VATIKA OIL...Can I use it to replace coconut oil in regimens and recipes that require


New Member
coconut oil. Coconut oil is listed here for everything from prepoo's to a sealant.

Does Vatika oil work the same way?

Does anyone one use both? Or is it one or the other?

Thanks ladies!
Re: VATIKA OIL...Can I use it to replace coconut oil in regimens and recipes that req

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Re: VATIKA OIL...Can I use it to replace coconut oil in regimens and recipes that req

Vatika coconut hair oil is my 'bread'n'butter'. I LOVE :love4: this oil. I use it to seal...I use it in my contitioners...I use it to moisturize...EVERYTHING. I have found it to be just as effective as my EVCO that I also use. Its been working quite well for me :yep: