Ladies who texlax... stylist or DIY?


New Member
I'm about 8 weeks post, if not more (can't find my calendar :look:), and I'm absolutely in love with my new growth! It's so soft and luscious and thick and just ahh! :love: I'm always touching and playing around in the waves and curls.

I don't think I want to transition; I just want to get to know my own natural texture since I've never seen it and I know I would wear my hair straight most of the time anyway (unless my NG is amazing.I would like to wear a puff... :grin:) But I'm not willing to give up all my lovely new growth! I also dislike how flat relaxers make my short hair. :sad:

I go to a stylist for my touch-ups and I think most of you on here know way more than the average stylist. Those who texlax your hair... does your stylist know what that is (if you go to one)? Do you do it yourself? Or do you explain to the stylist what to do?

I'm really at a loss for what to do here. TIA. :yep:
I'm about 8 weeks post, if not more (can't find my calendar :look:), and I'm absolutely in love with my new growth! It's so soft and luscious and thick and just ahh! :love: I'm always touching and playing around in the waves and curls.

I don't think I want to transition; I just want to get to know my own natural texture since I've never seen it and I know I would wear my hair straight most of the time anyway (unless my NG is amazing.I would like to wear a puff... :grin:) But I'm not willing to give up all my lovely new growth! I also dislike how flat relaxers make my short hair. :sad:

I go to a stylist for my touch-ups and I think most of you on here know way more than the average stylist. Those who texlax your hair... does your stylist know what that is (if you go to one)? Do you do it yourself? Or do you explain to the stylist what to do?

I'm really at a loss for what to do here. TIA. :yep:

I'm interested to hear some ideas on this as well, so subscribing and hope some of the texlaxing ladies would come in and share their methods with us:yep:.
I do my texlax myself. I don't think I would ever trust a hairstylist to do it because I mix my relaxer with conditioner (something I assume a stylist might not support) and I plan to protect my previously processed hair with vaseline (something else that a stylist may not support). I have been thinking about this stylist thing a lot because I do like getting my hair done but I think I would only be comfortable if I am able to bring my own products and tools and I would still be watching them like a hawk.

Maybe one day I will find a stylist who is alright with all of that or maybe I can just train my mom. lol
I do it myself...

Like you, I love feeling the growth and thickness of my hair. I've thought about transitioning because I absolutely love my nappy hair, but I don't think I'm ready to tackle the issues of the tangles.
I do my texlax myself. I don't think I would ever trust a hairstylist to do it because I mix my relaxer with conditioner (something I assume a stylist might not support) and I plan to protect my previously processed hair with vaseline (something else that a stylist may not support). I have been thinking about this stylist thing a lot because I do like getting my hair done but I think I would only be comfortable if I am able to bring my own products and tools and I would still be watching them like a hawk.

Maybe one day I will find a stylist who is alright with all of that or maybe I can just train my mom. lol

it was you! your puff in your signature is gorgeous! i was, like, "those curls? texlax?! :blush:" it was because of you that i started seriously considering texlaxing. :yep: do you really have to live all the way in Bermuda, though? then you could help me here.

i do have a few girlfriends who are into hair care. maybe they'd be more open to the idea and i could have them do it. :yep:
I do it myself...

Like you, I love feeling the growth and thickness of my hair. I've thought about transitioning because I absolutely love my nappy hair, but I don't think I'm ready to tackle the issues of the tangles.

ditto. thanks for posting. :yep:
I texlac myself.... i dont think a hairstylist would understand stretching past 6 weeks or not letting a relaxer sit for its full time: my lil sis texlac and her hairdresser was being very rough with her hair and told her not to stretch past 6 wks. Unless your hairstylist is big on healthy hair care and loves the idea of stretching...stick w/ it..but majority don't. besides i also save myself tons of cash on doin my own hair and getting silky shiney results too.
it was you! your puff in your signature is gorgeous! i was, like, "those curls? texlax?! :blush:" it was because of you that i started seriously considering texlaxing. :yep: do you really have to live all the way in Bermuda, though? then you could help me here.

i do have a few girlfriends who are into hair care. maybe they'd be more open to the idea and i could have them do it. :yep:

:bighug: Awwww! Thanks so much, you are so sweet! That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me about my hair. I'll be happy to help in anyway I can :yep:
I do it myself. I wouldn't trust a stylist to understand and respect my need to purposely have my hair underprocessed.
:bighug: Awwww! Thanks so much, you are so sweet! That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me about my hair. I'll be happy to help in anyway I can :yep:

You're welcome! :love: Gorgeous, shiny hair you have. I'm jealous. :grin:

Thanks for offering to help, too! What's your hair type? What kind of relaxer do you use? What kind of conditioner do you mix in? I'm guessing the conditioner adds moisture, and maybe even cuts the strength of the relaxer? If so, how long do you leave it in?

Sorry if I have too many questions.
You're welcome! :love: Gorgeous, shiny hair you have. I'm jealous. :grin:

Thanks for offering to help, too! What's your hair type? What kind of relaxer do you use? What kind of conditioner do you mix in? I'm guessing the conditioner adds moisture, and maybe even cuts the strength of the relaxer? If so, how long do you leave it in?

Sorry if I have too many questions.

Thanks again! I'm glad to help:

I have type 4a hair with a little 4b in the center. My hair is finer around the edges and gets coarser - like wire - toward the center.

I use Motions Herbal to texlax because it is known to underprocess and revert. I started with Regular and ended up using Super. I did two correctives to get the look I was going for. Scary

I use whatever conditioner. I mostly use cheapies like V05 and Suave. The first time I also added some oil and let some protein dry in my hair first. I think this is why so little happened as far as processing. I am always super scared to have too straight hair so I am a little extra. The conditioner does make the relaxer process slower.

The first two times I relaxed the relaxer made my hair look so straight that I freaked out and rinsed asap. It was in for maybe 10 minutes. So the third time I only used lots of conditioner and once I was freaking out and thought the the world was coming to an end = my hair was straight, I still waited a couple more minutes before I rinsed.

This might sound crazy but I think it is better to process less than you think you want, assess the situation, dc and strengthen the hair, then try again if it didn't work right the first time. Doing this helped me realize that the relaxer w/conditioner really weighs the hair down and makes it look much straighter than it is going to be (It never actually looks straight - just straighter than I would ever want it to be). It also curls up more over time (this might be the Motions reverting a bit). If you were to see my hair completely dry with no product it would be hard to believe that I wasn't natural. Products really make a big difference.

Please check out my fotki (link in my profile - there is one album you can only see if you are logged in) you can really see how my hair got curlier as I worked more with it.

I found that a lot of dc's/moisture is also key to keeping those curls popping.

HTH. Please feel free to pm me.
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you are a doll. :love: thanks so much!

Now, do you know exactly how long to process for? And you're using the super now? Just making sure I'm reading this correctly, at first I was like, "she corrects twice everytime!?" lol. Would you say texlaxing gives you more of a 3-ish texture?

I'm trying to up my DCs now. :yep: I loooove seeing the conditioner on my new growth - it makes it so soft and curly. I wish it stayed like that when I rinsed. Castor oil does give me waves and makes my curls appear around my temples. I love the stuff.

So, basically, trial and error. Better to underprocess than over. I see, I see. :yep:

And thanks for the link. :grin: I'll definitely check that out, along with your fotki. Thank you soooo much! I really appreciate it.
When I was completely natural (well 90%) and decided to go back to relaxing (telaxing) i went to a hairdresser for the initial telax. I did this because its been a while since I did a relaxer and didnt wanna overprocess by taking to long. I explained to her exactly what I wanted and when I asked her to wash it out and she told me to wait and i said i dont want to she didnt argue anymore... just washed it out.

Since then I maintain the telaxing myself. This is because I am getting used to doing my own hair again. I only go to the hairdresser for a trim or if I have a special event and want pin curls (which I havent mastered yet)
the stylist respected your wishes? she didn't try to push you towards relaxing completely? shoot, did she even look at you weird? that would be enough to make me upset. :look:
Those who texlax your hair... does your stylist know what that is (if you go to one)? Do you do it yourself? Or do you explain to the stylist what to do?

I'm really at a loss for what to do here. TIA. :yep:

I'm texlaxed, and I do it myself. I've never heard of a stylist underprocessing hair, intentionally, and I don't think he/she would put up with all that I do.:nono: For example, I like stretching for 13 weeks, and for uniform results, I NEED to be able to control the application time, smoothing time, etc., and I must coat my previously-relaxed ends with oil to prevent them from getting "processed' again.

I actually enjoy doing my own hair (and the money I save), and at this point, I don't trust anyone else.

If you are interested, my entire texlaxing process in listed in the "About Me" section of my fotki.
I do it myself. I doubt a stylist would understand how to do it or the significance of doing it. I don't even feel like explaining.
I do it myself :) I'd rather *** up my own hair if it has to happen than go to a "professional" and have them *** it up. I was natural for about 2 years then last September decided to take the plunge. I have made a few mistakes along the way which resulted in the left side of my hair having barely any of my curl patern present and the right side is still coily :rolleyes: Oh well, live and learn. I can still rock a wash n go with no hesitation.
I'm texlaxed, and I do it myself. I've never heard of a stylist underprocessing hair, intentionally, and I don't think he/she would put up with all that I do.:nono: For example, I like stretching for 13 weeks, and for uniform results, I NEED to be able to control the application time, smoothing time, etc., and I must coat my previously-relaxed ends with oil to prevent them from getting "processed' again.

I actually enjoy doing my own hair (and the money I save), and at this point, I don't trust anyone else.

If you are interested, my entire texlaxing process in listed in the "About Me" section of my fotki.

this makes sense.

and i'll be sure to check out your fotki, thanks! :yep:
Ah Ha. I think I may have found the answer to my hair madness. I don't want to deal with going natural but I am so sick and tired of the thin relaxed ends. Off to research more.....
My stylist/friend wanted to texlax my hair but I chose to do it myself. I think about having her do it the next time but I don't want the texture to change too much. In fact the three years that I've known her she has never done any my relaxers. She's the only one I trust to trim my hair. Maybe she will do the next one since she is moving soon.