AALIYAHS Hair Regimen (What do you think)

Alicia Keys is not a diva and sex goddess but she is still very popular. I think Aaliyah would of stayed in her lane and branched out more into film. She would not of fizzled out like Brandy and Monica because she was more popular than them during their time.

I agree, also bear in mind that Aaliyah took a gap to finish school at her peak. Also she was always before her time in terms of the direction of her music and constantly re-invented her sound (i.e., her first album with R Kelly was totally different to the sound she had with Timbaland and Missy, which was different to the sound she had with her final album.

At 22 she was just beginning to ascend to her peak (Monica and Brandy were on TV shows, she was in movies): to put this in comparison, Beyonce had her first debut album at 22 and had yet to be in any movies YET Aaliyah by the age of 22 had been a successful solo artist with 3 albums and a couple of movies to her belt - Matrix would have taken her to another level and she would still be doing her own thing in her own lane. Plus of course, people truly stan for her, every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her in an era where you didnt have to sell sex to sell records....
:yay: for heat training! Aaliyah's hair rocked; even if she added some extensions for thickness, her hair always looked natural and flowy and beautiful.
Was Wondering If Her Hair Was Weave. Heard It Was.

I never weave checked her, so it's all speculation on my part. The amount of heat it would take to keep natural hair bone straight without any trace of reversion in any of the thousands of pictures or yt candid videos she's in adds up to weave.

10 years ago, there weren't lace fronts and all these fancy closures and such. The pic above looks like a sew in and the little hairs sticking up are probably pieces of her own hair that were left out to cover the tracks.
I never weave checked her, so it's all speculation on my part. The amount of heat it would take to keep natural hair bone straight without any trace of reversion in any of the thousands of pictures or yt candid videos she's in adds up to weave.

10 years ago, there weren't lace fronts and all these fancy closures and such. The pic above looks like a sew in and the little hairs sticking up are probably pieces of her own hair that were left out to cover the tracks.

Hmmm, you think so? I dunno, it looked real to me. Maybe she was really relaxed? Check this other pic out.

Every time I watch the last two Matrix movies, I always wonder how she would have portrayed the role of Niobe (Jada Pinkett replaced her after her death).
I love Aaliyah, but all that length was pure weave.

I never weave checked her, so it's all speculation on my part. The amount of heat it would take to keep natural hair bone straight without any trace of reversion in any of the thousands of pictures or yt candid videos she's in adds up to weave.

10 years ago, there weren't lace fronts and all these fancy closures and such. The pic above looks like a sew in and the little hairs sticking up are probably pieces of her own hair that were left out to cover the tracks.

:yay: for heat training! Aaliyah's hair rocked; even if she added some extensions for thickness, her hair always looked natural and flowy and beautiful.

ITA with all of you. Aaliyah was one of my all time favorite artists and I loved her sense of style. But I distinctly remember her having just barely past shoulder length hair one month and then BAM, on her next album, it was a full waist length. It's just not humanly possible for a woman to grow hair that fast, esp with the amount of abuse she had to heap on her hair. With Jada Pinkett Smith, we all could see her hair gradually get longer, but with Aaliyah the change was very sudden.

She had a great weave and she was gorgeous regardless. I think the reason why it looked so real was that she only had a half sew in weave and her real hair was in fairly good condition so that the tracks were completely covered.
I always thought her hair was real with tracks added for thickness. As far as reversion; I think if you heat train your hair enough it will end up bone straight and not reverting. I have a friend who did this to her daughters hair.

I always thought she was a pretty girl. It was a tragedy for her life to end so soon.
I never weave checked her, so it's all speculation on my part. The amount of heat it would take to keep natural hair bone straight without any trace of reversion in any of the thousands of pictures or yt candid videos she's in adds up to weave.

10 years ago, there weren't lace fronts and all these fancy closures and such. The pic above looks like a sew in and the little hairs sticking up are probably pieces of her own hair that were left out to cover the tracks.

I must respectfully disagree, @Crackers Phinn

I wore my hair like this - nearly everyone I know who is 40+ wore our hair like this back in the day. My aunts and cousins also solely pressed and curled in the 40s - 70s and they always had beautiful long hair. The art of pressing/heat training must be lost, because it was completely common before relaxers took hold.

DD also used to wear her natural hair straight 90% of the time. If you go to my album entitled DDs #3 & #2, I'll put up a pic of her hair for a little while - she thinks LHCF is a fetish cult and won't let me leave it up very long. :lachen:

eta: photo removed
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Welp.... I know for FACT that she did wear weave. I was front front row (pushed up against security LOL) at KMEL Summer Jam 1997 and poor baby girls tracks were showing on the back of her head. Clear as day... you could see the weft. Me and my cousin were cracking up.
Every time I watch the last two Matrix movies, I always wonder how she would have portrayed the role of Niobe (Jada Pinkett replaced her after her death).
she was supposed to play zee, who was played by nona gaye

I dunno, her hair looks pretty real to me. I don't understand why it's so hard to believe that her hair was real when she always had long hair, even as a kid. I wear weaves to give my hair a rest/protective styling and my real hair is almost waist length. I press it out and it looks relaxed. I don't get it.


I dunno, her hair looks pretty real to me. I don't understand why it's so hard to believe that her hair was real when she always had long hair, even as a kid. I wear weaves to give my hair a rest/protective styling and my real hair is almost waist length. I press it out and it looks relaxed. I don't get it.

I believe I saw her on this day (or at least that is exactly the same outfit that she was wearing (so definitely the same time period). She definitely had some tracks (possibly glued in) the back. I thought her hair was real til I saw her in person and saw the track with my own 2 eyes. I think her hair probably was naturally that length but for thickness tracks were added in the back.

She was so beautiful. May she RIP.
I think every woman celebrity says they wear weave for thickness. They add weave that brings lenght as well and I think Aaliyah did the same. When she first came out her hair was a little past her shoulder, then all of sudden waist length. I really don't believe tht was all er natual length, even though some women on the board have it. Jennifer of Basketball Wives said the same thing. You could clearly see some times her hair was longer than other times.
In the picture with her bang being marceled, it really does looks like tracks in the back. The blunt ends and texture don't quite look like her natural hair. She said she wore tracks for thickness and not length, she had long hair as a youngster, so I have no reason to doubt her.
I think every woman celebrity says they wear weave for thickness. They add weave that brings lenght as well and I think Aaliyah did the same. When she first came out her hair was a little past her shoulder, then all of sudden waist length. I really don't believe tht was all er natual length, even though some women on the board have it. Jennifer of Basketball Wives said the same thing. You could clearly see some times her hair was longer than other times.
there was a 2+ year gap between age ain't nuthin but a number and one in a million. I dunno, I think it was real with tracks once in a while. i guess if u wear weave sometimes, people will always think ur hair has enhancements
Also, you can't always tell that a weave is a sew in just by looking if there are just tracks in the back. If you get good quality human hair, it's going to look "real" because it is "real". All you have to do then is make sure the tracks are covered and that the hair blends well. If you have SL hair, then it's VERY hard to tell if it's a weave. I think this is why no one ever questions whether white celebrities have weaves (and they almost ALL do).
Beyonce is an impressive performer in that she does well with rehearsed numbers. She puts a touch of sexy energy on it but she dances too hard.

Aaliyah moves like fluid (Ciara/Usher/Ginuwine and of course the originator Michael J. all move this way) and seems to be the creator of routines and executes them well.

I compare Beyonce's dance scene in Baby Boy to Aaliyah's dance scene in Rock the Boat and Aaliyah dances smoooooooth over Beyonce.
Yea Bey be jerking it. Irk maybe I just don't like that style of dancing or I need to revisit Aaliyah vids.

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Alicia Keys is not a diva and sex goddess but she is still very popular. I think Aaliyah would of stayed in her lane and branched out more into film. She would not of fizzled out like Brandy and Monica because she was more popular than them during their time.

Agree about films I was thinking the same thing.

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I must respectfully disagree, @Crackers Phinn

I wore my hair like this - nearly everyone I know who is 40+ wore our hair like this back in the day. My aunts and cousins also solely pressed and curled in the 40s - 70s and they always had beautiful long hair. The art of pressing/heat training must be lost, because it was completely common before relaxers took hold.

DD also used to wear her natural hair straight 90% of the time. If you go to my album entitled DDs #1 & #2, I'll put up a pic of her hair for a little while - she thinks LHCF is a fetish cult and won't let me leave it up very long. :lachen:

eta: I accidentally posted a pic of Naomi Campbell's hairline at first, but the pic is there now. Overlook the greasiness, this was before I found LHCF, ha ha.

Climate can be a part of that. Personally, when I was a kid and had pressed hair in arid West Texas, I had never even heard of reversion.

Austin was a different matter. Now I am back in West Texas and I haven't straightened my hair that much, but I think if I had a good press, I bet it wouldn't revert...
She no doubt had beautiful hair.

Most artist say they add tracks for thickness when that’s not always the case and I NEVER take an interview from Sophisticates to heart. U see someone on the cover with an obvious full weave talking bout “Oh this hair on the cover? To achieve this style I colored it, washed it, conditioned, applied foam wrap and used a barrel iron after blow drying.” Blatant lies.

Either way, she was beautiful and from the hair I see that’s left out it looks gorgeous.

All these pics of Aaliyah...I am sad all over again.... She was so pretty and talented, and no doubt had beautiful hair.
it's obvious from her old photos (where she's a child) that she had naturally long hair anyway. she herself said that perms broke off her hair and i think this was obvious from her "age ain't nuthin but a number" days. then she probably wore weaves from time to time to protect her hair. aside from that, i don't doubt that she naturally had some long hair on her.
Do we not remember the weave game of the 90's? Aaliyah was not wearing a weave back then or else it would not have looked that good. Come on now, I know most of you'll remember how tracks looked back then:

Gelled up weaved up, your hair is messed up









At the end of the day, I wasn't with her getting her hair done, but I just don't believe that all of her hair was fake. If it was, bravo, they did a good job of blending...well ahead of their time...
I must respectfully disagree, @Crackers Phinn

I wore my hair like this - nearly everyone I know who is 40+ wore our hair like this back in the day. My aunts and cousins also solely pressed and curled in the 40s - 70s and they always had beautiful long hair. The art of pressing/heat training must be lost, because it was completely common before relaxers took hold.

:yep::yep::yep::yep: I'm one of those people who grew up in the 80's with natural, heat-trained hair. By the age of 12 I was successfully pressing my own hair. I use the same technique I learned from my mother to do my daughter's natural hair. You'd never know she not a relaxed head unless you see her on wash day. It's not a lost "skill" but is it a bit more rare these days.
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