Amla/Vatika/Coconut Oil Users: Frequency?


Well-Known Member
How many times do you use Amla/Vatika/Coconut Oil per week?
Do you use it daily? Every other day? Only on shampoo days?
What are your results, and what is your reasoning for your frequency of use? Thanks,

pinayprincess said:
How many times do you use Amla/Vatika/Coconut Oil per week?
Do you use it daily? Every other day? Only on shampoo days?
What are your results, and what is your reasoning for your frequency of use? Thanks,


I use a homemade mix, and the bottled stuff daliy. I spray/saturate every morning before the shower.
I just started pre-pooing w/amla oil twice a week. I'm told it'll strengthen my strands and keep my hair nice and dark. Check out DLEWIS siggy as proof. She DC w/alma oil and her went from brown to a beautiful shiny black!

I use coconut oil as a sealer half the time, caster oil the other half.
I have a homemade mix of coconut oil and tea tree oil, Vatika oil and Dabur alma oil. I use one of these everyday. Coconut oil penetrates very well for softness, and the Vatika oil is great for itchy scalp. I'm using the amla oil to darken and strenghten.
I use my Amla oil three times a week, as thats what it says to do on the box. I have Dabur Amla oil, and it says:

"How to use: For best results, apply 1 to 2 teaspoons (up to 10 mL) of Dabur Amla Hair Oil into the hair and leave for sometime (ideally 1 hour). Then apply a good shampoo such as Dabur Vatika Henna Conditioning Shampoo. Massage the shampoo well into the hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly. For best results apply Dabur Amla Hair Oil three times a week."

Then it notes that prolonged use can darken lighter hair. It has a little with me, I have brown hair...and its just become a deeper brown. Not black though, if you pay attention, you can see it still brown, Lol. It has helped my hair a lot in the month or so that I've been using. I'm pretty sure I use more than they say though, since I pour it into a spray bottle and spray it on all over my head.
My hair is already jet black as it is, LOL. I wont be able to tell unless it gets to be a blacker black, if there is such a thing. I like the smell of it, though. I've smelled a lot worse fragrances in my African American hair products. I think Pink Oil Moisturizer stinks more than Amla. LOL. But I can see how a prepoo would send someone back to bed. It's strong.

PS: Forgive me if my thoughts are all jumbled. I have the worse MSM headache ever. I'm trying to push through it, but it's not working. AHHH. What a bittersweet relationship I have with that damn mineral...