A Man Tried To Choke Me During Sex Without Warning

The "Sex Explained" documentary on Netflix I just watched a few weeks ago says that one of the most common sex fantasies of women is actually to be choked, spanked, manhandled, feel like it's a rape, etc. I forgot how they worded it, but I was shocked.

Their disclaimer is that women don't actually want to be raped or abused in real life, but during sex they like to feel dominated. They said it's like with famous stories in history (of romance novels, movies) where the woman ends up falling for her rapist or abuser. Like they end up falling in love. The one storyline that came to mind is Luke and Laura from General Hospital back in the 70's. I could never understand why they were just a beloved couple and their wedding was the most watched TV event at the time, when I learned he had raped her as a teen or something.

I need to rethink some of the romance novels I've read over the years. Offhand there isn't one I'd describe as a woman falling for her rapist. I've seen the trope where a domineering man with old fashioned or antiquated views pursues an uninterested woman and she comes around. I'll even grant you that she may "succumb" to a passionate interlude but it's always presented as her giving into the desires of her heart (she's usually repressed) rather than him raping her and her falling in love. I recognize that may be a murky distinction for some. I think a lot of this depends on personal views about what rape looks like. A more common theme is the brokenhearted man or woman swearing off love until they meet The One and then love conquers all. Or the playboy falls in love reluctantly. Or other iterations that don't involve rape.

I tend to read black romance novels and I'm wondering if the use of force is presented differently but I don't have enough experience with other romance novels to be sure. Is there a romance novel thread? If not, there should be. I've love to learn more about quality Black authors in this genre.
That lol at the end is what I’m talking about. Right or wrong, after giving an intimate massage to a naked or nearly naked woman the average dude is going to try to beg, guilt and whine if they are denied intercourse. Also, right or wrong many women will just give in just to shut them up or because they are guilted into penetration they don’t want.

These masseuses are being paid to give only what is asked for and go away (hard penis or not) without the drama. I look at erotic massage as the next step beyond professional cuddling.

That laughing is more so the list of questions I have for the men who woke up and decided to offer this service and the logistics of that not for the women paying for levels of intimacy that centers them and hopefully fulfills some hole in their life. Frankly, I understand this more than the women "paying" to have a boyfriend that cheats and emotionally abuses them. At least the dollars and emotional investment are hopefully kept to a minimum by these women.

I didn't get the professional cuddlers connection but you're right. I am pro those as well, thought for now that seems to be aimed to white demographics whereas these sensual massage with Joe playing in the background dudes are one hunnit pacent catering to black women.
Men can understand that women don't all like the same types of food, music, movies, etc. but the common sense switch shuts off when it comes to sex and, suddenly, it makes perfect sense to assume that every woman likes the same thing. And it's not enough to "tell your friends" about these men; once someone spits, chokes, hits, etc. you without your permission, that's your cue to end the encounter IMMEDIATELY (as we're speaking about CONSENTUAL sex encounters) and tell him EXACTLY why.
I need to rethink some of the romance novels I've read over the years. Offhand there isn't one I'd describe as a woman falling for her rapist. I've seen the trope where a domineering man with old fashioned or antiquated views pursues an uninterested woman and she comes around. I'll even grant you that she may "succumb" to a passionate interlude but it's always presented as her giving into the desires of her heart (she's usually repressed) rather than him raping her and her falling in love. I recognize that may be a murky distinction for some. I think a lot of this depends on personal views about what rape looks like. A more common theme is the brokenhearted man or woman swearing off love until they meet The One and then love conquers all. Or the playboy falls in love reluctantly. Or other iterations that don't involve rape.

I tend to read black romance novels and I'm wondering if the use of force is presented differently but I don't have enough experience with other romance novels to be sure. Is there a romance novel thread? If not, there should be. I've love to learn more about quality Black authors in this genre.

I agree with you. I never thought about it until I watched it. They made it seem as of this is a known thing in the psychology world. After your post, I did a bit of Googling. Some of what I just found in this article is almost word-for-word what they were saying on that documentary. Maybe they got it all from here :lol: :

Why Do We Fantasize About Being Forced Into Sex?

Castleman writes that there are three main reasons rape fantasies might pop up: The most popular is sexual blame avoidance; it's common for women to feel guilty or ashamed for having intense erotic visions, so being forced into the situation relieves them of the burden because, after all, they were coerced into it. Next is sexual desirability, which is pretty self-explanatory: Thoughts float around about how irresistible, how oh-so-hot you are, which is why this man is throwing himself at you. This particular one is related directly to the genre of erotic romance novels — think Judy Blume's once-banned Forever — where the powerful male protagonist has his way with the pretty damsel in distress. Lastly, there is sexual openness to consider. We want to be able to think of anything and everything we want to when we're fantasizing, and we like to flirt with the boundaries in the privacy and safety of our own bedrooms.

Dr. Susan Block, a seasoned sex therapist, wrote an article for Alternet called "The 6 Most Common Sexual Fantasies — And What They Mean," citing that the majority of clients who come into her office are in careers that require them to dominate others most of the day. Nature requires a balance, she says, and we sometimes just want to imagine what it feels like to fully surrender to another human being, especially sexually. It's like a mini-vacation from the boring stresses of everyday life. This even comes down to a very base, primal idea — male mammals have to pursue and subdue the female in order to mate, and theories of evolutionary psychology say that has trickled down to today's human race. (These ideas have't been empirically tested, and are obviously potentially problematic.)

Let's also not forget the 50-Shades-esque reason behind all this: masochism. Desiring suffering isn't abnormal, particularly in our imagination, and women who engage in masochistic sex are the ones who are more likely to dream about rape. It's possible to get sexually charged from the mere thought of mixing pleasure and pain.

How Common Is It?

I'll put it this way — this fantasy happens a lot more often than you think. Of the 355 women surveyed in 2008, 52 percent reported fantasizing about being forced into intercourse and 32 percent said they were erotically raped by a man. Combine these with other similar scenarios, such as forced anal sex, forced oral sex by a man or another woman, and incapacitation, and 62 percent say they fantasized about at least one of those acts. Dr. Jenny Bivona, head of the research team at the University of North Texas, tells the Huffington Post that 40 percent of the subjects claim they allow their imaginations to run this wild at least once a month.

These numbers were revealed in a 2009 issue of the Journal of Sex Research, but many think these are lowball estimates, considering that are many more females out there who are too embarrassed or ashamed to admit it crosses their mind. (Understandably so, as it's not an easy thing to bring up around friends at a casual Friday night dinner.)

It's important to remember that for most people, conjuring these sexual play-by-plays is not an obsession, but rather an infrequent occurrence. Daniel Bergner, author of What Do Women Want? Adventures In The Science of Female Desire told Salon that, although our society guilt trips us for having them, these fantasies are perfectly healthy and should be completely free of blame. So if you're blushing right now and feeling slightly remorseful, remember you are far from alone — these are normative pockets of female sexuality.

What Does This Mean For The Serious Issue of Rape Out There?

Most rape fantasies don't actually closely resemble what real-life rape looks like; some people even urge us to give up the term altogether when speaking about these fantasies. Writer and author of Guide To Getting It On, Paul Joannides, reminds us in one of his blog posts that, in most of our sexual imaginations, we find the man or woman raping us to be terribly attractive, and there is no disgust or repulsion in the mix. There is usually no arousal happening in real-life situations when a woman is being forced into sex, making actual rape quite different than what's happening in our heads. There is an eroticism present in fantasies that simply doesn't exist when rape happens out in the world.

The most important thing to keep in mind as we participate in this dialogue is that these sexy visions don't, in any way, make rape OK. Consent is always required when two people find themselves in a tantalizing situation. As Dr. Raj Persaud, a consultant psychiatrist in London, writes for the Huffington Post, these fantasies can be tricky to negotiate, but engaging in therapy helps us explore them in a safe environment.

So it's not a terrible idea to bring this subject to the table next time you see a therapist or talk to your lover about your fantasies. But know that if you're having rape fantasies, there's nothing "wrong" with you, you're not a "bad feminist," and it doesn't mean you'd actually like to be raped in real life. Fantasies are just that — fantasies.

^^^I agree there should be another term created: dominance fantasies, submission fantasies, Zorro fantasies...

I cannot understand the pain aspect at all. That has never been anywhere near what turns me on. However, I just read in some random advice column that popped up in my feed. It was a woman who said that when she met her guy, they both were into extremely rough, painful, violent sex, but shortly after marrying she was diagnosed as bipolar. After normalizing with meds, she found she no longer desired violent, painful sex, but her husband did not want to stop.
^^^I agree there should be another term created: dominance fantasies, submission fantasies, Zorro fantasies...

I cannot understand the pain aspect at all. That has never been anywhere near what turns me on. However, I just read in some random advice column that popped up in my feed. It was a woman who said that when she met her guy, they both were into extremely rough, painful, violent sex, but shortly after marrying she was diagnosed as bipolar. After normalizing with meds, she found she no longer desired violent, painful sex, but her husband did not want to stop.
This sounds like sadism and masochism which no one would normalize as just another fantasy.
@Black Ambrosia

When I was talking about needing a new term, I was referring to the dominance fantasies (ie. Romance novels) as opposed to the more violent, painful stuff of sadism or masochism, neither of which I can wrap my mind around. While to each his own, I would not want sexual violence to be the norm.
Non penetrative sexual encounters.
While I'm sure that some women will get a happy ending as part of this massage, I think that Troy touch is catering to the female fantasy of just being naked or near naked and sexually caressed by an attractive male without the burden of reciprocity. When the average person looks at this the only thing they can think about is him getting or not getting some :moon: at the end.

You know, I've always had my naked cuddles. My friends and cousins would say I'm insane because as you mentioned, the main goal is for the man to get off.

But I enjoyed, especially with one particular man, where we would just stroke each other's arms. I find him incredibly sexy, but have very little actual desire to engage in any sex acts with him. He would get naked with me, then we'd cuddle, no pressure on my part to get him off.

He would just hold me till I fell asleep, no pressure.

But I do realise that (unpaid) it's a risk to take :oops:
You know, I've always had my naked cuddles. My friends and cousins would say I'm insane because as you mentioned, the main goal is for the man to get off.

But I enjoyed, especially with one particular man, where we would just stroke each other's arms. I find him incredibly sexy, but have very little actual desire to engage in any sex acts with him. He would get naked with me, then we'd cuddle, no pressure on my part to get him off.

He would just hold me till I fell asleep, no pressure.

But I do realise that (unpaid) it's a risk to take :oops:
How do you even do this? I can’t imagine getting naked without intending to color.
How do you even do this? I can’t imagine getting naked without intending to color.
Honestly, I have been raped in the past, not at all a similar situation. Just a rapist being rapey. But he was aware of this.

So he would've never wanted for me to feel pressured into anything sexual. But I've had other such men to be honest. Naked cuddles is one of my cousins' favourite ways of making fun of me, but I've found several men in my lifetime who've indulged me in this fashion.

eta no lol defence mechanism to make people feel better, but also, no need to feel bad for me.
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You know I’ve been reading this thread and then a few other forums and it’s really been eye opening.

I think crackersphinn, really hit a point up thread when you mentioned men will do anything sexually deviant if a women let’s him. It just came to me that men get off on the conquest of sex and not actual lovemaking. Getting a conquest to submit to deviant sexual behavior is what thrills a lot of men.

I still remember that thread where women were asking if they would let a man finish the act on her face. I always thought that only occurred in porn, hence the term “money shot”. It never even occurred to that women were doing this in romantic relationships with their SO. Some women were claiming it was seductive and their husband found it sexy. I always found that peculiar and like a dog marking his territory. Nothing sexy at all.
@Black Ambrosia I used to read a lot of period romances, and there was a lot of straight rape in them. They'd bury it under the guise of it's an arranged marriage so it's the man's right but even as a teen that would bother me.

This is the first time that I think about female centered fantasies being entirely disregarded as not feasible, in terns of penetrative sex. There probably are a lot of women like me who would want intimacy without the pressure of actual sex. I don't know why I never thought of this before because I'm always telling people how anything female centric is often ridiculed, you just need to wait for fall to see people go off on pumpkin spice lattes:rolleyes: But it never really occurred to me to apply this to sex as well :scratchchin:
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Just met one of my friends tonight and it's been very eye opening.

Shes currently seeing a man who is poly amorous, so that isn't going anywhere.

At the same time she has recently dated one man who kept trying to touch her feet throughout the date, another guy who tried to pull her shorts off after asking what she was into sexually and another man was into catheter drinking O_O.
At the same time she has recently dated one man who kept trying to touch her feet throughout the date, another guy who tried to pull her shorts off after asking what she was into sexually and another man was into catheter drinking O_O.

Not to sound judgmental, but your friend may want to talk to someone "professional". She's the common denominator in all those incidents and something is wrong. (eta: I opted to forgo looking up 'catheter drinking').
I don’t think people understand the sheer number of crazy maladjusted people walking amongst us.
I will second this.
The weird dates or men that I came across, I never went home or engaged in any sexual behavior. I got 2 rules on date for myself that's no alcohol and no going home with strangers. I don't care how fine you are. The no drink one came up because to begin with im not a big drinker 2 is max. I went on a date and the guy got hammered and kept getting me to drink. He was also was mad cause i ended the date abruptly and in his words couldn't take me home. I gave him no indication that was into him or interested in sex so he made that up. Ever since then water,soda,juice. I have had guys get pissed over this. Then I said is it me? Am I the problem? All of sudden I stared hearing stories and seeing girls posting online their dating stories and I wasn't alone. There are just alot of messed up,messy,hyper sexual, unstable men out here. Period. Don't got nothing to do with me. I will say this if guy trys to do anything during sex i didn't consent too we kung fu fighting. End of story.
Not to sound judgmental, but your friend may want to talk to someone "professional". She's the common denominator in all those incidents and something is wrong. (eta: I opted to forgo looking up 'catheter drinking').

I've expressed my concern (mainly toward the attack, the other stuff she's OK with). Her level of naivety about men is very high and I have trouble talking as a realist as she just comes back with how things "should be".

Before I only knew her while she was in a standard LTR with a nice dude. I predict she'll get bored of her freak year and settle down. She has agreed to be more careful date safety wise at least.
Quoted for emphasis!!
So right!
On the one hand, I love that so many women are embracing/exploring their womanhood, femininity, sexuality etc in depths we never have before. But on the other, I feel this embrace (a la Ultra Women’s Lib) has thrown the baby out with the bath water.
Way way way too many women equate “decency, morals, and standards,” to “Patriarchy.”

Women’s liberation was supposed to be about the right to choose. And I find it very unfortunate that so many women have decided to choose such toxic options. It’s as if two whole generations of women collectively decided that modesty, conservatism, or reservation couldn’t possibly be voluntarily chosen.

And that thottin and boppin would lead anywhere but where we are as a society.

I respect a woman’s right to be promiscuous even as I disagree and believe it to be a wholly unwholesome way to live. I condemn men who ignore boundaries and abuse/exploit women.
However, let’s call a spade a spade: being promiscuous exposes the vulnerability to this very darkness that’s been cast upon modern sex & relationships. If we got husbands still raping their wives in 2020, why would anyone hold a practical stranger who has promised nothing to a higher standard than the common spouse? :spinning:

I also think focusing on what women can do to decrease their likelihood of sexual abuse is far more productive than trying to get men (whose natural state is animalistic) to behave like decent human beings. Part of that proactivity women could undertake as a gender is refusing to voluntarily participate in Sex Work. It’s far more effective to eliminate the supply than reduce the demand. And I say that as someone who loves to see a woman get a bag, but at what expense? Fewer women exploiting their own bodies would probably drive deviancy back underground where it belongs, and hopefully dry up the supply of victims as well.
Casual sex and sex with men who don't respect you is dangerous and had always been dangerous. Most men do not treat women they have no respect for well. Believing you can state standards that the person you are speaking to can clearly see you don't live is a fool's game. Be real with yourself and recognize the dangers of dangerous activities.

As someone who has never had nor has yet been (and probably never will be) interested in a ONS, I think my disclaimer would have to go something like, “If you violate my boundaries, I have a glock, a box cutter, a taser, and various other weapons within reaching distance and one of us will definitely die. Please & thanks in advance for respecting my boundaries & keeping one/both of us out of jail or a grave.”:look:

I think women are socialized to be meeker, less confrontational, less assertive, and more cooperative (against our interests). Men en masse, get away with what they believe they can get away with. There is something in a woman that reads as ^ that makes men think there will be few to no consequences to their deviant/criminal behavior. It’s much harder (but possible!) to pre-establish “You are not the one to try,” with someone you barely know. The vast majority of women are “tryable,” especially with dudes who have nothing to lose or are accustomed to bulldozing his way. The best logistical reason to pre-establish boundaries is to be the one he’s scared to “try.” And the easiest way to put fear in him is with a relationship of mutual respect... and mutually assured destruction... :look:

There are logistical reasons for that; less about kinks more about what role we are playing when we get to it.
Quoted for emphasis!!
So right!
On the one hand, I love that so many women are embracing/exploring their womanhood, femininity, sexuality etc in depths we never have before. But on the other, I feel this embrace (a la Ultra Women’s Lib) has thrown the baby out with the bath water.
Way way way too many women equate “decency, morals, and standards,” to “Patriarchy.”

Women’s liberation was supposed to be about the right to choose. And I find it very unfortunate that so many women have decided to choose such toxic options. It’s as if two whole generations of women collectively decided that modesty, conservatism, or reservation couldn’t possibly be voluntarily chosen.

And that thottin and boppin would lead anywhere but where we are as a society.

I respect a woman’s right to be promiscuous even as I disagree and believe it to be a wholly unwholesome way to live. I condemn men who ignore boundaries and abuse/exploit women.
However, let’s call a spade a spade: being promiscuous exposes the vulnerability to this very darkness that’s been cast upon modern sex & relationships. If we got husbands still raping their wives in 2020, why would anyone hold a practical stranger who has promised nothing to a higher standard than the common spouse? :spinning:

Personally, I think promiscuity (in both males and females) is a form of self-harm/evidence of a lack of self-love/reaction to trauma.

I also think focusing on what women can do to decrease their likelihood of sexual abuse is far more productive than trying to get men (whose natural state is animalistic) to behave like decent human beings. Part of that proactivity women could undertake as a gender is refusing to voluntarily participate in Sex Work. It’s far more effective to eliminate the supply than reduce the demand. And I say that as someone who loves to see a woman get a bag, but at what expense? Fewer women exploiting their own bodies would probably drive deviancy back underground where it belongs, and hopefully dry up the supply of victims as well.

I have to disagree with you. For generations, society has put the focus on telling women how to decrease their likelihood of being abused sexually - how productive has that been?? If putting more focus on women's actions is more productive, why are women still being raped? Because men are raping them. Prostitution is a thing. Men could always pay for sex and abuse the women prostituting themselves but many (it seems) would rather force themselves on a woman for free. I agree with encouraging women to make smart choices, but that doesn't change the reality that the demand is the main issue. If we don't deal with the demand, there will always be a supply. People will make their own supply.

There's no amount of advice a woman can follow that will stop a man from stalking/harassing/overpowering/molesting/harming her if she gets unlucky and that's what he decides to do. Even in conservative Islamic countries where women are covered from head to toe and are restricted from socialising with men, men find a way to commit rape. That's not because the women's behaviour was this, that or the other - that's because the men's hearts were depraved.

And I don't believe that every single man is a rapist or deviant. I think that as you say below that women are socialised to be 'docile' (I couldn't think of a better word), many men are socialised to be cruel and thoughtless and to view women as objects.

We (society) can empower women to make smart choices born of self-love and self-respect, and we can teach men to view women as humans and to treat them accordingly, with love and respect. While I think it is productive to educate women on situations and types of men to avoid (I am an advocate for this), I don't think it is more productive than educating men on how to be decent humans. It's just easier, and people are lazy, which is why everyone does it.

We also need men to step up as well and model right behaviour towards women. In my opinion, it is precisely because people have focused more of their energy on telling women (girls) how to behave, while ignoring men's (boys) rotten behaviour that we are STILL dealing with this trash today.

As someone who has never had nor has yet been (and probably never will be) interested in a ONS, I think my disclaimer would have to go something like, “If you violate my boundaries, I have a glock, a box cutter, a taser, and various other weapons within reaching distance and one of us will definitely die. Please & thanks in advance for respecting my boundaries & keeping one/both of us out of jail or a grave.”:look:

I think women are socialized to be meeker, less confrontational, less assertive, and more cooperative (against our interests). Men en masse, get away with what they believe they can get away with. There is something in a woman that reads as ^ that makes men think there will be few to no consequences to their deviant/criminal behavior. It’s much harder (but possible!) to pre-establish “You are not the one to try,” with someone you barely know. The vast majority of women are “tryable,” especially with dudes who have nothing to lose or are accustomed to bulldozing his way. The best logistical reason to pre-establish boundaries is to be the one he’s scared to “try.” And the easiest way to put fear in him is with a relationship of mutual respect... and mutually assured destruction... :look:

Agreed. We need more balance. We can't socialise one gender to be predators and the other to be prey. That's sick.

Please note, I'm not saying that having sex with strangers is cool or smart or worth doing. I think it's dangerous and dumb, to be honest. I don't mean to offend anyone. But that's what I think. However, I find it really disturbing when people act like it's completely normal to expect men to hurt women. Do you [not you specifically, just the general you] think that's what your sons will do when they grown up? Are you expecting your sons to rape women the first chance they get? The mind boggles. I don't expect men to hurt me but I understand that there are A LOT of crazy and dangerous men in the world, and I have my guard up. That said, if a man caused me harm it wouldn't be because of something I did or did not do. I may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time, I may have been stupid enough to trust the wrong person, I may have ignored wise advice but he chose his action. And it was because he wanted to. Therein lies the problem.

Apologies for the epic. I'm just tired of violence.
We can't socialise one gender to be predators and the other to be prey. That's sick.

That said, if a man caused me harm it wouldn't be because of something I did or did not do. I may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time, I may have been stupid enough to trust the wrong person, I may have ignored wise advice but he chose his action. And it was because he wanted to. Therein lies the problem.
Standing ovation for all of this but particularly the red.
What a thoughtful reply! Epics welcome! I find these threads to be so interesting. And especially so when people are willing to attempt articulating difficult and abstract topics.

There were only few points I wanted to clarify:
Re promiscuity: I do believe most people are promiscuous out of subconscious self-destruction, or some adjacent poor coping behavior to trauma. However, Ive met enough truly sexually liberated people to believe this number of “healthy” promiscuous people is much higher than women want to believe but FAR lower than men want to believe (because seeing a broken woman in a broken place and himself as the carrion, opportunistic jackal that he actually is goes so far beyond “cognitive dissonance” we don’t actually have a word for what such men commonly do). Men want women to be as depraved as they are (to the degree and in the number) because it humanizes depravity.
Short of legislation, I’m not sure how we could even begin to walk promiscuous permissiveness back. And I’m not for legislating freedom of choice, even terrible ones.

Re lopsided gender socialization:
I think there is a lot of legitimacy to the natural behavioral effects of hormones that make it “easier” to socialize men and women differently. The “docile” programming has never benefited women as much as men and now we’re in an age where the thin veil of protection cast by patriarchy over docile women is gone (a “protection” which definitely came with the strings of controlling a woman’s every aspect of being, vastly relegating her personhood to the tiny realms of domestic slave (to her family & husband) or religious slave (to the male dominated religious hierarchy), so I understand the price of patriarchy’s protection being too high).
I think the goal of Women’s Lib & Feminism was for women to have access to the opportunity of being seen as human beings who have intrinsic value beyond servitude and baby incubators. But I honestly don’t feel we’ve gotten any closer to that goal as a gender. We kinda went from being “prized” property to “despised” property.

As for men, I think they have historically policed themselves.

Men interested in building grand legacies paved the way for other men to admire and emulate (protecting their daughters and wives, legislating protections for their daughters and wives). Generally, healthy, masculine men emulate other healthy masculine men. While there are exceptions, I believe them to be rare. And there are far fewer of such men around, and especially fewer willing to mentor those who wouldn’t reach their highest masculine potential without a mentor. :look:

For me, it’s la-la fairytale to think women (on any kind of large scale) can inspire or force men to be better men. I just don’t see women doing it. It takes another man to be that example. In times past, there were fathers or family members to do so but from my anecdotal experiences, such “healthy male mentors” are in short supply. Even with balanced, healthy mothers to parent boys, it takes a man to carry him over the threshold of manhood, to harness his masculinity in constructive and productive, protective instead of predatory, ways. If most men are sick jackals, most of them cave to the easy and destructive approval of their jackal peer group.
(It’s exactly the same for women, but we only seem to be degrading more slowly. I’ve known men who wind up raising their daughters, and when he only brings Mammy/Jezebel sorts of women around for his daughter to emulate, it doesn’t matter how high-minded he might think he is or believes he’s teaching his daughter to be, she’s liable to be a conglomeration of the women she has the most contact with. As an aside, the Mammy/Jezebel types are currently the most common in the female population if you ask me.)

So while I totally agree that we SHOULD NOT socialize men to be predators and women to be prey, that is the reality of what we’ve been doing as a society, for a couple decades.

I want to clarify that I believe focusing solutions on women to be the most productive because women are the hosts to the next generation.

We can’t CHOOSE or CONSENT to being victimized, but we CAN choose the sort of men who will influence our children. We CAN choose to not have children if we don’t have a man or network of men for our children to emulate. It’s my humble opinion that women choose the next generation. Men don’t. For all their raping and violence upon women, it’s a statistically negligible % of them abducting a woman to carry his child and chaining her to the stove to raise said child. Our reproductive choices have reinforced our social choices. And our social choices lately have been terrible (an extension of our terrible reproductive ones).
Idk if people “expect” men to hurt women (or accept it). I think we just acknowledge the world we’re living in. The average man doesn’t see the average woman as human. We are objects, tools, until proven otherwise. And the longer he can relegate us to objectification, the better for him to extend his predation. This is why it’s so common for “good” men and “nice” men and “family” men to be so horrific towards women. They are only selectively so to PERHAPS their relatives and significant others, because THOSE women have “proven otherwise.” It’s the result of the vacuum of actually good/decent men instead of ones who can effectively mime goodness and decency in the light of day. My uncles and grandfathers would tell me countless stories about how common it was for “good” men to protect women who were perfect strangers from other men. Nowadays, most women can’t even expect such protection from their own blood relatives, and an unknown man is much likelier to record your victimization while laughing and posting it to social media. Yet, those men’s female relatives and significant others come to that pathetic MAN’s defense when he is publicly roasted and derided. And his similarly pathetic male friends (along with other loser dudes who see themselves in him). Trash men’s horrifying behavior is co-signed by men and women alike and drowns out the comparatively tiny minority of people willing to publicly condemn him.
THAT particular phenomenon is a perfect example of the vacuum of healthy masculinity as well as my opinion that women align themselves with terrible social norms, which reflect their reproductive ones, then turn around Pikachu-shocked-face that we live in the world we do.

Do you [not you specifically, just the general you] think that's what your sons will do when they grown up? Are you expecting your sons to rape women the first chance they get? The mind boggles.”

What a quote! I pray my son is not a rapist or criminal of any kind. I know what kind of man I would choose to be his father and I know what kind of effort I would put into ensuring he has role models I approve of. (And I don’t know that this will necessarily be enough if his peers’ parents have not put in a similar effort.) To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe MOST women put any kind of effort at all into such considerations. That’s evident from their surprise that their sons largely turn out just as bad or worse than their fathers. Most people (men and women alike) are not comfortable enough articulating their own boundaries and sexuality, let alone coaching their children through defining theirs! But I am quite comfortable and competent articulating difficult abstractions and am committed to being an active participant to shape my children’s healthy adulthood. If I did not expend such effort or consider such effort, yes I expect I would think even a man who was the fruit of my womb would naturally devolve to the monstrosity his social group allows.

That’s also evident from the world we live in. Way too many people naively believing religion is the cure all that erases depravity and female exploitation. (As an aside, I recently watched a documentary about the horrible abuse rampantly suffered by Amish women, in communities without the “traps” of TV, music, or video games— abuse at the hands of their fathers and brothers :barf:. Men who from all outward appearance would seem like “good, nice, God fearing, respectful” types— yet are still as depraved as the men around them allow them to be.)

When it’s all said and done, personal responsibility is the ultimate underline. And we’re in total agreement that criminals commit their crimes and they have literally no one to blame but themselves.

I’m tired of the violence too, Sis! And I’m especially tired of women aligning themselves against their own interests in the shallow service of male validation.:bighug:
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I need to rethink some of the romance novels I've read over the years. Offhand there isn't one I'd describe as a woman falling for her rapist. I've seen the trope where a domineering man with old fashioned or antiquated views pursues an uninterested woman and she comes around. I'll even grant you that she may "succumb" to a passionate interlude but it's always presented as her giving into the desires of her heart (she's usually repressed) rather than him raping her and her falling in love. I recognize that may be a murky distinction for some. I think a lot of this depends on personal views about what rape looks like. A more common theme is the brokenhearted man or woman swearing off love until they meet The One and then love conquers all. Or the playboy falls in love reluctantly. Or other iterations that don't involve rape.

I tend to read black romance novels and I'm wondering if the use of force is presented differently but I don't have enough experience with other romance novels to be sure. Is there a romance novel thread? If not, there should be. I've love to learn more about quality Black authors in this genre.
My favorite books growing up was by V.C. Andrews. As I got older I realized she literally would write the same plot over and over again and 9 times out of 10 it included a man /boy sexually taking advantage of the main character and/or the main character’s mother. Sometimes they made it seem like they’re in love but the main character always attracts these toxic, perverted users. The author would put men on a pedestal and make all the women evil. I can’t help but think how that has effected my life and the relationships I’ve been in. I don’t like those books now. Thank God. Because they were always filled with trauma, sorrow and pain.
What a thoughtful reply! Epics welcome! I find these threads to be so interesting. And especially so when people are willing to attempt articulating difficult and abstract topics.

There were only few points I wanted to clarify:
Re promiscuity: I do believe most people are promiscuous out of subconscious self-destruction, or some adjacent poor coping behavior to trauma. However, Ive met enough truly sexually liberated people to believe this number of “healthy” promiscuous people is much higher than women want to believe but FAR lower than men want to believe (because seeing a broken woman in a broken place and himself as the carrion, opportunistic jackal that he actually is goes so far beyond “cognitive dissonance” we don’t actually have a word for what such men commonly do). Men want women to be as depraved as they are (to the degree and in the number) because it humanizes depravity.
Short of legislation, I’m not sure how we could even begin to walk promiscuous permissiveness back. And I’m not for legislating freedom of choice, even terrible ones.

Re lopsided gender socialization:
I think there is a lot of legitimacy to the natural behavioral effects of hormones that make it “easier” to socialize men and women differently. The “docile” programming has never benefited women as much as men and now we’re in an age where the thin veil of protection cast by patriarchy over docile women is gone (a “protection” which definitely came with the strings of controlling a woman’s every aspect of being, vastly relegating her personhood to the tiny realms of domestic slave (to her family & husband) or religious slave (to the male dominated religious hierarchy), so I understand the price of patriarchy’s protection being too high).
I think the goal of Women’s Lib & Feminism was for women to have access to the opportunity of being seen as human beings who have intrinsic value beyond servitude and baby incubators. But I honestly don’t feel we’ve gotten any closer to that goal as a gender. We kinda went from being “prized” property to “despised” property.

As for men, I think they have historically policed themselves.

Men interested in building grand legacies paved the way for other men to admire and emulate (protecting their daughters and wives, legislating protections for their daughters and wives). Generally, healthy, masculine men emulate other healthy masculine men. While there are exceptions, I believe them to be rare. And there are far fewer of such men around, and especially fewer willing to mentor those who wouldn’t reach their highest masculine potential without a mentor. :look:

For me, it’s la-la fairytale to think women (on any kind of large scale) can inspire or force men to be better men. I just don’t see women doing it. It takes another man to be that example. In times past, there were fathers or family members to do so but from my anecdotal experiences, such “healthy male mentors” are in short supply. Even with balanced, healthy mothers to parent boys, it takes a man to carry him over the threshold of manhood, to harness his masculinity in constructive and productive, protective instead of predatory, ways. If most men are sick jackals, most of them cave to the easy and destructive approval of their jackal peer group.
(It’s exactly the same for women, but we only seem to be degrading more slowly. I’ve known men who wind up raising their daughters, and when he only brings Mammy/Jezebel sorts of women around for his daughter to emulate, it doesn’t matter how high-minded he might think he is or believes he’s teaching his daughter to be, she’s liable to be a conglomeration of the women she has the most contact with. As an aside, the Mammy/Jezebel types are currently the most common in the female population if you ask me.)

So while I totally agree that we SHOULD NOT socialize men to be predators and women to be prey, that is the reality of what we’ve been doing as a society, for a couple decades.

I want to clarify that I believe focusing solutions on women to be the most productive because women are the hosts to the next generation.

We can’t CHOOSE or CONSENT to being victimized, but we CAN choose the sort of men who will influence our children. We CAN choose to not have children if we don’t have a man or network of men for our children to emulate. It’s my humble opinion that women choose the next generation. Men don’t. For all their raping and violence upon women, it’s a statistically negligible % of them abducting a woman to carry his child and chaining her to the stove to raise said child. Our reproductive choices have reinforced our social choices. And our social choices lately have been terrible (an extension of our terrible reproductive ones).
Idk if people “expect” men to hurt women (or accept it). I think we just acknowledge the world we’re living in. The average man doesn’t see the average woman as human. We are objects, tools, until proven otherwise. And the longer he can relegate us to objectification, the better for him to extend his predation. This is why it’s so common for “good” men and “nice” men and “family” men to be so horrific towards women. They are only selectively so to PERHAPS their relatives and significant others, because THOSE women have “proven otherwise.” It’s the result of the vacuum of actually good/decent men instead of ones who can effectively mime goodness and decency in the light of day. My uncles and grandfathers would tell me countless stories about how common it was for “good” men to protect women who were perfect strangers from other men. Nowadays, most women can’t even expect such protection from their own blood relatives, and an unknown man is much likelier to record your victimization while laughing and posting it to social media. Yet, those men’s female relatives and significant others come to that pathetic MAN’s defense when he is publicly roasted and derided. And his similarly pathetic male friends (along with other loser dudes who see themselves in him). Trash men’s horrifying behavior is co-signed by men and women alike and drowns out the comparatively tiny minority of people willing to publicly condemn him.
THAT particular phenomenon is a perfect example of the vacuum of healthy masculinity as well as my opinion that women align themselves with terrible social norms, which reflect their reproductive ones, then turn around Pikachu-shocked-face that we live in the world we do.

Do you [not you specifically, just the general you] think that's what your sons will do when they grown up? Are you expecting your sons to rape women the first chance they get? The mind boggles.”

What a quote! I pray my son is not a rapist or criminal of any kind. I know what kind of man I would choose to be his father and I know what kind of effort I would put into ensuring he has role models I approve of. (And I don’t know that this will necessarily be enough if his peers’ parents have not put in a similar effort.) To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe MOST women put any kind of effort at all into such considerations. That’s evident from their surprise that their sons largely turn out just as bad or worse than their fathers. Most people (men and women alike) are not comfortable enough articulating their own boundaries and sexuality, let alone coaching their children through defining theirs! But I am quite comfortable and competent articulating difficult abstractions and am committed to being an active participant to shape my children’s healthy adulthood. If I did not expend such effort or consider such effort, yes I expect I would think even a man who was the fruit of my womb would naturally devolve to the monstrosity his social group allows.

That’s also evident from the world we live in. Way too many people naively believing religion is the cure all that erases depravity and female exploitation. (As an aside, I recently watched a documentary about the horrible abuse rampantly suffered by Amish women, in communities without the “traps” of TV, music, or video games— abuse at the hands of their fathers and brothers :barf:. Men who from all outward appearance would seem like “good, nice, God fearing, respectful” types— yet are still as depraved as the men around them allow them to be.)

When it’s all said and done, personal responsibility is the ultimate underline. And we’re in total agreement that criminals commit their crimes and they have literally no one to blame but themselves.

I’m tired of the violence too, Sis! And I’m especially tired of women aligning themselves against their own interests in the shallow service of male validation.:bighug:

Thank you for this post. I appreciate it! I guess at the end of the day, only a heart change and a new spirit will make a difference. Not trying to derail the thread, but I guess that's the Bible's point about being reborn. Cos as it is, folks are born trash, lol. broken. Edited to reflect the truth.
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I will second this.
The weird dates or men that I came across, I never went home or engaged in any sexual behavior. I got 2 rules on date for myself that's no alcohol and no going home with strangers. I don't care how fine you are. The no drink one came up because to begin with im not a big drinker 2 is max. I went on a date and the guy got hammered and kept getting me to drink. He was also was mad cause i ended the date abruptly and in his words couldn't take me home. I gave him no indication that was into him or interested in sex so he made that up. Ever since then water,soda,juice. I have had guys get pissed over this. Then I said is it me? Am I the problem? All of sudden I stared hearing stories and seeing girls posting online their dating stories and I wasn't alone. There are just alot of messed up,messy,hyper sexual, unstable men out here. Period. Don't got nothing to do with me. I will say this if guy trys to do anything during sex i didn't consent too we kung fu fighting. End of story.

I never have anything alcoholic to drink on random dates, and it has absolutely infuriated a high percentage of men. When I ask them why, they start sputtering with anger and mutter something about me not being "fun". I'm usually the first person on the dance floor or cracking jokes so I never understood their anger. It rules out the trash quite quickly though.
What a thoughtful reply! Epics welcome! I find these threads to be so interesting. And especially so when people are willing to attempt articulating difficult and abstract topics.

There were only few points I wanted to clarify:
Re promiscuity: I do believe most people are promiscuous out of subconscious self-destruction, or some adjacent poor coping behavior to trauma. However, Ive met enough truly sexually liberated people to believe this number of “healthy” promiscuous people is much higher than women want to believe but FAR lower than men want to believe (because seeing a broken woman in a broken place and himself as the carrion, opportunistic jackal that he actually is goes so far beyond “cognitive dissonance” we don’t actually have a word for what such men commonly do). Men want women to be as depraved as they are (to the degree and in the number) because it humanizes depravity.
Short of legislation, I’m not sure how we could even begin to walk promiscuous permissiveness back. And I’m not for legislating freedom of choice, even terrible ones.

Re lopsided gender socialization:
I think there is a lot of legitimacy to the natural behavioral effects of hormones that make it “easier” to socialize men and women differently. The “docile” programming has never benefited women as much as men and now we’re in an age where the thin veil of protection cast by patriarchy over docile women is gone (a “protection” which definitely came with the strings of controlling a woman’s every aspect of being, vastly relegating her personhood to the tiny realms of domestic slave (to her family & husband) or religious slave (to the male dominated religious hierarchy), so I understand the price of patriarchy’s protection being too high).
I think the goal of Women’s Lib & Feminism was for women to have access to the opportunity of being seen as human beings who have intrinsic value beyond servitude and baby incubators. But I honestly don’t feel we’ve gotten any closer to that goal as a gender. We kinda went from being “prized” property to “despised” property.

As for men, I think they have historically policed themselves.

Men interested in building grand legacies paved the way for other men to admire and emulate (protecting their daughters and wives, legislating protections for their daughters and wives). Generally, healthy, masculine men emulate other healthy masculine men. While there are exceptions, I believe them to be rare. And there are far fewer of such men around, and especially fewer willing to mentor those who wouldn’t reach their highest masculine potential without a mentor. :look:

For me, it’s la-la fairytale to think women (on any kind of large scale) can inspire or force men to be better men. I just don’t see women doing it. It takes another man to be that example. In times past, there were fathers or family members to do so but from my anecdotal experiences, such “healthy male mentors” are in short supply. Even with balanced, healthy mothers to parent boys, it takes a man to carry him over the threshold of manhood, to harness his masculinity in constructive and productive, protective instead of predatory, ways. If most men are sick jackals, most of them cave to the easy and destructive approval of their jackal peer group.
(It’s exactly the same for women, but we only seem to be degrading more slowly. I’ve known men who wind up raising their daughters, and when he only brings Mammy/Jezebel sorts of women around for his daughter to emulate, it doesn’t matter how high-minded he might think he is or believes he’s teaching his daughter to be, she’s liable to be a conglomeration of the women she has the most contact with. As an aside, the Mammy/Jezebel types are currently the most common in the female population if you ask me.)

So while I totally agree that we SHOULD NOT socialize men to be predators and women to be prey, that is the reality of what we’ve been doing as a society, for a couple decades.

I want to clarify that I believe focusing solutions on women to be the most productive because women are the hosts to the next generation.

We can’t CHOOSE or CONSENT to being victimized, but we CAN choose the sort of men who will influence our children. We CAN choose to not have children if we don’t have a man or network of men for our children to emulate. It’s my humble opinion that women choose the next generation. Men don’t. For all their raping and violence upon women, it’s a statistically negligible % of them abducting a woman to carry his child and chaining her to the stove to raise said child. Our reproductive choices have reinforced our social choices. And our social choices lately have been terrible (an extension of our terrible reproductive ones).
Idk if people “expect” men to hurt women (or accept it). I think we just acknowledge the world we’re living in. The average man doesn’t see the average woman as human. We are objects, tools, until proven otherwise. And the longer he can relegate us to objectification, the better for him to extend his predation. This is why it’s so common for “good” men and “nice” men and “family” men to be so horrific towards women. They are only selectively so to PERHAPS their relatives and significant others, because THOSE women have “proven otherwise.” It’s the result of the vacuum of actually good/decent men instead of ones who can effectively mime goodness and decency in the light of day. My uncles and grandfathers would tell me countless stories about how common it was for “good” men to protect women who were perfect strangers from other men. Nowadays, most women can’t even expect such protection from their own blood relatives, and an unknown man is much likelier to record your victimization while laughing and posting it to social media. Yet, those men’s female relatives and significant others come to that pathetic MAN’s defense when he is publicly roasted and derided. And his similarly pathetic male friends (along with other loser dudes who see themselves in him). Trash men’s horrifying behavior is co-signed by men and women alike and drowns out the comparatively tiny minority of people willing to publicly condemn him.
THAT particular phenomenon is a perfect example of the vacuum of healthy masculinity as well as my opinion that women align themselves with terrible social norms, which reflect their reproductive ones, then turn around Pikachu-shocked-face that we live in the world we do.

Do you [not you specifically, just the general you] think that's what your sons will do when they grown up? Are you expecting your sons to rape women the first chance they get? The mind boggles.”

What a quote! I pray my son is not a rapist or criminal of any kind. I know what kind of man I would choose to be his father and I know what kind of effort I would put into ensuring he has role models I approve of. (And I don’t know that this will necessarily be enough if his peers’ parents have not put in a similar effort.) To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe MOST women put any kind of effort at all into such considerations. That’s evident from their surprise that their sons largely turn out just as bad or worse than their fathers. Most people (men and women alike) are not comfortable enough articulating their own boundaries and sexuality, let alone coaching their children through defining theirs! But I am quite comfortable and competent articulating difficult abstractions and am committed to being an active participant to shape my children’s healthy adulthood. If I did not expend such effort or consider such effort, yes I expect I would think even a man who was the fruit of my womb would naturally devolve to the monstrosity his social group allows.

That’s also evident from the world we live in. Way too many people naively believing religion is the cure all that erases depravity and female exploitation. (As an aside, I recently watched a documentary about the horrible abuse rampantly suffered by Amish women, in communities without the “traps” of TV, music, or video games— abuse at the hands of their fathers and brothers :barf:. Men who from all outward appearance would seem like “good, nice, God fearing, respectful” types— yet are still as depraved as the men around them allow them to be.)

When it’s all said and done, personal responsibility is the ultimate underline. And we’re in total agreement that criminals commit their crimes and they have literally no one to blame but themselves.

I’m tired of the violence too, Sis! And I’m especially tired of women aligning themselves against their own interests in the shallow service of male validation.:bighug:

Your comments in this thread are on point!

I also read a piece on the rampant abuse in Amish communities and was shocked and disgusted. Even when these women report their abuse , nothing happens because of the special justice system that community uses. It’s similar to how reservations have their own justice system. These women get shunned and become outcasts.And often get abused again by those same fathers and brothers.There is no fixing those men. Change will only come by those women leaving or continuing to make themselves heard.

That is why I completely agree with your point about women being the key to the change we seek. The ugly truth women have to accept is that most men like things the way they are and that if change does happen, it won’t be nearly as fast as we’d like.It’s like waiting on reparations :look:, you can hope for it,but you’re gonna be waiting a long time.

I think back to my own sexual assault by an ex boyfriend and how I understood I was violated on some level, but didn’t make the connection that I was raped (because my boyfriend was a “nice” guy ) until a trusted friend pointed it out.

I’m sure there are a lot of young women out there who were/are being raised like I was : never talked to about sex, or even men in general, or their bodies.Some piss poor sexual education class.Thrown to the wolves with not a clue.

The change has to start with US. We need a REAL sexual revolution,not this pro sex work disaster that frankly only benefits men but hurts us all. That means women talking to women -something that seems like it just doesn’t happen anymore-about their sexuality so they feel full ownership and responsibility
of their bodies and their selves. Not just seeing their bodies as a mean’s to an end for a man’s pleasure.
And perhaps also showing women how to stash a knife or two around their bedrooms :look:

The simple truth is it’s impossible to change anyone but the person who looks back at us in the mirror. We have to lead by example