Adopt A Newbie Orphanage!!!!

I'm a newbie and boy am I glad to find this thread. tonight is really my first time posting (only b/c the baby didn't put me to sleep but let me put him for a change) but I've been lurking at work for about two weeks. i would be so happy to have a place to ask my simple questions and not feel like I'm intruding (although i know the veteran ladies wouldn't really think that)

my first newbie question is does MTG stand for Main and Tail something and is a co-wash just rinsing your hair w/ conditioner?:spinning:
I'm a newbie and boy am I glad to find this thread. tonight is really my first time posting (only b/c the baby didn't put me to sleep but let me put him for a change) but I've been lurking at work for about two weeks. i would be so happy to have a place to ask my simple questions and not feel like I'm intruding (although i know the veteran ladies wouldn't really think that)

my first newbie question is does MTG stand for Main and Tail something and is a co-wash just rinsing your hair w/ conditioner?:spinning:

I am a newbie too. MTG means Main Tail Groom (just bought mine), and co-wash is washing hair with a conditioner. Ummmm there is a thread with all the LHCF acronyms that they use often on the site. I had it on my computer but it doesnt want to open up so I can paste it. Maybe someone else can paste that link. Welcome!!!!:yep:
I am a newbie too. MTG means Main Tail Groom (just bought mine), and co-wash is washing hair with a conditioner. Ummmm there is a thread with all the LHCF acronyms that they use often on the site. I had it on my computer but it doesnt want to open up so I can paste it. Maybe someone else can paste that link. Welcome!!!!:yep:

Thanks Aussie!:grin: i was reading some of your post at work today. are you all natural or do you textlax? I was thinking about going natural last fall but my husband would have a fit if i chopped my mop all off again so i think I'm going to try texlaxing. maybe I'll by like sistaslick one day
Hello, my name is Mya and I'm a newbie. After lurking for about a month now, I've decided to join. I have learnes so much from this forum..all the information is overwelming . I have so much questions, i don't know where to begin.
but first
do in need to add anything to my conditioner for cowashing? I've seen some people add cococut oil, evoo, and castor oil..
Hello, my name is Mya and I'm a newbie. After lurking for about a month now, I've decided to join. I have learnes so much from this forum..all the information is overwelming . I have so much questions, i don't know where to begin.
but first
do in need to add anything to my conditioner for cowashing? I've seen some people add cococut oil, evoo, and castor oil..

I use V05 conditioners for my co washes and normally I don't add anything to them. But the other day I added a little olive oil and it did seem to increase the level of moisture. So you don't need to add anything to your conditioner if you don't want to, but if you want to there are lots of options. Just have fun with it :grin:.

Also, welcome to the forum! :band: I'm glad you decided to join us.
Thanks Aussie!:grin: i was reading some of your post at work today. are you all natural or do you textlax? I was thinking about going natural last fall but my husband would have a fit if i chopped my mop all off again so i think I'm going to try texlaxing. maybe I'll by like sistaslick one day

hey!!! im %110 natural (lol thats how thick it is). I want to start wearin my hair out and washing it often but this natural stage is getting really difficult to maintain. I grew out my hair natural because 2 yrs ago I dyed my hair orange (of course it had to be bleached).... then a few weeks after my hair started falling out. I had 1 inch patches all over my head. :cry3: but that experience taught me alot. I never intentially went natural, I just wanted my hair to grow back so I kept braids in it and everytime I got them done over I would gradually get my relaxed (orange) hair clipped. Did that for a year and a half. Now I have all this hair and wearing it out is not as easy for me with my lifestyle. So i am def thinking about a relaxer or texlating. I believe after reading:bookworm: so much from these forums I can do a better job of taking care of my hair, whether I stay natural or relax it.
Hi Guys...I'm a homeless newbie :sad:, may I join you until I find a loving home?

OT: BANGIN'!!! Too beautiful!!!
Hey Ladies,

I too missed the newbie adoption phase:cry3:but I'm learning so much. I'm trying to be so motivated but when I have my doubts, I read someone's update and I regain confidence:fan:. Thanks so much.
hey!!! im %110 natural (lol thats how thick it is). I want to start wearin my hair out and washing it often but this natural stage is getting really difficult to maintain. I grew out my hair natural because 2 yrs ago I dyed my hair orange (of course it had to be bleached).... then a few weeks after my hair started falling out. I had 1 inch patches all over my head. :cry3: but that experience taught me alot. I never intentially went natural, I just wanted my hair to grow back so I kept braids in it and everytime I got them done over I would gradually get my relaxed (orange) hair clipped. Did that for a year and a half. Now I have all this hair and wearing it out is not as easy for me with my lifestyle. So i am def thinking about a relaxer or texlating. I believe after reading:bookworm: so much from these forums I can do a better job of taking care of my hair, whether I stay natural or relax it.
Aussie i just saw you relaxed your hair it is banging!:up:

Have any newbies tried texlaxing or have become a PJ (product Junky) since joining lhcf?
i know i have (or maybe it has increased for me b/c i had a lot of stuff i had forgot about in my cabinet) and i have become a big label reader now.
I have no problem answering PMs from newbies, and would love to help those on their hair journey!:yawn:

I'm natural though, don't know much about relaxed heads.
Hello im cubanita and im an orphan. I had been aware that this challange had started but was unable to post due to technical issues. Now that I can post . I discovered like many other newbies that we have missed regitration to the the challange.
A new challange begins every three months so ive read.SOOOOOOOOOOOO
How about us newbies stick together until we find loving parents.
We can support each other with the little knowledge we have acquired.
We can share some of our comman experiances.
And since we are all relatively new we probally have pretty much the same goals. It could be an awsome learning experiance.
Im pretty sure if we have any questions we can probally find a foster parent to pm in the mean time.

We can love each other!!!! Its not true that we are not wanted!!!!!!!
Lets show em we've got potential

Who is in

Hey Cubanita, I just recently joined and I am in with you. I have so many questions, but don't know where to start. I'm not really sure what my hair type is, even after reading the descriptions. I have until about 2 years ago had thick hair, but now it's been breaking and has thinned. I am relaxed and usually relax every 4 weeks (I know, I know...not good). I would like my ultimate goal to be APL, but for now I want my hair to be healthy.
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Im a newb as well and need a hair mom! Ive been getting some answers, but this haircare journey is a hard one, so guidance is mos def needed!!
Well, I'm pretty sure that I qualify as a newbie, too. It's my first post!

I just want to thank all of the ladies here for information that has changed the way I think about and treat my hair. I was bad. I was so, so bad.

Bad relaxers in a box? Check
Curling iron every day? Check
Moisturize and seal? What's that about?

Quite some time ago I stumbled across this forum. I browsed but that was it. Then, I came back, paid the $5 and started clicking around. I have learned so much. I've also bought so much. I've been experimenting and now own more products than I have ever had in my entire life. But that's a different story. I'm trying my best to back away from the heat, but I still give in on occasion.

I'm now working on stretching my relaxer and just trying to have healthy hair. It has been quite a few weeks now but my hair is in its best shape in over 6 years. A couple of people at work have commented on how much they love my new haircut. My hair looks shorter because of the relaxer stretch but it is much healthier than before. I was at Ulta today looking at Mizani products and a woman approached me and asked what I'm using to keep my hair so healthy. She took off her scarf and showed me that her hair is very dry. I did my best to help her but I'm sure I didn't come close to the advice I've received here.

I'm continuing my quest but would love to be adopted later, too. I don't know how long to stretch the relaxer. My hair is not breaking or shedding so I'm thinking that I'll keep going. For me, the true test is winter. Every winter, my hair breaks in the same area (the nape) and I always end up cutting my hair so that I don't look crazy. I go through the same cycle every year. I'll be asking for advice on that I'm sure.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who makes this such a great and supportive community. :grin::drunk:
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Thank you so much FlawedBeauty for your willingness to help us newbies out! I have a question about a product. Are you familiar with Wild Growth Oil. If so, what is the best way to use it? Is it o.k. for any hair type?
Hello fellow Newbies!!!:grin:
Great Idea for a thread! I've been waiting and waiting and seems like waiting FOREVER for the next adopt a newbie. I can NOT wait for some guidence. This is such a wonderful idea because now I do not have to wait as long.

I have so many questions, and am not quite sure if what i've been doing is right or wrong. I've been told my hair looks like 3a/3b... It's APL (I believe) and my first goal is BSL...
Hi Ladies,

Im a returning newbie. I needs LOTS of help. Im a college student on a strict budget; so as of now Im doing my own hair. Im trying to stretch my relaxers to every 12wks. I just started using Silk Elements Products. Im thinking about purchasing Mizani or Keracare products. I have alot of shedding and my hair doesnt have alot of moisture. Im currently using ORS No-Lye relaxer; But I would like to try Elasta QP or Mizani. But Im not sure if I should switch. Currently Im just washing and conditioning every week and thats it. I use to blow dry by hand and then flat iron. But I was told to try rollersets so I wont have to use so much heat. Im lost and overwhelmed with all the information on these boards. Could someone PLEASE help me.:sad: