All my hair is falling out :(

Oh yea, does anyone think henna can help my situation or should I stay away from it?

Henna strenthens the hair. It can help or it can hurt depending on your situation. Stabalize your breakage first and then consider about henna.
Henna behaves like a protein.

It looks like you have the protein covered, but you want to be careful of protein overload. Even though relaxed heads need more protein than natural heads, some people over do it.

I can already see that you are perhaps doing too much (too many techniques, too many products, etc.) to your hair. I did that in the beginning of my stint here on LHCF and I my hair paid dearly for it.

Taking the garlic supplements won't hurt, but your issue is:
  • that you need a touch up (get a reconstructor after)
  • and then a really good deep moisturizing condtioner.
Once your hair has settled down, if you want to do a henna or other treatment, then do it. :yep:
It looks like you have the protein covered, but you want to be careful of protein overload. Even though relaxed heads need more protein than natural heads, some people over do it.

HI Sweet! I agree with this, you are doing so much to your hair and not really giving any one method a chance to work.

From reading the original post it looks like you've more than covered your protein bases, but I'm not reading where you are really getting your moisture in there. My advice in blue:

SoSweet08 said:
I'm scared .

So I went to detangle my hair before a pre poo yesterday and a lot of hair started to come out. I had it in a bun all week.

Lots of posters hit this nail on the head. When you are wearing your hair in styles where there is little combing/detangling involved over a given period of time, your normal, daily hairs that are scheduled to shed have nowhere to go. They'll drop, but they'll get tangled in your intact hairs which eventually leads to knotting, tangling, and more breakage. You can avoid this by gently finger combing your hair each day, if you're trying to stay away from regular combing. That way, you'll be able to free up some of those hairs that need to fall.

So i'm like oh no! Let me get some eggs and evoo to help this. It didn't help... If I combed my hair then tons of hair would come out. If I even pat my head tons of hair was coming out!

Protein is not exactly the best thing to use when your hair is already tangly. In fact, protein can make it much worse. The fact that more hair came out sounds like breakage on top of the shedding you should have expected from that low manipulation style. At this point it is sounding like you should have opted for a elasticity/smoothing (moisture) option rather than a restructuring/rebuilding (protein) option.

I ended up washing that out and deep conditioned with keracare and all that. I ended up rollersetting my hair (which was a long and horrible experience) but it helped a little.
Ding! Ding! Ding! :yep: And that's it! Your hair needed moisture. As soon as you began to rehydrate and actually condition your hair, some of the breakage subsided. What I would have done is remained on this moisture track and give it time to turn the hair around. When you're recovering from protein overload especially, you need to give your hair a few washes to release the excess protein and get the moisture back into your hair.

So I just moisturized my hair with raw shea butter and coconut oil, lightly detangled with my fingers, and loosely braided my hair in sections and pinned it up. Oh yea last night I used a little mizana h20 treatment for the first time as well. I dunno if it helped or not since hair is coming out still but not as much as when I first noticed it.
This is okay, but I think if you would have really focused on pure moisture, your results may have been better here. Oils and butters are great, but if you're in recovery mode from protein, those aren't exactly the best hydrators. The Mizani is alright too, but the mineral oil there makes it not as hydrating as you're needing right now.

I feel like my hairline is going. This never happened to me before. I have been extremly stressed and I am almost 10 weeks post with a lot of new growth. It is breaking at the d-line. So I know I need to up my protein but I don't know what I can use and when I can use it since I used the mazani and egg treatment already. My hair is extremly weak and when I used Aphogee Damage Control in the past I didn't notice anything spectacula...I dunno.

Any suggestions?

I would steer clear of more protein for the moment. The only thing with henna is that it can act like protein on the hair, and right now I really think you should work on moisture.

I know some of the ladies suggested that you relax your hair, but I'd really focus on trying to rehydrate your hair and stave off some of this breakage first. Once you get the breakage down to a manageable amount, then I'd relax. It looks like the deep conditioning is helping you get there. Put your focus there. I'd try to squeeze in some more of that prior to your next relax appt. Maybe some 20-30 minute deep conditionings with heat, and still keeping the manipulation low where possible. Good deep conditioning will also reduce your need for a daily moisturizer.

Take care of your body, stay hydrated from within as well. The results won't be immediate, but they'll help you overall. HTH!
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HI Sweet! I agree with this, you are doing so much to your hair and not really giving any one method a chance to work.

From reading the original post it looks like you've more than covered your protein bases, but I'm not reading where you are really getting your moisture in there. My advice in blue:


You are awesome!

I'm scared :sad:.

So I went to detangle my hair before a pre poo yesterday and a lot of hair started to come out. I had it in a bun all week. So i'm like oh no! Let me get some eggs and evoo to help this. It didn't help... If I combed my hair then tons of hair would come out. If I even pat my head tons of hair was coming out!

I ended up washing that out and deep conditioned with keracare and all that. I ended up rollersetting my hair (which was a long and horrible experience) but it helped a little. So I just moisturized my hair with raw shea butter and coconut oil, lightly detangled with my fingers, and loosely braided my hair in sections and pinned it up. Oh yea last night I used a little mizana h20 treatment for the first time as well. I dunno if it helped or not since hair is coming out still but not as much as when I first noticed it.

I feel like my hairline is going. This never happened to me before. I have been extremly stressed and I am almost 10 weeks post with a lot of new growth. It is breaking at the d-line. So I know I need to up my protein but I don't know what I can use and when I can use it since I used the mazani and egg treatment already. My hair is extremly weak and when I used Aphogee Damage Control in the past I didn't notice anything spectacula...I dunno.

Any suggestions?

I dunno know what to do.

To me it sound like you are using too much protein and not using more moisture. For the next month I think you shouldn't get a touch-up until your breakage/sheading stops because if your get a touch-up now your hair will fall out even more. Just wash with only moisture based shampoos and conditioners, and DC with every wash with only moisture based.

With the weak part in your hair I think you should use a very mild protein treatment because too much protein is worst than too much moisture.

Then when you start seeing improvements you can start to use a DC with moisture and protein in it.

You should do this every 3 ot 5 days, and bun evryday if you can until it gets better.

sometimes when you try and stretch your hair, your hair will shed more or break at the point the ng and the relaxed hair meets. You had your hair pinned up for a week so if you loose 100 hairs a day that is 700 hairs you are going to loose when you take your bun down. It seems like a combination of your hair shedding from being pinned up and your hair screaming at you "relax me relax me!"
I'm scared :sad:.

So I went to detangle my hair before a pre poo yesterday and a lot of hair started to come out. I had it in a bun all week. So i'm like oh no! Let me get some eggs and evoo to help this. It didn't help... If I combed my hair then tons of hair would come out. If I even pat my head tons of hair was coming out!

I ended up washing that out and deep conditioned with keracare and all that. I ended up rollersetting my hair (which was a long and horrible experience) but it helped a little. So I just moisturized my hair with raw shea butter and coconut oil, lightly detangled with my fingers, and loosely braided my hair in sections and pinned it up. Oh yea last night I used a little mizana h20 treatment for the first time as well. I dunno if it helped or not since hair is coming out still but not as much as when I first noticed it.

I feel like my hairline is going. This never happened to me before. I have been extremly stressed and I am almost 10 weeks post with a lot of new growth. It is breaking at the d-line. So I know I need to up my protein but I don't know what I can use and when I can use it since I used the mazani and egg treatment already. My hair is extremly weak and when I used Aphogee Damage Control in the past I didn't notice anything spectacula...I dunno.

Any suggestions?

I dunno know what to do.

Hey, sorry about this, if you arwe streching and dont normally, I would say make sure your regimen is low maipulation. I strech for 12 weeks each time with no problem because I only comb my hair once every 3 weeks. I hope things work out for you. God bless.
I'm relaxed and had a lot of ng at 4 weeks post but thought it was too soon to have a touch up and now i'm at 10. I'm scared to relax now since the hair is just coming out :(

I hear what everyone is saying about the moisture and everything and maybe you could do a deep condition or 2 (because you probably are nearing that protein overload point just like me) and then get a tu and the wait probably wouldnt cause too much more damage. but MY personal experience is that there is a point where everybody's hair can not stretch past and it's not the same for everybody. You should take into account your natural hair grade and the state of your relaxed hair. For me my natural hair is much stronger than my relaxed hair. After 12 weeks I mean I would touch it and small broken hairs everywhere i don't mean 1 or 10 i mean like 30-35. I was distressed!! then i went and got a touchup and it stopped immediately!! it was breaking at the d line that is all. Also while it was doing that before i found out the real problem other people were telling me that I needed protein so I also put myself in protein overload. trust a tu is in order. some people can just not stretch. like me 12 weeks i was fine. I got a rollerset and blow out no problems. i hit that 16 week mark it was a wrap. i would give money to go back and relax at 12 messed me up for the rest of the year. i think another girl explained it the best. she said in some people the ng is just sooo much stronger than the relaxed hair and if you wait too long it begins to break and in some people all the protein in the world will not stop it. I just want to save you from the pain I went through!! i'm sure if you search stretching you will see many a many a members say over and over that super long stretching is not for everyone
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I wasn't able to reply before but I just want to say thank you Sistaslick for replying and everyone else. I really appreciate it. I just been finger combing my hair, moisturizing it, and loosely braiding it up at night. I'm going to do those deep conditioning sessions like you suggested. I do see very few shed hairs though, no more breakage. ::Crossing my fingers::

HI Sweet! I agree with this, you are doing so much to your hair and not really giving any one method a chance to work.

From reading the original post it looks like you've more than covered your protein bases, but I'm not reading where you are really getting your moisture in there. My advice in blue:

I hear what everyone is saying about the moisture and everything and maybe you could do a deep condition or 2 (because you probably are nearing that protein overload point just like me) and then get a tu and the wait probably wouldnt cause too much more damage. but MY personal experience is that there is a point where everybody's hair can not stretch past and it's not the same for everybody. You should take into account your natural hair grade and the state of your relaxed hair. For me my natural hair is much stronger than my relaxed hair. After 12 weeks I mean I would touch it and small broken hairs everywhere i don't mean 1 or 10 i mean like 30-35. I was distressed!! then i went and got a touchup and it stopped immediately!! it was breaking at the d line that is all. Also while it was doing that before i found out the real problem other people were telling me that I needed protein so I also put myself in protein overload. trust a tu is in order. some people can just not stretch. like me 12 weeks i was fine. I got a rollerset and blow out no problems. i hit that 16 week mark it was a wrap. i would give money to go back and relax at 12 messed me up for the rest of the year. i think another girl explained it the best. she said in some people the ng is just sooo much stronger than the relaxed hair and if you wait too long it begins to break and in some people all the protein in the world will not stop it. I just want to save you from the pain I went through!! i'm sure if you search stretching you will see many a many a members say over and over that super long stretching is not for everyone

Yea you're right. I stretched 12 weeks before with no big breakage. But I guess this time I had a lot more ng. I mean those vitamins and protein shakes gave me crazy was insane.

I was trying to add a week of stretching each time around because I eventually wanted to transition..but I don't think that's going to work out anymore :(
I just thought I would share what happened to me when my thinning started. I hear what everyone is saying about the 100 strands X's 7 days and that's 100 hairs but the first time I lost hair my hair had been in a bun for about a week with work completely stressing me out and when I washed my hair a HUGE clump came out in one spot and never grew totally back. So I think there is something to not keeping hair in the same style and making sure to comb through every day. Hope this helps.
I just thought I would share what happened to me when my thinning started. I hear what everyone is saying about the 100 strands X's 7 days and that's 100 hairs but the first time I lost hair my hair had been in a bun for about a week with work completely stressing me out and when I washed my hair a HUGE clump came out in one spot and never grew totally back. So I think there is something to not keeping hair in the same style and making sure to comb through every day. Hope this helps.

I'm confused! Are you saying that your the original OP of this thread?