I've been reading that frequent washing may help promote hair growth. This used to be said on a lot on this board a while ago.
I also read that frequent washing increases the amount of oxygen to the hair follicle.
This is what the ORS website says:
Poor circulation, lack of stimulation, adverse scalp conditions and clogged follicles can all result in less oxygen to the hair follicle. Scientists have found that people with stunted hair growth have up to 38% less oxygen at the hair's root.
Others have said this is why people with anaemia suffer stunted growth and even hair loss - because there's less blood so there's less oxygen being carried to the hair root. So taking iron to deal with anaemia is important. Exercise is too - as it pumps blood around the body.
Also I remember someone saying here that when you sleep on one side exclusively, this prevents blood flow to that area. In this case, what eventually happens is that this side doesn't grow as fast as the other side.
I don't know - I found it very interesting
But as you've all said, you don't want to over-wash your hair either, which is damaging. I suppose it's about striking a balance that suits you

Hmm.. I've know a good amount of white women to complain about slow growth actually; and over time I could see that their growth was indeed slower than average. However, they would usually just maintain a healthy SL cut..(or a short cut).they didn't have much breakage unless they were over bleaching so they retained what they had easily. I think we often assume all WP have fast growing hair when in actually they're just retaining what they have really well.It would be nice if there was some research out there that could prove this. This may explain why white people hair seems to grow very fast as they tend to wash their hair more frequently. Let me duck the comments that are about to come from this statement