A Thank you and a Personal Invitation

Okay everyone, I have NO idea how to do multi-quotes, so don't fuss at me if I mess this up.

The book is written for natural hair, but I used a similar process when I was relaxed. The book is really intended for anyone with afro textured hair. So, it is for you, too!
Thanks for clarifying. :) I'm really excited about your book and can't wait to read the wealth of info. :)
Hey Chicoro, Congratulatins, i'm so proud of you. Your hard work has finally paid off. I hope it will be an award winning mulitmillion dollar selling book. I'm excited because it w ill be my first hair book and it's coming from a fellow LHCF'ER. I'll definately be ordering for myself and sisters. You are such a beautiful person inside and out always encouraging and kind. Congrats again Lady Chic!
CHICk yOu ROck!!! I could not be prouder. Congratulations!

I wonder if I could get my copy signed.... :scratchch
Chicoro, next to the QUOTE button there is a " + " button. If you click on those (you can do as many as you want) and hit the POST REPLY button, everyone's quotes will come up at once.

I will pick up a copy for myself and my sister!
Thanks so much for explaining this because I didn't know how to do it either:blush:.
I'm excited! I will surely get it soon and review it on my blog. Thanks for letting us know it's out!!
I am happy for you. Inspiring others about hair and how it can be done is very nice of you. I will def make sure that I look into the book.

Congrats again.
Woohooo!!! :yay:
One of our hair queens has written a book! :D
I will definately buy it and read it!
I'm so happy for you and well done...I love when people follow their dreams and make something of them.
does anyone have a review on the book? I'm sure it is really good. I just ordered mine and of course I hate waiting but i will try my best to be patient