Advice a stylist gave @ other board

You know what happens to people that relax all the hair including previously relaxed hair...overprocessing. The hair will break off and/or fall out. You know what I noticed about a lot of stylists...they know everything but yet their head is jacked up.

I don't see a lot of stylists that have nice hair around here. Especially black females. My thing is, don't raise your finger to tell me anything about hair care when you obviously don't lead by example. That's one reason why I don't give any stylists my time or money. Poor thing. So ignorant its sad.
sylver2 said:
I just saw a pic. She has shoulderlength Micro mini braids

See, Sylver2, girl this is what I am talking about. How do you go from knee length to slapping in some micro braids on shoulderlength or shorter hair? The answer is she never had hair that long in the first place. If she did and it was so damaged that she had to cut all that off...well then nothing she says has any validity. A "licensed stylist" would know better that to subject his or her hair to anything that would "damage" it that bad. :pinocchio
Sistaslick said:
girl what forum is this?:perplexed

I also want to know so I can avoid it!!! Why can't she just agree to disagree with you. Especially when you showed her pics of your lovely hair and she only has a pic of her hair in micro braids.
:shocked:@ Relaxing the whole head
I definitely do not agree with relaxing the whole head every time you get a relaxer:eek: that is CRAZY!!!!! My question is if you change relaxers should you run the new relaxer through the entire hair?????? I just switched relaxers and i only put it on my new growth?????
Godsway said:
I definitely do not agree with relaxing the whole head every time you get a relaxer:eek: that is CRAZY!!!!! My question is if you change relaxers should you run the new relaxer through the entire hair?????? I just switched relaxers and i only put it on my new growth?????

I just switched relaxers this past weekend and I only applied it to the new growth. I think that may depend on 1) your reason for switching and 2) the texture of your hair when you switched and the texture you want it to be.

If you're switching because your last relaxer didn't get you bone straight the way you wanted, you may want to run it all the way through for the last few minutes. Otherwise, I can't see where this would really be necessary.
Unfortunately, ignorant and hapless licensed stylists are the main reason why I became a do-it-yourselfer.
Supergirl said:
...Girl, you should've posted a picture of your hair to show what you've achieved with your "non-stylists recommended" methods and that probably would've quieted her a bit. :angeldevil:
I agree wholeheartedly!
A "licensed" stylist is not going to recommend stretching a relaxer because this means she would LOSE money!!!!:mad:

I'm so glad that LHCF memebers know BETTER! :cool:
This so-called license stylist is a hack. I've had my hair relaxed for 20 years and if I recall correctly, nobody has ever relaxed hair that has already been relaxed....just the new growth. Just because someone has a "license" that does not mean that what she said is accurate. I've seen plenty of licensed stylists with jacked up hair. I think their focus is on how you look when you are in their salon and right after you've left the salon. They want people to "ooh" and "ahh" their work. They will tell you how to maintain the style but not how to maintain the health of your hair. Anyway, sorry for the rant, she's a hack.
sylver2 said:
Before I decided to cut my hair of it was knee-length (ill see can i find some pics) and if i dared wait even 2 weeks past a touchup my hair would start breaking. [/b]

That LYIN' *****!!!!! :eek: :mad: :( :ohwell:

You should have told you how long your hair was, posted a pic and directed those folks over to LHCF. Then that would have really shut her up.

Everybody knows including this fewl that the instructions say on the jar....apply to newgrowth only!!!! What is this about breakage slowing down???? Ha!

And BTW, I didn't know that hair had follicles! Bwahahahahah! Yeah, this chickie must have gotten her license online or something.

sylver2 said:
So I am over @ another board, its not a hair board, just a regular forum and there is a thread about hair care.

I put in my two cents about how u should not relax your entire head, only new growth, and stretching is good etc etc. This is what someone posted back. A licensed Stylist.

And just aheads up not everyone can skimp on touch-ups, rarely do you find someone who can spread them out so far. relaxed hair has lost some of the elasticity in it and when you have new growth the relaxed hair weighs down which is what causes breakage. And for those thinking of making the trasaction to natural that is something you should keep in mind, which is why most stylist recommend cutting your hair to go natural.

If your breakage slows down when you space out touch ups your relaxer was not being done properly.

the rule about do not touch up whole head is false. You still need to touch up all of your hair just the new growth gets a longer processing time while the previously relaxed hair may get around 5 minutes of process time.

Also if you use heat to blow dry your hair once it is dry switch to cool and give your hair a blast of cold air for around 2 minutes it will close up the folicles that were opened by the heat and lock in moisture

btw im licensed.
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Sylver, Sylver, Sylver. This girl is CRAZY. un un girl....this is war!!! U need to strike back. We need to come up with a statement that will shut her up. PLEASE at least reply and mention to her that "unfortunately some stylists are misinformed as well, and are more knowledgeable in hair 'styling' as opposed to hair care. And some stylists have studied outdated methods and have not bothered to research new hair care techniques." And please ask her to show u a pic of her so-called knee length hair when it is not in braids. You may not have a certificate but you have studied haircare for years and feel you have enouch experience to speak and offer advice. Did that ***** actually say that you know your relaxer worked if your hair is breaking??? So breakage is a good thing, huh? Yea it's good for the stylist...she knows that you will be back to get protein treatments. She probably stupid enough to still believe that split ends will split all the way up the shaft if not cut.
And my view is that stretching is good for EVERYONES's just that we all have our seperate tolerance as to how long to stretch. For instance, you can stretch for for me I have found out that 2.5 months is good for me. Another lady may decide that only 8 weeks is good for her. But 4-6 weeks is not good for anyone's hair...regardless of what a stylist tells you...the only thing it is good for, is their pocket$$$... Did she just say that relaxed hair weighs down your natural hair which causes breakage. U need to set her straight and inform her that it's not the 'weight' of the relaxed's just the demarcation line is weak since it meets the 2 textures which is what CAN lead to breakage if proper haircare is not administered. It can, but it is not an automatic death sentence, which is what she is lead to believe.
And ask her why would u relax the whole hair, when you know that during the rinsing process, the relaxer will be rinsed thru the whole hair which re-straighten your previously processed hair??? duh!

I tell you...this lady scares the bejesus out of me...
This chick is so misinformed! Speaking for myself, I relaxed my hair after waiting 12 weeks (I used to relax after 8 weeks on the dot! :grin: ). I would agree with her that stretching doesn't work for everyone--it did for me though. Although she's right about that, she's doing a disservice to her clientele by stating that hair must be relaxed again and again. This is basically just like constantly getting a virgin relaxer--a BIG nono!

I feel sorry for her clients...:eek: :ohwell:

sylver2 said:
Her respnse back
this i agree on but works for you most likely will not work for all. Before I decided to cut my hair of it was knee-length (ill see can i find some pics) and if i dared wait even 2 weeks past a touchup my hair would start breaking. Our hair is just like our dna very differnt from each others.

I gave the other side to what you suggested just because I know personally there are alot of women who can not stretch out touchups but seeing the pics of your hair and your tips they would try it and totally **** thier **** up.

But like you said finding what works for you is best.
I know I put in my 2 cents on this already, but I just can't get that stylist's nonsense out of my head! I have something to add. :think: I remember when I used to self relax and a couple of times a few strands of my hair would get left in the jar of relaxer. When I opened the jar to use the rest of the relaxer the next time I needed a touch-up, I could see the trails of where those hair strands were left in the jar. The relaxer had worked continuously on those hair strands until there was no hair left. There was only a brown streak in the cream where the hair was. And I know a lot of you know exactly what I am talking about. :yep:

The first time I saw this it made me understand exactly why you DO NOT relax your whole head everytime!!!!!! :scratchch: That would also explain why your natural hair grows back thicker, you think?

That stylist needs to be shut down! :nuts: She is crazy in her d@%n head!!!
Toni A. said:
I know I put in my 2 cents on this already, but I just can't get that stylist's nonsense out of my head! I have something to add. :think: I remember when I used to self relax and a couple of times a few strands of my hair would get left in the jar of relaxer. When I opened the jar to use the rest of the relaxer the next time I needed a touch-up, I could see the trails of where those hair strands were left in the jar. The relaxer had worked continuously on those hair strands until there was no hair left. There was only a brown streak in the cream where the hair was. And I know a lot of you know exactly what I am talking about. :yep:

The first time I saw this it made me understand exactly why you DO NOT relax your whole head everytime!!!!!! :scratchch: That would also explain why your natural hair grows back thicker, you think?

That stylist needs to be shut down! :nuts: She is crazy in her d@%n head!!!

Exactly! Relaxing thins and basically breaks down the hair. Its a mild drano. Now with short processing times and a milder formula it doesnt dissolve the hair like Drano but if constantly applied and left on too long it will take your hair out. This stylist is an idiot and a liar. If anyone on that forum cant see her lies on the screen they deserve to be bald just like her. Also The girl who agreed with her said she does the same damn thing but 'she needs a trim...." I doubt she has hair left. How can your just ignore what the damn box says?
Godsway said:
I definitely do not agree with relaxing the whole head every time you get a relaxer:eek: that is CRAZY!!!!! My question is if you change relaxers should you run the new relaxer through the entire hair?????? I just switched relaxers and i only put it on my new growth?????

I attend cosmetology school. They so do not teach this! At least the one I went to didn't. It is a big no no to apply the relaxer to already relaxed hair!
wow! it is amazing what a piece of paper can do to a person's mind!:eek: i thank goodness that my stylists has sense and listens to what i want. it definitely makes you scared to trust anyone with your hair. this just confirms that we need to be more informed and learn as much as we can about our hair. that way we are empowered, b/c no one will take care of your hair like you will. with all the albums of beautiful hair on this site, someone must know what they are talking about. that poor lady just doesn't know any better!:confused:
Until I found this site, I never knew that you should not relax the whole head.:blush: I had long, thick hair that was difficult to relax. My hair never got strait with relaxers, so my mom used to relax my whole head all the time. I got no damage from it and my hair thrived. I think it depends on the person. I will never again relax my whole head. I am in awe that I still have hair after all the things I've done to it.:D This is truly an educating website.:clap:
Toni A. said:
I know I put in my 2 cents on this already, but I just can't get that stylist's nonsense out of my head! I have something to add. :think: I remember when I used to self relax and a couple of times a few strands of my hair would get left in the jar of relaxer. When I opened the jar to use the rest of the relaxer the next time I needed a touch-up, I could see the trails of where those hair strands were left in the jar. The relaxer had worked continuously on those hair strands until there was no hair left. There was only a brown streak in the cream where the hair was. And I know a lot of you know exactly what I am talking about. :yep:

The first time I saw this it made me understand exactly why you DO NOT relax your whole head everytime!!!!!! :scratchch: That would also explain why your natural hair grows back thicker, you think?

That stylist needs to be shut down! :nuts: She is crazy in her d@%n head!!!

Yes ma'am. I have seen this too. Please put in 2 more cents if you will, because people just don't know...:lol:
I wonder what the health of her clients hair is like, it may be a dreadful site to behold. That is just too much!
Alright everybody, just calm down...........We don't even know this woman; how we gone be up in this board doggin her like that? That woman probably does have license.........................................................

THAT SHE GOT FROM WAL-MART!!!!!:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::

No, seriously, Sylver, you did the right thing by showing her a pic. You would have thought that would have shut her up, but it didn't. She would probably be able to pull something like that on a person that doesn't know any better, but when you know better, you do better. 17 years ago, she could have got me though.

When I first got a relaxer (or at least that's what I thought I was getting), I was 18 and it was a few days before I went to college. I had never seen anyone with a relaxer actually shampoo and rollerset their hair (my mom and grandma pressed their hair), so when I went off to college and shampooed my hair, didn't know why my hair was still curly like before and would only straighten out when I rollerset it. Long story short is that my roommate's mom was a hairdresser and told me that my virgin hair was never fully relaxed and when it was time for my next touch up, she relaxed my whole head. (a white guy did my hair and I guess he must have just given me a texturizer) She told me then that you only get the NG relaxed every time. Had no one ever told me that, to this day I probably would have never known and then when I run into a cook like that, would have believed her.

That lady sounds like she preys on people that just don't know any better and will believe her just because she has her "license" (that she got from Wal Mart!!)
Lol..I never replied back to her after that girls agreement with her.
Two others got on and disagreed with her. She hasn't come back on yet.
Maybe she's looking for the knee length hair