About Hair Pictures

I only have one progress pic haha. They arent that great.
But anyways bent or w/e I can see a difference in peoples lengths no matter what usually.
Also most of the time Im not even looking at length. I think the best pictures are when you see a dramatic change from unhealthy hair to healthy hair. You can have long hair thats not healthy.

Right now my goal is to have healthy hair. Next goal:long hair.
ashmack said:
wow, i didnt realize that someone would actually complain about hair albums that they are not forced to view. If I look at someone's fotki and i'm less than impressed i just keep it moving. I personally have dents in my hair at all times because i wear it up 99.9% of the time in order to protect it. It's actually kinda funny that someone had the audacity to request how women with hair albums should style their hair. Get a life!

I know you were being serious but I just had to laugh at the last part.:lol:

I'm sure she didn't mean to be as harsh as it came across. But I can see why some people are not responsing well to the OP.

I would agree that I enjoy looking at photo no matter how they are presented.