Am I the only one who feels this way?

Is Co-washing all it's cracked up to be?

  • Yes

    Votes: 125 63.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 11.1%
  • I achieve the same results with either a DC or pre-poo

    Votes: 18 9.1%
  • I do not co-wash

    Votes: 33 16.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
I have been reading some great information about co-washing and how much it helps retain/gain moisture to hair. I DEFINITELY need the moisture and I would love to explore co-washing, but I am TERRIFIED that my hair will not be clean! I don't know I think it is something about the suds and soap and seeing the dirt and oil wash away.

Does/did anyone else have this type of apprehension about co-washing? And is co-washing REALLY as great as everyone says?
Over my time of stalking folki's across the nation and reading hair boards, I've read alot of experiences where people tried CO washing for a while and it didn't work for them doing it on a consistant basis. I think prepoos and DC's are enough to keep a healthy moisture level in your hair.
I was hesitant to cut back on the poo at first, but now I love co washing. I hardly ever wash my hair with shampoo. For the most part, I use AVC and clarifying conditoners to get my hair clean. But then again, I dont use alot of things that arent water soluble.
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I shampoo and DC (at most) once a week...the other 1-3 days (depending on my new growth and how I feel) I, you can do both. But, I really don't put anything in my hair that would make me require a lot of poo. I could probably cut it all the way back to once a month, as long as I keep CW.
I think co-washing is great and it has always left my hair clean and moisturized. But I still love using shampoo too and usually use it at least once a week.
DenverGirl said:
I have been reading some great information about co-washing and how much it helps retain/gain moisture to hair. I DEFINITELY need the moisture and I would love to explore co-washing, but I am TERRIFIED that my hair will not be clean! I don't know I think it is something about the suds and soap and seeing the dirt and oil wash away.

Does/did anyone else have this type of apprehension about co-washing? And is co-washing REALLY as great as everyone says?

Denver, I conditioner shampoo once in a while. I like the way my hair smells afterward and people comment on how nice my hair is that noticeable. I do my best to keep an every four days shampoo, clarify about once every two weeks or when I have a heavy product build up and loss of lustre to my hair. Try it, you may like it!
You know, the first time I heard about Co-Washing, the thing sounded very strange to me... But after trying it, I definitely adopted it ^____^

My hair feel so soft and moisturize after a cw ! And it is my solution to BadHair Days ;)
i love conditioner washes! they definitely work or my hair. my favorite's are suave moisturising/botanical conditioners. they're cheap and they work. i save my more expensive, botanical conditioners for leave-ins.
The only time I co-wash is during the summer. When it's really hot out and I've been sweating, swimming, horseback riding... I want to wash my hair every day, but I don't like to use shampoo that often.

I co-wash with a little diluted conditioner in the shower every day and then wash with shampoo and deep condition once a week. It works. My hair stays clean, moisturized and smells good all summer long.:)

I don't put anything heavy on my hair when it's so hot out, just a misting of water and maybe a tiny dab of a light oil to seal the moisture in, so build up isn't an issue.
SvelteVelvet said:
Over my time of stalking folki's across the nation and reading hair boards, I've read alot of experiences where people tried CO washing for a while and it didn't work for them doing it on a consistant basis. I think prepoos and DC's are enough to keep a healthy moisture level in your hair.

I love cowashes, my scalp hates shampoos. I do poo with diluted shampoo to rid my hair of the low amount of cones I use. once a month
I love co washes. They get my hair clean and keeps it soft and moisturized. I co wash daily and use shampoo once or twice a week.
DenverGirl said:
I have been reading some great information about co-washing and how much it helps retain/gain moisture to hair. I DEFINITELY need the moisture and I would love to explore co-washing, but I am TERRIFIED that my hair will not be clean! I don't know I think it is something about the suds and soap and seeing the dirt and oil wash away.

Does/did anyone else have this type of apprehension about co-washing? And is co-washing REALLY as great as everyone says?

I don't cowash. I tried it but it didn't really do anything for my hair. I just wash weekly. Sometimes I might wash it 2-3 times a week if I'm wearing it out. But that's it...
My hair is natural and I love to co wash. I don't really use anything on my scalp so I shampoo once a week and co-wash everymorning:p
I do CO freguently when I wear my hair out. I use a clarifying shampoo to help with the buildup. CO washes do leave your hair with buildup. It is important to clarify your hair with shampoo.
Well, unless you're a construction worker or work out everyday there's no reason your hair would get so dirty where you would need shampoo everyday. CW help put necessary moisture back in your hair. Also the conditioning helps to strengthen the hair. I CW about 3x a week and Shampoo & Deep Con weekly. I can see and feel the difference in my hair. Inconsequently, it's helping me to stretch my relaxer w/o any breakage or shedding.
Well, unless you're a construction worker or work out everyday there's no reason your hair would get so dirty where you would need shampoo everyday. CW help put necessary moisture back in your hair. Also the conditioning helps to strengthen the hair. I CW about 3x a week and Shampoo & Deep Con weekly. I can see and feel the difference in my hair. Inconsequently, it's helping me to stretch my relaxer w/o any breakage or shedding.
Co-washing is just not for everyone, but you won't know until you try. Personally it is not for me. And you don't need co-washing to maintain moisture - there are other options.
CON washing didn't work for my hair too well. I couldn't understand why until when I went to wash my MAC makeup brushes. I ususally use shampoo to clean the brushes, but I inadvertantly grabbed the conditioner and was using that in the sink to dip my brushes in to remove the makeup. The makeup DID NOT BUDGE. AT ALL. Not even a little bit. :cool: Sooo, I must say that my hair and scalp does better and retains more moisture when CLEAN! :)
andreamaria said:
CON washing didn't work for my hair too well. I couldn't understand why until when I went to wash my MAC makeup brushes. I ususally use shampoo to clean the brushes, but I inadvertantly grabbed the conditioner and was using that in the sink to dip my brushes in to remove the makeup. The makeup DID NOT BUDGE. AT ALL. Not even a little bit. :cool: Sooo, I must say that my hair and scalp does better and retains more moisture when CLEAN! :)

Girl we are on the same page! I have to even watch out for those conditioners that don't rinse well. Even when I use those, my hair TRIPS OUT on me when it comes to styling and ease of daily maintenance.
HoneyDew said:
Girl we are on the same page! I have to even watch out for those conditioners that don't rinse well. Even when I use those, my hair TRIPS OUT on me when it comes to styling and ease of daily maintenance.

I'm with you ladies...I tried it for 2 weeks and my hair was like, what the h@#l!
Def not for my hair, but I'm glad its working for some ladies. I'm wondering if it works for people with really dry scalp and hair...I dunno, just guessin':perplexed
I love conditioner washes too. I usually conditioner wash a few times a week and shampoo once. It works in keeping my hair nice and moist. Suave Milk and Honey and Hello Hydration are my go to conditioners for my co-washes. :)
I like CO washes, but they can be kinda finicky imo. I believe that co washes don't clean your hair much if at all, but they certainly can moisturize. The key seems to be to keep products that are prone to build up ( cones, heavy pomades and butters, etc...) to a minimum and to make sure you to clean your hair with something other than a CO wash when the occasion arises ( like using an acv rinse, baking soda, or shampoo).
If you follow those general guidelines and of course not use heat you'll probably be okay, unless your hair just doesn't like the manipulation or need the moisture.
Another alternative is to just mix a few dabs of shampoo and conditioner in a bottle of water and to wash with that and condition afterwards if needed. That gets the hair cleaner without drying it out, good for inbetween co washes or shampoos. HTHS.