"All that hair and you do nothing with it"......


New Member
\"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

Ok,I'd like your input this was a comment that made me a little upset...more annoyed than anything. Now I know, it wasn't said to be mean but I was definitely irritated when a "family member" made this statement, meanwhile continued to say how she can't get her hair to grow so she wears braids and weave!!!! So I just took a deep breath and told her to be gentle with her hair, take vitamins and deep condition.....but that really ticked me off !

Then!!! later that day I was shopping and this lady comes up close to me and says "is that all yours...then tugs at my hair!!!!ARGGGGG

Has anyone made annoying comments to you? how do you handle that!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

I get this all the time, and I'm not suprised that some one besides me would be annoyed by this. As well, when I was at the science lab at my school this girl complemented my hair and then another girl said: "I know, it looks fake!" I thought to myself, NO this Heifer didn't! But I shook it off, THANK GOD!!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

Yes it can be really irritating. I have had people come up to me and ask me if my hair is real.....AND actually have the nerve to feel in my scalp to see if they feel tracks!!!!

I mean if I tell you it's real, it's real and if it was a weave...SO WHAT??
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

I haaaaaaaaaate it when people walk up and put their hands in your hair.

I am not a petting zoo.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Allandra said:
People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I usually don't sweat it but dag....
have people try to or touched your hair? (I hate that...)I'm going to have to keep up like I use to
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Oh My! someone said this to me in college. It's pretty much a "hater's" statement
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

ccd said:
Allandra said:
People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I usually don't sweat it but dag....
have people try to or touched your hair? (I hate that...)I'm going to have to keep up like I use to

[/ QUOTE ]
Even though I'm pretty darn nice, people know that touching my hair is a no-no
. Now if they ask me can they touch my hair, I say yes (as long as their hands are clean).
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

wingtoe said:
I get this all the time, and I'm not suprised that some one besides me would be annoyed by this. As well, when I was at the science lab at my school this girl complemented my hair and then another girl said: "I know, it looks fake!" I thought to myself, NO this Heifer didn't! But I shook it off, THANK GOD!!

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah the fake thing cracks me up! but man, why is it so hard for some people to believe that we can grow healthy hair!!? (this is a rhetorical question) I know it there are worse things people could say but I guess I needed to vent a little .... thanks
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Allandra said:
ccd said:
Allandra said:
People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I usually don't sweat it but dag....
have people try to or touched your hair? (I hate that...)I'm going to have to keep up like I use to

[/ QUOTE ]
Even though I'm pretty darn nice, people know that touching my hair is a no-no
. Now if they ask me can they touch my hair, I say yes (as long as their hands are clean).

[/ QUOTE ]

..... people are so quick and they don't ask!.....that was the second time some one did that to me so I'm like "looka here now!!!!!"
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Crystena77 said:
I haaaaaaaaaate it when people walk up and put their hands in your hair.

I am not a petting zoo.

[/ QUOTE ] DITTO!!!!!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

ccd said:
Allandra said:
ccd said:
Allandra said:
People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I usually don't sweat it but dag....
have people try to or touched your hair? (I hate that...)I'm going to have to keep up like I use to

[/ QUOTE ]
Even though I'm pretty darn nice, people know that touching my hair is a no-no
. Now if they ask me can they touch my hair, I say yes (as long as their hands are clean).

[/ QUOTE ]

..... people are so quick and they don't ask!.....that was the second time some one did that to me so I'm like "looka here now!!!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]
Girl, next time just
them. I bet that will work.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

...............THANKS!! (This board is the best! )
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Allandra said:
ccd said:
Allandra said:
ccd said:
Allandra said:
People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I usually don't sweat it but dag....
have people try to or touched your hair? (I hate that...)I'm going to have to keep up like I use to

[/ QUOTE ]
Even though I'm pretty darn nice, people know that touching my hair is a no-no
. Now if they ask me can they touch my hair, I say yes (as long as their hands are clean).

[/ QUOTE ]

..... people are so quick and they don't ask!.....that was the second time some one did that to me so I'm like "looka here now!!!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]
Girl, next time just
them. I bet that will work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good idea!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Yup-especially when my hair was in a bun alot or just not in a french roll,fingerwaves,freezes,crimps,or wraps. How irritating.Now I can respond-"my hair is in a bun and it is still long and healthy. Yours is not in a bun and look how dry,brittle,and lifeless it is." That would be mean,though.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

girrrl, get used to it because it only gets worse as your hair gets longer. i try to take it all as a compliment because i know that most people aren't used to seeing black women with long hair that is their own. things are slowly changing though.

when someone says, "all that hair and you do nothing with it," my response is usually, "that is precisely the reason i have all this hair... because i do nothing with it."
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

adrienne0914 said:
girrrl, get used to it because it only gets worse as your hair gets longer. i try to take it all as a compliment because i know that most people aren't used to seeing black women with long hair that is their own. things are slowly changing though.

when someone says, "all that hair and you do nothing with it," my response is usually, "that is precisely the reason i have all this hair... because i do nothing with it."

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes! Exactly! It's the same logic that applies to being rich: rich folks have money because they don't spend it on stupid/frivolous/unnecessary things, and because they reinvest their money in relevant, important ventures that are appreciatory. The women on this site have healthy and/or long hair because they ascribe value to their hair, and when something has value to you, you treat it with care. You dedicate yourself to preserving it and you invest in its health, vitality and its ability to accumulate, just as a rich person would do with their wealth.

It's like being hair rich...

Yes! That's it! LHCF=hair richness!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

When people wonder and ask "is it yours?" I say to myself, this person has really made a donkey of themselves, because its mainly ASSumptions from people that can't grasp the fact that black women CAN have long hair.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

I write it off as a statement of ignorance d/t a lack of knowledge concerning hair. Buns/protective styles rule.

I agree with Adrienne, give an abbreviated hair lesson of logic.

Along the lines w/Nutmeg, it's like having an expensive car. I wouldn't drive it to any old place. Rolls Royce parked in Walmart tight parking spaces.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

I didn't start getting comments like this until I got to high school. Now, it's even worse, I also get dirty looks. I just take it as a compliment, I don't look like this on purpose just to make others mad.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Wow! Adreinne I agree!!! When she said that "I do nothing" I thought to myself yeah I don't do the hot iron, hard gels and "extra" hair styles but I do other things " nourish, cleanse, take care of my hair....but I couldn't verbalize that with out sounding defensive....." I do nothing"........ that is so true...

Nutmeg never thought of it that way......great example!!!!, wonderful.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Before I started coming to this site, I was guilty of saying that to ladies who wore buns all the time. I'd always ask why they were so faithful to the bun. But now I understand.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

It is just a compliment cos she means that if she had your hair she would be proudly showing it off.
Buns or basic ponytails can look really nice anyway especially if your hair is nice and healthy.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Allandra said:
ccd said:
Allandra said:
People have said that to me a million times. I continue to ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I usually don't sweat it but dag....
have people try to or touched your hair? (I hate that...)I'm going to have to keep up like I use to

[/ QUOTE ]
Even though I'm pretty darn nice, people know that touching my hair is a no-no
. Now if they ask me can they touch my hair, I say yes (as long as their hands are clean).

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess if my hair ever gets that long I'll carry a bottle of Purell in my purse in case anyone asks to touch my hair.
"Sure, just hold out your hands a second" *squirt* "Rub them together"....."Okay, now you can touch"
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

buffalosoldier said:

It is just a compliment cos she means that if she had your hair she would be proudly showing it off.
Buns or basic ponytails can look really nice anyway especially if your hair is nice and healthy.

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I agree with you on the ponytail/bun thing....I was recently watching "all of us" on UPN ( a repeat) and LisaR was wearing a side bun and I thought that was beautiful...might try it soon.

I knew in my heart it wasn't maliciously said but stillI was like,
"gee how should I be wearing my hair? Teased, Sprayed and POPPED atop my head" (never that! even if that was in style)
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

I've had people come up to me and say "your hair look so nice, is that all yours?" I don't get annoyed until they want to touch like I just lied or something! I believe it's a compliment for my hair to look so good that it looks fake but in the same breathe do they not think a sista can have nice hair! Go figure!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

Exactly!!! People don't understand that going to the "beauty shop" ever week and all that blow drying, weave glue and flat ironing is not helping.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

I go to the beauty parlor every week and get my hair blown out. I also do not take any vitamins but my hair grows. Maybe if I don't blow out my hair and take vitamins my hair will grow even longer faster. Any suggestions on what to do besides blowing my hair out. My hair is relaxed and about 3 inches from the middle of my back
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

ChoclatePrincess said:
I go to the beauty parlor every week and get my hair blown out. I also do not take any vitamins but my hair grows. Maybe if I don't blow out my hair and take vitamins my hair will grow even longer faster. Any suggestions on what to do besides blowing my hair out. My hair is relaxed and about 3 inches from the middle of my back

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Wait don't get me wrong...going to the salon every week is fine, its just the styling thing that I think can be damaging...like Lisatamika stated the weaves and glue (ahhhhh) that's what I think can rip out your hair and cause damage if you don;t have the right stylist ( someone gentle and caring)

My stylist has definitely played a part in my hair because she's so gentle, doesn't want to do anything I don't want...she knows me and she's cool.... I get a rollerset and I ask them to blow out the roots only, I like curls at the ends when I go, I've been doing my hair more because I wash more often and I think I do a good job at home. I relax at the salon but the rest I do myself

.... I NEVER blowdry my hair from wet to dry ( comb attachments or whatever) I use to do that in college to get my hair straight but looking back it was so fried and crackley...its completely different now (no frizzes-only during the hot NY summers- and looks smoother)
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

I know someone who had some tracks glued in and she didn't know how to take them out properly and took out a lot of her hair. I usually get my hair fully blown out. You say you do your hair at home, what do you do?