Ambitious1013...Short Haired Girls Need Updates


Well-Known Member
Ambitious1013...Updates for Shorties Soon!!!

Ok, my short haired sistas...

Let's pour out our best plea to Ambitious1013 for her to update her fotki or just post her updates here.

We haven't seen her updates from her in almost a year. She's our hero.

Let's sing together..

Ambitious1013! Ambitious1013! Ambitious1013!

We want pics! We want pics! We want pics!

ETA: Ambitious1013 will reveal on November 15th
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Hightower as Bdula on Police Academy 4 chanting: "Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yamaaaa..."

David Spade: "And..that will bring him back to life?"

Hightower: "No, man! I'm hungry!"

Ambitious1013, we're hungry! It's feeding time :eat:
Hightower as Bdula on Police Academy 4 chanting: "Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yamaaaa..."

David Spade: "And..that will bring him back to life?"

Hightower: "No, man! I'm hungry!"

Ambitious1013, we're hungry! It's feeding time :eat:

oh snap...hilarious! This is my fav movie.
WOW ladies! Thanks for the thread! :) I have been in lurk mode for quite some time. Thanks Jamacialovely for letting me know about this thread....LOL!

I had to cut my hair back to a chin length bob a few months ago. :sad: My previous stylist used a new color on my hair and I had a HUGE breakage spot. I tried to recover from it but I didn't succeed. Therefore, I had to cut it to make it even. I liked my bob for the summer time so hair growth hasn't been a concern of mine.

In a few weeks, I will update my album showing my hair before the cut and what it looks like now. I will be starting my hair growth journey AGAIN starting in September. I hope to get the results I had two years ago.

Good luck ladies and I will keep you posted! :)
WOW ladies! Thanks for the thread! :) I have been in lurk mode for quite some time. Thanks Jamacialovely for letting me know about this thread....LOL!

I had to cut my hair back to a chin length bob a few months ago. :sad: My previous stylist used a new color on my hair and I had a HUGE breakage spot. I tried to recover from it but I didn't succeed. Therefore, I had to cut it to make it even. I liked my bob for the summer time so hair growth hasn't been a concern of mine.

In a few weeks, I will update my album showing my hair before the cut and what it looks like now. I will be starting my hair growth journey AGAIN starting in September. I hope to get the results I had two years ago.

Good luck ladies and I will keep you posted! :)

Thanks, Ambey (that's your new nickname that someone gave you above)

We look forward to the pics. We also support you in new hair journey. It will be fun because this time we will do it with you.:circle:

Nice talking to you!
WOW ladies! Thanks for the thread! :) I have been in lurk mode for quite some time. Thanks Jamacialovely for letting me know about this thread....LOL!

I had to cut my hair back to a chin length bob a few months ago. :sad: My previous stylist used a new color on my hair and I had a HUGE breakage spot. I tried to recover from it but I didn't succeed. Therefore, I had to cut it to make it even. I liked my bob for the summer time so hair growth hasn't been a concern of mine.

In a few weeks, I will update my album showing my hair before the cut and what it looks like now. I will be starting my hair growth journey AGAIN starting in September. I hope to get the results I had two years ago.

Good luck ladies and I will keep you posted! :)
aww.. i'm sorry to hear that. Setbacks suck! i've had a couple major ones myself. Get back on track and start snapping away pics again!
She's my hero too...You are not alone in this jamaicalovely!!!!

Ambitious1013 I'm sorry you had to cut your hair, you're still my hero. As someone already said - We can all grow together.
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Hi my shortie sistas, just reviving this post to let you know (or remind you) that Ambey will be revealing her fotki on Saturday, November 15th.:dance7:

I'm camping out all night. :grin:
Ok girls, one more day!!!

Setting up lawn chair and getting in line to see premiere.
:beach::woot:can't wait for pics.

So where do you think she is now? We know she started over, but I'm guessing she's SL.
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I need to believe I can so bad right now. I'm watching a pot boil and it's about to drive me crazy!:wallbash:
Sorry, we are a little pressed here. Ambey is to us shorties like Obama is to black people. YES WE CAN!

Check out her fotki:


ETA: You know what? I've seen her fotki before when I first joined the board! I had been looking for it but I forgot her fotki screenname! Thanks for this! WOOO HOOOO!!!!

I need to believe I can so bad right now. I'm watching a pot boil and it's about to drive me crazy!:wallbash:

Girl, I know the feeling! :yep:
I must Daephae, I'm in love with your hair. I love the shine and thickness! You achieved a lot of growth this year. Where's your fotki?

Jess, calm down lady. When your hair growns in it will be so fly! I love the shape you have now.
I must Daephae, I'm in love with your hair. I love the shine and thickness! You achieved a lot of growth this year. Where's your fotki?

Jess, calm down lady. When your hair growns in it will be so fly! I love the shape you have now.

Thanks girl! I really appreciate it! Here it is (but it hasn't been updated in ages and it's a lot disorganized):

I'm gonna browse yours too...I love the flipped style in your n' sassy.
Awww you guys are so great! I'm so glad I have some LHCF sisters who are taking the journey with me!:grouphug:
^^^me too, I love my LHCF sister/cousins LOL. and by the way, i see why there is a thread for ambitious, cuz she inspired this "shortie" over here. LOL. I finally saw her fotki, and man...