Accept the Compliment


Well-Known Member
I receive a weekly newsletter from Valorie Burton and this week's topic spoke directly to me. I am notorious for downplaying myself when people compliment me. Here is a snippet from this week's newsletter. Check her out online too . She is a Christian, and a lot of her newsletter topics have a Biblical spin on them. I really enjoy them and am encouraged by them.

1. You have attributes worthy of acknowledgment. When you allow others to acknowledge good things about you, you are acknowledging that there are, in fact, good things about you! Be thankful for them, and thankful that others appreciate them.

2. Humility does not preclude you from accepting a compliment. Humility acknowledges where your blessings come from, and is gracious and thankful for the thoughtfulness of others. Accepting a compliment doesn't mean you think there is no room for improvement. It's simply an opportunity for gratitude.

3. Refusal to accept a compliment is often a sign of a struggle to value oneself. You may insist that the things you are complimented for are no big deal. Just because something comes easily to you doesn't mean it is not valuable. There are innate gifts you possess that are meaningful and valuable to others. Don't discount them because they come naturally. Simply be grateful.

My challenge to you:
Learn to accept a compliment!

for more, sign up for her newsletter