Advice a stylist gave @ other board


Well-Known Member
So I am over @ another board, its not a hair board, just a regular forum and there is a thread about hair care.

I put in my two cents about how u should not relax your entire head, only new growth, and stretching is good etc etc. This is what someone posted back. A licensed Stylist.

And just aheads up not everyone can skimp on touch-ups, rarely do you find someone who can spread them out so far. relaxed hair has lost some of the elasticity in it and when you have new growth the relaxed hair weighs down which is what causes breakage. And for those thinking of making the trasaction to natural that is something you should keep in mind, which is why most stylist recommend cutting your hair to go natural.

If your breakage slows down when you space out touch ups your relaxer was not being done properly.

the rule about do not touch up whole head is false. You still need to touch up all of your hair just the new growth gets a longer processing time while the previously relaxed hair may get around 5 minutes of process time.

Also if you use heat to blow dry your hair once it is dry switch to cool and give your hair a blast of cold air for around 2 minutes it will close up the folicles that were opened by the heat and lock in moisture

btw im licensed.
This is what I answered back

I'm sorry I completely disagree with you.
That is the problem with damage and breakage today among a lot of relaxed women. Relaxing their whole heads. Never Never relax the entire length of your hair. Only relax the new growth. U don't keep relaxing parts thats already been chemically processed. Thats just asking for damge.

and yes everyone can if they wanted to could and should stretch their relaxers. That is the best. If u find what works for you.. protective styles etc, whatever u can do.. u will have minimal sheddin and breakage.
My hair is type 4a-b which is thick and kinky. I stretched for 6 months. My hair is the strongest its ever been since I started strteching. I don't mess with my new growth and leave hair alone as much as possible.

She replied with this

unfortunatly you are very miss informed. not everyone can or should stretch relaxers out. You have thick hair which is why it may work well for you, not everyone has thick hair, also your diet maybe differnt from alot fo others, so maybe your hair is a bit more healthy and can withstand it or your hair may grow at a slower rate making it fesible for you to stretchout touchups, skimping on touchups is never recommended and i have never met a stylist that would recommend it.
Oooooooo wee! Poor thing! That "licensed stylist" really has no clue! Stretching for long periods may not be for everyone but they are just WRONG for recommending relaxing the entire head over and over...
I dont think that stretching is for everyone. My hair is very thick and when I wait too long to relax my hair it gets very tangly after I wash it which leads to breakage. Maybe my hair is thicker than most people's hair. I will never try to stretch my relaxers again b/c all it did was cause breakage. My hair was beautiful b4 the stretching period. Why should I risk it?

I usually dont agree with stylists, but this is smthg that I have to agree with.
angellazette said:
Oooooooo wee! Poor thing! That "licensed stylist" really has no clue! Stretching for long periods may not be for everyone but they are just WRONG for recommending relaxing the entire head over and over...

Yeh, I admit that maybe not everyone can stretch, I was so angry at the moment.
Up on that board telling those women its ok to relax their whole heads :eek:
I am so turned off of stylists
Lovelylocs said:
I dont think that stretching is for everyone. My hair is very thick and when I wait too long to relax my hair it gets very tangly after I wash it which leads to breakage. Maybe my hair is thicker than most people's hair. I will never try to stretch my relaxers again b/c all it did was cause breakage. My hair was beautiful b4 the stretching period. Why should I risk it?

I usually dont agree with stylists, but this is smthg that I have to agree with.

Do u use detangers or creamy leave ins. This use to happene to me. I would get a touch up every 6 weeks like clockwork cause my hair was to hard to manage then I found different methods.
lmao :lachen: that's why it's so difficult for so many people to find a good stylist. one's like that, that jacks up people's head and give's stylist a bad rep.

i see them simply as stylists and not "haircare" givers and that one sounds like she's fresh out of school!

i have no professional license, and even i know you can't keep relaxing, relaxed hair :lachen: without "asking for it"

sylver all you had to do was copy and paste a big 'ol 8x 10 pic of your hair followed by a link to your album and all mouths would have been hushed:lol: :lol: :lol:

If your breakage slows down when you space out touch ups your relaxer was not being done properly.

So you need to see breakage in order to know your relaxer was done right? The more breakage the better I guess!!! URGH!:look:

You have thick hair which is why it may work well for you, not everyone has thick hair

And some of this whole hair strand relaxing is probably why their hair is thinner than it would be in the first place!!!:eek:

the rule about do not touch up whole head is false. You still need to touch up all of your hair just the new growth gets a longer processing time while the previously relaxed hair may get around 5 minutes of process time.

I want to know which set of relaxer instructions she got this bit of info from:confused: Most relaxers have NOT to do this in BOLD writing. :confused: What are they doing??? Just handing out licenses these days?:look:
Girl, I feel sorry for her clients!
She said that stylists don't recommend stretching--of course they don't because the more frequently someone gets a relaxer, the more frequently those big chunks of change are going into the stylist's pocket.

Girl, you should've posted a picture of your hair to show what you've achieved with your "non-stylists recommended" methods and that probably would've quieted her a bit. :angeldevil:
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Sistaslick said:
sylver all you had to do was copy and paste a big 'ol 8x 10 pic of your hair followed by a link to your album and all mouths would have been hushed:lol: :lol: :lol:

If your breakage slows down when you space out touch ups your relaxer was not being done properly.

So you need to see breakage in order to know your relaxer was done right? The more breakage the better I guess!!! URGH!:look:

*She's thinking that the relaxer should be bone straight. Which most people here would disagree with.

the rule about do not touch up whole head is false. You still need to touch up all of your hair just the new growth gets a longer processing time while the previously relaxed hair may get around 5 minutes of process time.

I want to know which set of relaxer instructions she got this bit of info from:confused: Most relaxers have NOT to do this in BOLD writing. :confused: What are they doing??? Just handing out licenses these days?:look:

*This is SO true! It states clearly on the instructions for professional stylists not to relax previously relaxed hair. DUH!

What does this stylist's hair look like? She should be proof of her words.
My response to her again
Originally Posted by sylverr2
I use to be one of those who would get touchups every 6 weeks like clockwork cause my hair was unmanageable and would break off when I tried to do it. I belong to many hair forums with 10,000+ members with inspirational hair albums , pics and stories u wouldn't even beleive, thick hair, thin hair, etc etc.
Finding what works is best.
I have found what works the best and so can others.. doesn't really have to do with my hair being thick, because it was never like this b4 ..cause I din't know how to take care of it.
I posted a pic of my hair

Her respnse back
this i agree on but works for you most likely will not work for all. Before I decided to cut my hair of it was knee-length (ill see can i find some pics) and if i dared wait even 2 weeks past a touchup my hair would start breaking. Our hair is just like our dna very differnt from each others.

I gave the other side to what you suggested just because I know personally there are alot of women who can not stretch out touchups but seeing the pics of your hair and your tips they would try it and totally **** thier **** up.

But like you said finding what works for you is best.
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Supergirl said:
Girl, I feel sorry for her clients!
She said that stylists don't recommend stretching--of course they don't because the more frequently someone gets a relaxer, the more frequently those big chunks of change are going into the stylists pocket.

Girl, you should've posted a picture of your hair to show what you've achieved with your "non-stylists recommended" methods and that probably would've quieted her a big. :angeldevil:

This is exactly what I was thinking...
Ummm yea, I'd like to see a picture of that stylist's knee length hair. ;) If it was indeed that long, I highly doubt that she relaxed the entire length every time she relaxed; especially if she was relaxing as frequently as she was recommending. It saddens me that there are licensed stylists who dont know sh*t about sh*t.

So many times I've thought about getting licensed so that I could do hair on the side- make money and spread the little knowledge I have. But I have no time for that.
So, why did she cut her knee length hair, I wonder? Was it damaged? Breaking? See through ends? I'd bet it was all of the above, if she was following her own advice.

That annoys me. Maybe not everyone can stretch, but like everyone else has said, the whole head should only be relaxed the first time. After that, new growth only.
sylver2 said:
this i agree on but works for you most likely will not work for all. Before I decided to cut my hair of it was knee-length (ill see can i find some pics)

Don't hold your breath waiting for those . . .:lol:

sylver2 said:
but seeing the pics of your hair and your tips they would try it and totally **** thier **** up.

Or . . . they could try HER whole strand relaxing method and see where that lands them.:confused: Stretching takes alot of practice and patience and some of us may not be able to handle it as well as others. So I do agree that stretching too far may not be best for everyone... but her telling people to relax the whole strand thats just too much.:mad:
lauren450 said:
So, why did she cut her knee length hair, I wonder? Was it damaged? Breaking? See through ends? I'd bet it was all of the above, if she was following her own advice.

That annoys me. Maybe not everyone can stretch, but like everyone else has said, the whole head should only be relaxed the first time. After that, new growth only.

The only time that I have ever broken this rule (only relax the new growth) is when I have switched relaxer brands on either myself or someone else. After I relaxed the new growth, I applied the relaxer to the entire length for about one minute or two. And I have only switched once.
Thanks for sharing this info Sylver2. We are seeing from the horse's mouth why some ladies' hair never seem to gain any length while going to their stylists.
somebody replied agreeing with her and had this to say explaining it

Now, to the whole realxing the whole head thing. I'm not a professional, but I have had my whole head re-relaxed before. My stylist said that my hair had reverted, meaning that it was basically rejecting the relaxer. When I would get just my new growth retouched, the rest of my hair looked different. It wasn't as straight as the retouched part. So she relaxed all of my hair, from root to ends. Nothing bad happened to my hair. Its still nice and healthy. (ends need trimming right now though) But like everyone has said, it probably is done on a case by case scenario. Everyone's hair can't stand the same type of treatment.

and the stylist came back on and said.. exactly, she is right.
Sylver2... Wow!! :eek: I have NEVER heard any stylist of mine (and I have had many) advise relaxing the whole head everytime!! Yikes! I am sooorry, but I don't care if she is licensed or not, I disagree with that. :perplexed: Once your hair is relaxed, you don't need to do it again. That is why you have to grow it out and/or cut it out to get rid of it.

Be sure to keep us posted when you get her knee length hair pic. I want to see that. (Not that I don't believe.)
Don't even respond to that 'stylist' anymore. Anybody who looks at your pictures and hers can tell the right person to take hair advice from and if they can't then shame on them.
Like my old roommate used to say "one fool makes many".

I wouldn't waste anymore of my time with these fools. Spend your time helping people like me who know how to take and appreciate good advice.

Frankly, all I know is that I went to stylist all my life and my hair broke off continuously. I stopped going 6 months ago and I get basically no breakage now. :) One main reason, stretching my relaxer, going from relaxing 4-5 times :eek: from Jan-June, to relaxing 1 time from July to now. And imagine $150x 5, with no results! :confused: And that didn't include $90 treatments for the friggin breakage that occurred as a result of the frequent relaxing!:mad:

Imagine how much further along I could have been now!!!:mad:

Stylists like these should be flogged!
This is really sad. Why is it so hard to find stylists that are knowledgeable about hair care? This particular one can't even manage to follow the instructions on the box! How did she get a license if she can not read? Is commons sense really that difficult. I had a thought this past weekend to make up some business-like cards with the LHCF web address on it and just start passing them out to people who looked like they could use the help and even people who don't look like it but probably do anyway. Too many more people have access to these type of "stylists" than they do to this forum. A lot of us never saw improvement in our hair until we decided to take control of it ourselves and seek the knowledge that our stylists either didn't have or didn't share.

It's a crying shame that this woman is this ignorant!!! She obviously doesn't know enough about hair care to spread this madness to her clients and to the reviewers of that board.

The Bible says in a nutshell not to argue and waste your time on fools. I know that it can be frustrating but you're gonna have to shake this one off and hope that she and her clients will become enlightened to the truth.
We will probably NEVA see pics of this lady's knee length hair! From the advice she gives I doubt very seriously her hair grew that long.

She is way off base and probably a majority if not all of her clients have short hair.

I find stretching at least 3 months is very beneficial to my hair but that is for my hair, yours may be different.
I agree with some things the stylist has stated, but SHE IS SOOOOO WRONG... on that whole perming whole head mode...