1 drama filled year update with pics...

It really looks like you are growing some thick, healthy hair. Considering your situation, you should be proud of yourself. :yep: Your hair looks great!
I agree with all of the others in that it looks like you've made EXCELLENT progress! Girl, you have retained alot of hair, in MY opinion!

I think you owe yourself a pat on the back that despite all of your hardships, you have still come a long way. Keep up the GREAT work!
Oh my! You do not know how much I love your hair! We have so much in common, cause I wore the Halle cut off and on for years. And I also wore blunt chin/shoulder cuts...those three were my signature hairdos for a long time. But yours is so full and thick! You're doing so well with your hair!
Your has has grown thick and healthy... Congrats... You have made great progess... Hang in there we all have setbacks now and then... I am having a set back now:look:... Shedding/breakage like crazy, oh well it will get better:yep::yep:...
Thanks!! Its funny because I was sooooooo focused on length over the last year and now I just want non-breaking healthy even hair. I'm looking at a rerun of top models and this indian girl Auchal is killing me with that beautiful hair!!! I'm jealous that she had some much hair at her edges that they actually had to thread it back off her forehead! Ohhhhhhh, how I would love to have that problem!!!:grin:
Thanks again! I'm gonna continue work it with my LHCF support team. You guys are great!
Your has has grown thick and healthy... Congrats... You have made great progess... Hang in there we all have setbacks now and then... I am having a set back now:look:... Shedding/breakage like crazy, oh well it will get better:yep::yep:...

Have you been able to narrow down what's causing the shedding and breakage? Your hair is pretty. I hope you get it under control! It's heartwrenching when those issues pop up and it takes longer than it should to tame it. Good luck! I think one week out of every month, I'll do a moisturizing cowash instead of a shampoo. For the remaining weeks, I'll do my normal shampoo and deep condition.
The title should tell ya sumthin!:drunk:

I am finally putting my shame aside and showing my hair pics and opening my fotki. A lot of you know my story but for those who don't, I'll try to make it short and sweet.
I found LHCF in my search to stop my massive hair shedding that started in about May 06. After hundreds of dollars spent on products, a few docs visits, I found out that my shedding started from my wisdom teeth extraction in May. Doc is not sure if it was an allergic reaction to the meds or if it was from the trauma and stress of the procedure. Anywho, I found that out in October. Doc put me on a prescription shampoo called Nizoral saying it would stop the hair shed. It did NOT!! All it did was dry my hair to the core and cause it to start snapping like crazy. So, my hair is not in very condition right now. Its thin and the nape and the front edges are broken off. So, I've dusted it numerous times and trimmed majorly about 3 times. I cut about 2 inches off last week.
So, sob story over. Going into year two, its all about health and recovery.
My fotki is: www.fotki.com/cayenne0622
For non fotki viewers.
Pic 1 is July 06 and Pic 2 is Sept 07. Not very much progress.:sad:
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:eek: What are you talking about Caye'?! YOUR HAIR IS FABULOUS!
You are inspiring! GO GIRL! :notworthy
:eek: What are you talking about Caye'?! YOUR HAIR IS FABULOUS!
You are inspiring! GO GIRL! :notworthy

Thats what I am trying to say. We all have setbacks but the thing is, you live you learn. You have tons of support here. If I never fail then how would I learn how to win. You learn how to win dealing with your setbacks. That is the attitude that I have taught myself to have over the last year. I am a shorter haired lady too. Like I told Artemis, we are in this together!! Keep it up!!
Heck yes, Gym!! In it to win it ;)

Cayenne, despite all the adversity your hair has seen, girl! Stunning. That's all I have to say.

Ok, back to your fotki :D
You ladies are something else!! Its impossible to give up hope when you are a member at LHCF. The women here give you inspiration, encouragement, and just put a smile on your face when you are feeling down. As hard as its been, I certainly cannot throw in the towel. I was losing so much hair that even my husband finally made a comment about it on the floor. :blush: I was so ashamed. For him to actually say something told me how bad it had gotten. It could be worse so I stopped complaining and just kept working with it. I'm going to incorporate Sareca's "oil rinse" to my regimen. I think my hair will flourish with that additional lubrication.

Gym/Artemis: YOU ARE RIGHT! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! Glad to have my LHCF sisters!
Cayenne girl, your hair is look great. I know you feel bad about the shedding, but hey girl I was there with you. I still get some extra than normal shedding sometimes but I know I will get it totally under control soon. I am loving your growth and you will find the right formula for you.:yep:
The title should tell ya sumthin!:drunk:

I am finally putting my shame aside and showing my hair pics and opening my fotki. A lot of you know my story but for those who don't, I'll try to make it short and sweet.
I found LHCF in my search to stop my massive hair shedding that started in about May 06. After hundreds of dollars spent on products, a few docs visits, I found out that my shedding started from my wisdom teeth extraction in May. Doc is not sure if it was an allergic reaction to the meds or if it was from the trauma and stress of the procedure. Anywho, I found that out in October. Doc put me on a prescription shampoo called Nizoral saying it would stop the hair shed. It did NOT!! All it did was dry my hair to the core and cause it to start snapping like crazy. So, my hair is not in very condition right now. Its thin and the nape and the front edges are broken off. So, I've dusted it numerous times and trimmed majorly about 3 times. I cut about 2 inches off last week.
So, sob story over. Going into year two, its all about health and recovery.
My fotki is: www.fotki.com/cayenne0622
For non fotki viewers.
Pic 1 is July 06 and Pic 2 is Sept 07. Not very much progress.:sad:
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You did good enough.:yep: Besides, the year ain't over yet.
You still had wonderful progress. You retained lots of length after the trims, and your hair looks very healthy.

Way to go, Cayenne! :up: :up:
Girl you needs some glasses. You have made awesome progress!!! You had me thinking you had thin hair. Cayenne you've done well and will do even better this coming up year. I think you have hair anorexia:look:. YOU GROW GIRL!!!!!
Girl you needs some glasses. You have made awesome progress!!! You had me thinking you had thin hair. Cayenne you've done well and will do even better this coming up year. I think you have hair anorexia:look:. YOU GROW GIRL!!!!!

Ladytq, don't do me like that girl!!! :blush:lol I do have thin hair but I'm doing everything I can to thicken it up. Don't let those pictures deceive you. I've battled with my thin hair my whole life. I think having healthy hair will help make it appear thick like it did when I had my chin length bob. I'll keep working on it though. All I know is castor oil is so wonderful on my hair. It makes the whole texture feel different. Moisturized, soft and it even has weight to it.
Ladytq, don't do me like that girl!!! :blush:lol I do have thin hair but I'm doing everything I can to thicken it up. Don't let those pictures deceive you. I've battled with my thin hair my whole life. I think having healthy hair will help make it appear thick like it did when I had my chin length bob. I'll keep working on it though. All I know is castor oil is so wonderful on my hair. It makes the whole texture feel different. Moisturized, soft and it even has weight to it.

Me sorry:yep:. I'm just happy for you and your break throughs. I have some castor oil I might mix it with my beloved glycerine and see how it works on me, because it's doing wonders with your hair!!!!
Me sorry:yep:. I'm just happy for you and your break throughs. I have some castor oil I might mix it with my beloved glycerine and see how it works on me, because it's doing wonders with your hair!!!!

Give it a shot, girl. It really feels good. I use it a night and it seems to absorb into my hair and in the morning it is silky. I do not wear my hair down so I don't have to worry about it feeling weighed down. If I do wear it down, I will probably use it only every 2 nights or so and very lightly.
Absolutely beautiful, keep doing what you are doing...IT'S WORKING!! I am just astonished about your SELF CUT; so even and professional!!!!!