A new line that looks delicious: hydroquenchsystems

I ordered on 11/4, got a shipping notice on 11/14. I sent an email on Tuesday 19th asking for a tracking number and she finally got back to me today saying that she sent out the wrong tracking number and that my order shipped TODAY via UPS, which means I probably won't be getting it until late next week.
Just got an email and I should b gettin my order on mon. I was so excited to get my order. Guess I can wait a few more days
So, it took me a while but I actually waded through this whole thread. Lol. (Lots of hours on public transportation.)
I ordered my stuff on 11/03/13 and received it 11/15/13, which isn't bad at all, especially for free shipping. I was expecting it to take forever to ship so getting it so soon was a pleasant surprise.
I will be posting lots of reviews for this stuff, since I will be using it exclusively til it runs out since I don't take chances with handmades.
My hair is fine, dense, normal porosity, 4B, Daughter O, with pen-spring sized uniform coils. Generally, it's not too fussy but that's probably because it's never neglected.

Anyway, this is what I bought:
1)-16oz Honey Pineapple Hibiscus Repair Mask (Protein Free)
2)-4oz Go Deep
3)-16oz Coconut Strawberry Lime Oil Conditioning Cleanser
4)-16oz Coconut Lime Oil Conditioning Cleanser
5)-16oz The Slip Daily Styling Creme
6)-4oz Coconut Mango Lime Oil
7)-4oz Coconut Lime Oil
8)-4oz The Slip Deep Conditioner
9)-4oz Puttyful
10)-4oz Greaseless Moisture
11)-4oz Botanical Peppermint Coconut... Conditioning Mask
12)-4oz Coconut Mango Repair Mask
13)-4oz White Tea & Lemon 5 Day Moisture
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I really like her stuff, but lying about shipping my order twice is too much. I won't be buying anything else from her.
First impressions:
My items were shipped with care. Everything was bundled up nicely and had protective plastic sealed around the jars (to prevent leaks). My package was insulated with newspaper and packing peanuts; and my invoice had a handwritten "Thank you" on it, which was a nice touch.
I saw ladies who had shipping problems or ordered a year ago got coupon codes or free samples so I was a teeny bit disappointed I didn't receive either, but not a big deal.

The cleansing conditioners got so many good reviews, I was very hopeful for them. I've used As I Am cowash with great success. It's only the awakened PJ within that got me ordering HQS.
It probably is my hair type/texture. But I don't have any idea what people are talking about when they say the cleansing conditioners do any of the following: conditions, detangles (IS THIS SARCASM???), or hydrates. The ingredients look very good in these cleansing conditioners, so I'm not sure what to add to them to make them more palatable to my hair.
They weren't TERRIBLE. My hair DOES feel strengthened after using them. It doesn't really feel softened or anything else though... I couldn't even finger detangle with this stuff, like, AT ALL, so... Yeah. Oh! And my hair actually did feel really clean but not stripped.
To me, the lime one smells like lime Skittles exactly. So, pleasant candy smell that lingers faintly. The strawberry one smells like a mixture of cherry flavored Mylanta and pink lemonade, so also a nice smell. I really like their textures: very lotiony. They go on my hair very smooth and seemed to absorb.
I won't repurchase though because I do protein treatments to strengthen my hair and I buy cleansing conditioners with the hope of some actual conditioning properties in addition to cleansing my hair. :-)

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Another thing about the packaging: no one mentioned how iffy these labels are. I suppose not a huge deal, but you'd definitely not want to let any kind of moisture get on them because you will have ink on your hands and smeared labels.
The Slip Daily Styling Creme:
Jury is still out on how my hair feels about this product.
I THINK it mostly does what it says in that it hydrates, moisturizes, and feels light and doesn't flake. I used it about every day with the Coconut Lime Oil and one of these or the combination of these made my hair sticky and weird-feeling. Like... A strange texture that wasn't my normal texture. I did NOT like that. I'm currently using them separately and so far, no problems out of the oil solo.
This stuff has a very bland, neutral scent. It reminds me of glue. Yes. It smells like a fainter version of Elmer's school glue. The initial texture reminds me of papier mache paste, but it's not sticky and it quickly absorbed into my hair, making it feel soft and moisturized.
Coconut Mango Lime Oil:
-smells like orange skittles

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(3rd time attempting this review. Stupid app.)
Coconut Mango Repair Mask is GREAT. I REALLY like. Will repurchase.
*Increases manageability
*smells faintly of Chobani mango Greek yougurt
*smooth, creamy texture, a bit thicker than Greek yogurt
*easy, smooth application

To be completely honest, I didn't actually try to comb through my hair with a comb or my fingers with this product. When I applied this stuff, my hair began to clump in these perfect little sections. I was pretty amazed by that. And as I smoothed it through my hair, I encountered NO TANGLES, which NEVER happens for me with a DC. EVER. After I rinsed it out, my hair was still pretty clumped and the bits that weren't clumped were somehow not frizzy. This may be a HG. Oh. And I've only needed to use 1oz per DC, and I have pretty dense(but fine) longish hair (BSL-MBL)

5 Day Moisture:
*keeps hair moisturized
*keeps hair soft
*makes hair shiny
*smells like lemon cookies &/or lemon candy (Fun Dip? Some kind of sucker? Idk.) --- I smell no shea butter smell at all, so maybe HQS increased the scent of this batch?
ETA: I know what this smells like!!! Lemon Pez! Boo yah! :-)

*tacky texture (almost sticky)

I applied this to damp hair and haven't had a chance to do a dry hair application (because I rarely manipulate dry hair). I found the texture to be very off putting but was rewarded the following days with STILL soft, shiny, moisturized hair. I didn't need to add any more emollients to my hair. I could see this product living up to its name but I'm not one to abandon my hair for days at a time so cannot speak on this with certainty because I at least spritz my hair with water daily. I used a silver dollar amount for my whole head so this 4oz will last me a long time. Jury is still out on whether I will repurchase. Maybe the dimethicone/polyquat mixed with the oils and butter is what gave it such a weird texture.

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Trying to do one more haul b4 the sale is over which is today according to the website but when I enter the code ur says it expired yesterday!? Anyone else encounter this? I emailed the vendor; hopefully I can still use it :-)

*please excuse typos* Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using LHCF
Trying to do one more haul b4 the sale is over which is today according to the website but when I enter the code ur says it expired yesterday!? Anyone else encounter this? I emailed the vendor; hopefully I can still use it :-)

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Really? She told me the sale was all through the holidays and I haven't even ordered yet!


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I emailed her about this just yesterday but I was wondering if maybe one of you ladies could answer this: The Coconut Mango Hydrating Mask on the website is actually called the Coconut Mango Repair mask on the container (like in the picture) and it specifically states that it is silicone free and doesn't list any silicones in the ingredient listing on the website.... but on the container Dimethicone is the 5th to last ingredient. I was looking at the container in the picture on the website and the ingredient list, even thought I can't see the whole thing, is in the exact same order as the ingredient listing on my container, so it's the same formula.... Is Dimethicone not considered a cone?

I say all because my hair is really smooth and soft, but I noticed how it was "clumping" together a bit the other day and thought that was weird... I purposely don't buy things with heavy butters/silicones on them because it has that affect on my hair. Then I looked at the ingredients and found out why...
Used the Lime & Coconut Oil this week.

I ran out of VF and wanted something 'similiar' and this one fit the bill.:grin:

Wish I had it in another Fragrance. I bought this when she 1st launched.

Next Sale, I'll reup in maybe the Mango or the Strawberry.:lick:

I like the Lime tho'. It reminds me of 7Up or Sprite.:lol:
Used the Lime & Coconut Oil this week. I ran out of VF and wanted something 'similiar' and this one fit the bill.:grin: Wish I had it in another Fragrance. I bought this when she 1st launched. Next Sale, I'll reup in maybe the Mango or the Strawberry.:lick: I like the Lime tho'. It reminds me of 7Up or Sprite.:lol:

Yes I'm loving my sample of lime coconut oil! Definitely getting the regular size in mango next sale.
Update Review on Cleansing Conditioners:
They've grown on me. I really like the ingredients, the smell, the texture, and how my hair feels stronger afterwards. I still can't come close to detangling with them though. :-(

Update Review on 5 Day Moisture:
A while ago, the hubbs confessed he put this in the freezer when it first arrived, and I think the extreme drop in the product's temperature gave it the weird texture I found so unpleasant. The consistency is now much more like a regular whipped shea butter mix. I :love: this product for sealing. If I didn't enjoy making my own shea mixes so much, I would definitely repurchase.

Continued Hit: THESE DCs!!!!! Definite repurchases. Staple DCs. HG DCs. Definitely the best I've ever tried, even out of my homemade concoctions.

Botanical Peppermint Coconut Conditioning Repair Mask (boy these HQS products sure have names that are a mouthful):
I like this DC. It is my least favorite out of the 3 I have tried so far, but still a great DC. I guess I was expecting more of a tingle from the peppermint. (I remedied this by adding a splash more of peppermint essential oil to mine.) It has a light, pleasant, candy cane smell. For those that like their products to smell edible, HQS smells like candy for the most part, with the exception of the Slip and Go Deep lines.
This DC has a wonderful creamy consistency, pleasant texture, smooth application. IMO, the consistency is more lotiony, a bit thinner than the other DCs, but still nice. My hair was soft and moisturized after use, but didn't clump like it did with the other DCs :perplexed: but that's all right. If you like your leave-ins to have a little oomph to them, you could probably get away with using this as a leave-in too, as I have. I applied a little every other day for a week and by wash day, my hair felt Ah-mazin! So, I will probably use the rest of my sample for leaving in.
I received an email like 3 days ago saying that my package shipped but there isn't a tracking number at all. I wrote and asked for one and no reply.

Has anyone been having an issue with the cones in these products? I'm a little wary but they still looked good.
I tend to shy away from -cones, in general. But, I'm discovering they aren't as bad for my hair as I feared. Even so, most -cones don't do anything for me, unless I'm heat styling (rare). Considering that the vast majority of products that I use are -cone and -sulphate free, I haven't had any problems at all with HQS.


I received an email like 3 days ago saying that my package shipped but there isn't a tracking number at all. I wrote and asked for one and no reply. Has anyone been having an issue with the cones in these products? I'm a little wary but they still looked good.
I think I'll "Steam" with the Peppermint tomorrow. (1st time trying it). I've had it a while.

And just picked up another jar during the last Sale.
I received an email like 3 days ago saying that my package shipped but there isn't a tracking number at all. I wrote and asked for one and no reply.

Has anyone been having an issue with the cones in these products? I'm a little wary but they still looked good.

I experienced this too re: tracking #...she responded pretty soon after my inquiry w/a screen shot of my package shipping status w/UPS...it arrived like the next day. Not sure what happened but she has good CS in my experience... hope you received a reply from her sparkle25!

re: the cones...honestly I've stayed away from them every since I started my HHJ back in 2010 but have just come to realize this year & since using this line that I seriously need them in my life...I have fine strands that enjoy making sweet sweet love to one another and the HQ products have made tangles almost non existent for me....i wash every weekend so build up is not an issued which i believe is the main concern with cones?...at any rate I can't wait to see what my retention is like after a few months- that'll be the true test....hth!! :-)

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Re: -cones in this line
My experience is that all -cones are not alike, and my reaction to different formulations even with the same -cones is very different.

I've used products with dimethicone before, and one of my favorite products of this line (the Coconut Mango Repair Mask) has dimethicone in it. However, I've not used a product that clumps my hair like the CMRM in a loooong time, with the exception of SM Curl & Shine Shampoo (which doesn't have dimethicone as an ingredient). And another favorite of this line, the Honey Pineapple Hibiscus Repair Mask, does NOT have dimethicone either (or at least, not according to the packaging. A few posters have noted some inconsistencies in listed ingredients) but my hair clumps like with the CMRM, so I'm not convinced the dimethicone is what's clumping my hair.

For others, of course, this could be a different story. But for my own hair, I'm not convinced -cones are evil or the savior. I think it's the proportions of -cones to "natural stuff," or the quality of ingredients, or the formulations themselves that are good/bad for individual heads of hair.

Just my $.02 :-)
She messaged me Sunday and said my package would be here Monday (today) and it did arrive! Yay :)

I got

12oz Greaseless Moisture

12oz The Slip - Deep Conditioner

8oz Coconut Mango Repair Mask

8oz Botanical Peppermint Coconut Repair Treatment

8oz Puttyful Anti Gel

8oz White Tea & Lemon 5 Day Moisture

8oz Coconut Lime Oil

I will also try these products exclusively for about two weeks and ill post a review l
Last night I used the coconut mango repair mask. It smells amazing. I used just 4oz on my full head and its very unusual for me to only use that much deep conditioner. My whole head was saturated and it seemed to sink into my hair really well. I left in on for an hour with heat, then probably another 45 minutes without heat and then before my final rinse I used heat again for 15 minutes. I did not detangle my hair because I am trying not to manipulate my hair a lot, and I am just now trying to deep condition twice a week, so this is my mid weed conditioning treatment. I detangler my hair 4 days ago after my wash and protein treatmen. Before using this DC to make sure I had no product left in my hair from the past four days, I co washed with NaturelleGrow coconut water cowash.

Anyways the DC rinsed out really well. I usually wait for a deep conditioner to dry completely before putting more product in my hair because I want to see how the DC performs alone. My hair was not super mousitrized, but it never really is after a deep conditioner anyways. It was not as dry as it normally is without product, but it was still dry. This has protein in it and my hair did feel stronger. Not as much breakage as I normally have when rinsing out.

I am not much of a styler because right now I am just trying to get my hair mositurized. I mostly just throw on a wig when I am leaving the house. But I did notice that my hair had really good curl definiton before and after it dried, and it is super shiny! I have never noticed that when using any deep conditiner or any product at all.

Now that my hair is dry, I will use the greaseless moisture. I will come back and post as soon as the product is completely dry, so probably 24 hours from now.
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I would like to know as well! Is your hair super human long and thick?! Lol! My goodness! 4 ounces per DC?! Wow!!! How much do you normally use?
I got a 4 oz sample of the CMRM and I've already got two uses out of it, and I'll probably get another two. I always thought of myself as heavy headed, but gurl, whew! Your regular portions makes my hair think I've been stingy! :lol:

sparkle25 How long and dense is your hair? Are you using 4 oz of condish because you're heavy handed? Or, do you have TBL high density hair?

...I used just 4oz on my full head and its very unusual for me to only use that much deep conditioner. My whole head was saturated...
kxlot79 I'm not sure how long my hair is because I don't straighten it and haven't had a perm in about 10 years and it was another 10 years since I had another prior to that perm. My hair shrinks a lot so its hard to tell. Last time i had it done at a salon and had it straightened with heat ( i was about 17 and I am now 30) everyone was shocked at how long my hair was when it was finally straighten. When I was a little girl, I would tell my mom she was burning my shoulders with the pressing comb, and she would say " Im not burning you, thats your hair!" I just never imagined my hair was that long because of the shrinkage. Without it being straightened its about shoulder length. I have no idea how long it is when straight now, but its very thick. I apply deep conditioner like a perm, so section by section with one of those rubber applicator things. If I don't do it that way then I am heavy handed, but applied that way I just make sure each strand is covered just enough. This DC soaked right into my hair perfectly. I'm not the only one who's hair soaks up conditioner like that. I see youtube videos all the time where girls use 4oz regularly to deep condition their hair and its not dripping from their heads lol. I wish I could get that many uses out of 4oz. I thought two treatments per jar was normal.

Anyways I've applied the greaseless moisture. Ill have to wait until about tomorrow this time before I can make a judgement on it and will post back then.
Kxlot, I just realized that maybe I use so much because I DC on completely dry hair. I never DC on wet hair. I think that makes a huge diffence lol
When you're applying products or styling your hair, you don't get an idea of how long your hair is? Wow. Is it super curly? I can understand, as I do all my length checks with the Pull Method and considering how voluminous and tiny my curls are, I'm guessing all my measurements are just a best approximation. But I won't straighten my hair just to check the length, so... :-)

And for your hair, 4 oz is probably normal! I hope I didn't offend. I was just being nosy.

All DCs aren't equal. Some, I need to use 4-6 ounces for my whole head (in which case, they are super cheap or free) others, just an ounce (like the CMRM). It also depends on how long it's been since my last effective DC. When my hair is in elaborate PS, I don't wash/DC as normal, so the next time I do, it's a more time (& product) consuming process.

How often do you DC?

I'm not sure how long my hair is... My hair shrinks a lot so its hard to tell... ...its very thick. I apply deep conditioner like a perm, so section by section... I just make sure each strand is covered just enough. This DC soaked right into my hair perfectly. I'm not the only one who's hair soaks up conditioner like that... I wish I could get that many uses out of 4oz. I thought two treatments per jar was normal.
Why do you prefer DCing on dry hair? (Again, just being nosy/on the lookout for better techniques)
You never DC on wet hair because...?

Most DCs, including HQS, recommend to wash and "towel dry" hair before applying, but being too lazy to hop in and out of the shower has stopped me from doing this for a while. I probably need to start trying to wash my hair in the sink. :-/

My bestie is an extreme minimalist when it comes to her loc'd hair. I think she might DC 2-3 times a year, and usually only after bending to peer pressure. I gave her a 4 oz of the Honey Pineapple Hibiscus and less than a quarter of her hair INHALED that whole jar. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I should've recorded it. I encouraged her to DC the rest of her hair anyway with some Suave Shea Almond I had laying around and she literally emptied that 28 oz container on her whole head. It was like watching Ripley's. And you could only *barely* see a little white cream on *some* of her locs. Her hair is only shoulder length (it is very dense and coarse though) and it was freshly washed, still damp.
(I'm not sure what that story has to do with anything but I was astonished, so I thought I'd share. :grin: )

Kxlot, I just realized that maybe I use so much because I DC on completely dry hair. I never DC on wet hair. I think that makes a huge diffence lol