About Hair Pictures


New Member
Ok, I have to say something. Please hear me out because I am not trying to be mean. But a little suggestion. When taking a picture and trying to show length. Try to comb it and neaten it up before taking the picture so that we can see clearly how long it has gotten and how healthy and nice it looks. I have seen pictures where it looks as if a long day has gone by and just simply pulled the hair out of a ponytail then Snap! The hair has lots of dents and bends. Then the picture is posted. And I can't tell if the ends are even or simply jagged looking. I think *we* have to be mindful of how *we* present ourselves. I am calling out any people, I don't even recall what pictures I saw, it was just something on my mind and thought I post it before it slips again.

tsiporah said:
Ok, I have to say something. Please hear me out because I am not trying to be mean. But a little suggestion. When taking a picture and trying to show length. Try to comb it and neaten it up before taking the picture so that we can see clearly how long it has gotten and how healthy and nice it looks. I have seen pictures where it looks as if a long day has gone by and just simply pulled the hair out of a ponytail then Snap! The hair has lots of dents and bends. Then the picture is posted. And I can't tell if the ends are even or simply jagged looking. I think *we* have to be mindful of how *we* present ourselves. I am calling out any people, I don't even recall what pictures I saw, it was just something on my mind and thought I post it before it slips again.


Some people may not want to flat-iron their hair to get that straight look because they may be trying to stay away from heat. I've seen several pictures of the kind you describe on here, and in those cases, whether the hair was bent or dented, I could still see how much the hair had grown.
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i agree tsiporah. i always make sure i comb my hair out properly before taking pics. i've seen photos where people have their hair curled under in the before shot and then straight down for the after shot. of course it's gonna look longer... Kinikakes comes to mind as someone who always has accurate photos in her album. good thread tsiporah.
In respond to my recent pic, I didn't want to manipulate it that much. I had just come from the salon and I tried to brush it straight but it was in a doobie fresh out of the curlers. BUt I understand what you are trying to say. However I still think you can see progress from pictures without having it bone straight.
I don't think it's a bad idea to try wet hair comparison pics if you don't wear your hair straight but still want to show progress. Tsmith has nice wet hair pics, you can her progress and she doesn't have to use heat or abuse her hair to get it straight. Just a suggestion if some one wants to try it.
Not to be rude, but why are you so concerned about how others want to present their photos when you don't have any up yourself?
I know that when i take any pictures, i try to stretch my hair to try and show the real length because i know that my hair shrinks since i airdry. I know i've taken some bad shots so I do try to correct and fix it by tugging on it.
I am not sure how to respond I had my picture taken while I was in the shower and no matter how much I combed it it still spread apart, mostly because I had the water running. I am taking another one in a few days and I will try to take a better picture. I am only saying that because I want someone to let me know if they think my ends look bad. I can't tell they feel great and I did trim my hair myself
tsiporah said:
Ok, I have to say something. Please hear me out because I am not trying to be mean. But a little suggestion. When taking a picture and trying to show length. Try to comb it and neaten it up before taking the picture so that we can see clearly how long it has gotten and how healthy and nice it looks. I have seen pictures where it looks as if a long day has gone by and just simply pulled the hair out of a ponytail then Snap! The hair has lots of dents and bends. Then the picture is posted. And I can't tell if the ends are even or simply jagged looking. I think *we* have to be mindful of how *we* present ourselves. I am calling out any people, I don't even recall what pictures I saw, it was just something on my mind and thought I post it before it slips again.


I like pictures, combed, neat or not..it is about being real not being a VOGUE model.
BrooklynSouth said:
I like pictures, combed, neat or not..it is about being real not being a VOGUE model.

I agree, I like seeing all pics, It doesn't concern me how someone combs out their hair. :lachen:
I like ALL pictures as well!! it reeally shouldn't matter, these folks have taken the time to present their pics AND be so generous to LET YOU VIEW THEM!! please folks lighten up!!
It doesn't bother me at all whether it's combed or not combed...has a bend in it...wet...dry...etc,etc,etc. I just enjoy looking at everyone's pics.
StephyPoo said:
I like ALL pictures as well!! it reeally shouldn't matter, these folks have taken the time to present their pics AND be so generous to LET YOU VIEW THEM!! please folks lighten up!!

Well said :)
I agree with those who just appreciate the opportunity to look at others pictures. the honor of stepping into each of your lives to read about how you have cared for your hair and the progress you have made has been invaluable. I don't feel it is my place to tell you how take your photos and quite honestly I dont want to hear how you think I should take mine.:lol:

One of the things I love about this board is the sisters are typically very NON-judgemental and open. I sure hope it stays that way.
I have really enjoyed all of the pictures no matter how few or how many someone has on their fotkis! We are all amateurs in this for the most part, so I think everyone does a pretty nice job!
RainbowCurls said:
Not to be rude, but why are you so concerned about how others want to present their photos when you don't have any up yourself?

Ditto!! This is why some ladies chose to lock their fotkis...b/c of nik-picky comments.
sweetfacekay said:
Ditto!! This is why some ladies chose to lock their fotkis...b/c of nik-picky comments.
Tritto! I don't see how someone can be critiquing and schooling folks on how to take better pics, when she doesn't have pics of her own hair up there. :rolleyes:
aprilj said:
It doesn't bother me at all whether it's combed or not combed...has a bend in it...wet...dry...etc,etc,etc. I just enjoy looking at everyone's pics.
me too i love to look at every body pic it helps give me hope keeps me doing what i have to do i dont post cause my hair is no where as pretty as the ladys here but its getting there:) so i am not ready for show yet but i cant wait to show what i learn from every body:)
baby42 said:
me too i love to look at every body pic it helps give me hope keeps me doing what i have to do i dont post cause my hair is no where as pretty as the ladys here but its getting there:) so i am not ready for show yet but i cant wait to show what i learn from every body:)

I'm pretty sure that when you do feel ready to post those pics that we'll be looking at a gorgeous head of hair ;) . Don't let nobody discourage you from accomplishing your goals :) .
It's not my place to be condescending and gripe about people's pictures. I agree that it's a privilege to view someone's progress. We all paid five bucks and nobody owes anyone anything. If you don't like somebody's pics, don't look. As for me, I love seeing all pics of all types of hair. Long, short, kinky, curly, straight, fuzzy, sleek...... it doesn't matter. Seeing women attain their goals of healthier hair is more important than harping about how they take their photos. JMHO

We evidently don't have anything better to do than pick on folx & their pix!


The pix aren't here for any one PERSONALLY-

they are here bcuz we want to SHARE!!!

Look...Don't look...Like....Don't like...

WHUUTEVA:perplexed !!!!!!!

Imma do my thang...
I don't think the OP meant to be judgemental or offensive. I sometimes find it hard to see a person's progress if they compare different types of pics. I understood (perhaps wrongly) that she was suggesting more consistency in progress pics specifically. Like not comparing a wet shot to a dry shot, a curled shot to a straight shot, etc. Like photos should be compared with like. If it is uncombed when you take the shot, to show progress, take another uncombed shot, so that real progress can be seen. This is how I understood her meaning.

It is great to see all photos, but when it comes to progress pics, it is harder to see progress when the pics are not consistent. And seeing that progress is important to all the ladies. We all get inspiration from one another, a wonderful aspect of this board.

At the end of the day, it was just a suggestion. Everybody continue to do your thing, your way! :) Have a great day!
StrawberryQueen said:
Tritto! I don't see how someone can be critiquing and schooling folks on how to take better pics, when she doesn't have pics of her own hair up there. :rolleyes:

born to cosign!:) i agree with this.

what i look like telling someone to do x,y,and z when i won't even do x?

these ladies here don't owe anyone anything. i think it is awful generous of them to even share pics. no wonder why it is like pulling teeth to get people to show pics here.
i think people should take pics however they want...everybody's learning how to take care of their hair, but everybody isn't a professional photographer...i don't share pics for a number of reasons, but if i did, you would NEVER prolly see a whole lotta progress from me since my hair shrinks and hasn't been straightened in almost a year...but that doesn't mean i shouldn't share if i want to...

the OP may not be able to see the difference in progress based on how some people take their pics, but hell, she may not realize that the pics she doesn't seem to like may be inspiring someone else...that's the real beauty of the pictures, you never know who is being encouraged by a pic that others don't think is very good or a good comparison. not only that, pictures to me don't always do justice to how healthy or beautiful someone's hair is...whether they kept it in the same style to do comparisons or not. i see what she's saying, but comments like that can be a little discouraging to anyone who's on the fence about sharing, and we're supposed to be sisterly here and encourage everyone on their hair endeavors.