizer Paks $1.80 or for tub $8.00.

ORS Replenishing paks - $1.80 or bottle is avaialbe now for $17.

I use Nioxin Hydrating Masque but it is not cheap - $11 for a little tube, but it works too.

Please see Sareca's oil rinsing and deep conditioning one two punch thread. It will work on your problem.:yep:

I am sure others have better advice re conditioners too. For the heat, mabye once a month would be ok. I rarely press and if I do only in the winter, otherwise it reverts pretty much as soon as I go outside. There are some good threads from succesful pressers though, hopefully they can chime in.

ETA: Also, a good leave-in moisturizer is necessary too ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer-use daily. but maybe u already do this.
Good luck
Thanks for the recommendations.

I've been reading every single thread about naturals who use heat regularly but most of those ladies have looser hair texture than me which means they do not have as much shrinkage as I do nor do they have to do as much detangling as I do. Maybe straightening isn't a good option for my hair texture.

When I was wearing my two shrunken puffs last week, I was moisturizing daily with African Royale BRX Braid Sheen Spray.
Deep conditioning is something you need to start doing PRONTO! That will help your hair period.

However I have noticed that people who are trying to have their ends in tip top shape, do put some type of oil on their hair and night, and put them up in a baggie. This cuts down on raggedy ends, and in your case would probably stop the matting. Make sure it is oil like evoo with rosemary added to it. Something like that.

Now as a person with 4a/b/c (who knows) type hair that is all natural, I wouldn't manipulate my hair that much. Twists put in that you put oil on every night until you get the type of ends you want, then stepping down the number of nights you do it until you get that magical maintenance formula. Same thing with box braids.

Now for straightening/flat iron your hair, I think part of that is the tool you use, and the heat protectant you use.

When is the last time your ends were clipped/dusted?
Hey sweetie. I am sorry I understand how frustrating our hair can be. I plan on keepin gmy hair in braids probably 50% of the time I am natural. For the remainder of the time, I don't know what I am going to do. I may straighten it with a blow dryer or flat itrn maybe once a month, making sure to use some heat protectant. And continuing to deep condition it. We have to be careful with heat appliances as it may end up taking our curl structure.

I am not fully natural yet, I am transitioning. I am happy to see that you do not want to use chemicals again. I really am not sure of a way to help, but have you tried to go to NaturallyYou website. They may have more tips and advice. I am not knocking this forum though. (Sorry):grin: Just think about it.
Thanks but braids only look good on me for 1 day. I remember spending 5-6 hours on individual braids (no extensions), just to take them out 2 days later because of shrinkage and looking like a boy with short braids. :(
Deep conditioning is something you need to start doing PRONTO! That will help your hair period.

However I have noticed that people who are trying to have their ends in tip top shape, do put some type of oil on their hair and night, and put them up in a baggie. This cuts down on raggedy ends, and in your case would probably stop the matting. Make sure it is oil like evoo with rosemary added to it. Something like that.

Now as a person with 4a/b/c (who knows) type hair that is all natural, I wouldn't manipulate my hair that much. Twists put in that you put oil on every night until you get the type of ends you want, then stepping down the number of nights you do it until you get that magical maintenance formula. Same thing with box braids.

Now for straightening/flat iron your hair, I think part of that is the tool you use, and the heat protectant you use.

When is the last time your ends were clipped/dusted?
My hair shrinks too much to go into a baggy. See, I don't have a loose curl pattern like most naturals here who do the baggy method (Chicoro comes to mind). I could put my hair in two puffs and put two baggies on each one but I think that's too much manipulation and will cause even more shrinkage.

The following oils make my hair dry and crispy: EVOO, olive oil, and castor oil. Hot Six Oil does a pretty good job at keeping my hair soft and moisturized, and I still haven't tried coconut oil on my natural hair. Looks like I just need to stock up on a good deep conditioner and a good oil to put on my ends each night.

The last time I had a trim was around the end of August.
I forgot one major thing!!!!!


My hair usually curls back up while I blow it dry. However, the last time I got a great blow out with straight ends I put THE ORIGINAL INFUSIUM 23 IN MY HAIR WITH SOME QB DETANGLER, AND A DAB OF QB HEAVY CREAM.

I was sort of shocked. My hair was straight on the ends, and my hair was not damaged.

The next time I washed it reverted right back. Now some people complain that the QB line is too greasy, but for my dry hair it is perfect.
hey pretty lady.......

have you tried overnight conditionings? really load up your hair well with a good deep conditioner (or a combo of things), put on a plastic cap and overnighting it (do this on the weekends when you have time).

i guess you could call it a mini baggying session........

if i were to be straightening that frequently, i'd think about doing aphogee treatments (the hard one) too to fortify your ends with protein.

i'm prolly the last person you'd take advice from but i want to try and help.
I so sorry to hear this. I can sense your frustration. I understand what you mean about your hair seeming damaged from wearing it shrunken. It seems like I lose way more hair when I wear my hair curly than when it's straight. (Maybe it's because when it's straight there is far less manipulation.?) You already know my routine (and I know that our curl patterns are different), but I thought that I could at least try to answer your questions.

1. How can I get my ends back in shape? How can get my ends feeling silky smooth when straightened?

If they are indeed damaged, you may really need a trim. In the mean time, I definitely recommend deep conditioning your hair at least twice a month. (I know some naturals, myself included sometimes, only wash every other week.)

2. What is the best way to airdry hair before flat ironing??? Rollersetting would be best for me for a good stretch but it can be somewhat tedious since I don't have a loose curl pattern, and when I airdry in braids or twists, my hair strands are either crinkly or matted together and I have to comb it out ONCE AGAIN before flat ironing.

You already know that I'm a big advocate for rollersetting and sitting under a bonnet dryer. That's the only thing that has ever really worked for me.

3. I am someone who doesn't deep condition, but I think I need to start doing this... what is a quality and affordable deep conditioner that will restore the moisture to my ends and give my hair flexibility after straightening?

I LOVE the ORS Replenishing Pak. It's like $1.25 per pack, and even with all of my hair, I only use one pack per wash. I put it on a sit under the dryer for about 15-30 min. (depending on how busy I am) before I rollerset. I say definitely deep condition if you plan to flat iron!

4. I can't wrap my straightened hair at night even if I try. How else can I wear my hair so it will not poof/frizz up?

Wrapping is what works for me. I don't understand why you can't wrap your hair. Maybe you need more practice. When I was in college, I cut my hair short, and it was really hard for me to wrap it, but with practice, I mastered it. I say keep practicing, and get a good scarf. I wrap with a paddle brush. It works like a charm when my hair is straight. If, in the end, wrapping is a no go, maybe you can try pin curls with bobby pins and then tie a scarf around it.

5. I'm thinking about straightening my hair with a flat iron every 2 weeks... is that okay, or should I aim for once a month?

If you do it every 2 weeks (which is what I do now becasue I have gotten lazy) I say you MUST deep condition. Aslo, you know that I set with leave-in. Also, don't forget a heat protectant, but don't use too much because they are sometimes really oilly. Someone here recommended that I try a wax to flat iron my hair. It supposedly helps in humidity, but I haven't tried that so I have no personal experience.

I hope that I have helped you a little. Don't let it get you down. I know this is very frustrating. This summer, I was almost ready to go back to the chemicals because I was so frustrated with my hair. Thank God I didn't do that because now I've fallen back in love with my natural hair. I've been wearing it curly more, but for fear of shedding and breakage, it actually seems stronger when it's flat ironed.
Thanks but braids only look good on me for 1 day. I remember spending 5-6 hours on individual braids (no extensions), just to take them out 2 days later because of shrinkage and looking like a boy with short braids. :(

I did the same thing recently, TWICE! In September I put in box braids and I looked terrible in them, when my hair was shorter that style was cute. Then just this weekend I spent about 4 hours putting in twists only to realize they no longer look cute either, 24 hours later I untwisted them, my twist-out was ridiculously cute though:grin:. I'm thinking the braids and twists will look better when I get more length, I love protective styles but cannot stand not looking right. It's weird how they look cute on shorter hair and longer hair but not on my current length, it is very frustrating.
I am at work and usually don't even log in while here, but I had to jump in this thread.

Pooh, I am so feeling your pain. I've been natural for five years after half a lifetime of relaxing. My hair is APL when stretched. Key words "when stretched". My shrunken fro looks about three inches long. My ends get fairy knots two and three inches up the strand.

I recently made a third attempt in the past 18 months to flat iron. I couldn't get it really straight (i fear the heat), but it came out pretty decent.

My findings: when flat ironing, you must use the flat iron to chase a fine tooth comb down the strand, unless you maxiglide. This will smooth the curly ends and make them yield. While straight, I used a dab of shealoe daily for moisture. This didn't weigh down the hair. At night, if you can't wrap, try some of those satin covered foam rollers. When I first got my hair pressed as a teen, we rolled our hair on hard rollers everynight. The hair stayed straight or "came back", even after track practice. The satin rollers are easier to sleep in; if you get the large ones, you won't get a tight curl, but just a nice bend.

You must deep condition. I started dcing with heat before my wash and it has made a world of difference. I am a pj, but since I have two heads to take care of, I need to be frugal with my dollars. I've been mixing queen helene cholesteral, $2.99, -(three big spoonfuls) with $0.77 suave (about a quarter cup) with olive oil, hot six oil, shea butter oil -- you get the picture -- about an eighth of a cup, and a capful of liquid silk amino acid. Slap this on, detangle, and cover with saran wrap. Sit under the dryer for twenty minutes, then wash in braids. Use your favorite instant conditioner and leave in. You will find that you have new hair in two weeks.

A good trim will help. I plan on getting one next month.

Okay, I gotta get back to work!

Good luck and HHG!
My hair shrinks too much to go into a baggy. See, I don't have a loose curl pattern like most naturals here who do the baggy method (Chicoro comes to mind). I could put my hair in two puffs and put two baggies on each one but I think that's too much manipulation and will cause even more shrinkage.

The following oils make my hair dry and crispy: EVOO, olive oil, and castor oil. Hot Six Oil does a pretty good job at keeping my hair soft and moisturized, and I still haven't tried coconut oil on my natural hair. Looks like I just need to stock up on a good deep conditioner and a good oil to put on my ends each night.

The last time I had a trim was around the end of August.

See everyones hair is different. I have 4 hair and those oils are perfect for me.

Since your ends were clipped in August they are probably fine.

Try the coconut oil, or sesame oil, or sunflower, or jojoba. You may also be more of a butter person.

When I say baggie method, I mean cover your whole head with a plastic cap, and tie it up with a scarf and night. This of course would be done when your hair natural, because it is pressed and you do this, your hair will be wet in the morning when you take the scarf and plastic cap off.
1. How can I get my ends back in shape? How can get my ends feeling silky smooth when straightened?- To get your ends in shape, dust a little, then moisturize. I always use WGO and some Qhemet heavy cream. I love WGO. But this is on my natural (unstraightened) hair. For the answer to the second part of the ???, see below.

2. What is the best way to airdry hair before flat ironing??? Rollersetting would be best for me for a good stretch but it can be somewhat tedious since I don't have a loose curl pattern, and when I airdry in braids or twists, my hair strands are either crinkly or matted together and I have to comb it out ONCE AGAIN before flat ironing.

Honestly, with our its hard to get the hair silky smooth without blowdrying then flat ironing (or pressing). Look at pinkskates method. It does work. Also I would say that if you decide to flat iron, you may want to use a clamp brush (or small tooth comb)and let it follow the flat iron. This will probably require a higher setting or more than one time over. Deep conditioning and using a heat protectant should prevent damage. I will be trying the pressing comb soon and see how that works out. I have 4a/mostly 4b hair.

3. I am someone who doesn't deep condition, but I think I need to start doing this... what is a quality and affordable deep conditioner that will restore the moisture to my ends and give my hair flexibility after straightening?
[B]I agree with the other ladies recommendations. I would also say to start incorporating pre poo treatments with AO GPB and then after shampooing, use a good DC like giovanni 50/50 remoisturizing condish. I would def do a protein based pre poo and a moisturizing DC before I straighten (just in case)[/B]

4. I can't wrap my straightened hair at night even if I try. How else can I wear my hair so it will not poof/frizz up? try two bantu knots clipped with a bobby pin. either two side ones, or one on top and bottom. Look at Sylver's fotki for further detail. Also scarfing should work too.

5. I'm thinking about straightening my hair with a flat iron every 2 weeks... is that okay, or should I aim for once a month? I don't have answer to this one yet, but from what I have seen on the board, many ladies do every other week. I think you can do this if you always DC, and use a heat protectant. I personally would two weeks straight and two weeks natural like in twists or something.

Thanks in advance!
Hey PB, we have discussed our natural hair before. And it looks like your ends are in need of some deep conditioning and moisture and then sealing. My idea of deep conditioning my hair is when I use Aveda DR treatment. I apply it to my hair after shampooig. Then I apply my shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes. I do this every 3rd shampoo. And it keeps my ends smooth. I put heat in my hair twice a month, so I have to pay extra good care of my ends. I keep them moisturized by using a dab of Aveda USC and sealing my ends with Extra virgin coconut oil. And I protect my ends at night by wrapping my hair and then covering it with my satin turban. I cannot keep my hair in its 100% natural state too long because the ends will tangle and start to knot themselves together. I have to straighten my hair out to keep it from breaking. And I get my ends dusted as needed. If you are going to straighten your hair, make sure to stay on top of caring for your ends. I do this and my hair is really retaining its length. Good luck with your hair!
I think our hair is a lot alike with the shrinkage insanity AND the rough ends. I weep over my ends sometimes.... :sad:

I don't remember your routine, so forgive me if you are already doing/have tried some of this stuff.

1) Daily DC'ing - for the hot second I was wearing my hair out a lot, I HAD to put conditioner in my hair EVERY night, baggy my whole head, sleep in it, and rinse and move on the next morning. It was the only thing that kept my ends 'feeling' happy.

2) Daily Spritzing - moisture, moisture, moisture! My spritizer (and I need to switch this up for winter) has conditioner, glycerin, amla oil, and water in it - my hair gets hit with that every day, no matter what style it's in.

3) Henna - I don't know if you use it - but it's done WONDERFUL things for my tangling/shrinkage - esp the shrinkage! Lately I've actually been considering dropping my henna to once every two months in order to keep some curl going on.

4) Manipulating your hair WITH conditioner in it - this one, I just stumbled across since I been checkin out Sareca - I comb,detangle AND fatbraid my hair with conditioner in it, and then rinse out REALLY well. My logic is that if I put conditioner in my LOCS and wasn't worried about getting it all about (besides rinsing really well) I can certainly do the same thing for braids. Letting my hair airdry like that also keeps it 'stretched' out a bit, AND prevents it from tangling back up the second I'm done detangling. Just this week, I put in two strand twists while still having conditioner in my hair, and ooohweee, I can TELL they are going to make a mean twistout!

5) Occasional Citric Acid Rinses - this adjusts the Ph of your hair just so, and I find that my ends tend to be REALLY sleek after I do that - I've started rinsing my whole braided up head with it and not rinsing it out - it seems to leave my hair feeling 'sleek'

6) Trims - ocassionally though, there ain't nothing to do but to give it a lil snip snip. I usually put it up in two strand twists, and then use my fingers to check the 'ends' of the hair, and snip as needed. When my hair starts tangling up REALLY bad - and I've done all of the above..... that's when I break down and break out the scissors. Mind you, I haven't even THOUGHT about trimming my hair since.......February, I think, when I trimmed out the last of the dyed stuff......

Also - have you tried using a different kind of protectant JUST on your ends? I'm thinking something heavy - maybe even with a lil silicone in it? (I don't use heat at all, so I'm totally pulling that one outta the air.....)
Sorry I did not mean to upset you. I just know that for me, if I use heat it will break my ends so that is the reason I never wear my hair straight. I think for some naturals not all heat is not an option. :ohwell:

I'm one of those naturals. Using heat on my hair always cause split ends and brittleness. Anyway I think that you should definitely try deep conditioning before you trim, and maybe you should add stuff like oil and humectants (honey, glycerine, molasses, guava nectar, etc) to your favorite conditioner and use that as a deep conditioner.

As far as heat styling goes, look up AFashionSlave's profile. She has a section in her fotki album detailing how she straightens her hair. Another one is 2twisted. She's no longer active in the hair community as far as I know but here is her album:
Poohbear your hair texture is beautiful. I agree with the ladies on the DCing, have you considered banding your hair at night to loosen it up some as opposed to all that potential heat?
1. How can I get my ends back in shape? How can get my ends feeling silky smooth when straightened?

I would do a light trim on them and then start your deep condtioning and regularly moisturize your ends. I've heard Aveda's Emollient Finishing Gloss is good for coarse ends when you're straightening.

2. What is the best way to airdry hair before flat ironing??? Rollersetting would be best for me for a good stretch but it can be somewhat tedious since I don't have a loose curl pattern, and when I airdry in braids or twists, my hair strands are either crinkly or matted together and I have to comb it out ONCE AGAIN before flat ironing.

I've only flat ironed once, but I rollerset it beforehand. Can I ask what you use to detangle? I've found that like you my ends get ratty fast and I've started using a paddle brush after I use the wide tooth comb. I'll run the comb through first and then take the brush and smooth that same section out. I don't know why but it's really help with my ends...and it's made rollersetting easier too.

3. I am someone who doesn't deep condition, but I think I need to start doing this... what is a quality and affordable deep conditioner that will restore the moisture to my ends and give my hair flexibility after straightening?

I guess 'affordable' is relative but I really really REALLY like Aveda's Damage Remedy Intensive Restructuring Treatment. The Damage Remedy Conditioner is really good too. It gave my hair a lot of "oomph" and bounce after my last rollerset.

4. I can't wrap my straightened hair at night even if I try. How else can I wear my hair so it will not poof/frizz up?

I don't know the answer to this one...I've never flat ironed my hair bone straight. Maybe pin curls or something like that??

5. I'm thinking about straightening my hair with a flat iron every 2 weeks... is that okay, or should I aim for once a month?

That would be a lot of heat for ME personally so I would go w/ once a month.