another makeover show w/ SHS


IG: rhonda_hair
i was watching a makeover show yesterday, on BET I think, and it just made me sick to my stomach to watch another person get hacked in the name of being 'made over'. all this chick needed was a cute style, not 5 inches of her hair chopped off! granted, she looked really good, but they really didn't need to cut off so much hair. my dh just laughed at me and said 'it will grow back'. that's NOT the point! ;) why why why do they do that? the ironic thing is if she had short hair they probably would've weaved her up.
I know. I used to feel the same way with Ambush Makeover.
lkg4healthyhair said:
I know. I used to feel the same way with Ambush Makeover.
yeah girl!!! that one episode where they grabbed dude off the street and chopped off his locs had me HEATED!!!! that was SO unnecessary! they coulda retwisted them, did his lines, whatever! but they didnt want to go to the trouble....they shoulda just left him on the damn street!
yeah thats the point. stylists want people to chop their hair. thats why they tell us ladies to trim a few inches every month. and the hair never grows. they just hack and hack and hack.........i just dont understand
Another thing I don't get is. Why do they always want to put in hightlights or glue in weaves...Seems everything they do I would not want done to my hair to keep it safe.

I know it's a makeover but nice make up and a cute hair style would work just as well.
I think they just want to give people a major change.... going from long hair to super short... or vice versa is a major change... and its easy to do without adding chems.
it might just be me, but i think alot of ppl on makeover shows look better when they get their hair it suits their faces better and just looks better overall
I hate it when they give long haired people short haircuts. I also hate the way they want to lighten everyones hair. Or when they straighten a curly head. :mad:

I would say "no!"
the only thing i hate imo is when they give them too much of a drastic change...but i do feel tht sometimes when they do cut hair i believe it should be to fit their face and enhance them....and i think that it should be a cut that should be able to be kept up..i wldnt want someone to cut my hair because im doing a makeover and then im not able to keep the look up...especially if im the type that doesnot go to hair salons alot...