All my progress Gone (long rant)


Well-Known Member
So, my hair was/is at armpit/lower in back and layered down from my chin to my shoulders in front.

I went in to get a weave yesterday in order to give my hair a rest for the winter. The stylist decided not to show up.
Another well meaning stylist decided that it would be a shame for me to leave after having come all that way, so he'd hook me up and 'flat iron' my hair.

I should've just walked out.
My hair is very close to natural, so close, that he didn't believe it was texturized when he saw it.
My hair, natural or texturized knots and mats and dreds up like nobody's business. Even though I had spent the previous day with conditioner (CPR and Roux porosity control) in my hair, and spent 3 hours detangling, so that they wouldn't have to, and even twisted my hair so that it wouldn't be so hard when i got there,

There were still knots and tangles, and he ended up BRUSHING them out.
Brushing my dry hair meant that most of it ended on the floor.
I was like.. oooo I guess he knows what he's doing (i'm stooopid for that)
and then he marcel curling tonged it. (no. that's not a damn flat iron. that's the tong and oven)
So not only, when i was done did i see how much of my hair was on the floor :eek: but my hair smelt burnt, so i'm pretty sure it's heat damaged.

This morning i woke up and unwrapped it, and my hair is soooooooooooooooooo thin y'all!!
That's like 2 or 3 years of progress down the drain!!!
My hair used to make a thick ponytail.
Now i can squeeze my thumb and index finger overlapping around my ponytail.

I just feel really dumb for allowing it to happen, and even dumber for allowing 3 years of growth and thickness to end up on the floor like that.
I won't be cutting it, because while it's not quite transparent yet, i think i'm going to wear a bun or something for a couple of months, and cut gradually...

I'm not taking pictures. I'm sad.

Sooooo. my question is, what do you guys do to nurse your hair back to health? Other than waiting for my hair to grow, I might as well make it stronger ...
??? :confused: ???
Awww...I'm really sorry to hear that. I don't quite know what to tell you to do other than lots of TLC. I hope it works out for you.
I am so sorry to hear that about your hair, I like your fighting spirit. You know that you have LCHF and before you know it, your hair will be thicker, nurtured, and longer than previous.
I am having to nurse my hair after ruining 3 years worth of natural growth. Shea butter, plastic bags and MTG have helped tremendously.
Your hair needs alot of TLC and conditioning right now. Your idea of leaving it alone and doing the bun thing sounds great.
I agree with what the other ladies have said. I think that you should start with an Intense Protein treatment and followed by a moisturizing treatments. Loads of moisture, growth aides like surge and MTG and if necessary gradually trim the ends.
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Ok QT, I found an old thread that I saved. I don't know how to give you the link so here goes. This is part 2 and 3 for Aphogee treatment for damaged hair. I will paraphrase.

Repeat once every 5 weeks & before (24-48 hrs before coloring) and after any full bleach, tint or color remover process.

Day 1- light shampoo with sebastian's Laminates shampoo, if your hair is thin then use Nexxus Diametress shampoo.

Aphogee Treatment- ALWAYS wear a Salon cape or drape a towel around your neck and shoulders whenever you use a PROFESSIonal Product. You must let Aphogee treatment get HARD, it should take about 25-30 minutes for APHOGEE to get REALLY HARD. You can let it get hard under a dome dryer or a hand held dryer.

Rinse out Aphogee, DO NOT MANIPULATE HAIR BECAUSE IT COULD SNAP OFF! It's best if you do it under a streaming shower.

follow Aphogee treatment with an application of PM Supercharged (Paul Mitchell Supercharged).
  • Leave the PM on for about 15 minutes-Rinse
  • Follow up with Porosity Control IF hair is POROUS
  • Leave the PC on for about 15 min.-Rinse
Days 2-8 Light Shampoo with Laminates Shampoo
Nexxus Emergencee treatment and follow up with PM SUpercharged, and then Porosity Control...if needed. Repeat this for a total of 7 consecutive times, every time you wash your hair. Days 2-8

Day 9+-use Nexxus Emergencee ONCE a week...until hair regains normal strength. Always follow with PM Supercharged.

During this time, continue to use the Porosity COntrol as needed. Keep the Porosity Control on for 15 minutes...not the 30 seconds as per directions.

YOU mus ALWAYS use the PM Supercharged after the Aphogee or NEXXUS. Or your hair will feel Brittle and Rough. Porosity Control helps make hair LESS porous. And it restores hair to the proper PH is an "acidifier", it will make your hair more sleek, shiny and conditioned.

Use the PM Gloss Drops before and after blowdrying.

FOr added Protection from heat...or if hair is VERY chemically stressed...use the Wellatex " Liquid hair Leave-in Protein Reconstructor." You must spray on damp hair, comb through, and do not use any other products. Blow dry with AIR HEAT only until hair is 80% dry, then add gloss drops, gel, whatever... and style/blowdry with brush, etc. Because the Liquid hair contains protein, it is drying, and you must use the gloss drops on your hair Before blowdrying.

*** I think with this you can use your favorite shampoos and conditioners and leave-ins. I think that the important products to use are APHOGEE, NEXXUS EMERGENCEE, POROSITY CONTROL. I hope that this helps you.
Have you had a chance to wash it and see if it goes back to your texture?

I would do a protein treatment as well and a deep condition and then put it up as you suggested.
Sorry that happened.....
I'm so sorry to hear that! You must be a really sweet girl because I would've hurt his feelings and got out of his chair! Don't be too discouraged because maby once you wash and condition your hair you'll see that he really didn't do too much damage! Wash your hair and deep condition before you freak totally out. It may not be that damaged at all! Don't eva sit in his chair again!
pretty-girl#1 said:
I'm so sorry to hear that! You must be a really sweet girl because I would've hurt his feelings and got out of his chair! Don't be too discouraged because maby once you wash and condition your hair you'll see that he really didn't do too much damage! Wash your hair and deep condition before you freak totally out. It may not be that damaged at all! Don't eva sit in his chair again!
I agree, maybe it just seems alot thinner cause he over ironed it, but I wouldn't go back there if I were you. that's why I flat iron myself, no more progress down the drain with those poeple.
Man, that is an awful hair will thicken up in no time......we live and learn.....gather your senses reach back to all you've learned and apply it....keep on moving on girl.. :kiss:
Tamala said:
I am so sorry to hear that about your hair, I like your fighting spirit. You know that you have LCHF and before you know it, your hair will be thicker, nurtured, and longer than previous.
I am having to nurse my hair after ruining 3 years worth of natural growth. Shea butter, plastic bags and MTG have helped tremendously.
Your hair needs alot of TLC and conditioning right now. Your idea of leaving it alone and doing the bun thing sounds great.

You too??? Yea. i'm feeling kinda bad, I just needed a little support group :lol: I know that with the LCHF i can do this, and in 6 months to a year, it won't be so bad. heh. I'll be exactly where I am now.. but hopefully with THICK hair. :D

Nurture, nurture, shea butter and plastic bags here I come!!!

Actually, i've been thinking all morning, I think i'm going to keep my hair braided in thick do-it-yourself braids.. like twists, and keep it like that for 2 months... Even wash it like that... little manipulation, etc.

Thanks guys for your support!!!
Alli77 said:
Ok QT, I found an old thread that I saved. I don't know how to give you the link so here goes. This is part 2 and 3 for Aphogee treatment for damaged hair. I will paraphrase.

Repeat once every 5 weeks & before (24-48 hrs before coloring) and after any full bleach, tint or color remover process.

Day 1- light shampoo with sebastian's Laminates shampoo, if your hair is thin then use Nexxus Diametress shampoo.

Aphogee Treatment- ALWAYS wear a Salon cape or drape a towel around your neck and shoulders whenever you use a PROFESSIonal Product. You must let Aphogee treatment get HARD, it should take about 25-30 minutes for APHOGEE to get REALLY HARD. You can let it get hard under a dome dryer or a hand held dryer.

Rinse out Aphogee, DO NOT MANIPULATE HAIR BECAUSE IT COULD SNAP OFF! It's best if you do it under a streaming shower.

follow Aphogee treatment with an application of PM Supercharged (Paul Mitchell Supercharged).
  • Leave the PM on for about 15 minutes-Rinse
  • Follow up with Porosity Control IF hair is POROUS
  • Leave the PC on for about 15 min.-Rinse
Days 2-8 Light Shampoo with Laminates Shampoo
Nexxus Emergencee treatment and follow up with PM SUpercharged, and then Porosity Control...if needed. Repeat this for a total of 7 consecutive times, every time you wash your hair. Days 2-8

Day 9+-use Nexxus Emergencee ONCE a week...until hair regains normal strength. Always follow with PM Supercharged.

During this time, continue to use the Porosity COntrol as needed. Keep the Porosity Control on for 15 minutes...not the 30 seconds as per directions.

YOU mus ALWAYS use the PM Supercharged after the Aphogee or NEXXUS. Or your hair will feel Brittle and Rough. Porosity Control helps make hair LESS porous. And it restores hair to the proper PH is an "acidifier", it will make your hair more sleek, shiny and conditioned.

Use the PM Gloss Drops before and after blowdrying.

FOr added Protection from heat...or if hair is VERY chemically stressed...use the Wellatex " Liquid hair Leave-in Protein Reconstructor." You must spray on damp hair, comb through, and do not use any other products. Blow dry with AIR HEAT only until hair is 80% dry, then add gloss drops, gel, whatever... and style/blowdry with brush, etc. Because the Liquid hair contains protein, it is drying, and you must use the gloss drops on your hair Before blowdrying.

*** I think with this you can use your favorite shampoos and conditioners and leave-ins. I think that the important products to use are APHOGEE, NEXXUS EMERGENCEE, POROSITY CONTROL. I hope that this helps you.

Alli77, You are a saviour!!!
guess who's going to do this tonight!!!!
can I ask you a question? or anyone for that matter?
I keep hearing of nexxus emergencee... where do you get this stuff?
I have aphogee, and I have Roux porosity control, I have just never seen Nexxus in any of my shopping travels?

And one last question.... Has anyone ever used Aphogee without a heat?
(i don't own a blow dryer... but it's probably time to get one)
pretty-girl#1 said:
I'm so sorry to hear that! You must be a really sweet girl because I would've hurt his feelings and got out of his chair! Don't be too discouraged because maby once you wash and condition your hair you'll see that he really didn't do too much damage! Wash your hair and deep condition before you freak totally out. It may not be that damaged at all! Don't eva sit in his chair again!

Haha, pretty-girl,
I guess I am sweet, but sweetness only gets you hair on the floor.
I (we all) need to be more like you, and stand up for our hair and hard earned work. I have definitely learned my lesson..(i hope)

and ayoung? I haven't washed yet, since this happened yesterday.
I was figuring to just leave my hair like this for a couple of days to reduce the stress already caused to it...(new year's is coming.. might as well make the best of my straight hair right? :perplexed :grin: )
I'm sorry to hear this. Along w/the other suggestions, I'd say protect your ends as much as you can.
Honey, I'm really sorry this happened to you.

I'm pratically in the same boat. Like a fool I (in desperation of a date later that evening) let a ghetto stylist basically cut my hair down to practically a TWA claiming it was a "trim", well that trim was probably 3 inches off my hair all the way around and I'm now in the process of putting long twist extensions in my hair to cope.

I've gone through this too many times with black salons and I'm sorry to just put that out there like that, but we as a people more often than not are NOT ready for our hair. I will never make that mistake again of letting them take scissors to my head or a flat iron or anything else that will make it fall out. Since unfortunately I've been through this before I would say my best advice is to anyone that finds themselves in this situation is to braid the hair up and give it a rest. Use this an opportunity to have a hard lesson learned. Instead of a full head weave I'm doing what people commonly call the "Crown and Glory" method.

I am evidence that it does indeed work and besides the winters harsh weather conditions dries the hair and breaks it anyway. I think God was saying my hair needed a rest...and as India Aire says "I am not my hair"

jen - formerly known as curlyq...
onepraying said:
Man, that is an awful hair will thicken up in no time......we live and learn.....gather your senses reach back to all you've learned and apply it....keep on moving on girl.. :kiss:

Awww thank you onepraying!
You guys are soo right. keep it moving...
No, my hair isn't thinner just because it's straight, I had my hair semi straight last time I went to get it texturized, and I was sooo happy, because I was marvelling at how thick it was getting. Nope. now it's the opposite.

But yes, I definitely will stay away from that salon, or any others...

Funny story, the 'stylist' was asking me how many times i wash my hair... I said "everyday!"
he's like :eek: and he whispered in my ear...."Did you know that you're black!?!?... Black people DON'T wash their hair everyday!"

That's when i knew i was *not* supposed to be there.
BTW. The 'stylist' is very black himself...
jengrady said:
Honey, I'm really sorry this happened to you.

I'm pratically in the same boat. Like a fool I (in desperation of a date later that evening) let a ghetto stylist basically cut my hair down to practically a TWA claiming it was a "trim", well that trim was probably 3 inches off my hair all the way around and I'm now in the process of putting long twist extensions in my hair to cope.

I've gone through this too many times with black salons and I'm sorry to just put that out there like that, but we as a people more often than not are NOT ready for our hair. I will never make that mistake again of letting them take scissors to my head or a flat iron or anything else that will make it fall out. Since unfortunately I've been through this before I would say my best advice is to anyone that finds themselves in this situation is to braid the hair up and give it a rest. Use this an opportunity to have a hard lesson learned. Instead of a full head weave I'm doing what people commonly call the "Crown and Glory" method.

I am evidence that it does indeed work and besides the winters harsh weather conditions dries the hair and breaks it anyway. I think God was saying my hair needed a rest...and as India Aire says "I am not my hair"

jen - formerly known as curlyq...

JenGrady, i'm soooo sorry that happened to you too. I can totally relate now, and yes, I will also be slapping in some braids.
Please, if you can, let me know if you're doing these twistsextensions yourself... I'd like to do my own,
big fat braids that my mom used to do when i was small (plaits).. that's when my hair grew longest.

Soooo... Maybe if i added extensions in, it wouldn't be so bad... You know, turn a bad situation into a cute style.. haha.

Thanks sooo much everybody! you guys have really made me feel better ...
so sorry to hear this :( but if you want your hair to grow longer and thicker, one thing you should consider is to elimate any stylists that you do not trust from the picture. I'm sorry but that is the truth and it does work :yep:
oooo dee... you're telling the truth.
You're in toronto, so you might've even heard of the place i've gone to.
at least you have sense enough to stay away from these places.

The funny thing is.. There's that moment of clarity you have right before you're doing something you know you shouldn't be doing, or may be life altering...
i had it yesterday, that moment where, i could;ve just said "no thank you, i'll walk out the salon looking ragged thank you" (He told me no young lady should leave the salon looking like i came in.. he made it sound like he was doing me a favour!)

Lesson learned.
Sorry to hear about your experience. Are you sure it's really that much thinner? Because I can wrap my thumb and index around my ponytail when I maxiglide and my hair is not thin. Obviously you know your hair better than I do, but it might look better when you wash out the press.
metro_qt said:
JenGrady, i'm soooo sorry that happened to you too. I can totally relate now, and yes, I will also be slapping in some braids.
Please, if you can, let me know if you're doing these twistsextensions yourself... I'd like to do my own,
big fat braids that my mom used to do when i was small (plaits).. that's when my hair grew longest.

Soooo... Maybe if i added extensions in, it wouldn't be so bad... You know, turn a bad situation into a cute style.. haha.

Thanks sooo much everybody! you guys have really made me feel better ...

yes, I'm doing my twists (double strand) myself. I'm using Yaki braid extension hair the softer kind that looks permed straight for length ( I like them long) I refuse to pay a braider for something I can do's just going to take a little more time because I do mine after work, etc.

the only difference is, I'll be doing my deep conditioners with the twists and using my uplift shampoo, two things I tried to stay away from when I had them before, the object is to keep the real hair moisturized and strong so when we come out of the twists there won't be all of this matted, tangling and it also cuts back on the shedding.
What if you wash and deep treat it. Perhaps it feels so thin b/c of the marcel curling iron which can greatly reduce bulk in thick hair. I feel you on the burnt smell...I hate it myself. Perhaps wash, deep treat, air dry, and pull it back in a pony tail/bun and leave it alone for a good 3 months. Meaning don't do any other manipulation to it other than washing, deep treating and bunning to help relieve the hair of the shock treatment it just went through.

metro_qt said:
So, my hair was/is at armpit/lower in back and layered down from my chin to my shoulders in front.

I went in to get a weave yesterday in order to give my hair a rest for the winter. The stylist decided not to show up.
Another well meaning stylist decided that it would be a shame for me to leave after having come all that way, so he'd hook me up and 'flat iron' my hair.

I should've just walked out.
My hair is very close to natural, so close, that he didn't believe it was texturized when he saw it.
My hair, natural or texturized knots and mats and dreds up like nobody's business. Even though I had spent the previous day with conditioner (CPR and Roux porosity control) in my hair, and spent 3 hours detangling, so that they wouldn't have to, and even twisted my hair so that it wouldn't be so hard when i got there,

There were still knots and tangles, and he ended up BRUSHING them out.
Brushing my dry hair meant that most of it ended on the floor.
I was like.. oooo I guess he knows what he's doing (i'm stooopid for that)
and then he marcel curling tonged it. (no. that's not a damn flat iron. that's the tong and oven)
So not only, when i was done did i see how much of my hair was on the floor :eek: but my hair smelt burnt, so i'm pretty sure it's heat damaged.

This morning i woke up and unwrapped it, and my hair is soooooooooooooooooo thin y'all!!
That's like 2 or 3 years of progress down the drain!!!
My hair used to make a thick ponytail.
Now i can squeeze my thumb and index finger overlapping around my ponytail.

I just feel really dumb for allowing it to happen, and even dumber for allowing 3 years of growth and thickness to end up on the floor like that.
I won't be cutting it, because while it's not quite transparent yet, i think i'm going to wear a bun or something for a couple of months, and cut gradually...

I'm not taking pictures. I'm sad.

Sooooo. my question is, what do you guys do to nurse your hair back to health? Other than waiting for my hair to grow, I might as well make it stronger ...
??? :confused: ???
i am so sorry that you had to go through this. I would definitely recommend using castor oil or jamaica black castor oil as a pre-shampoo treatment- this will not only soften and moisturize your hair but thicken it up as well. Make sure that you deep condition weekly for 45-60 mins with heat and a plastic cap under a hooded dryer. Take your vitamins and drinks lots of water. and lots of tlc is definitely in order here. Hope this helps a little.
carameldiva said:
i am so sorry that you had to go through this. I would definitely recommend using castor oil or jamaica black castor oil as a pre-shampoo treatment- this will not only soften and moisturize your hair but thicken it up as well. Make sure that you deep condition weekly for 45-60 mins with heat and a plastic cap under a hooded dryer. Take your vitamins and drinks lots of water. and lots of tlc is definitely in order here. Hope this helps a little.

thanks for the great advice curlydst ... i definitely won't be touching it for a good three months, that's for sure.....

and carameldiva, that sooo helps, i forgot about castor oil.. i'm going to have to look into getting some Ja castor oil... does it really thicken the hair? (i guess the new growth...)
metro_qt said:
Alli77, You are a saviour!!!
guess who's going to do this tonight!!!!
can I ask you a question? or anyone for that matter?
I keep hearing of nexxus emergencee... where do you get this stuff?
I have aphogee, and I have Roux porosity control, I have just never seen Nexxus in any of my shopping travels?

And one last question.... Has anyone ever used Aphogee without a heat?
(i don't own a blow dryer... but it's probably time to get one)

You can get it at Trade Secrets of Salon Plus stores. Any store that sells higher end hair products, it's kinda's $14 for a 6oz bottle. Unfortunately you can't use Aphogee without HEAT, heat is necessary because it activates the proteins and makes it HARD, that's how it strengthens your hair. You can also use a dome dryer which is better than a hand held dryer.
:kiss: Sorry to hear about your ordeal...

But your hair will come back with a little love and care...
It was strong and healthy before and will be that way again...
I know you are upset:angry2: ... But I think you should still take pictures for your own personal album and this will help you track all the progress you will be making:fan: ...

Good Luck...


I am so sorry for your experience. It happens to the best of us, even though there is a little voice saying NO, we do the opposite. Don't be so hard on yourself. You had progress before, you can do it again. The only thing I can say is start thinking about when you want to do your protein treatment. And give your hair all the TLC it needs.