Actions vs Words-- Am I Wrong??


New Member
Okay, met a nice man in January. We've been dating consistently and in March decided to be exclusive. Everything for the most part is GREAT. He's kind, considerate, a perfect gentleman (opens doors, pulls out chairs, etc, is always aiming to please). I've met his family, and he's met mine. We've even decided to go to church and bible study together---not as a couple, but to strengthen our spiritual growth. We're not having sex b/c we want to take our time to really get to know each other and maybe wait until marriage.

Anyway, he calls several times throughout the day (morning, afternoon, and at night before we go to bed). I'm extremely happy and enjoy the time we get to spend together.

The problem--- in the beginning he was extremely expressive (verbally) about wanting to be with me and how I make him feel. He's always making references about if I become a member of familiy and how important it is for me to get used to his family (he's the youngest of six). He even asked me about what kind of wedding I would want and that he had a dream about weddings and babies.... Now, it's like pulling teeth. I have a constant need to "know" so I ask a lot of questions, and he knew that before we got together.

One night we were kissing and I heard him say the "L" word. When I was IM-ing him the next day and mentioned it and he SWORE up and down he didn't say it. Not only does he do this, but he wrote me a four paragraph email explaining how he doesn't use that word lightly and if he were to say it he'd say it with intent and in a more formal setting....he even mentioned my hearing problem as possibility. Yes, I am partially deaf and I read lips but anyway..

We went out of town recently and he met some of my college friends--who really like him a lot and that's rare considering my track record. Anyway, I told him (later) that my friend said we looked like we had known each other for a long time and we really looked comoforable together.. and he says, "Yea, well it's still early." and I said, "Umm, k, yes I know that." Then he goes on about how he's going to temper his enthusiasm. Whick surprised me b/c he calls all the time and we spend everymoment together. So, I got upset and expressed it... so he didn't call for three days.

Monday, he tells me he can't tell if I'm smiling on the inside or outside. I tell him that I'm very happy with him and that enjoy spending time with him and that I feel glad that he was put in my life.... and he says.... (nothing).
So, I say.. "What about you?" and he says, "What about me?" and I say, "How do you feel?" and he says, "I feel fine...." I say, about us,and he says, "I feel fine about us."

So that upset me and I explained that I feel fine when I have a quick and hassle free drive to work, etc. That fine is just blah... so he sends me an email saying that my need to know superceded his being ready to open up and that he didn't want to.... So then he shuts down and doesn't call for two days.

I know some people have the opposite problem, but his actions show me he cares, but I am not understanding why it's so hard for him to SAY IT.
Am I wrong for being mad???
Sorry Hon but you need to chillax!!!

Nothing runs a man off faster than a woman that has to know every past, present and future step. It is okay for him to express his feelings on his own but you can't push him. Your only responsibililty is to follow his lead.

Men test women all the time by throwing stuff out there to see if you will bite. However, you can't let him know he got you hook line and sinker on his hook. You probably get the glassy eyes and colgate smile everytime he introduces you to his friends/family or mentions a possible future with you. When he tells you something you have to nod, enjoy the moment, go by his actions and be confident in yourself that he would be stupid to not follow through with what he has told you. Don't act sold!!! This is your first mistake...... Sorry just being honest. Sold = pressure to take delivery immediately. You have to give him the impression that he is still under evaluation as well and that you are looking for the right fit for your life too. Don't come across like you are falling for the first man that comes along, shows you some great attention, romantic lines and wants to tote you around. Don't make him feel like he is the first and only man to have treated you this way.

Enjoy the courtship. Relax.

Imagine how you would feel if he kept asking you "Baby, how's the p today?" Baby, are you going to give me a piece today? How about tomorrow? How about next week? How about for the rest of our lives? Do you still like me? Are you upset with me? Are we still going here/there tomorrow, next week, next month? You would need some breathing room and it comes across as insecure, needy and always seeking validation. It's the same concept. Monkey see, monkey do. He is giving you signs and words that he is stepping back some, you have to mirror him. If you push he will naturally resist so back off with all the "I'm sold on your love stuff."

The fastest way for you to get him to come forth again is to back off. When he comes back around be sweet, fun, and in the moment but you must get a life, go to your parents, friends, pick up a hobby, don't be available for his call all the time, let him wonder a little bit but I'm not saying to play games. I'm saying to become a woman with your own life, your own goals and aspirations that exist whether a man is in the picture or not. Then he knows he won't have to hold your hand forever. Hell wash your hair everyday 2, 3, 4 times a day if you have to. Get lost.

You sound like you have a good you gotta play your cards right. Think! Don't go full steam ahead on your emotions. See the forest not the trees. Plan your work and work your plan. This is the key!!

Submitted with love....... I hope you understand me.
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Thanks. :)

I appreciate the tough love.

I actually do have a lot of things I need to do professionally, so I guess I will just focus on what I need to do to get myself together.
Thanks. :)

I appreciate the tough love.

I actually do have a lot of things I need to do professionally, so I guess I will just focus on what I need to do to get myself together.

Exactly. Hey, I have been there. That's why I'm telling you like I did. We say its game but it's not. Think about that guy that really likes you and won't stop. You give him the cold shoulder. If you genuinely have stuff to focus on it won't be hard to do.

Remember to relax, have fun, and enjoy the moment. You can't get to marriage, kids and a family if you can't enjoy the moment. It will fall apart on you before you get there everytime.

Focus on how you are going to be so sweet and playful on the phone or in person the next time you talk or see him and make it happen. He will keep coming back. The worst feeling a man can have is feeling that his woman ain't happy with him about something. Even if you aren't saying it he can feel the nervous energy. Life is too short, enjoy him. If he ain't the one, he's practice for the next one.
Sorry Hon but you need to chillax!!!

Nothing runs a man off faster than a woman that has to know every past, present and future step. It is okay for him to express his feelings on his own but you can't push him. Your only responsibililty is to follow his lead.

Men test women all the time by throwing stuff out there to see if you will bite. However, you can't let him know he got you hook line and sinker on his hook. You probably get the glassy eyes and colgate smile everytime he introduces you to his friends/family or mentions a possible future with you. When he tells you something you have to nod, enjoy the moment, go by his actions and be confident in yourself that he would be stupid to not follow through with what he has told you. Don't act sold!!! This is your first mistake...... Sorry just being honest. Sold = pressure to take delivery immediately. You have to give him the impression that he is still under evaluation as well and that you are looking for the right fit for your life too. Don't come across like you are falling for the first man that comes along, shows you some great attention, romantic lines and wants to tote you around. Don't make him feel like he is the first and only man to have treated you this way.

Enjoy the courtship. Relax.

Imagine how you would feel if he kept asking you "Baby, how's the p today?" Baby, are you going to give me a piece today? How about tomorrow? How about next week? How about for the rest of our lives? Do you still like me? Are you upset with me? Are we still going here/there tomorrow, next week, next month? You would need some breathing room and it comes across as insecure, needy and always seeking validation. It's the same concept. Monkey see, monkey do. He is giving you signs and words that he is stepping back some, you have to mirror him. If you push he will naturally resist so back off with all the "I'm sold on your love stuff."

The fastest way for you to get him to come forth again is to back off. When he comes back around be sweet, fun, and in the moment but you must get a life, go to your parents, friends, pick up a hobby, don't be available for his call all the time, let him wonder a little bit but I'm not saying to play games. I'm saying to become a woman with your own life, your own goals and aspirations that exist whether a man is in the picture or not. Then he knows he won't have to hold your hand forever. Hell wash your hair everyday 2, 3, 4 times a day if you have to. Get lost.

You sound like you have a good you gotta play your cards right. Think! Don't go full steam ahead on your emotions. See the forest not the trees. Plan your work and work your plan. This is the key!!

Submitted with love....... I hope you understand me.

:look: Well, I think FunkyMunky said it all right there :clapping::clapping::clapping:... Excellent advice.
Girl, you like your metaphors don't you :lachen:.
dating shouldn't have to be a game... and he shouldn't change his communication patterns all willy nilly....

i understand your need to know, especially since it was given so freely in the beginning... communication is impt and he's crapping on it, imo.... while i don't think you should necessarily push it on him, i do think that you should keep your eyes open when it comes to him.... because the whole not calling after you question something that he's said, is an indication of something too...
I feel you >>>>><<<<<< :)
Sorry Hon but you need to chillax!!!

Nothing runs a man off faster than a woman that has to know every past, present and future step. It is okay for him to express his feelings on his own but you can't push him. Your only responsibililty is to follow his lead.

Men test women all the time by throwing stuff out there to see if you will bite. However, you can't let him know he got you hook line and sinker on his hook. You probably get the glassy eyes and colgate smile everytime he introduces you to his friends/family or mentions a possible future with you. When he tells you something you have to nod, enjoy the moment, go by his actions and be confident in yourself that he would be stupid to not follow through with what he has told you. Don't act sold!!! This is your first mistake...... Sorry just being honest. Sold = pressure to take delivery immediately. You have to give him the impression that he is still under evaluation as well and that you are looking for the right fit for your life too. Don't come across like you are falling for the first man that comes along, shows you some great attention, romantic lines and wants to tote you around. Don't make him feel like he is the first and only man to have treated you this way.

Enjoy the courtship. Relax.

Imagine how you would feel if he kept asking you "Baby, how's the p today?" Baby, are you going to give me a piece today? How about tomorrow? How about next week? How about for the rest of our lives? Do you still like me? Are you upset with me? Are we still going here/there tomorrow, next week, next month? You would need some breathing room and it comes across as insecure, needy and always seeking validation. It's the same concept. Monkey see, monkey do. He is giving you signs and words that he is stepping back some, you have to mirror him. If you push he will naturally resist so back off with all the "I'm sold on your love stuff."

The fastest way for you to get him to come forth again is to back off. When he comes back around be sweet, fun, and in the moment but you must get a life, go to your parents, friends, pick up a hobby, don't be available for his call all the time, let him wonder a little bit but I'm not saying to play games. I'm saying to become a woman with your own life, your own goals and aspirations that exist whether a man is in the picture or not. Then he knows he won't have to hold your hand forever. Hell wash your hair everyday 2, 3, 4 times a day if you have to. Get lost.

You sound like you have a good you gotta play your cards right. Think! Don't go full steam ahead on your emotions. See the forest not the trees. Plan your work and work your plan. This is the key!!

Submitted with love....... I hope you understand me.
He may have been very sure of his intentions in the beginning but maybe he is doubting himself and/or the relationship. It sounds like he is the kind of person who is interested in having a family. Maybe he is re-evaluting everything to make sure he doesn't take the prospect lightly. Sometimes when you rush into giving yourself too freely in the beginning you have to take a break to make sure that the current situation is really what you want. I agree with FunkyMunky, chilax he will come around if he figures out that relationship is the right fit for him.
Exactly. Hey, I have been there. That's why I'm telling you like I did. We say its game but it's not. Think about that guy that really likes you and won't stop. You give him the cold shoulder. If you genuinely have stuff to focus on it won't be hard to do.

Remember to relax, have fun, and enjoy the moment. You can't get to marriage, kids and a family if you can't enjoy the moment. It will fall apart on you before you get there everytime.

Focus on how you are going to be so sweet and playful on the phone or in person the next time you talk or see him and make it happen. He will keep coming back. The worst feeling a man can have is feeling that his woman ain't happy with him about something. Even if you aren't saying it he can feel the nervous energy. Life is too short, enjoy him. If he ain't the one, he's practice for the next one.

Excellent advice in ur first post FM & love the bold.

Sorry Hon but you need to chillax!!!

Nothing runs a man off faster than a woman that has to know every past, present and future step. It is okay for him to express his feelings on his own but you can't push him. Your only responsibililty is to follow his lead.

Men test women all the time by throwing stuff out there to see if you will bite. However, you can't let him know he got you hook line and sinker on his hook. You probably get the glassy eyes and colgate smile everytime he introduces you to his friends/family or mentions a possible future with you. When he tells you something you have to nod, enjoy the moment, go by his actions and be confident in yourself that he would be stupid to not follow through with what he has told you. Don't act sold!!! This is your first mistake...... Sorry just being honest. Sold = pressure to take delivery immediately. You have to give him the impression that he is still under evaluation as well and that you are looking for the right fit for your life too. Don't come across like you are falling for the first man that comes along, shows you some great attention, romantic lines and wants to tote you around. Don't make him feel like he is the first and only man to have treated you this way.

Enjoy the courtship. Relax.

Imagine how you would feel if he kept asking you "Baby, how's the p today?" Baby, are you going to give me a piece today? How about tomorrow? How about next week? How about for the rest of our lives? Do you still like me? Are you upset with me? Are we still going here/there tomorrow, next week, next month? You would need some breathing room and it comes across as insecure, needy and always seeking validation. It's the same concept. Monkey see, monkey do. He is giving you signs and words that he is stepping back some, you have to mirror him. If you push he will naturally resist so back off with all the "I'm sold on your love stuff."

The fastest way for you to get him to come forth again is to back off. When he comes back around be sweet, fun, and in the moment but you must get a life, go to your parents, friends, pick up a hobby, don't be available for his call all the time, let him wonder a little bit but I'm not saying to play games. I'm saying to become a woman with your own life, your own goals and aspirations that exist whether a man is in the picture or not. Then he knows he won't have to hold your hand forever. Hell wash your hair everyday 2, 3, 4 times a day if you have to. Get lost.

You sound like you have a good you gotta play your cards right. Think! Don't go full steam ahead on your emotions. See the forest not the trees. Plan your work and work your plan. This is the key!!

Submitted with love....... I hope you understand me.

girl you hit the nail on the head!