A Thank you and a Personal Invitation

Wonderful! :congrats:
And will get my copy tomorrow! I love supporting my LHCF sista!
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This is not a sales pitch.

Ladies and Gents,
I would like to thank you all for giving me the confidence to pursue a long time dream. I have always wanted to write a hair book. It is done and it is on Amazon. Take a look. Search under author for, Chicoro. It should come up.

Had it not been for your encouragement or support, whether that be in the form of a kind word, a visit to my fotki or profile, a mention or a thank you, I would not have been sure that I had something to say.

Go and have a look and see what sisterhood and brotherhood and support can do. You all are an inspiration and so many of you spurred me on to this accomplishment.

I am very proud to be a member here and I know that without your e-friendship and support, that book would not be on Amazon.

You ladies and gents, with your accomplishments and your beauty, are my inspiration. Go see what a little kindness and encouragement can do. Know that if you have a dream in your heart, it is meant to be birthed and meant to be.

Thank you, again.


:yep::yep: HOW Wonderful!!!!

Girl - you are Mahhhhvalous!!!!!

I will hook up the Amazon Search!

:kiss: - Only someone a wonderful as you would do this!!! Congratulations
:wave:Hey Chicoro,

To multiquote, just hit the button that is located after the edit and quote button.
*There should be four options(Edit) (Quote) ("+) and(I don't know what the last option does)

When you hit that button it should turn red.

Hit the button on every poster's reply that you want to quote.

Then when you are done hit the actual Quote button on the last poster that you are quoting.

I hope this makes sense. I tried my best. :grin:
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Congratulations. You are a hair idol of mine. I was already planning to incorporate some of your techniques into my regimen, and I would be more than happy to buy your book. Yes, I have been to the Fotki...:grin:
My dear Chicoro,

Congratulations on the publication of your new book. I will definitely be checking it out as soon as possible. For now it will go in my wish list until the new year and I am indeed looking forward to reading it and eating up the wonderful knowledge I know is in it as you have been a wonderful inspiration to me and to us all. I have been moved to greatly succeed in this hair journey by your many words and fotki comments of encouragement. I wish you continued success as you press toward all your future goals and may you accomplish them all in the time frame you've actuated them to take place. God bless your industrious endeavors and I'll see you at the top.

Love always,


My beautiful hair mentor and idol!! I'm so excited about this...I'm off to purchase your book now. This is wonderful!
You've always been so helpful and kind....it's great to know that others will benefit from your beautiful spirit as well.

I've always thought you should put together a raw food recipe book. I love visiting your fotki to view the pics of the cinnamon rolls.:lick:
Chicoro, I'm so happy for you! Much congratulations and success to you. This is truly the culmination of so many dreams realized. Not only have you acheived long, lustrous, beautiful hair; you have also had a tremendous accomplishment in writing and self publishing a book. You are truly an inspiration to me and many ladies on here. Thank you for being you! :congrats:

P.S. I will be purchasing a copy in the not to distant future!
This is not a sales pitch.

Ladies and Gents,
I would like to thank you all for giving me the confidence to pursue a long time dream. I have always wanted to write a hair book. It is done and it is on Amazon. Take a look. Search under author for, Chicoro. It should come up.

Had it not been for your encouragement or support, whether that be in the form of a kind word, a visit to my fotki or profile, a mention or a thank you, I would not have been sure that I had something to say.

Go and have a look and see what sisterhood and brotherhood and support can do. You all are an inspiration and so many of you spurred me on to this accomplishment.

I am very proud to be a member here and I know that without your e-friendship and support, that book would not be on Amazon.

You ladies and gents, with your accomplishments and your beauty, are my inspiration. Go see what a little kindness and encouragement can do. Know that if you have a dream in your heart, it is meant to be birthed and meant to be.

Thank you, again.


Congrats!!!! I will get a copy
Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment! I've been wondering when your book would be released! Yippeeeee! :dance7:
Congratulations. Thanks for the invitation. I just love the community we have here and I truly believe that if we support each other, the numbers alone are enough to ensure our success.

Got my copy. Oh yeah! :grin:Oh yeah!:grin:
Wow! Congratulations on quietly doing your thing. I will purchase your book as a sign of support. Good luck.
Congrats to you! I saw you on Fotki before I came to this site or any hair board, I've always thought you had beautiful hair! You were an inspiration to me when I only had 1 1/2 inches of hair.
Wow Chicoro! Congratz! I'm very proud of you! This a dream come true for you! You don't know how many ladies really want to write a book but never get a chance to actually do it. Dream achieved!
Thank you very much ladies! It is time for me to sign off. I appreciate all the support. I will be out of the country and off line for two weeks. I'll be back Jan 5th. Thank you again everyone.
Congratulations on making a dream reality!! I'm going to be purchasing your book! I'm looking forward to reading it!:grin: