Am I the only one who feels this way?

Is Co-washing all it's cracked up to be?

  • Yes

    Votes: 125 63.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 11.1%
  • I achieve the same results with either a DC or pre-poo

    Votes: 18 9.1%
  • I do not co-wash

    Votes: 33 16.7%

  • Total voters
camellia said:
The only time I co-wash is during the summer. When it's really hot out and I've been sweating, swimming, horseback riding... I want to wash my hair every day, but I don't like to use shampoo that often.

Same here, I apply conditioner and a swim cap before going in the pool, and then co-wash afterwards. I only shampoo and deep condition once a week.
metalkitty said:
I like CO washes, but they can be kinda finicky imo. I believe that co washes don't clean your hair much if at all, but they certainly can moisturize. The key seems to be to keep products that are prone to build up ( cones, heavy pomades and butters, etc...) to a minimum and to make sure you to clean your hair with something other than a CO wash when the occasion arises ( like using an acv rinse, baking soda, or shampoo).
If you follow those general guidelines and of course not use heat you'll probably be okay, unless your hair just doesn't like the manipulation or need the moisture.
Another alternative is to just mix a few dabs of shampoo and conditioner in a bottle of water and to wash with that and condition afterwards if needed. That gets the hair cleaner without drying it out, good for inbetween co washes or shampoos. HTHS.

I have been thinking about this all day...sad but true! But I decided to do just what you have recommended, metal. I will put about 3/4 parts conditioner to 1/4 part shampoo. That way I can still have my suds and get some of the benefits of the co-washing - at least this is the way that I figure. We'll see...

Ayeshia why do you not like Pantene? It makes my hair feel so SOFT! What are some good alternatives?
HoneyDew said:
Co-washing is just not for everyone, but you won't know until you try. Personally it is not for me. And you don't need co-washing to maintain moisture - there are other options.

i agree with this. i tried co washing and it didnt work for me when i was relaxed or natural. my hair was still dry. but i say give it a shot. it seems to work for a lot of people on here.
DenverGirl said:
I have been thinking about this all day...sad but true! But I decided to do just what you have recommended, metal. I will put about 3/4 parts conditioner to 1/4 part shampoo. That way I can still have my suds and get some of the benefits of the co-washing - at least this is the way that I figure. We'll see...

Ayeshia why do you not like Pantene? It makes my hair feel so SOFT! What are some good alternatives?
i like pantene just not as an everyday conditioner to wash with...i used it every day for two weeks sometime ago and my hair had awful build up. the cones in it are to blame. for everyday use though i have not been co washing on a regular basis. but when i did i used elucence suave and vo5 conditioners which are basically cone free and dont buildup on the hair.
I co-wash if I want to get rid of product buildup but desire to retain moisture. I do it in between my weekly washes, but I would never advise anyone to only do co-washes as a part of their normal regime. Co-washing alone DOES NOT GET YOUR HAIR CLEAN! You would still need to use shampoo to get rid of the dirt, grime, oils, etc.
I was hesitant to CO wash but after a couple of months of doing it my scalp improved dramatically. My dandruff cleared up and I find my hair is way more moist etc. I use shampoo usually diluted once a month.
It doesnt work for me. When i tried it, i had build up instantly.
But then again, i use loads of oils in my hair so the Con just sat ontop of my oily hair, not penetrating and not washing out. I had to pour in some poo to get rid of it!
DenverGirl said:
I have been thinking about this all day...sad but true! But I decided to do just what you have recommended, metal. I will put about 3/4 parts conditioner to 1/4 part shampoo. That way I can still have my suds and get some of the benefits of the co-washing - at least this is the way that I figure. We'll see...

Ayeshia why do you not like Pantene? It makes my hair feel so SOFT! What are some good alternatives?

So, how did your hair turn out? If you want to make it work you'll have to tweak with things, like the shampoo to conditioner ratio, to get the results you want. I forgot to add that you can do a quick conditioning or DC afterwards, you have to listen to what your hair wants you know? I should really start doing this again btw :grin:.
When I first tried to do a CW, I just wet my hair, put the conditioner on, left it in for about ten minutes, and washed it out. Similar to my Poo routine, just minus the Poo this time. My hair did not like had that feeling like there was still residue in my hair. It would not curl or anything, so I ended up having to wash it all over again with shampoo.

However...I heard so much about the conditioner washes that I decided to try it again. I wanted my hair to be nice and moisturized before I had my micro braids put it.

This time I did the CW routine differently. The second time around, I decided to do a deep condtioning first. So I put my Motions deep conditioner on my dry hair, sealed it with my Jojoba oil and sat under the dryer for about 15 minutes. Then I got in the shower and washed my hair with my KeraCare conditoner. When I got out, I blow dryed my hair and instead of feeling that sticky residue feeling, I felt silky hair. This is how I know that it worked this time!! So, I will definitly try it again...most likely when I take my micros out. :)
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Personally, I do not do CW's for cleaning purposes...I do it for manageablity, when I am in between relaxers. The CW helps soften my new growth for a couple of days. Since I do not put a lot of product into my hair, my hair is not that dirty through out the week. So, I shampoo my hair once a week and do a CW once a week. I used to shampoo twice a week but I think the shampoo was drying out my natural hair oils, so I cut back.
CO washing is only one method of getting extra moisture. If you find that shampoo is too drying, and you want to wash your hair several times a week it might be worth a try. Maybe you might want to shampoo and DC once a week, and CO wash several times a week. There is really nothing to be terrified about, because conditioners will suds when washing the scalp and they usually do not harm your hair. If you try it a couple of times and don't like it, then you can just go back to your regualr shampoo and DC.
i've personally gone abck to co-washes i do them every summer especially on holiday, i'm going to greece this year and will do them...

the thing is, not to overdo it.

i will shampoo every 3-5 days and co-was every other usually works out well :)

clarifying is needed/or needede more often when doing co-washes. i will clarify maybe once per monthh, with keracare 1st lather, or keracare hydrating poo with a teaspoon of baking soda added :P
i've been doing since February 09. I have yet to check my length but i like the freedom of washing my hair more often
ive been co washing daily for the past five years. and im pretty sure my hair is clean lol. i only use shampoo if i use product which is rare, like a thermal flat iron spray, i probably used shampoo 4 times last year.
As long as you use a product to remove the buildup on your scalp and clarify once in a while. I know when I was cowashing on a daily basis more or less...poo'ing was only needed once a month and sometimes every month and a half.
I was hesitant at first as well but the first time i did my hair was so much more moisturized. I wash every day in the summer so my hair doesn't have time to get too much build up. I'll only do a clarifying shampoo once a month. For me the co wash gets rid of everything just as well as shampoo does. It's also very hard to comb through my hair if i've just used shampooed where as with a co wash it takes me half the time to detangle.
I am glad this thread was bumped. I have always been in two minds about cowashing. My scalp is very itchy and I feel conditioners may contribute to this. I have been washing weekly with a sulfate free shampoo and while it cleans my scalp and hair, I am not 100% satisfied with my hairs moisture levels. I really want to revisit cowashing for a month or 2 and see how it goes.
I used to feel the same way about co washing, but there's definately technique that goes along with it. With shampoo, it's powerful enough that you don't have to really soak your hair before you start to use it. However, with cowashing, you're doing to definately want to let that water do it's job for at least a good 5 minutes before you start even using the conditioner. I will gently remove oily residues. Then you can start applying your conditioner as you would a shampoo, and gently massage your scalp. Follow up with a stronger conditioner for better moisture retention. It took me a while to get a technique down. I still love my suds though, and I shampoo at least twice a week with real shampoo.--- My mom and sister highjacked my VO5 once I put them onto it.
I used to have really dry hair that never retained moisture so I was so excited when I found hair boards and cowashing. I cowash 1-2x a week and only use soap when I need to get a certain product of it. Especially since I started using henna, my hair retains moisture so well that I stopped dcing and prepooing.
i don't co-wash. I dunno know why but i don't. Maybe because i am content with my traditional poo/dc.:look:
LongHair, hush! Your hair will do fine, but here's a little trick: If you feel as if you MUST have the experience of washing your hair with shampoo, use a sulfate-free shampoo like Hamadi or Phytospecific. Same thing without the harsh stripping.

I used to co-wash everyday when I was relaxed and I had no problems with my hair being dirty.
I do CW but not exclusively. I need shampoo on my scalp. I need the massage I get during shampooing. I do not apply conditioner on my scalp so I can't imagine never washing my scalp. Also I think my hair would get dull if I didn't shampoo it. CWing just punctuates my regimen every now and then.

If you're worried about not having clean hair, WEN makes cleansing conditioners so maybe you could incorporate them into your regimen if you want to be a no-poo girl.
I use either baking soda or apple cider vinegar to clarify ..havent use shampoo in 2 yrs now. Love cowashing!
In the beginning, I was really scared that co-washing wouldn't get my hair and scalp clean, especially since I use oils in my hair. But every time I co-wash, I'm left with a clean scalp.

I follow each CW with a nettle tea rinse, and that definitely helps break down any excess oil.
I still do all 3, prepoo, DC & co-wash. Not at the same time obviously, I prepoo & DC on wash day, I co-wash 1x or 2x between shampoo washes.
I voted "no" but that was b/c I had one bad experience. I didn't like the conditioner I used to co-wash generally. The other reason is I had great results with frequent washing and conditioning. the only thing is, I did A LOT of maintenance...we're talking dc's, oil treatments, multiple washings--I wonder if simply co-washing would do the trick--given the right conditioner. The other issue is I have an oily scalp and a buildup problem. So, no, but with an explanation. :drunk:
Co-washing changed my hair-life.

As a relaxed head though, I wouldn't get it... all that constant re-styling... :ohwell:

ETA: let me elaborate.
Co-washing makes my curls behave so much better, and keeps my hair moisturised.
It's essential to use the right conditioner though (no cones etc)

I do use shampoo once a week though, started off because I was swimming once a week but have got lazy with that but still shampoo occasionaly 'just in case'
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