Am I the only one....


New Member
My hair is almost armpit everyone else it's long....but to me is seems short:nuts:, ....but I'm not satisfied with my length. Does this sound crazy or is it just board referred to this as "hair anorexia", I think that so applies to me:look:...I want waist length hair soooo bad:lick:....

and keep it real...I know I am not the only one here:lachen:


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You sure aren't the only one. I won't be satisfied until I hit WSL (or maybe MBL). :look:

P.S. Your hair is def long. :lol:
You are NOT alone. I am about 1.5 inches from armpit, but most days my hair looks barely past SL to me:confused:
I know how you feel. My hair does not feel long to me. I think maybe when it gets a little thicker I'll feel differently like Macherieamour She has my dream hair!
I also notice that black women's idea of long and many non whites is diff, esp. flipping through magazines where they break down hair by length.
I don't think I'll ever really be satisfied until I can sit on my hair or sweep my hair from side to side on my back side like the strippers do:lachen::grin:
My hair is almost armpit everyone else it's long....but to me is seems short:nuts:, ....but I'm not satisfied with my length. Does this sound crazy or is it just board referred to this as "hair anorexia", I think that so applies to me:look:...I want waist length hair soooo bad:lick:....

and keep it real...I know I am not the only one here:lachen:

Now you know you are past armpit length

Everyone was telling me that my hair was long the day after I got it done, but I was almost on the verge of tears when I first saw it cause I felt like it was soooo short
I know how you feel. My hair does not feel long to me. I think maybe when it gets a little thicker I'll feel differently like Macherieamour She has my dream hair!
I also notice that black women's idea of long and many non whites is diff, esp. flipping through magazines where they break down hair by length.

your hair is gorgeous by the way...I've watched some of her tutorials, she does have beautiful hair...sometimes we can be our own worst enemy :yep:
I've changed alot of my bad habits though, like how I detangle my hair in the shower, I wash it in four sections now, really taking my time to detangle from the bottom up. if the comb gets stuck, I don't force it, I slather on more conditioner and use the help of my shower head. I threw out my fine toothed comb as well.
Now you know you are past armpit length

Everyone was telling me that my hair was long the day after I got it done, but I was almost on the verge of tears when I first saw it cause I felt like it was soooo short

I know exactly how you feel, I cried a month ago after my first dominican salon experience...they undid so much progress, by the time she blew out my hair and suggested a trim, I just agreed to it because they had already yanked out so much of my hair!! I wanted so much to see how long it was before she trimmed but didn't have the heart to look, because I think I would have been more traumatized! I was shedding and breaking for weeks. there's areas in the front where the hair is broken, like pinkie length, discovered a section in the back as well. I haven't been to a hairdresser in years, and was doing fine. I'm going to cont doing it myself. they were too rough, it was like they were shuffling people like it was a drive-thru burger joint:lachen:
My hair is almost armpit everyone else it's long....but to me is seems short:nuts:, ....but I'm not satisfied with my length. Does this sound crazy or is it just board referred to this as "hair anorexia", I think that so applies to me:look:...I want waist length hair soooo bad:lick:....

and keep it real...I know I am not the only one here:lachen:

And I want your length soooooooo bad. lol.

I dont consider your hair short at all. It's long to me.
Your hair looks long to me and you are way past APL in your pics unless you cut it recently. Me too, as my hair gets longer my hair anorexia is getting worse. I can't wait til I hit MBL!!! Then on to WL!:yep:
I feel your pain. People tell me my hair is long, but I still feel like it's short. I see other APL heads with beautiful thick hair and they make me feel so inadequate. I don't think I'll be satisfied until it's touching my ankles. :look:
My hair is APL, and I don't consider that long. Some people consider my hair long, but to me it feels medium length. Long hair to me is past BSL.

P.S. It looks to me like you are past APL.
Your hair looks long to me. I know what you mean though. I probably won't feel like my hair is long until it is visibly MBL.
My hair is almost armpit everyone else it's long....but to me is seems short:nuts:, ....but I'm not satisfied with my length. Does this sound crazy or is it just board referred to this as "hair anorexia", I think that so applies to me:look:...I want waist length hair soooo bad:lick:....

and keep it real...I know I am not the only one here:lachen:

You're definitely past APL, but I feel you!:grin: I'm BSL and sometimes I get that feeling. I want MBL hair so bad!
That hair anorexia is hard to shake.

I'm still not all the way out of the woods with mine.:ohwell:

Hang in there girl.... ironic! This is exactly how I feel! :lachen: Everyone comments on the length of my hair, but I don't feel that it's long at all. Just "normal" :ohwell: "Long" to me is waist length and longer....*sigh* I hope to get there soon....:rolleyes:
I feel your pain. People tell me my hair is long, but I still feel like it's short. I see other APL heads with beautiful thick hair and they make me feel so inadequate. I don't think I'll be satisfied until it's touching my ankles. :look:

hilarious!!!!:lachen: with the "touching the ankles"
I haven't worn my hair straight in a long time, but I did blow it out last week for my twists. The longest layer of my hair reaches APL. My manager was like "WOW! you're hair is really long!" and my response was "Really???? :perplexed" it just doesn't seem long to me....on MY head, lol.
your not the only one. i was mbl last year, and even then my hair didnt feel remotly long. and right now its feeling incredibly short at a few inches past underarm. i dont think ill be satisfied till i reach waist length and beyond.
I haven't worn my hair straight in a long time, but I did blow it out last week for my twists. The longest layer of my hair reaches APL. My manager was like "WOW! you're hair is really long!" and my response was "Really???? :perplexed" it just doesn't seem long to me....on MY head, lol.

If my hair was natural, I would love to have your tendrils, your hair is adorable.
My hair is almost armpit everyone else it's long....but to me is seems short:nuts:, ....but I'm not satisfied with my length. Does this sound crazy or is it just board referred to this as "hair anorexia", I think that so applies to me:look:...I want waist length hair soooo bad:lick:....

and keep it real...I know I am not the only one here:lachen:

Don't worry about what anybody calls it. It's just that you would like your hair to be a certain length and that's it. To each their own, right? People might call your hair long; to you, it's just not 'long enough.' We all have ultimate goal lengths and everyone is different. If you want waist length, then good for you with that gorgeous hair of yours! You are not crazy. :spinning:
Blkprincess, I know how you feel!

But girl, Your hair is definitely long!!!

I am full APL at the moment, and it really doesn’t seem long to me (probably because I was BSL and chopped 3” in September…), I guess when you have really high standards of ‘long hair’ it makes you harder on yourself!!
Your hair look longer than APL to me.. I understand how you feel b/c I am the same way.. I'm APL but it don't feel like it,:ohwell: I know I won't be satisfied until I reach BSL or maybe MBL.. I'm sure there are many of us that feel this way....