A Thank you and a Personal Invitation

Chiroco, I received my bag! Hooray!!!! I love it, great job on the graphics.
I gave the second book to my sister and she loves it.

Just a question for you though... My hair doesn't knot and tangle up when I wash it. Should I braid it up anyway?

What bag are ya'll talking about? I see the book but no bag..........

BostonMaria, I am glad you got your bag! As far as the knots go, as you begin to gain more and more length, you may find that your hair does tangle. If not great. It's always good to have this technique in your bag of tricks if and when this starts to happen. I suggest that folks get in the habit of doing this now, because gaining length is inevitable.

Gorgeoushair, I have a beauty bag offer on my website. When you buy two books and send me the copy of the receipts (must be through regular mail), I will send you a free bag with the logo. The shipping is on me!

I pay for shipping and handling. It is my way of saying thank you for your wonderful support. The receipt or receipts must show that you got two books and it must be sent via snail mail/regular mail.
Thanks for asking.
I received your book a couple of days ago, and I read it from cover to cover that day...I believe it was Thursday. God Bless You, Chicoro for authoring such a great book! I'm a 1 1/2 in. natural 4b TWA. I'm older than most of the posters on the board, but I'm claiming full BSL before I'm 45 (less than 4 years from now). I know I can do it, especially with your instructions in the book! Thank you very much for presenting it to us all!
I know I'm late, but congratulations Chicoro! You have always been such an inspiration and a huge help when it comes to hair!
Chicoro, thank you for the bag! I love it! I'm going to wait until the spring to show it off outside. Don't want it to get ruined in the snow.

This is not a sales pitch.

Ladies and Gents,
I would like to thank you all for giving me the confidence to pursue a long time dream. I have always wanted to write a hair book. It is done and it is on Amazon. Take a look. Search under author for, Chicoro. It should come up.

Had it not been for your encouragement or support, whether that be in the form of a kind word, a visit to my fotki or profile, a mention or a thank you, I would not have been sure that I had something to say.

Go and have a look and see what sisterhood and brotherhood and support can do. You all are an inspiration and so many of you spurred me on to this accomplishment.

I am very proud to be a member here and I know that without your e-friendship and support, that book would not be on Amazon.

You ladies and gents, with your accomplishments and your beauty, are my inspiration. Go see what a little kindness and encouragement can do. Know that if you have a dream in your heart, it is meant to be birthed and meant to be.

Thank you, again.


This is such a great book! Thank you so much for writing it.
This is such a great book! Thank you so much for writing it.

Thank you for the positive feedback regarding my book. It is very kind of you! I hope that you have found the book helpful to you in your hair journey.
I will DEFINITELY be purchasing this book!! And I've gotta tell my bestfriend, I KNOW she'll want to get it! I'm all for supporting you sis!
Congratulations! :clap:
I will DEFINITELY be purchasing this book!! And I've gotta tell my bestfriend, I KNOW she'll want to get it! I'm all for supporting you sis!
Congratulations! :clap:

You are sweet and I thank you! That book, like this original thread, was published in 2008. It's 10+ years old. Most of the information is on Youtube. NOT because I copied from there. But because some people took things out of my book. Some even took things word for word. I appreciate the thought and the support.
You are sweet and I thank you! That book, like this original thread, was published in 2008. It's 10+ years old. Most of the information is on Youtube. NOT because I copied from there. But because some people took things out of my book. Some even took things word for word. I appreciate the thought and the support.

Are you serious? Wow. :angry2: Oh my goodness I didn’t even realize this thread was old. Still will be purchasing, 10 years later. Lol. Like @topnotch1010 mentioned, after all these years, it’s still relevant!