All these men with bad teeth


New Member
Am I just too picky or what ???LOL I keep getting approached by men who have bad teeth or shall I say a bad tooth :lachen: These are otherwise decent good looking brothas. I just cant get over it though. The first thing I look at is the teeth. I become fixated on it . I just cant imagine putting my tongue in someone's mouth and their teeth is messed up :perplexed

I got approached by two guys who live near me. I turned them both down because I noticed something funny with thier teeth. Both of these guys have moved on and are with other women who seem to dont mind at all. They are goodlooking women .I'd be lying if I said i wasnt just a wee bit jealous. One of the guys was very handsome and he seemed to have gotten more handsome when he got with the other woman LOL . He had something wrong with his tooth though !! How can someone get over that ??

Another guy I met was very sweet . He was almost too good to be true. I was talking to him and noticed he had an overbite and a slight lisp and I got totally turned off . Homeboy was my type ,had a job. in college for engineering, didnt mind me having kids and was totally into me and I took his number and threw it away after I noticed his mouth wasnt perfect. You know Im still :wallbash: over that one. Am I too picky or is dating men with bad teeth a bad idea ? I just cant kiss someone with bad teeth. Ill probaly dry heave and throw up .​
There's nothing wrong with wanting a guy with nice teeth. In fact, for me they better be straight (not perfectly), white (not off white), no gaps (a little one is fine but nothing big). They don't have to be perfect (whose teeth are) but they need to know how to take care of them.

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people have nice teeth on top but when I see the bottom...:nono:, it's like a whole nother story. Crowding, crooked, stained, missing, the list goes on.
Mostly everyone has physical things that instantly turn them off, so it's understandable. If you're okay with knowing you're giving up someone (a possible future) over something like that, then it's nothing wrong with it.

I'm not super picky about teeth because i definitely dont have great teeth, but no missing teeth or super yellow teeth. I dont have great teeth because my mom didnt want to pay for my braces and never kept up with my dentistry or doctor appointments (once went 4 years without going to the dentist). It's something I plan on getting fixed in the future.
Why would you turn a man down for a small speech impediment???
There are more important thngs to look for in a man than his teeth...
I understand if he looked like Mr. Ed but you ladies sound like the slightest little imperfection is a deal breaker...

At least y'all know what you're looking for..but you might end up looking forever with all those lists of specifics..#Kanyeshrug
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C'mon.....:rolleyes:really..I had my wisdom teeth removed since they were "impacted" and now the bottom teeth are crowding.. so now i have to get braces..I am so glad my SO didn't hold this against me..
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Am I just too picky or what ???LOL I keep getting approached by men who have bad teeth or shall I say a bad tooth :lachen: These are otherwise decent good looking brothas. I just cant get over it though. The first thing I look at is the teeth. I become fixated on it . I just cant imagine putting my tongue in someone's mouth and their teeth is messed up :perplexed​

I got approached by two guys who live near me. I turned them both down because I noticed something funny with thier teeth. Both of these guys have moved on and are with other women who seem to dont mind at all. They are goodlooking women .I'd be lying if I said i wasnt just a wee bit jealous. One of the guys was very handsome and he seemed to have gotten more handsome when he got with the other woman LOL . He had something wrong with his tooth though !! How can someone get over that ??​

Another guy I met was very sweet . He was almost too good to be true. I was talking to him and noticed he had an overbite and a slight lisp and I got totally turned off . Homeboy was my type ,had a job. in college for engineering, didnt mind me having kids and was totally into me and I took his number and threw it away after I noticed his mouth wasnt perfect. You know Im still :wallbash: over that one. Am I too picky or is dating men with bad teeth a bad idea ? I just cant kiss someone with bad teeth. Ill probaly dry heave and throw up .​

Like you, I'm a tooth person, too! Idk why. Maybe it's because I have my own teeth issues myself. See, I have a gap. Think Michael Strahan of the New York Giants gap. It's hereditary and my other brothers and sisters have one, but thier's is more Madonnaish :grin:. So I get self concious about it and I think folks are looking at it when they look at me.

My thing is, as long as it doesnt look like your teeth are a train wreck you're good with me. It would be hypocritial to say that I want a guy who have a perfect smile when I don't. Actually, I like a guy with a gap :grin:. I have had some guys approach me with a tooth hanging and one dangling. Look like he ate rocks for dinner.:lachen:. I have my limits, too.
I don't think youre too picky; you can't help what youre attracted too. But just remember not everyone is perfect and cosmetic dentistry is a mutha! I want to get my gap closed but I know it will be an arm and a leg.
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You like what you like, but remember that some things are fixable. For example, look up Mr Denzel before he got his veneers (late 70s early 80s I think)...Clearly his dental situation has come a looooong way :lachen:

Teeth can be whitened, straightened, pulled, whatever, but a bad and unambitious personality is usually there to stay....

Good luck to you
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Why would you turn a man down for a small speech impediment???
There are more important thngs to look for in a man than his teeth...
I understand if he looked like Mr. Ed but you ladies sound like the slightest little imperfection is a deal breaker...

At least y'all know what you're looking for..but you might end up looking forever with all those lists of specifics..#Kanyeshrug
Ok I don't understand how looks are any different than the speech impediment? They can both be slightly improved upon and/or passed down generations.:look:

OP I can totally understand your feelings in regards to bad teeth. Different strokes for different folks. We all have certain things likes and dislikes. Some folks are deathly afraid of the dentist and that dental bill:lachen:. I hate the dentist but I'm too vain to walk around with noticeable jacked up teeth for life.

ETA: Tianaveen you ain't never lied about the cost. When I'm finish with all my cosmetic dental work I'll have a big ole Mercedes Benz inside my mouth. I wish I could just settle for what needs to be fixed and covered by my dental insurance.
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DH seemingly has perfect teeth until you get close. He has some crowding, but I look past that and love him anyway. He has other imperfections that I decided to overlook...I felt so much better for it.

ETA: Hubby is a good man who works hard and is good to me. I appreciate him, flaws and all.
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As long as he doesn't look like he's been chomping down on glass, then I don't see what the big deal is about. One or two imperfect teeth are not a deal breaker for me at all. Down the road, we can work on a tooth or two, but we can't do a thing about the personality if it is off point.
Why would you turn a man down for a small speech impediment???
There are more important thngs to look for in a man than his teeth...
I understand if he looked like Mr. Ed but you ladies sound like the slightest little imperfection is a deal breaker...

At least y'all know what you're looking for..but you might end up looking forever with all those lists of specifics..#Kanyeshrug

He had the speech impediment AND the overbite. I just couldnt get over it. I still have his number though even though it's like four months later :lachen: Im still trying to work up the nerve to call him. I just cant get over the teeth. He is such a sweet guy that I know that if I called him even all these months later he would be OK with that. He just had that vibe and I havent liked a dude in so many years . I dont know why Im still holding on to that number all these months later.I typically get alot of numbers and I usually throw them out that within the hour but I just kept his. I just met him once but it just felt so right I cant throw the number out.
Teeth are an important part of the face, and can really throw things off or put it together. An obvious rotten tooth or receding gums would turn me off, they just look unhealthy. But something like crowding or an overbite are not deal breakers for me. A gap is actually a plus..I love gaps.
He had the speech impediment AND the overbite. I just couldnt get over it. I still have his number though even though it's like four months later :lachen: Im still trying to work up the nerve to call him.t.

Girl, if you have been holding onto that number for four months, what are you waiting for? You better hurry up before you find out he's been talking to a girl who found his lisp cute (and his engineering degree).

I know how it is when these little things turn us off. I can be too picky my self. But then you realize that you have your own flaws.
You like what you like. *shrug* As for me, cleanliness/health is the most important factor when it comes to teeth. ;) A man can have the straightest, most gap-free teeth in the world, but if he looks like he just bit into a slice of cheddar cheese... :nono:
I thought me and my BFF were the only people who were uber picky about teeth, I hate a raggedy grill.....get a dental plan and pay in installments and work it out.
You like what you like. *shrug* As for me, cleanliness/health is the most important factor when it comes to teeth. ;) A man can have the straightest, most gap-free teeth in the world, but if he looks like he just bit into a slice of cheddar cheese... :nono:

:blush:of course if someone wants staright teeth they would want them to be white, otherwise whats the use...that's gross too.:lachen:
Teeth are an important part of the face, and can really throw things off or put it together. An obvious rotten tooth or receding gums would turn me off, they just look unhealthy. But something like crowding or an overbite are not deal breakers for me. A gap is actually a plus..I love gaps.

Thats a fact! It was so wierd before I noticed the guy's tooth he was rather attractive but as soon as I noticed his bad tooth he instantly became ugly to me . I dont know why but my eyes would always zoom in on his mouth. Out of all my exes only one of them had bad teeth but he had it going on in so many other areas that I just overlooked it. He was so damn sexy
I don't do bad teeth. Crooked, spaces, stains, UN-UH!!:nono: I realize that dental work is pricey but most offices will work with you on a payment plan. You may have to have the work done in increments as you can afford it but it can be done. It just depends on how much you want your teeth fixed.

Oh, and I agree about a lot of people having decent top teeth but you look at the bottom ones and they are just as wrecked as can be. What's up with that?:perplexed
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Ok I don't understand how looks are any different than the speech impediment? They can both be slightly improved upon and/or passed down generations.:look:

OP I can totally understand your feelings in regards to bad teeth. Different strokes for different folks. We all have certain things likes and dislikes. Some folks are deathly afraid of the dentist and that dental bill:lachen:. I hate the dentist but I'm too vain to walk around with noticeable jacked up teeth for life.

ETA: Tianaveen you ain't never lied about the cost. When I'm finish with all my cosmetic dental work I'll have a big ole Mercedes Benz inside my mouth. I wish I could just settle for what needs to be fixed and covered by my dental insurance.

Lmao! Preach! Preach gal! :lachen: one day i am gonna give in though.
Actually, the last involvement I had with a man was initiated shortly after I saw his teeth and we had a conversation about them. They're beautiful. Of course, he had to be more than a sexy smile and he was. I can't say I'm a huge fan of jacked up teeth either, so it does help if they're decent looking. But I'm less concerned with nice teeth and more concerned with other more important qualities.
Am I just too picky or what ???LOL I keep getting approached by men who have bad teeth or shall I say a bad tooth :lachen: These are otherwise decent good looking brothas. I just cant get over it though. The first thing I look at is the teeth. I become fixated on it . I just cant imagine putting my tongue in someone's mouth and their teeth is messed up :perplexed

I got approached by two guys who live near me. I turned them both down because I noticed something funny with thier teeth. Both of these guys have moved on and are with other women who seem to dont mind at all. They are goodlooking women .I'd be lying if I said i wasnt just a wee bit jealous. One of the guys was very handsome and he seemed to have gotten more handsome when he got with the other woman LOL . He had something wrong with his tooth though !! How can someone get over that ??

Another guy I met was very sweet . He was almost too good to be true. I was talking to him and noticed he had an overbite and a slight lisp and I got totally turned off . Homeboy was my type ,had a job. in college for engineering, didnt mind me having kids and was totally into me and I took his number and threw it away after I noticed his mouth wasnt perfect. You know Im still :wallbash: over that one. Am I too picky or is dating men with bad teeth a bad idea ? I just cant kiss someone with bad teeth. Ill probaly dry heave and throw up .​
Yes, you're too picky and you sound really immature. Are you perfect? Is there a physical attribute about you that isn't 100% on point? Women like this stay single. smh @ letting great guys go because they have an overbite. PETTY AND IMMATURE.
When I was dating I couldn't get give a man with bad teeth a chance & that includes gold teeth. That was an instant :nono:. Teeth was just one of those things I couldn't get past. I dated a really nice guy in college but his front tooth was chipped. I never took him seriously. I also dated a guy from Mississippi with a gold tooth who was also a really good guy. I never called him back b/c in one of our convo's we had I asked him if he ever thought about taking the gold tooth out. Mind you this man works in a corporate environment, I have idea how he got away with that all those years & I'd known him for some time from going to church with him.

But anyway after he said he had no plans to take it out, I stopped calling him completely.

Years later, I see him around and no gold teeth. I felt like a fool & I honestly felt like I made a rash decision. Things like teeth can be fixed so if that's all he has working against him it wouldn't hurt to give him a try.
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i didnt even read all of what you posted OP but bad teeth is a nono i wont even talk to you thats the first thing i see i cant deal eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww
I don't necessarily think you are immature.. I cant stand a jacked up mouth.. it just depends on what it is.. I can do a gap(my hub has one).. I just cant stand obviously stained teeth.. (not the coffee staining).. staining like you done went weeks without brushing your teeth..

I know a guy who would be otherwise attractive if it wasn't for his horselike teeth.. (they are huge.. lol, look like dentures when he closes his mouth).

I don't even think its an issue of thinking you are perfect, there are different things that turn ppl off..

Maybe you can just try really hard to look at their other qualities..especially if everything else about them is really good?
One thing I love on a guy is a set of nice teeth, thats just me. Some women are for the eyes, ears, hair etc but Im all for the teeth. Nothing wrong with that. I wont COMPLETELY right you off but Id much prefer a guy with decent teeth.
Eh, I can't throw stones because my teeth are messed up. I have braces but it's hard for me to go to the orthodontist because my parents don't have insurance. I have an underbite and my jaw is slightly misaligned. It sucks because I can only fix it through surgery, and I just don't have that type of cash

Sometimes you can't help those type of things
Yes, you're too picky and you sound really immature. Are you perfect? Is there a physical attribute about you that isn't 100% on point? Women like this stay single. smh @ letting great guys go because they have an overbite. PETTY AND IMMATURE.

everyone has their preferences/turn-on. She's just sharing hers, no need to be malcious towards her about her choices.
what about those that wont give guys less than 6'1 any shine time?
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OOOh wow! Thanks for the laugh ladies, I too like a man with nice straight clean teeth. It tells something about the man, That "He cares enough to send the very best" LOL anyway its top on my list and shows that the man is conscientuous about the minutess detail. No thats sessy!