All fotkis are unlocked! delete your private pics now!


ღ♥♡honey chile♡♥ღ
fotki is now charging to password protect folders! :wallbash: i went and checked mine, and they are all unlocked! fotki is really trippin. if you have personal photos that you only want certain people to see, i suggest you delete them now, or find another photo site. :sad:
thanks Nonie. they've unlocked all folders, but not albums yet. albums are most likely soon to follow. what are some other FREE photo sharing sites?
Flickr, yo! Flickr is the sure shot! I love me some flickr!!!

Okay, actually, I don't have a free account, so I might need to go sattdown, but ya'll should at least take a look at Flickr. :nono: I never was all that fond of fotki.
I thought someone said that albums that were already locked would stay locked, but you can't lock anything new without upgrading.
So what will you be doing after the year ends? Moving your photos, deleting them, or just going to stop being stingy and letting us see? :giggle:

I am workin' on Somethin'............. But there are SOOOO many blogs that I am sick of the thought of one...

So - we will see....:yep:
What about It's free. I've had an album over there since 2007. It's loaded with a bunch of other features such as a To Do List, Calendar, etc.

Anyway, you can setup a free account. The only catch (but it's not really a catch) is that people can only view your photos IF they have an account also.

In other words, the person has to be considered a "Friend". Then, in order for your "Friend" to see your photos, you have to have their email address setup in your "Friends" folder. So, it's kinda like a password indirectly. This way, anonymous and crank people don't leave dumb comments about your hair or body in your album.

So far, I have only signed up Keisha8185 as a friend. I don't know of any other way LHCF can use this as our new album without giving out our personal email address.

What I did for Keisha8185 is used her fotki email address. That way, we don't give out personal emails/information willy nilly.
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thanks Nonie. they've unlocked all folders, but not albums yet. albums are most likely soon to follow. what are some other FREE photo sharing sites?

Google photos (aka Picasa Web Albums) is great. Albums can be private (unlisted) or public and they have loads of other cool features. I had to upgrade on my storage space after a while though (but I also store tons of other pictures there as well). They also have a program that you can download (Picasa) to your computer that allows you to sort them before uploading. I've used it for about 2 years now and it's 100% free. You can share your links just like Fotki. HTH
i used fotki for my hair pics, but i also use picasa web albums, plus i have picasa on the computer to organize my pictures here and edits (great lil program for making comparison/progress shots). i also use photobucket for pictures i want to hotlink to.

theres also picturetrail, but i no longer use that, and flickr,(but im not sure i like the way flickr is organized) which i havent tried personally yet.

to name a few...
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Well mines is still lock, so unless something changed in the last 2 mins of me checking I'm going to keep my photos at fotki when they start opening all of the albums. I don't keep anything all that private in my picture, and my face is covered so whatever I guess!
Mine are locked also.:perplexed

I think the issue as somebody else stated is that any new albums you create from here on out can't be locked unless you upgrade your membership. Any pre existing albums you have now will remain locked unless you unlock them for whatever reason then they can't be relocked. This is the case for now so hopefully it stays that way.
I think the issue as somebody else stated is that any new albums you create from here on out can't be locked unless you upgrade your membership. Any pre existing albums you have now will remain locked unless you unlock them for whatever reason then they can't be relocked. This is the case for now so hopefully it stays that way.

ok, that makes sense. I prob need to delete those albums anyway. I'll be working on that soon.
FOtki is tripping! I think they got cocky because everybody was using it.:rolleyes: Thank goodness I don't have any PW worthy pics!:lachen:
Mine is still locked, but I have been saying I was going to remove the pics anyway and keep them in a folder on my PC, when I want to update I'll just change the avatar or siggy here.
I think Flickr is the best for photo sharing. They do offer free accounts. But you can pay $20 a year and create unlimited folders, sets, and have unlimited storage space for photos and videos...and you can control who sees what.
I had some threesome pics of me, Que and Vince I was gonna put into a folder too...
thanks for the heads up...