Akward first dates...


Well-Known Member
just need to rant right now...I'm a little offended, Even though I'm sure it'll pass over. Here's the story of my akward first date:

So I meet this really adorable Persian Armenian guy. Looks a bit like Patrick Dempsey from "Grey's Anatomy". We talk on the phone for hours....Great non-weird conversations by the way. I feel totally comfortable with this guy really quickly which is different since I'm a very shy girl. Throughout our many phone conversations he brings up the topic of sex. A LOT!! I either laugh it off or let him know that I'm not interested in sex with someone I barely even know! Even though the red flags were starting to show up, We still decided to go out.

So....Last night was the day. My makeup wasn't popping, I HATED my hair, and I didn't exactly love my outfit. Needless to say, everything started on a wrong note..But I still treked on. Long story short, We walk around Hollywood, Visited a Wax museum, laughed and all around had a good time. There was no love connection. He had a "Flamboyant" way about him, and the chemistry just wasnt there, but I still enjoyed myself. We went back to his place...(I know). He tried to kiss me numerous times before I gave in ( I felt NOTHING, Plus he used waaay too much tounge) and asked me to stay the night. I declined and went home.

I log onto Facebook today, and see that I've been deleted by him. I'm such a silly girl, and I cant help but think that maybe I wasn't "Cute" enough...or that something was wrong with me, even though I know that I got deleted because he was a total man slut and is mad that I didnt "Give it up".

Ugh...I have another date next week, and Im kinda not even looking forward to it anymore :\

Anyone else have any First date nightmare stories?
to be honest he would've never made it to a date w/all the sex talk, be glad he deleted you... do not let this experience effect your other dating opportunities
Your lucky he deleted you, that man slut probably had something he wanted to share

YES! i have soooooo many stories

i met this guy whilst he was wearing sunglasses, arranged to meet up a week later, and he forgot those sunglasses, his eyes where sooo ugly i.e bloodshot red, small+bags and he was cheap, and he has the most oddest walk/bop going on

Never again will i ever give my number to someone wearing sunglasses, they are wearing them for a reason, a lesson learned :)
You would have been deleted anyway so count your blessings it was sooner rather than later. He saved you time and energy. Never really had a bad first date come to think of it.
Don't let this hamper your next dating experience, and be thrilled that he deleted you. He obviously wasn't worth it.
OT: How old are you?

Back to the topic, first dates are always a make or break situation that can ruin the perfect man you think in your eyes. But what helps is to do a little preparation before the date and have some boundaries as to what you are willing to do regardless of what he says. This would not only work for you, but gives him before hand how far he can go.
I've had boring first dates, and first dates with men who turned out to be annoying (usually because they tried -- and failed -- to be comedians), but never a bad first date.

Honestly, I think that most women can avoid bad first dates... the reason too many happen is because they ignore clear RED FLAGS AND SIRENS that the man is giving off in the phone calling/e-mailing/IMing process.

I wouldn't have even gone out with a man whose phone conversation was sexual in that manner, and I REALLY wouldn't have invited him into my home or gone into his. Really?

I mean, come on... too often, WE set ourselves up for bad dates and bad experiences on dates... none of that had to go down.

Be glad you don't have to deal with him again, and be more careful with the next dude you talk to.
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Throughout our many phone conversations he brings up the topic of sex. A LOT!! I either laugh it off or let him know that I'm not interested in sex with someone I barely even know! Even though the red flags were starting to show up, We still decided to go out.

Anyone else have any First date nightmare stories?
Ugh! I just finished dealing with a fool like this a few weeks ago...I actually did a thread on how he gave me a sex related answer even though my question didn't require such. So I brushed it off and continued to have conversations with him. His sex talk continued, got even deeper and I was just sick of it. I finally told him last week that we were not on the same page...I told him that he was totally interested in sex and I was not.

Of course he tells me that I'm wrong..that he's interested in more. Dude please, when every other question/comment out of your mouth is: can i have a massage? when can i get my massage? i'm watching porn? do you have any sex toys?" Ummm...no. I'mma need you to kick rocks. :rolleyes: He finally gave it up Sunday night...thank God. I was so sick of him. And not that it really matters, but he was white/latino.
Your lucky he deleted you, that man slut probably had something he wanted to share

YES! i have soooooo many stories

i met this guy whilst he was wearing sunglasses, arranged to meet up a week later, and he forgot those sunglasses, his eyes where sooo ugly i.e bloodshot red, small+bags and he was cheap, and he has the most oddest walk/bop going on

Never again will i ever give my number to someone wearing sunglasses, they are wearing them for a reason, a lesson learned :)

Dang, I hope he wasn't on that stuff! lol

I've been trying to get out more and date, but there are soooo many weirdo's out there.
OT: How old are you?

Back to the topic, first dates are always a make or break situation that can ruin the perfect man you think in your eyes. But what helps is to do a little preparation before the date and have some boundaries as to what you are willing to do regardless of what he says. This would not only work for you, but gives him before hand how far he can go.

I'm 24...I don't really have much experience "Dating" since I've pretty much been a super homebody.

I soooo tried to make myself clear to him that I wasn't an "Easy" or "simple" kind of girl, but I believe he thought he would get me to change my mind anyway.

It was really silly on my part going to his house even after he pulled out the man whore card...
Sorry you had to deal with such a butthole. You live and you learn, pat yourself on the back for dropping him when you did.
Oh man... that guy was a real jerk. I guess next time you'll take heed when a man is :blah: about sex, that is what he is looking for and what he is about. No need to get gussied up and hit the town with a jerk, you could stay home and DC instead.