All Financial & Earth Friendly Ladies-How to Use a Grocery Bag 101 *pics*


New Member
Okay so this is what happens when 1. you have a week off to yourself and 2. you are bored and playing with your camera.:lachen:

Well anyways it is no secret that some of us are either trying to preserve our pockets or the earth. So I use grocery bags because I just feel bad throwing those little fellas away. A lot of ladies don't know how to utilize those extra grocery bags sso, LocksOfLuv is here to show you.:grin:

Step 1:
Go grocery shopping and preserve your bag.

Step 2:
When you are ready to DC, put the bag over your conditioner soaked head:

(don't laugh :lol: )

Step 3: Gather the bag from the sides and pull it up to your forehead, adjusting it to YOUR head size.

Step 5: Twist the bag as tight as you can to secure it around your head (make sure there is no hair caught in the twist because when you remove it it may snag those caught hairs).

Step 6: Take the twist part and slide it under the bag, you can also secure this with a clip (but ladies who DC under a hot dryer watch out because thos clips get HOT and may burn your pretty little foreheads).

Step 7: Pat out the excess air, open your LHCF browser, and DC like no tomorrow!:cool:


Now you may not be that cute, but you will save mass dollars and also do your part in protecting the earth. For those who don't grocery shop that often, you can always ask the bagger to double bag your stuff so you can have extra bags.:lol: Hope this helps someone!
LocksOfLuV said:
Okay so this is what happens when 1. you have a week off to yourself and 2. you are bored and playing with your camera.:lachen:

Well anyways it is no secret that some of us are either trying to preserve our pockets or the earth. So I use grocery bags because I just feel bad throwing those little fellas away. A lot of ladies don't know how to utilize those extra grocery bags sso, LocksOfLuv is here to show you.:grin:

Step 1:
Go grocery shopping and preserve your bag.

Step 2:
When you are ready to DC, put the bag over your conditioner soaked head:

(don't laugh :lol: )

Step 3: Gather the bag from the sides and pull it up to your forehead, adjusting it to YOUR head size.

Step 5: Twist the bag as tight as you can to secure it around your head (make sure there is no hair caught in the twist because when you remove it it may snag those caught hairs).

Step 6: Take the twist part and slide it under the bag, you can also secure this with a clip (but ladies who DC under a hot dryer watch out because thos clips get HOT and may burn your pretty little foreheads).

Step 7: Pat out the excess air, open your LHCF browser, and DC like no tomorrow!:cool:


Now you may not be that cute, but you will save mass dollars and also do your part in protecting the earth. For those who don't grocery shop that often, you can always ask the bagger to double bag your stuff so you can have extra bags.:lol: Hope this helps someone!

LOL!! I been doin this since '85....and still do. See ghetto and environmental consciousness go hand-in-hand.:)
LOL...I'm mad you created a tutorial. They also work well as a shower cap if you have an unplanned sleepover, or a rain bonnet if you get caught out there without an umbrella.

Glad to see that we are doing our part for the environment.
:lachen: @ 'preserve your bag'. Automatically, I thought of Diddy 'Moisturizing my situation and preserving my sexy.'

I have done this a couple times when I ran out of my plastic caps.
frankie said:
LOL...I'm mad you created a tutorial. They also work well as a shower cap if you have an unplanned sleepover, or a rain bonnet if you get caught out there without an umbrella.

Glad to see that we are doing our part for the environment.

I thought about it from the thread on the OT board lol!
I'll be doing that tonight when I put a HOT in my daughter's hair. But I'll put a headband around the edges.
LocksOfLuV said:
Well anyways it is no secret that some of us are either trying to preserve our pockets or the earth. So I use grocery bags because I just feel bad throwing those little fellas away. A lot of ladies don't know how to utilize those extra grocery bags sso, LocksOfLuv is here to show you.:grin:

Yep, that's my cause right there. :lol:

I usually grab the bag by handle so I'll have enough to twist into a knot.

Cute tutorial!
whoooo Locks!! you are a mess!!! I LOVE it!!

I've used my walmart bags like that a time or two!! :lol: :lol:

good looking out for your hair----and the environment!!!! :lol:
kels823 said:
Love that 2nd pic!! You should put that in your siggy.. :D

:rofl: :rofl: :lachen: :lachen: OMG!!! Ya'll are crazy. Yeah, I couldn't help but to laugh at that second picture too Locks!!! :lol: The funny thing is, as ghetto as I am, I've NEVER thought of that. :lol:
Y'all laughing but I do this sometimes. I also tie them in a knot and store them in a big bag (the hubby hates this). If I get to many sometimes I donate them to other stores.
Great idea I am always running out of conditioner caps or have a bad fit because the elastic is over stretch your bags are definately customed fit:lachen: :lachen:
:lol::lol::lol: cute! I'm gonna try that the next time I wash (tomorrow) since I don't have any more plastic caps. I have sooo many plastic bags that need to get used.
how bout I do this too! AND you can cut up the bag into squares and use them as end covers! (Just cover ends and add a rubber band!
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
Y'all laughing but I do this sometimes. I also tie them in a knot and store them in a big bag (the hubby hates this). If I get to many sometimes I donate them to other stores.

I didn't know you can donate them. Even the logo'd ones?
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
how bout I do this too! AND you can cut up the bag into squares and use them as end covers! (Just cover ends and add a rubber band!

Okay se eyou what we call hood rich!:lachen: I love it! I never heard of them as end papers. Good idea!
I've been doing this for years too. I always lose conditioning caps and shower caps etc.

I alsu used to use them for when I dyed my hair crazy colors. And you can do it under a knit cap in winter for all day DC.
i do this every time i condition lol. slap that baggy on and let it marinate for hours lol. may want to get something to clear up that blue stuff on your face lol! great tutorial :D