Abstinence Challenge 365, 24-7

I see friends getting into relationships, living together and enjoying the fruits intended for marriage by God . I can't help but to feel jealous or slightly sad wondering when is it my turn? I think back to this verse......

Proverbs 23:17

Do not let your heart envy sinners, But live in the fear of the LORD always.

God is writing my love story, so that means he will provide the person according to my needs and not want, someone who will love me like he does, protection against heartache, abuse, etc, and I will be in God's play ground. Not the devils

@sweetvi -Thank you for this

Still doing pretty well...have to keep my thoughts pure too tho so working on that but i'm trying to stay in the word and keep myself busy...i'm also learning temptation comes in all forms and we have to be prepared for all of them...you might be strong against one but weak on something else...wisdom is key and i'm learning
I haven't responded in this thread in a long time. I'm still going strong. But I find that I'm looking forward to marriage more so for the physical aspects then companionship.

Is that wrong?
I've chosen to wait until marriage...yes because God said so. I also try to do everything else He says.

Anyway, people think getting married at a young age is stupid and they also think so is waiting for sex. They say things like "What if your husband isn't good at bed", "You should just test the waters and get around before you settle down" :ohwell:

I don't give into peer pressure but it's just so annoying. Everywhere you turn is sexual immorality. Like I heard about a Teen sex slumber party :ohwell:

Revelation 22:15

They can think God is playing if they want to.
09/19/13 - I'm in. Wholeheartedly. I'm in.

I was doing quite well for several years....then I fell into sin. Now I'm back, fighting hard to walk down the path of righteousness, and follow His will for my life.
Next month will make 2 years for me. I have my hard days. I desire companionship so badly some days it gets so lonely. But I remind myself of the promises of God. I'm dating two guys right now I know I need to end it because they want sex and obviously I'm not willing to do that. I know neither of them is my husband so it seems like a waste of time to continue on with this. Being single is really hard.................

I am one year and seven months and I know how you feel. I am reaching a pivotal point as well. I just deleted a guy's number because it is a dead end as well and all of sudden, men from my past are now popping up.

This situation reminds me of that verse:. The enemy walks around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour.

I believe our breakthrough is around the corner and the enemy knows he has something good for us and trying so hard to distract, stop and prevent it for us..

I think I'm going to challenge myself like I once did... No more music, shows pertaining to those things. Go back to praying harder and reading my bible and start filling my mind with positivity... (quotes,scriptures,etc). I hope you do the same
You have a point sweetvi i found an old mp3 player of mine, the music on it just showed me how much i have matured although half of it i still listen to (really old music though lol)

i am trying very hard to get into reading everyday, made conscious effort to download the bible app as well as a daily reading app that reminds me to read a little each day. then i don't really have no excuse to read the word, il admit i do miss days with work and studies getting hectic but i try to speak with the big guy even if its just a minute :)

i wish you ladies all the best keep strong Xx
Hey ladies! I hope everyone is doing will with the challenge. Nothing's changed here except my attitude. :grin: Here are some things that have helped me through the last couple of years.

~Understand that God gives us instruction for a reason. He is not trying to make us miserable and he is not trying to make us miss anything. Please don't go into this kind of challenge thinking that you are missing something.

~You are not going to wake up one day and stop liking sex and sexual activities. It doesn't happen like that. It is a process that involves doing things on purpose. You can't will your way celibate. :nono: The bible says that strongholds can't stand against HIS word. It didn't say anything about YOUR word. Speak His word and confess it over your life daily.

~Don't get comfortable.
Do not put yourself in questionable situations. You don't have to go into his house and he doesn't have to be in yours. You can enjoy each other's company away from the house. Don't act like yall don't know why. :rolleyes:. Be smart yall. If you're not in the position for something to happen, nothing will. Remember you can't will your way celibate.

~Don't play. :look: Keep the touching and kissing PG. What's the point of getting 'hot' if you are trying to remain pure? That doesn't make sense at all. Even if you don't fail then, you will lust for him in your mind which will lead to failure. Guard your hands and your thoughts. --don't say I didn't tell yall that.

~Be honest with God. He knows what you're doing anyway. If the Holy Spirit came to live in you, who do you think is between you and old boy when all this stuff is going down? Yep the Holy Spirit. :barf: And the bible clearly states that we are not to grieve the Holy Spirit. But that's exactly what you're doing.

~Be honest with yourself. Remind yourself why you are celibate. It's a good thing remember...

~Address any issues that you may have. Is physical intimacy filling a void in your life? Are you using this man/these men? Really dig deep and find out the real reasons you have sex. Remember that you were freed from bondage the minute you accepted God.

Do not be deceived.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.


11 That is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

You are not your past and it's not too late! Once God has forgiven you, forgive yourself! It's done and over with. Look forward and keep on going. :yep:

Be blessed yall. :kiss:
Had to repost this
I wonder how everyone else is holding up?!


sweetvi I'm holding up well so far. However, it has been hard at times. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I can't just wish my desires away. In addition, I have to stop being so hard on myself for having these desires. Right now I'm struggling more mentally than physically. But I'm definitely not giving up!
Hears the Word for today and I thought it might be helpful...enjoy

And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. (James 1:13, 14 NLT)
Hiiii I had fell off Stopped going to church Met this guy who acted like he respected my celibacy but that was his way to lure me in Struggling to get back to where I was before Disappointed in myself and wondering if I am being really honest with myself People are not encouraging me Maybe I won't ever meet my God fearing handsome rich man I always dreamed about as a ill girl And to think at one pt I thought I would be a pastors wife Not with this tainted past :look: Anyways I'm holding on to faith but faith on what....I have no idea

~rant over

How are you sweetvi
Awwwww. That just hurt my heart!! I know exactly how u feel. :-( I almost fell into that as well but I chose to cut all ties because I know it was leading no where. The good thing about it is that we always have God to run to and he knows us well and loves us irregardless! Please don't give up. You have come so far.

I've been off this board for a few weeks so it's refreshing to come back here and see that I'm not alone.

The devil has been busy in my life. He is really trying to destroy me and my self esteem which should tell me that I have something great in store.

I went to visit my sister for the holidays which turned out to be harder than expected. My older sister has 4 children, recently separated from her husband and is now living with a man whom she claims to love. Plus she's seeing another man because according to her the man she is now living with hasn't put a ring on it yet. I'm like wait a minute sis you haven't even divorced from your husband yet. The devil is a liar!

It's so hard because here I am being faithful and abstinent for the past 2 years and still single. To add insult to injury a man I was dating and thought God sent into my life told me after Thanksgiving that he didn't want to deal with me anymore.

I plead the blood of Jesus because soooo much is going on right now. Lord give me the strength. I could go on and on and make this post super long with all the things that have been happening to me lately.

Y'all pray for me please.
mscurly You have been faithful and God is preparing your husband for you I feel it in spirit to tell you that the things that enemy is revealing to you to discourage you are because Your walk in faith has bound the enemies plans to put these things in YOUR future When you look left and right and see these situations sent to discourage you Faith has kept you seeking God and the walls are going up so those things on your left and right stay behind those walls Be prayerful blessings are coming
mscurly You have been faithful and God is preparing your husband for you I feel it in spirit to tell you that the things that enemy is revealing to you to discourage you are because Your walk in faith has bound the enemies plans to put these things in YOUR future When you look left and right and see these situations sent to discourage you Faith has kept you seeking God and the walls are going up so those things on your left and right stay behind those walls Be prayerful blessings are coming

Thank you I really needed that. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately perhaps too much thinking. I started feeling like maybe I passed up on guys and possible opportunities for marriage. And that the reason I'm single is my own fault. It's not like I haven't had men interested in me.

Then the thoughts of……"well he's a great guy should I really let being celibate keep me from having a good relationship….."

……"so what if you're not physically attracted to him……"

The devil wants me to look at everyone else

Your post reminded me not to give up on God and keep pressing on even through these tough times.
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Hello ladies! I commend you all on your pledges and hope you are given what you need to stay pure in every way possible. I am 21 a virgin and intend to stay that way till the Lord sends the right one my way.
So I'm in this challenge :)

Have been abstinent for 4 years after being "active" for 2 years prior to that.

I'm in a really good place right now and both me and the guy I've been seeing have officially agreed on it :)
I am celibate. I think it will be a good idea not to have any male company in the home. The painter or the ceiling repair man are not company. I am really happy with the quiet body and the no man drama. @stephluv you and whatever happened in your past are a new creature. You do not have a tainted past. God forgot.