Am I tweekin? Isn't my BF a little OLD for this?


Well-Known Member
To each her own, right? Maybe I'm trippin' but my 22 year old BF is obsessively indulged in a rapper. I use to LOVE me some BowWow back in grammar school, and most of high school, but those days are SO over. I'm fans of certain musicians, actors/actresses, etc and if I get a fashion tip from any of them, or they have a piece of work coming out soon (album, concert, book, movie, etc) I'll support them but this fool :lol: (Lawd, help me) is so impressionable at almost 23 years old and it's such a turn off :nono: If this rapper says something, he'll start saying it. If he dresses a certain way, he'll go out and mimic that style. It makes me wanna :barf: Am I trippin?

I know, I know...accept him for him or move on, right? RIGHT! I've really been considering :blush:
I would not be surprised if the rapper you are referring to is LIL WAYNE! It seems like everyone thinks that every word he says BOMB. I am a little irritated when people try to imitate him (or anyone else). I don't have anything against Wayne (I'm just sayin). It does sound a little immature and no it is nothing wrong with being bothered by his actions. I suggest you talk it out or you may have to walk it out :walking: lol. Even though 23 seems old enough to know better, keep in mind that 23 is a young and vunerable age for a guy. So, just talk to him about it and in time if nothing changes, well, you know what to do :buttkick:!
Well if he's really sweet, nice, smart, otherwise and really likes you, I say give him a pass, I think he will outgrow it, hopefully:look:.
Well if he's really sweet, nice, smart, otherwise and really likes you, I say give him a pass, I think he will outgrow it, hopefully:look:.

Uh, he's cute. And he used to be sweet. You know how it is after so long. Oh, and the rapper of ALL people Cam'ron :nono:

Girl2k, I've been with him for TWO YEARS, already. I guess guys are a lot less mature than woman in general, but on top of everything else, you wanna :bud: the jock of him. ATLEAST JAY-Z!!! :lol:
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omg cam'ron?!? The pink fur coat and pink old school car cam'ron? Hasn't he been on a hiatus for some time now? I haven't realy seen too much activity from him recently then again i don't try to keep up with celebrities.
omg cam'ron?!? The pink fur coat and pink old school car cam'ron? Hasn't he been on a hiatus for some time now? I haven't realy seen too much activity from him recently then again i don't try to keep up with celebrities.

Girl, Cam'ron recently came back out. He's on the cover of XXL magazine (of which is my BF's facebook profile pic) LOL I am so embrassed to be admitting this :nono: OMG...

Casarela, you have such a cute shape! Work out tips, please!!!!
does he know him personally or has he had the chance to meet him before? Cam'ron is so random of a choice
Okay my hun loves to listen to rap, but he does idolize it. It sound like your SO is idolizing this particular rapper.

When I first met my hun a year ago, he moreso idolized rap than he does now. I like to take credit for the fact that he no longer cares nearly as much about it as he used to. It sounds like your SO needs a reality check and yes he is too old for that.

His mentality is so unattractive. The fact that he goes out and buys whatever Camron is endorsing just screams "follower".
LOL, I misread this and thought you were saying Bow Wow was who he was obsessed with. I was going to tell you to run to the hills.
Okay my hun loves to listen to rap, but he does idolize it. It sound like your SO is idolizing this particular rapper.

When I first met my hun a year ago, he moreso idolized rap than he does now. I like to take credit for the fact that he no longer cares nearly as much about it as he used to. It sounds like your SO needs a reality check and yes he is too old for that.

His mentality is so unattractive. The fact that he goes out and buys whatever Camron is endorsing just screams "follower".

She has point OP if this guy don't have like a ton of other qualities, I mean really really good ones. then I say put your track shoes on and run. He has a crush on this pink coat wearing 'suspect' rapper yuck yuck, double yuck.:skitzo:
Okay my hun loves to listen to rap, but he does idolize it. It sound like your SO is idolizing this particular rapper.

When I first met my hun a year ago, he moreso idolized rap than he does now. I like to take credit for the fact that he no longer cares nearly as much about it as he used to. It sounds like your SO needs a reality check and yes he is too old for that.

His mentality is so unattractive. The fact that he goes out and buys whatever Camron is endorsing just screams "follower".

ITA! Follower is definitely it, and in more ways than one. PS lexi, you're SO MY HAIR IDOL! I think I told you this in a post already?!?!?! :lol: Anyway, I have a shower cap on with a head full of KeraCare Humecto because you highlighted that was one of the things in your intial regimen that got you from neck length to shoulder length. Okay, back to the relationship stuff --- but yea, this was such a turnoff!
your bf and mine must be in the same circle because he stans for that man. And yes, it slays me! :lachen: He bought two of those dang mags one in the plastic wrapper and one "for show" on his coffee table. He's older than me and I'd wish he'd stop the madness. Always saying Cams simple rhymes in the car, in the house, on the phone. Yes..I feel your pain. Lol..good thing that all his other qualities over power that though..otherwise I would have dipped.
Let's be reasonable here, yes Cam is mad random, however, does ur man treat u like crap? does he think he's cam? Cus Cam is hella disrespectful on wax (however very nice in person) so i think evaluate how far hes taking this to the head, or tell him if this is how he wants it ur going to be knockin on Cams door, might as well have the real thing, lol
ITA! Follower is definitely it, and in more ways than one. PS lexi, you're SO MY HAIR IDOL! I think I told you this in a post already?!?!?! :lol: Anyway, I have a shower cap on with a head full of KeraCare Humecto because you highlighted that was one of the things in your intial regimen that got you from neck length to shoulder length. Okay, back to the relationship stuff --- but yea, this was such a turnoff!

Aww thanks hun. :grin: Sorry I'm just now seeing this:ohwell:
Let's be reasonable here, yes Cam is mad random, however, does ur man treat u like crap? does he think he's cam? Cus Cam is hella disrespectful on wax (however very nice in person) so i think evaluate how far hes taking this to the head, or tell him if this is how he wants it ur going to be knockin on Cams door, might as well have the real thing, lol

I have one, and only one unnegotiable requirement in my relationship. In the words of Kelis, "you don't have to love me, you don't even have to like me, but you will respect me!" If he thought of doing anything remotely similar to how Cam treats his women, I'd be posting this from jail asking one of you Chicago ladies to go under my mattress, get some money, and bail me out!