A little nervous, but excited - Curve Visit Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is the big day! It's been 6 months since I've gotten a trim (not a good thing) and I have my first visit to Curve Salon in the morning. I've been wanted to go for a few years now and finally set an appointment. I'm not sure if I'll be walking out with a "trim" or more of a "cut" based on the condition of my hair, but I'm looking forward to it.

No, I will not be getting the silkening texturizer, just a cut and deep conditioning :)

Wish me luck! I'll let you all know how it goes.
Good luck. Make sure to give a play by play when you get a chance.

Can you find out what type of deep conditioner they use? If it is homeade I am curious to know the ingredients.

Girl PLEASE give us A FULL FINANCIAL REPORT on their prices. They are so damn secretive about them :sekret: take :Flahsssss or notes if you have to. I remember a woman in another forum saying she spent over $600!!!!
Allandra said:
:wave: Sounds like it's gonna be a nice treat. Look forward to hearing all about your visit to Curve. :)

Hey girl! I owe you an IM! I can't get yahoo messenger at the new J.O.B (gotta tell you about) so I'm hardely on it! Let me know if you have AOL instant messenger :-D
aquarian1252004 said:
Girl PLEASE give us A FULL FINANCIAL REPORT on their prices. They are so damn secretive about them :sekret: take :Flahsssss or notes if you have to. I remember a woman in another forum saying she spent over $600!!!!

Will do...the $$$ DOES concern me...my manager who is a regular went last week and spent over $400 (cut, silkener, and products)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just getting the cut and style....(tyring to recover from product junky tendencies and have been doing well) but according to her there are "additional" fees for EVERYTHING...like a "finger styling" fee and general "service" fee... We'll see....
I hope everything goes well (for your hair and your wallet).

I know you're not getting a silkener, but if you could peep out anyone who is and what's being done that would be great (like what products they use and the conditioner they mix it with). I know we're giving you a lot to do (we so nosey!).

You should just wear one of those camera's that looks like a broach and just stream us some live video. :lachen:

Have Fun!!
Ya'll got me going undercover!!! Hahahah! I'll keep my eyes open for whatever info or secrets I can uncover and report back.
I've been to Curves 2x and it is crazy expensive. Even a haircut and wash is expenisive. An eybrow wax is like $25.00. The type of conditioner that they use is called BBD which is great. Their "Silkener" is a regular ( and in my opinion SUPER) lye perm. The service is fine but watch out for one of the sisters..Titi is very nice and friendly; she has blondish highlights and lovely natural hair. Miko looks more asian and has black hair, equally pretty and can be nice BUT tends to have an attitude at times...or should I clarify, has a smart ass mouth. My first visit, I asked her what were the ingredients of a silkener (being I didn't know what she was putting in my hair) and she said Sodium Hyroxide. I was like, " Oh, she's trying to talk out the side of her neck", so I said " Oh, so the Silkener is just a regular store bought perm that you can do at home'? And she didn't say anything after that. My last experience, some "Silkener" dropped on my neck and left me with a bubbling burn scar. That ended my expensive trips right then and there.
Bklynqueen said:
I've been to Curves 2x and it is crazy expensive. Even a haircut and wash is expenisive. An eybrow wax is like $25.00. The type of conditioner that they use is called BBD which is great. Their "Silkener" is a regular ( and in my opinion SUPER) lye perm. The service is fine but watch out for one of the sisters..Titi is very nice and friendly; she has blondish highlights and lovely natural hair. Miko looks more asian and has black hair, equally pretty and can be nice BUT tends to have an attitude at times...or should I clarify, has a smart ass mouth. My first visit, I asked her what were the ingredients of a silkener (being I didn't know what she was putting in my hair) and she said Sodium Hyroxide. I was like, " Oh, she's trying to talk out the side of her neck", so I said " Oh, so the Silkener is just a regular store bought perm that you can do at home'? And she didn't say anything after that. My last experience, some "Silkener" dropped on my neck and left me with a bubbling burn scar. That ended my expensive trips right then and there.

You are not the first person I heard from who didn't like Miko's attitude. I was willing to go and get my hair done by them but after my phone consultation with Miko, I was turned off...to say the least. Her attitude was major, and I just can't have someone like that working on my hair!
zora said:
so1913 is SO gonna get it if she don't come on this thread and report what happened!!!!

GOODNESS!!!! Hahahah.....so this is how it went down... WARNING:LONG!!!!

Overall ladies, very positive experience....although I left with crushed hopes :-(

The salon is hidden in a beautiful Brownstone in Brooklyn. There is no sign, once you open the gate and walk up to the door you will see a small silver plated sign by the intercom that sais "Curve Salon Suite 2". Doors are locked and you must ring the bell. The receptionist answers and asks your name to check that you have an appointment and buzzes you in. When I walked in, I was greated nicely by the receptionist who asked me to fill out a questionaire form. The questionaire asks about your hair, history of your hair, what results are you looking for, if natural, why you decided to go natural, what products you use, etc. She also asked to take a before pic which they do will all customers it seemed. I did not feel bad that I wasn't the only person in there with their hair looking a complete mess! after a few minutes of waiting with a few other women in there for consultations and appointments, The two sisters come downstairs into the salon. There were two ladies before me, so I got to see the sisters in action before it was my turn. Titi's hair is absolutely GEORGEOUS!!!! It was HUGE and full of curls, the color job was AMAZING....with varying colors of blondes and warm browns. Miko's hair was jet black and she was wearing it straight where it reached about waist lenght or just short of. They sat down with each customer looking through their questionare and carried on conversations to get a feel for the customer and what they were looking for. They then examined the hair and told them about its condition, what results they could get from certain styling techniques, options they had, etc. Both VERY pleasent, Titi really got into her consultations. I overheard her discussing with one customer who needed about 2 or 3 inches cut off her maybe 6 inch long hair because of color damage and possible relaxed hair. Titi was explaining to her that in order to style the hair in the condition it was in and for her to get her hair to look uniform when styling, it could prove to become very costly and time consuming. The customer just was not comfortable with cutting that much at once. Titi was very understanding and suggested that she hold off on getting any service done that day and wait till her hair grew out or when she was ready to take that step. In the meantime she gave her some tips on how to care for her hair at home, using the Buttercreme for maintance.

Miko ended up being my stylist for the day. She was very nice and friendly. First thing she saw were those straight ends and we both agreed that "they had to go". I that their mindset was that if you plan to wear your hair without a chemical, then all chemicals (other than color unless damaged) or signs of straightening, whether chemical or heat damage, HAD to go for them to continue. She also examined my hair telling me that I had a nice natural curl that would take to the shingling method of styling. They are very good in getting into detail about the condition of your hair, what they suggest doing and why, of course, based on the discussion.

After my consultation it was time for the cut. She grabbed the top portion of my hair in a handful, still in its natural state, and explained that she was going to cut off what she sees that is straight. She grabbed a pair of clippers and before I could blink, a bush of hair dropped to the ground. That was the most dramatic hair cutting session I've had since I cut my hair down from sholder length to 3 inches 3 or 4 years ago. Anyway, she called two of her assistants over saying "she is ready to be blown out for a cut". The two ladies gently worked to blow out my hair straight for the angle-balance cut. Miko came back and examined to hair to determine how to cut...she explained that the top was going to be cut to frame the face, and because my curl pattern was looser up top, I could afford to loose more length on top. She was going to cut less and wanted to keep the length towards the back and explained how much she wanted to take off there. Using the clippers and a comb, pulling the comb through to the point she wanted to make her cut, and she trimmed away. Then she grabbed the scissors and proceeded to go through the hair picking up sections and cutting it even at various angles. And that was it for the cut. I was glad finally that alot of the straight hair I had would finally be gone, but didn't know how I would handle the short lenght at the top. The top of my hair went from being chin length to the tip of my nose.

I looked around to see what products the salon uses. The mostly use Mizani/Affirm/Kera Care and BBD STretch and Miss Jessie's products. I have no clue what the silkener is as it was always premixed in in a bowl when it came into view of us customers. Miko was the ONLY person in the salon cutting and silkening hair. There were soooooooo many customers in there for silkening. Some I wanted to jump out my seat and say "NOOOO!" only because I'm envious of the thicker, more textured hair than my own. The process would be explained in detail to first timers, what results they can expect, etc. One woman came in with her hair previously colored. Miko explained to her that because of the color, her hair could possibly process the silkener faster, and because of this, to be on the safe side, they would process in sections instead of working it through the whole head at once. Of course, because it was like they were applying the silkener multiple times instead of one...extra charge.

I was shampoo'd and received a "deep treatment". What this is is your hair is saturated with BBD Stretch and you sit under the dryer for 30 mins. Once rinsed, they began the shingling process (http://www.curve-salon.com/shingling101.htm). The assistants in the salon shampoo and "set" hair, while the two sisters do the finishing styling, cutting, chemicals, and processing. I only saw Miko performing the cutting, silkeners and relaxers (yes, they also do relaxers. There were quite a few woman in there for retouches. I saw them use Mizani.) Relaxed hair was roller set and then blown out Dominican style as some would say. It looked smooth and healthy, with a lot of movement.

It seemed like EVERY one in there getting there hair done had beautiful hair. I got the impression most people came in there every few months for there cut, color, silkeners, etc.... The sisters would ask if they were getting a cut and the customers would respond "whatever you think I need"...I believe the sisters were honest in there answers as one customer they answered "I think you can hold off... plus I'd like to see you accumulate some more lenght before we cut again" and another customer they answered "It's about time, but if you do not get one now, you should definitely get one your next visit"


ETA: Found external drive, so uploaded one pic.

Back to shingling....I think I got stuck with the new girl working on my hair...she was SLOW and seemed to be EXTRA heavy handed with the product. I know you use a lot of it but she used A LOT. Miko, in between applying silkeners came over and started to explain what was being done to my hair and explaining that I have very loopy curls which would determine the final product.

As the assistant got to the top of my hair, my troubled section, I still noticed that my hair was still more wavy or straight...not curly like the rest. This is what I meant when I said my hopes were crushed when I first started. I thought 3 inches off would eliminate the problem, it did some what, but it appears that this is my hair. When the assistant was almost done after what seemed like forever, another assistant came over, I guess seeing that it was taking her forever and took over the last section. She was using less product and says "see...her hair doesn't need much". I'm thinking, "oh NOW you step in" lol. So I sit under the dryer and continue to watch the sisters in motion...still blown away by Titi's hair (she's my new hair idol). I was taken under the dryer and Miko stretched some of the curl with the blow dryer. I'm not sure if it's because there was too much product or my hair texture, but my hair didn't seem the "fluff" out...the curls were VERY defined...but I would have liked a little more "natural" look. She mentions that although she got rid of most of the straight hair, there were still some. I asked her if that was just how my hair grew and she stated that it could be because it appears as though that is the texture from the root. I sigh, and get discouraged again. Honestly, the straight ends that stick straight up and out with absolutely no curl at the ends are not attractive. She also asked me if I noticed that my left side had a looser curl than my right, which I did notice and hoped would be eliminated by the cut, when the old and what I thought to be damaged hair would be gone and the end result would be a more uniform head of hair. So although, my hair was cut even, when in it's natural state, one side curls up more, and the other hangs looser. I'm guessing my hair was hopeless because she asks me if she could put a headband on (brastrap) explaining that headbands are good with hair like mine because it allows the different textures that I have to blend. She adds some buttercreme instructing me that it can be applied and scrunched in daily to maintain moisture. She also instructed me to sleep with a satin cap and that the style would last about 5 to 7 days, keeping in mind that natural hair (unprocessed by silkener, etc) start to do what natural hair does over time. Once she finished finger styling, she took an after photo.

So that was it....Ahhhh, prices of course :)

I kept my hair out for prices and over heard quotes on the silkeners to be $250 or $275...the one woman that had to have her silkener done in sections was quoted a possible $100 extra, however depending on how the first section processed, she could determine if the silkener could have been applied in less sections. Cuts $150, shingling styling and others $100 and up....I didn't catch relaxer service fees, but I'm guessing it's upt there with the silkeners. Keep in mind there are additional charges for lenghts, and "extra" step, etc. My bill was $245 for angle balance cut and shingling, with my $75 deposit going against it. Yes VERY expensive and I do belive more expensive than it should be. Will I go back??? Just like all the other ladies in there probably cursing everytime the get there bill, I probably will go back. Why? Well, KNOW texured hair like that back of their hand. Knowing only the two sisters perform the services, they are experts at what they do. Dispite the prices, people pay it and come regularly (every few months) to get services performed. I don't believe they have many weekly or by weekly customers, but they have enough that even though many come in on a 2 or 3 month rotations, they continuously stay busy.

The assistants in there were of all races, hispanic, black, asian...it seemed the only people with natural/textured hair were the sisters, with the exception of Miko who was straight for the day. The receptionist had a short cropped style, very neatly done. Two assistants had weaves pulled up or back (not the best I may say) and the hispanic and asian girl seemed to have naturally straight hair. Again, these girls were mostly responsible for shampooing and preping hair, while the sisters took on the styling work. Everyone in there getting their hair done had BEAUTIFUL hair (except for me :-( )

So in the end, I was happy with the over all service...I don't think shingling is for me...It just came out too "silky" and flat for the hair, or little bit of hair that I currently have on my hair...ihow my hair came out didn't look natural, but I may have to give it another shot on my own, or with someone else doing it that may use less product, to determine if too much product was used to get the results I was looking for.

If after another cut some where down the line, the rest of these straight hairs do not go bye bye, I'll have to except the fact that I may not be able to do certain things with my hair in its natural state because of the parts that refuse to cooporate. I would just love to wear my hair completely out with no accessories, but it's not looking good. I don't know if I can stand another huge cut like this on with the end results being the same as before the cut. It's a little discouraging and depressing somewhat, but I'm sure I'll get over it after a few days. The cut itself is good, it's all even and actually balances out even with the top of my hair very short and the bottom half with length. It's just the crazy texture that throws it completely off!

That's it! Gotta stop and breathe. Hope that satisfies your curiousity ladies :) and if I missed something, I'll be sure to come back and add. Have a good one!

Oh, pics? Ehhh, I have a couple, but can't find my external drive to upload, so It may take some time. Really, you're better off looking at the before and afters on the website, lol. I will be sure to post pics, but it may not be till Dec when I upload my album and this crazy month of Nov is over. I'll keep you all updated. Thanks for reading


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Wow! I have always desired to go there, but I know nothing about New York.
This is Titi...imagine her hair this big, more curls and spirals than the waves you see here, and longer. It's ablsolutely BEAUTIFUL and a sight to see in person! She does wear a silkener, I over heard her tell a customer.


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Wow! Thanks for the debriefing :) . Sounds like a great experience. I can't wait to see your cut! I love Titi's hair :) . Anywhoo... thanks for taking the time to write all of that out.... felt like I was there watching the whole thing!