All my hair is falling out :(


New Member
I'm scared :sad:.

So I went to detangle my hair before a pre poo yesterday and a lot of hair started to come out. I had it in a bun all week. So i'm like oh no! Let me get some eggs and evoo to help this. It didn't help... If I combed my hair then tons of hair would come out. If I even pat my head tons of hair was coming out!

I ended up washing that out and deep conditioned with keracare and all that. I ended up rollersetting my hair (which was a long and horrible experience) but it helped a little. So I just moisturized my hair with raw shea butter and coconut oil, lightly detangled with my fingers, and loosely braided my hair in sections and pinned it up. Oh yea last night I used a little mizana h20 treatment for the first time as well. I dunno if it helped or not since hair is coming out still but not as much as when I first noticed it.

I feel like my hairline is going. This never happened to me before. I have been extremly stressed and I am almost 10 weeks post with a lot of new growth. It is breaking at the d-line. So I know I need to up my protein but I don't know what I can use and when I can use it since I used the mazani and egg treatment already. My hair is extremly weak and when I used Aphogee Damage Control in the past I didn't notice anything spectacula...I dunno.

Any suggestions?

I dunno know what to do.
i don't know if your transitioning or texlaxed or what but my advice is if you're not trnsitioning..RELAX..this happened to me and the breakge was not pretty...that was one of the worst setbacks i've had this year and as my hair grows out the ends look thinner (way thinner) than the new hair and the ends are split and it's just a if you're not transitioning please relax that is what your hair is trying to say. i would hate that to happen to you
continue to use the mizani night treatment. everytime i get a hard press i get long strands coming out of everywhere. this time i applied the treatment right after i got it done and that night too and i havent seen one strand come out yet. its a keeper for me.
i don't know if your transitioning or texlaxed or what but my advice is if you're not trnsitioning..RELAX..this happened to me and the breakge was not pretty...that was one of the worst setbacks i've had this year and as my hair grows out the ends look thinner (way thinner) than the new hair and the ends are split and it's just a if you're not transitioning please relax that is what your hair is trying to say. i would hate that to happen to you

I'm relaxed and had a lot of ng at 4 weeks post but thought it was too soon to have a touch up and now i'm at 10. I'm scared to relax now since the hair is just coming out :(
I'm scared :sad:.

So I went to detangle my hair before a pre poo yesterday and a lot of hair started to come out. I had it in a bun all week. So i'm like oh no! Let me get some eggs and evoo to help this. It didn't help... If I combed my hair then tons of hair would come out. If I even pat my head tons of hair was coming out!

If you didn't take your bun down for a week, then a lot of shed hairs you lost during those days came out when you finally detangled. It may not be as bad as you think :yep:.

Just continue moisturizing and using low manipulation and protective styles. You'll feel better if you don't have to look at and stress over your hair.
continue to use the mizani night treatment. everytime i get a hard press i get long strands coming out of everywhere. this time i applied the treatment right after i got it done and that night too and i havent seen one strand come out yet. its a keeper for me.

Thanks for replying. I'm going to keep using it and see how it goes. I can't comb my hair though until I get this under control or it's just going to fall out. I hope this night treatment works for me.
Thanks for replying. I'm going to keep using it and see how it goes. I can't comb my hair though until I get this under control or it's just going to fall out. I hope this night treatment works for me.

If you need a touch up DO NOT comb your hair through unless it is wet or damp from rinsing. The only way to comb your hair (if needed for styling purposes,) only do so while your hair is wet or really damp until you get your touch up. Put your hair in a protective style and don't touch it until it's been relaxed and properly conditioned. You'll be fine. :yep:
As I was adding photos to my fotki I remembered that I lightly blowdryed my hair a week or 2 before yesterday. I wasn't really having any breakage. Could it be from the blowdryer?
You stated you where stressed. That can cause hair loss and/or thinning. I suggest you to some time out for yourself and relax. I have no advice on relaxed hair as i have never been relaxed, but maybe you need to touch up, have you ever went this long post relaxer?
i agree with girly i say relax, i was having breaking as well at about 10wks and i tried everything and it didnt stop until i relaxed last week i tried protein treatment on top of protein treatment still breakage but it stopped when i relaxed now all i need is to put some elasticity back in2 my hair and i'm good
If you need a touch up DO NOT comb your hair through unless it is wet or damp from rinsing. The only way to comb your hair (if needed for styling purposes,) only do so while your hair is wet or really damp until you get your touch up. Put your hair in a protective style and don't touch it until it's been relaxed and properly conditioned. You'll be fine. :yep:

Dang so the best thing for me to do is just relax? Even with the breaking?

My stylist is going to be mad at me lol. I was trying to go to her with nice healthy hair especially since she don't agree with the whole stretching thing and I was trying to show her that it will work for me.

Ok I guess i'll make an appointment to relax. I'm going to be so scared this touch up since I feel like my hair is so weak right now.


Oh I kind of read your post wrong. I got ya. I wont comb it at all unless it's wet and damp until I get that touch up.
You stated you where stressed. That can cause hair loss and/or thinning. I suggest you to some time out for yourself and relax. I have no advice on relaxed hair as i have never been relaxed, but maybe you need to touch up, have you ever went this long post relaxer?

Sry ladies I should have multi quote..

The longest I stretched for was like 12 weeks or something. So no, this isn't my longest stretch. And when I was at 12 weeks I did notice breakage but not much.
i agree with girly i say relax, i was having breaking as well at about 10wks and i tried everything and it didnt stop until i relaxed last week i tried protein treatment on top of protein treatment still breakage but it stopped when i relaxed now all i need is to put some elasticity back in2 my hair and i'm good

Dang so you was getting severe breakage too? Was you scared to relax your hair? Did you lose a lot of hair during the relaxer process?
Im sorry this has happen to you. Sometimes when you strecth your perms your hair seems to shed more I know mine does as far as not touching it sometimes when you finally do comb it some hairs do come out. I learned about my hair that when I dont touch my hair for a while and goto comb it I see strands, when I let it airdry and and do my pampering day to day I see strands. The only time I dont see strands is if I blow dry my hair.
Are you taking a daily vitamine and drinking water? done a elasticity and porosity test? You lose up to 100 strans a day how long was your hair in a bun multiply by 100. 7 days 700 strans thats why you need to comb through hair every day.
Relax...the sheds are coming from being bunned too long. If you don't remove them somehow, they accumulate and then seem far more than they really are. You lose hair everyday, so one week is alot of accumulation.

Don't leave your hair in one style unchanged for such a long period, I say. If you're having trouble w/ your edges, I'd suggest that it's coming from being pulled back for so long unchanged. Buns can be stressful on the hair (the point where the hair is pulled together) and scalp (edges/nape) and need to be repositioned to avoid damage to your hair/scalp.
I just tried to reply and lost it all :wallbash:. So here goes once again!
I hate you are going through this, but if you are stressed you really need to work on that, because it can really take a toll on your hair and cause lots of shedding. I just went through this myself. I mean my shedding was horrible. So bad I wanted to cry, and didn't even want to post about it, it was so depressing. I was really stressed and just looking at my hair falling out made me even more stressed!!! So I resorted to wigs, and garlic!!! So my advice (I don't know about the touch-up part) is to work on the stress and if your shedding doesn't get better try maybe a garlic supplement, garlic shampoo, or garlic oil treatment (garlic and evoo). Also, like someone else mentioned, you have to take into account the fact that you left your bun in for a week and a certain amount of hair should be shed daily, so it may seem like a lot of shedding, but it may be what should have shed during the week had you been combing daily.
Im sorry this has happen to you. Sometimes when you strecth your perms your hair seems to shed more I know mine does as far as not touching it sometimes when you finally do comb it some hairs do come out. I learned about my hair that when I dont touch my hair for a while and goto comb it I see strands, when I let it airdry and and do my pampering day to day I see strands. The only time I dont see strands is if I blow dry my hair.

Yea breakage sucks. Maybe my relax hair is weighing down the natural since it's breaking at the demacration line ( did I spell that right?).

Are you taking a daily vitamine and drinking water? done a elasticity and porosity test? You lose up to 100 strans a day how long was your hair in a bun multiply by 100. 7 days 700 strans thats why you need to comb through hair every day.

I was drinking a lot of water and only water but then last week when I started my training program I stopped exercising, stopped drinking all that water, and didn't take my vitamins all week. I was taking a multi and fish oil. I got a lot of growth real fast with this and no growth aide. It's like I neglected doing stuff for a week and i'm paying for it already. I was also dcing about 2x a week and things was fine. Last week I did a little blow dry..

Dang 100 strands a day? that's crazy cause feel like I don't have that much hair on my head to begin with lol. My haid was lightly pinned up for about a week.

I'm going to make sure I finger comb my hair every day like you said.

Relax...the sheds are coming from being bunned too long. If you don't remove them somehow, they accumulate and then seem far more than they really are. You lose hair everyday, so one week is alot of accumulation.

Don't leave your hair in one style unchanged for such a long period, I say. If you're having trouble w/ your edges, I'd suggest that it's coming from being pulled back for so long unchanged. Buns can be stressful on the hair (the point where the hair is pulled together) and scalp (edges/nape) and need to be repositioned to avoid damage to your hair/scalp.

Yea I just started brushing the front of my hair a little or combing it back and lightly pinning it up. So your right my edges is from that stress I put on it. I didn't think it was that serious because I used the side of the brush...

But when my hair breaks I see a little bit of the ng at the top and the relax strand at the bottom. Is that shed or breakage?

I just tried to reply and lost it all :wallbash:. So here goes once again!
I hate you are going through this, but if you are stressed you really need to work on that, because it can really take a toll on your hair and cause lots of shedding. I just went through this myself. I mean my shedding was horrible. So bad I wanted to cry, and didn't even want to post about it, it was so depressing. I was really stressed and just looking at my hair falling out made me even more stressed!!! So I resorted to wigs, and garlic!!! So my advice (I don't know about the touch-up part) is to work on the stress and if your shedding doesn't get better try maybe a garlic supplement, garlic shampoo, or garlic oil treatment (garlic and evoo). Also, like someone else mentioned, you have to take into account the fact that you left your bun in for a week and a certain amount of hair should be shed daily, so it may seem like a lot of shedding, but it may be what should have shed during the week had you been combing daily.

Thanks alot for replying!

I'm sorry you had to go through this before but I'm glad that is now your past.

Everyone is right...I really need to work on this stress. It's insane. I never been stress like this in my entire life.

And I did leave it pinned up without coming or anything for a hopefully things will get better...I hope so!
Thanks alot for replying!

I'm sorry you had to go through this before but I'm glad that is now your past.

Everyone is right...I really need to work on this stress. It's insane. I never been stress like this in my entire life.

And I did leave it pinned up without coming or anything for a hopefully things will get better...I hope so!

Yeah, that was the worse stress of my life as well...I'm really still dealing with overcoming it. I really can't allow myself to get so stressed because it is the devil for my hair! Whenever I get upset, I think about all the hair that was falling out, and that alone helps me get it together :lachen:.
I agree. I think it is the shed hair from that whole week. You are supposed to shed 50-100 hairs a day, so if you bun for a week straight, hair will come out everywhere. I am bunning for BSL and trust me I know it's a lot. Mine seemed like a lot b/c I would notice it at different times of the wash process, but it really was less than I used to get without the bunning. I would also make sure not to make the bun too tight and to reposition it every 1 or 2 weeks.

If you still feel uncomfortable about it, take the garlic suggestion and maybe start cowashing some. It helps. But, if I were you and I wasn't transitioning, I would just relax and call it a day. There are plenty of other worse things in the world than relaxing at 10 weeks :yep: HTH!
Yeah, that was the worse stress of my life as well...I'm really still dealing with overcoming it. I really can't allow myself to get so stressed because it is the devil for my hair! Whenever I get upset, I think about all the hair that was falling out, and that alone helps me get it together :lachen:.

It's crazy how stress can do that to you. And just neglecting things for even a short period of time. My diet was also on point and last week I stopped the way I was eating. I had lots of protein shakes and fruits and veggies, with fish or chicken, and cereal here and there. Dang. I'm so madd at my self lol. Once I overcome this....never again will I neglect willing.
I agree. I think it is the shed hair from that whole week. You are supposed to shed 50-100 hairs a day, so if you bun for a week straight, hair will come out everywhere. I am bunning for BSL and trust me I know it's a lot. Mine seemed like a lot b/c I would notice it at different times of the wash process, but it really was less than I used to get without the bunning. I would also make sure not to make the bun too tight and to reposition it every 1 or 2 weeks.

If you still feel uncomfortable about it, take the garlic suggestion and maybe start cowashing some. It helps. But, if I were you and I wasn't transitioning, I would just relax and call it a day. There are plenty of other worse things in the world than relaxing at 10 weeks :yep: HTH!

lol yea you're right. My stylist also rake through my head though when she relaxes it and it tends to hurt :ohwell:. I'm going to try the garlic thing and attempt rollersetting my hair again and relax like a week after that. I figure it will be easier for me and my stylist when she relaxes my hair and you can still tell the ng from the relax strands. Cross your fingers for me :perplexed

I just want to thank everybody for all the suggestions and I'm going to try them and see if things get better. I appreciate it.
I would go out and get some odorless garlic capsules and take three tonight if you can. Be sure to take them everyday from here on out. I did this about two weeks ago when I was having the same problem, my shedding stopped in TWO days!! I was impressed. There is a thread up here that says "Garlic is the truth" I would find and post it for you, but that's the title. Go there and read, it saved my hair! I would try to manipulate it less as possible, and do less to it for now. I'm not sure if it's good to do all of those protein treatments back to back, but maybe others know more than me. Actually, I"m quite sure they do. But this is just me, I would just try not to manipulate it too much, and take the garlic asap! Also, after taking the garlic, you can do a garlic scalp treatment. There is a recipe for one on my fotki link in my siggy in the journal section under recipes. I am hopeful this will help you! Bless you so much! I know how this feels! Garlic is the truth, it worked a miracle for me!
But when my hair breaks I see a little bit of the ng at the top and the relax strand at the bottom. Is that shed or breakage?

It depends on whether or not you see the bulb at the top of the strand. If you see it, then it's shed and/or pulled from the scalp somehow. If not, it's breakage.
If you're shedding, then make sure that you're not anemic!! There was a member here whose hair just kept coming out and it was because she was SEVERELY anemic!
You stated you where stressed. That can cause hair loss and/or thinning. I suggest you to some time out for yourself and relax. I have no advice on relaxed hair as i have never been relaxed, but maybe you need to touch up, have you ever went this long post relaxer?

^ what she said.
I was stressed last year and had shedding and breakage like crazy. That was pre LHCF, and I lost around 5 inches over the course of the year. You have this site and these women to I pray it gets better QUICKLY!!! BTW...sorry if someone already said this...but Garlic saved my life. It's great with shedding...

No advice,but i hope something works out for you soon:yep:

I read a thread once about a member who had severe breakage and did some kind of 7 day treatment i think?I can't find it,but hopefully someone may find and bump it for you.

Good luck hun!
I would go out and get some odorless garlic capsules and take three tonight if you can. Be sure to take them everyday from here on out. I did this about two weeks ago when I was having the same problem, my shedding stopped in TWO days!! I was impressed. There is a thread up here that says "Garlic is the truth" I would find and post it for you, but that's the title. Go there and read, it saved my hair! I would try to manipulate it less as possible, and do less to it for now. I'm not sure if it's good to do all of those protein treatments back to back, but maybe others know more than me. Actually, I"m quite sure they do. But this is just me, I would just try not to manipulate it too much, and take the garlic asap! Also, after taking the garlic, you can do a garlic scalp treatment. There is a recipe for one on my fotki link in my siggy in the journal section under recipes. I am hopeful this will help you! Bless you so much! I know how this feels! Garlic is the truth, it worked a miracle for me!

Wow everyone is mentioning garlic. I'm going to try the capsules like you stated and follow the recipe in your fotki. Thanks a lot for replying :)

It depends on whether or not you see the bulb at the top of the strand. If you see it, then it's shed and/or pulled from the scalp somehow. If not, it's breakage.

No I don't see a bulb. I guess it's defintely breakage then. So should I still do the garlic treatments?

If you're shedding, then make sure that you're not anemic!! There was a member here whose hair just kept coming out and it was because she was SEVERELY anemic!

I know my mom is anemic and their's a possibility that I might be. I'm always cold and stuff. Yea I think I need to look into that also.

^ what she said.
I was stressed last year and had shedding and breakage like crazy. That was pre LHCF, and I lost around 5 inches over the course of the year. You have this site and these women to I pray it gets better QUICKLY!!! BTW...sorry if someone already said this...but Garlic saved my life. It's great with shedding...


Dang I'm sorry you had to go through that last year :(

I'm thinking about giving this garlic thing a try.

Would it be too much for me to go the garlic treatment and capsules while using the mizani night time treatment (3x's a week), moisturizing, sealing, and lightly braiding it up at night?

I'm also going back to my healthy eating. I just took my regular vitamins, had my protein shake, I have my 32 oz. water bottle ready for the morning and i'm going to do a little yoga today.

No advice,but i hope something works out for you soon:yep:

I read a thread once about a member who had severe breakage and did some kind of 7 day treatment i think?I can't find it,but hopefully someone may find and bump it for you.

Good luck hun!

Thank you lady. I hope everything worksout too. I wish nobody had to go through anything like breakage and losing their hair.

I'm going to try and search for the 7 day treatment to see what she did.

I have a feeling that if I stayed on top of my deep conditioning 2x's a week, didn't slack on any protein treatments, moisturize and seal all the time, and kept my exercise and healthy eating on point, that this stretch could have possibly been a good one with the rollersetting. It seems like when you get to the point where you have a lot of ng you have to be on top of your protein-moisture balance even more...probably even use a little more protein then usual.

Oh yea, does anyone think henna can help my situation or should I stay away from it?