accepting mistreatement because you dont want to be alone


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I'm in a very strange phase of my life, and don't have people to seek advice from IRL.

I don't know where to start. During my late teens I was loved very much by my family and friends. People respected me and appreciated me. I was very giving and worked too hard and gave all my savings to whoever needed it in my immediate family, I wouldn't spend a penny for myself. Academically I was not bright but hardworking and entered medical school to everyone's surprise. Looks wise, I was beautiful and had a good shape. All way round I was very happy and loved. I had friends and family who loved me.

When I reached 21, things suddenly went downhill. I failed medical school, i was in thousands of pounds debt, I was obese, and without money. I lost all respect and love quite suddenly from family, I became very insecure and had no self esteem. I started midwifery course and lived away from family. No phone calls, no how are you. This didn't happen in one go, it happened slowly.

I'm at a point now, where I have virtually no self esteem. I have no friends. And family does not bother with me. I'm struggling in the last year of my midwifery course and have been set an ultimatum by university to pass this next year coming, as I have taken out a year already due to depression.

All of this would not have been a problem, if the only two people left in my life (my mother and sister) were treating me well. Up until 2 days ago I would never thought of reflecting on my life, if it wasn't for the millionth time my sister mistreating me. I went to her house to have a shower as the boiler at our new place needs a test before we can use it. I had written the whole incident down and then deleted it because it's too much detail, but basically she put me out the house wet, when i had literally stepped out of the shower to open the door for her, (she was going out shopping and had forgotten something in the house) when I opened the door I was wet and only had a towel on me. we got into an argument because she always lies to me and forces me to do things that I don't want to do. Anyway she put me out the house. As usual no apology no nothing. I'm kinda sick of her mistreatment, and every time SHE mistreats me I am the one going back to her. Because I have no one else, and she knows that. It's painful having to sit at home all day long with no internet, no tv, no person to talk to, which is why every time she mistreats me I go back to her without her apologising to me. She knows this. And as much as I hate her for it, I can't help feeling miserable being alone all the time.

I told myself, I'm gonna stick it out this time. No companionship is better than bad companionship.

Any advice?

Also bear in mind I have mild social anxiety, probably alien to most of you. It's when you're insecure lack self esteem and desperately want to interact with people but can't. I have no friends also, to replace her companionship
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I'm sorry you're feeling this way too!
You may not believe it, but many, many people have gone through rough patches in their lives. I'm not diminishing your current state but I'm hoping to offer some perspective. You yourself stated that you felt valued and lovable and more sociable some time ago. And I'd like to believe this rough time shall pass.
Practically speaking, it's hard to "have a life" til you "get a life." I understand not wanting to be dependant on an emotionally abusive relative for companionship. And it can be hard getting a life independent of those characters, especially if you have limited funds and access to technology.
I'd say look for free events you can do that can put you in social circles of people you have common interests with.
In my city, there's always something free to do, whether that's a free day at the museum, some cultural event at the library, or something as simple as going for a walk. Walking would also give you the benefit of getting active again, getting your blood and creative energies flowing again. Nothing's worse for depression than stewing in a negative environment.
Maybe once you resume cultivation of outside interests you can focus on something that keeps the sunshine in your life while simultaneously widening your social circle.
PM me if you ever need a chat!

via LHCF App
I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I have cut my sister off for similar reasons. Shoot good riddance to mental garbage is what I say. Anyway, several months later she is contacting me however I maintain no contact for my own sanity.

I have posted a lot of article in the link below about abusive relationships reading a few of the articles may help.

Pls excuse the typos ... thx
Hi ladies, I'm in a very strange phase of my life, and don't have people to seek advice from IRL.

I don't know where to start. During my late teens I was loved very much by my family and friends. People respected me and appreciated me. I was very giving and worked too hard and gave all my savings to whoever needed it in my immediate family, I wouldn't spend a penny for myself. Academically I was not bright but hardworking and entered medical school to everyone's surprise. Looks wise, I was beautiful and had a good shape. All way round I was very happy and loved. I had friends and family who loved me.

When I reached 21, things suddenly went downhill. I failed medical school, i was in thousands of pounds debt, I was obese, and without money. I lost all respect and love quite suddenly from family, I became very insecure and had no self esteem. I started midwifery course and lived away from family. No phone calls, no how are you. This didn't happen in one go, it happened slowly.

I'm at a point now, where I have virtually no self esteem. I have no friends. And family does not bother with me. I'm struggling in the last year of my midwifery course and have been set an ultimatum by university to pass this next year coming, as I have taken out a year already due to depression.

All of this would not have been a problem, if the only two people left in my life (my mother and sister) were treating me well. Up until 2 days ago I would never thought of reflecting on my life, if it wasn't for the millionth time my sister mistreating me. I went to her house to have a shower as the boiler at our new place needs a test before we can use it. I had written the whole incident down and then deleted it because it's too much detail, but basically she put me out the house wet, when i had literally stepped out of the shower to open the door for her, (she was going out shopping and had forgotten something in the house) when I opened the door I was wet and only had a towel on me. we got into an argument because she always lies to me and forces me to do things that I don't want to do. Anyway she put me out the house. As usual no apology no nothing. I'm kinda sick of her mistreatment, and every time SHE mistreats me I am the one going back to her. Because I have no one else, and she knows that. It's painful having to sit at home all day long with no internet, no tv, no person to talk to, which is why every time she mistreats me I go back to her without her apologising to me. She knows this. And as much as I hate her for it, I can't help feeling miserable being alone all the time.

I told myself, I'm gonna stick it out this time. No companionship is better than bad companionship.

Any advice?

Also bear in mind I have mild social anxiety, probably alien to most of you. It's when you're insecure lack self esteem and desperately want to interact with people but can't. I have no friends also, to replace her companionship

"I don't know where to start. During my late teens I was loved very much by my family and friends...."
Do you believe you are deserving of love just by existing? Do you feel like people loved you ONLY because of something you had or because you we're in med school?
Get some post it notes and write down your accomplishments, your positive attributes and your goals for yourself. Put them all around so u have constant reminders of your greatness - and believe that things will get better.

You cant rely on your family right now to get u thru midwifery school. How they feel and how they treat u doesnt define who u are. You say u r not bright but u got into med school. That takes brains.

Im just tryg to make u see that u are enough. And u may think u need your familys approval and love but u dont. YOU need to love u and approve of u. U can pass your midwifery courses. U have come this far so keep going, take it day by day.

U will be fine. It really is just 'a time in your life' and it will pass
Focus on completg your courses. Be more social when u hav time, when u r done w school.
Sorry to say this but from your account it sounds like the love dried up w the financing. If thats the case, they will come back around and u can decide if u want to b bothered or not... Bcuz the money will come back ;-)
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Dang stuff like this makes me feel guilty for being upset with my mother.
Back to you :grin: umm I wouldn't say cut your sister off but let her know that you can not tolerate her mistreatment and let her know how it makes you feel.
Secondly, are you spiritual or willing to be? Id say get right on your knees and pray.
Thirdly, start walking for at least 30-45 minutes daily. Ittl help with depression, weight, and gives you time to think and decompress. I'm sure midwife school isn't easy!
Lastly, if the depression is really bad like having dark thoughts seek help! If you can't afford a private doctor your school should have a counselor.
Hope it gets better for you!

Also where are you located maybe one of the ladies on the board would be willing to just meet with you or something
You've been offered some good advice, already. :yep:

Any (other advice)...? Yes--but not sure if you are ready for it, considering despite their mistreatment you continue to go back.

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you'll walk away, and you won't go back. You'll mourn the loss of them (how ever long that takes). Then you will fill your life w/people that support you and sincerely care for and about you--slowly but surely. It takes time, it's not easy--but it can be done.

As sister Maya Angelou says, "When people show us who they are, believe them." Believe them, and leave them right where they stand. Believe you deserve better, be open to it and it will come to you. This will require work on your part (difficult, emotional work)...but nothing more challenging than what you are feeling right now.

Sorry that they hurt you, (((SpongeBob))). You do deserve better. Take care (of you).
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If you believe in a higher power, I suggest prayer. It has gotten me through MANY lonely/rough/depressive times in my life.

Additionally, journaling, drawing, exercising, eating healthy (if possible), volunteering to help others and creating and maintaining a vision board also helps. I pray that you overcome this period in your life and realize that God has a plan for you. :huggle:
Spongebob Okay you need to get some better help for mental health issues, sooner rather than later. Because I have been there, let me tell you, you will not be able to succeed in school and in life if your mind is working against you. It doesn't sound like your depression/anxiety is in complete remission yet. Getting this under control needs to be your first priority.

Have you tried medication and therapy? If it one medication didn't work, try another. If one therapist isn't helping you, find another. Once you get a handle on these issues, the other stuff will start to fall into place, or at least will seem more manageable.

Thank you for sharing your story. I bet it took a tremendous amount of courage and bravery to allow yourself to be vulnerable. You've been given some sound advice and I'd like to share my perspective …

I read many statements about cutting your sibling off/getting her out of your life. I don't know if that is the most effective approach just yet. You'd mentioned that your sib kicked you out of the house, essentially in the middle of a shower. I noticed that you did not get into detail about the conversation/interaction that led her to ask you to leave. This is your business however, it'd be wise to identify the links that led to her actions to ensure you're given the appropriate advice for the situation especially before you banish her out of your life. I have to wonder if your sister is truly a cruel person, considering she allowed you to bathe in her home while away (just my two pennies.) She must have some positive regard for you/your relationship, no?

I agree that it'd be wise to speak with someone about the depressive symptoms you've been experiencing and how it's impacted your functioning. I am curious as to what lead up to the depression … loss, grief, trauma? Those things are important to identify with a professional to initiate the healing process.

I wish you the best of luck towards healing and I truly hope you receive all the blessings you deserve. ^_^
OT @llan i'm looking at your budget in your siggy and :spinning: Girl you gotta curb that spending if you intend on sticking to that $100 budget. You only have only $4.56 to spend each month for the rest of the year. That includes this month
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OT @llan i'm looking at your budget in your siggy and :spinning: Girl you gotta curb that spending if you intend on sticking to that $100 budget. You only have only $4.56 to spend each month for the rest of the year. That includes this month

I know, I know. :blush: I'm terrible with keeping track of money but it might be ok It's in £'s though, not $'s so i should be able to get a fair few products with whats left. I only buy conditioners and shampoos in litre bottles, so i have loads of that and wont need any for about 6 months. I use what ever oil is in the kitchen, so i don't count that either. It's just on leave ins and moisturizers. In a tight squeeze i can use conditioner as a leave in. I think i might be able to do it :yep:
You've been offered some good advice, already. :yep:

Any (other advice)...? Yes--but not sure if you are ready for it, considering despite their mistreatment you continue to go back.

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you'll walk away, and you won't go back. You'll mourn the loss of them (how ever long that takes). Then you will fill your life w/people that support you and sincerely care for and about you--slowly but surely. It takes time, it's not easy--but it can be done.

As sister Maya Angelou says, "When people show us who they are, believe them." Believe them, and leave them right where they stand. Believe you deserve better, be open to it and it will come to you. This will require work on your part (difficult, emotional work)...but nothing more challenging than what you are feeling right now.

Sorry that they hurt you, (((SpongeBob))). You do deserve better. Take care (of you).

Hugs. Hugs...

It seems you are also dealing with self-esteem issues.
You are worthy of love, respect and joy just for being alive.
But you are the one that must first realize this and start giving it to yourself. and others will naturally follow.