All fotkis are unlocked! delete your private pics now!

Nickle and dime every chance they get. We all know the economy is hard but damn, for passwords? :nono: I might just have to cancel em.
Flickr, yo! Flickr is the sure shot! I love me some flickr!!!

Okay, actually, I don't have a free account, so I might need to go sattdown, but ya'll should at least take a look at Flickr. :nono: I never was all that fond of fotki.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@sattdown!!! I use that word all the time but have never seen it spelled. :lachen::lachen:

Oh lawddd...... fotki is trippin once again. Who started the trend of LHCFers putting their pics on this corny website anywho?