I believe that I no long homeless! Praise Him (Very long)


The Credit Countess
That's church homeless ladies.

I don't post much here about what's going on in my life but the last 2 years has been very trying.

First of all as some knows my (ex) husband and I have had many problems due to his PTSD. We finally divorced in July of this year.

The problem with that was that he was also my Pastor. After we divorced we were still trying to keep the ministry going however, whenever he had a mood swing and wasn't talking to me or was upset with my son he just wouldn't have services or he would preach our problems from the pulpit.

One month he was excited about making me his assistant pastor the next month he felt it would be best for me to find a new church home. This went on for 2 years, until I finally said that I wasn't going to sit under him any longer.

So I because a Minister without a home. It became easier and easier not to get up on Sunday's and just to lounge at home. I wanted to find a church home but even though there were plenty around me I didn't know where to go ( if that makes sense).

Two Saturdays ago I went to an memorial service for a faculty member at a church a town over from me. Doing the service I realized that I knew the pastor and after the service we talked. I went back the next day and then this Sunday. I haven't joined yet but I am sure that I will which makes me: NO LONGER HOMELESS. It is a small congregation where everyone knows everyone and they are very welcoming. I look forward to seeing where GOD is going to take me and my son in doing his work and his well.
OP, that's a blessing...to find a church where you feel at home! amen....